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t.A.T.u. Snowfalls (EN) music video


Najuspješniji ruski proizvod nakon vodke, grupa t.A.T.u., formirana je 1999. godine. Grupu je osnovao Ivan Shapovalov, ruski biznismen i psiholog, čija je namjera bila stvoriti glazbeni proizvod u Rusiji. Osnovao je audiciju, i u najužem krugu od deset djevojaka najbolje su bile bivše članice dječjeg benda Neposedy, Julia i Lena. Julia Volkova, vatrena brineta britkog jezika, i Lena Katina, nježna povučena crvenokosa, čine savršen kontrast koji je bio recept za uspjeh u glazbenom svijetu. Nakon samo pet godina postojanja, grupa t.A.T.u. ostvarila je svjetski uspjeh, nastupajući pred 500 000 svojih fanova i prodavajući svoj debitantski album "200km/h In The Wrong Lane" u više od pet milijuna primjeraka. Danas, deset godina nakon osnivanja grupe, t.A.T.u. su za svoje fanove postale simbol slobode i prava na vlastito mišljenje i osjećaje.

Lena: "Mi smo to što jesmo, i ne želimo biti drugačije."

Julia: "Ljudi nas ili vole, ili mrze. Ne postoji sredina."

Nakon što su izdale svoj posljednji album, "Happy Smiles", Julia i Lena počele su raditi na solo karijerama, što ipak nije označilo kraj grupe. t.A.T.u. je trenutno u stanju čekanja, no fanovi željno iščekuju zasebne albume.


Julia Volkova Olegovna rođena je u obitelji uspješnog biznismena, 20. veljače 1985. u Moskvi. Baš kao i Lena, sa 7 godina je paralelno pohađala osnovnu i glazbenu školu, satove piana. Kada je navršila 9, postala je članica benda Neposedi. Na castingu Julia je pjevala rusku pjesmu "Oy, to ne vecher". Sa 11 godina, Julia je promijenila školu, i počela pohađati školu njegovanja mladih talenata. Tri godine kasnije napustila je grupu Neposedi i postala članica grupe t.A.T.u., u kojoj je Lena već bila. S 15 godia, Julia upisuje državni glazbeni koledž, te postaje poznata pjevačice dueta t.A.T.u. 2004. godine Julia je rodila bebu imenom Victoria.


Lena Katina Sergeevna rođena je 4. listopada 1984. u Moskvi, glavnom gradu majčice Rusije. Odrasla je u obitelji poznatih glazbenika-Katin Serget i Katina Inessa. Na očevu inicijativu, počela se baviti glazbom i raznim sportvoima. Sa sedam godina krenula je osnovnu školu, i paralelno s njom pohađala je satove piana u glazbenoj školi. S deset godina postala je solo pjevačica u grupi "Avenue", gdje je pjevala 3 godine. Kada je napunila 13 godina, postala je članica vokalne grupe "Neposedi" ("Nemirne"), gdje je upoznala Juliu Volkovu, s kojojm je ubrzo postala najbolja prijateljica. Na jednom castingu otpjevala je pjesmu na španjolskom, te je porota bila fascinirana njenim glasom. Kada je napunila 14, Lena je napustila grupu Neposedi i postala članica grupe t.A.T.u. Nedugo nakon toga, grupi se pridružila i Julia Volkova.



"200 Po Vstrechnoi"-2001.god.
01. Zachem ya
02. Ya soshla suma
03. Nas ne dogonyat
04. Doschitai do sta
05. Polchasa
06. Ya tvoi vrag
07. Ya tvoya ne pervaya
08. Robot
09. Malchik-gei
10. Nas ne dogonyat (Remix)
11. Polchasa (Remix)

Re-Edition of "200 Po Vstrechnoi"-2002.god.
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01. Klouny
02. Polchasa
03. Doschitai do sta
04. Zachem ya
05. Nas ne dogonyat

06. Ya tvoya ne pervaya
07. Robot
08. Malchik-gei
09. Ya tvoi vrag
10. Ya Soshla suma
11. Polchasa (Remix)
12. Malchik-gei (Remix)
Bonus Music Video „Polchasa“

„200 km/h In The Wrong Lane“-2002.god.
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01. Not gonna get us
02. All the things she said
03. Show me love
04. 30 minutes
05. How soon is now?
06. Clowns (Can you see me now?)

