Xtina - dirrty girl

07.08.2005., nedjelja

Christina & Jordan Pucker Up!

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us Leaving a Hollywood studio around midnight on July 28 after six hours of recording for her still-untitled soul album, sexy singer Christina Aguilera, 24, still had enough spark to plant a wet one on her music executive fiance of six months, Jordan Bratman, 27.

"She looked tired," an onlooker tells Us, but when a photographer asked the duo to pose for a kiss, she hapilly obliged! "They're very much an affectionate couple," says the witness.

Then Bratman - who stayed by Aguilera's side all day as she worked on the hotly anticipated follow-up to 2002's quadruple-platinum Stripped - gallantly opened the car door for his fatique fiancee.

"He [always] pays attention to her," says a source. "He's very much like that."

Izvor: US Weekly
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Music By Shimmering Graphix


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IME : Christina Maria Aguilera

SPOL : Žensko


DATUM ROĐENJA: 18.12. 1980.

MJESTO ROĐENJA: Staten Island, New York, USA

ZANIMANJE: glumica, prvenstveno glazbenica

OBRAZOVANJE : Ingomar Middle School u Wexford, Pennsylvania
North Allegheny High School in Wexford, Pennsylvania (maturirala 1999.)
Mickey Mouse Club

TATA : Fausto Aguilera (vojnik; roditelji rastavljeni)

MAMA: Shelly Kearns (podrijetlom iz Irske; violinistica, svira i klavir; predsjednica Christininog fanclub)

SESTRA: Rachel (mlađa; rođena 1986)

POLUSESTRA: Stephanie (mlađa)

POLUBRAT: Michael (mlađi; rođen 1996), Casey (mlađi)

OČUH: Jim Kearns

POČETAK KARIJERE: Hit singl Genie in a Bottle (1999)