The Last Broadcast

srijeda, 19.07.2006.

Fjaka po londonski

Udarila nas suncanica. Slusamo ovo u uredu (varijacija na temu od The Jam - Going Underground). A i vlakovi ce nam na strajk u petak. Sve je propalo. Otislo u spolovilo. Ko ne zivi na otoku ovom nece kuzit ni pola posto, ali ovi sto su odje zajedno sa mnom i sto se kupaju u krupnim kapljama znoja svoga i ne da im re radit ko ni meni ce mi znalacki namigivat. Ventilator nam razbacuje sve papircuge naokolo, kolega Sved bulazni o golfu (kakva klima, pobogu, pa mi smo Englezi!), kolegica raspalila ovaj pjesmuljak na mobu. Alaj zivimo la vida loca u vrazju mater!

Sadrzi i najgoru rijec ikad sto na engleskom mos' opsovat: cunt.

Nadam se da se moj gejpeder nece uvrijedit.

I kako sad da se skoncentriram na piskaranje budzeta za Guercino izlozbu? Nikako, eto kako!

Some people might like to get a train to work
Or drive in in a Beamer [Beamer = BMW, op. de moi] or a Merc,
Some guys like to travel in by bus,
But I can't be bothered with the fuss today
I'm going to take my bike,
Coz once again the Tube's on strike.
The greedy bastards want extra pay
for sitting on their arse all day
even though they earn 30K .
So I'm standing here in the pouring rain,
Where the fuck's my fucking train?

London Underground
London Underground
They're all lazy fucking useless cunts
London Underground
London Underground
They're all greedy cunts I want to shoot them all with a rifle.

All they say is "Please mind the doors",
and they learned that on the two day course,
This job could be done by a four year old.
They just leave us freezing in the cold.
What you smell is what you get
Burger King and piss and sweat
You roast to death in the boiling heat,
With tourists treading on your feet
and chewing gum on every seat,
so don't tell me to "Mind the gap"
I want my fucking money back.

London Underground
London Underground
They're all lazy fucking useless cunts
London Underground
London Underground
They're all greedy cunts I want to shoot them all with a rifle

The floors are sticky and the seats are damp,
Every platform has a fucking tramp,
But the drivers get the day off when we're all late for work again,

London Underground
London Underground
WaWa Wankers , They're all Wankers ,
London Underground
London Underground

Take your Oystercard, and shove it up your arsehole.

- 12:09 - Komentari (42) - Isprintaj - #

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  • Boxeve ionako nitko ne cita, moze se stavit svakojaka svakakavo jaka stvar.

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    Odje kopirajta neima poradi jednostavne cinjenice da nemam bas kaj pametno, ni kvalitetno za reci. Dakle, mozete me slobodno pokrast. Fala.

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