07. Malchik gay
08. Stars
09. Ya shosla suma
10. Nas ne dagoniat
11. Show me love (Extended Version)
12. 30 minutes (Remix)
13. Behind the scenes with Yulia and Lena (part 2)

„Lyudi invalidy“-2005.god.
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01. Lyudi invalidy [Intro]
02. Novaya model'
03. Obezyanka Nol'
04. Loves me not
05. Kosmos
06. Ty soglasna
07. Nichya
08. Vsya moya lyubov'
09. All about us
10. Chto ne hvatayet
11. Ludi invalidi

„Dangerous And Moving“-2005.god.
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01. Dangerous and moving (Intro)
02. All about us
03. Cosmos (Outer space)
04. Loves me not
05. Friend or foe
06. Gomenasai
07. Craving (I only want I can't have)
08. Sacrifice
09. We shout
10. Perfect Enemy
11. Obezyanka nol
12. Dangerous and moving
13. Vsya Moya Lubov

"The Best"-2006.god.
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1. All About Us
2. All The Things She Said
3. Not Gonna Get Us
4. How Soon Is Now
5. Loves Me Not
6. Friend Or Foe (Radio Ver)
7. Gomenasai
8. Null And Void
9. Cosmos (She Wants Revenge Remix)
10. Show Me Love (Radio Ver)
11. Craving (Bollywood Remix)
12. Ne Ver Ne Boysia Ne Prosi (Eurovision Song)
13. 30 Minutes
14. Divine (Extended Ver)
15. Perfect Enemy
16. All The Things She Said (Dave Aude Remix Edit)
17. Ludi Invalidi (Dangerous And Moving Russia Ver)
18. Love Me Not (Glam As U Radio Mix Edit)
19. Nas Ne Dagoniat (Not Gonna Get Us Russia Ver)
20. Ya Soshia Suma (All The Thing She Said Russia Ver)

"Veselye Ulybki" - 2008.god.
1. Intro
2. Beliy Plaschik
3. You and I
4. Snegopady
5. 220
6. Marsyanskie glaza
7. Chelovechki
8. Veselye Ulybki
9. Running Blind
10. Fly on the Wall
11. Vremya Luni
12. Ne Zhaley


Official Site
Official Store
Official MySpace
Finding t.A.T.u. Blog
Lena Katina Official Site


Ime bloga: We Shout
Vlasnica: Melinda
Kontakt adresa: taty_melinda@net.hr
Blog otvoren: 17.03.2008.
Dizajn by: Melinda
HTML: Melinda
Hosting: Blog.hr
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Bilo koji dio ovog bloga zabranjeno je kopirati bez dozvole vlasnice bloga. Svaki slučaj kopiranja bit će objavljen na blogu, prijavljen administraciji, te kažnjen po određenim postupcima. Hvala!

petak, 29.05.2009.

t.A.T.u. Birthday

Objavljena je nova poruka na tatu.ru:

31. svibnja (nedjelja) t.A.T.u. će napuniti 10. rođendan!

Ovdje možete ostaviti sve vaše poruke i čestitke koje će biti proslijeđene našim slavljenicama.

Samo tog dana (po moskovskom vremenu) svi koji će nešto naručiti na shop.taty.ru mogu zamoliti Lenu i Juliju da se potpišu na glazbene proizvode, časopise i postere za određenu osobu.

Da biste to učinili, napišite narudžbu i pošaljite e-mail na info@shop.taty.ru s imenom osobe i brojem narudžbe. U subjekt e-maila napišite t.A.T.u. Birthday.

t.A.T.u. Team

Donosim vam zadnje slike s Photo Bloga koje su snimljene na Euroviziji 2009. Kliknite na sliku za uvećan prikaz.

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nedjelja, 24.05.2009.

Stars against glamour

Jučer (23.05.2009.) se emitirala emisija Ruska senzacija "Zvijezde protiv glamura" u kojoj su gošće bile Julia i Lena. Prilog je doista zanimljiv, pogledajte:



Julia: Moj se otac uvijek šalio da, ako ne budem učila, da će me odjenuti u narančasto odijelo i da će me poslati da asfaltiram ceste.

NTV: t.A.T.u. kažu da su se doista ljubile s ljubavlju, ali da je za Lenu to bilo nešto novo, dok Juliji nije bio prvi put.

Julia: Ja sam prije imala djevojku, pa je meni to bilo normalno. Možda je za Lenu to bilo neko novo istraživanje, to je sve.

Lena: Odlučila sam da ću biti glumica, pa sam to morala glumiti.

NTV: Nakon intervjua Julia nam je rekla da se njezina prva djevojka zvala Aniya, ali da to nije bila prava ljubav, već samo za zabavu.

Julia: Mi smo već dugo u show biznisu. Bile smo u grupi Neposedi. Bilo je teško jer nismo imale djetinjstvo.


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srijeda, 20.05.2009.


Objavljena je nova Photo Blog slika, Eurovizija Backstage 15.05.2009. Kliknite za uvećan prikaz.

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Na stranici tatuhq.pl su objavljene HQ slike snimljene na finalnoj večeri Eurovizije u backstage-u. Kliknite na sliku ispod da biste pogledali galeriju.

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utorak, 19.05.2009.


Nova Photo Blog slika, Lena Katina, Backstage 15.05.2009. Kliknite za uvećan prikaz.
Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us

Objavljene su još dvije slike s prezentacije novog albuma Dime Bilana.

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ponedjeljak, 18.05.2009.


Na Photo Blogu je objavljena slika Julije Volkove koja je snimljena u backstage-u na probi za polufinalnu večer Eurovizije 15. svibnja 2009. Kliknite za uvećan prikaz.

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Julia i Parviz pojavili su se na promociji novog albuma prošlogodišnjeg pobjednika Eurovizije Dime Bilana. Zasad su dostupne samo dvije slike.

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nedjelja, 17.05.2009.

Nove slike

Donosim vam slike Julije i Parviza snimljene nakon jučerašnjeg dijeljenja autograma u Moskvi. Kliknite na sliku za uvećan prikaz.

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Folk verzija NGGU

U sklopu finalne večeri Eurovizije u Moskvi 2009., izvedena je folk verzija pjesme "Not Gonna Get Us". Zvuči zaista odlično, poslušajte:

Autograph Session

t.A.T.u. su jučer (16.05.2009.) u Moskvi dijelile autograme u supermarketu "Perekrestok". Donosim vam slike:

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Donosim vam i dva videa:

Japan Tour Book 2003

Na Photo Blogu su objavljene slike iz t.A.T.u. Japan Tour Book-a koje su snimljene 2003. godine tijekom turneje po Japanu. Kliknite na sliku ispod da biste pogledali sve te prekrasne slike i prisjetili se starih dana.

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petak, 15.05.2009.

Quick News

Dva dana nisam bila u mogućnosti objavljivati novosti o t.A.T.u. zbog tehničkih problema. Sada sam opet tu i pokušat ću sve nadoknaditi. Ispričavam se zbog kašnjenja!


13. svibnja t.A.T.u. su fanovima dijelile autograme u Moskvi. Uživajte u novim slikama i videima.

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t.A.T.u. u OK! magazinu

t.A.T.u. krase naslovnicu novog broja ruskog magazina OK!

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Kliknite za uvećan prikaz.

Zadnjeg dana u svibnju najuspješniji i najskandalozniji bend ruskog show biznisa puno 10 godina postojanja. Čekajući taj datum magazin OK! nazvao je djevojke u Ameriku i saznao kako je Lena Katina zamalo izgubila svoju viziju i zašto se Julia Volkova seli u Ameriku.

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Donosim vam prijevod intervjua na engleski jezik:

t.A.T.u.: “Even now we kiss sometimes!”

On the last day of May the most successful and the most scandalous band of Russian show-business will be turning 10 years old. Expecting this event OK! magazine called t.A.T.u. girls in the US and found out, how Lena Katina almost lost her vision and why Yulia Volkova emigrates to the States.

On cold April afternoon of 1999 Ivan Shapovalov called Boris Renski, the head of computer company, for whom Ivan had been filming advertising videos for about two years, “Boris, I’ve got an idea. Maybe you’ll be interested”. They met the same day in Renski’s office. Ivan brought a CD. “Where can we listen to it?”he asked. “You won’t believe me but I have no CD player here”, Boris answered. There was a player in Shapovalov’s old BMW. The song “Yugoslavia” started to play. It was sung by 14-year old Lena Katina, a girl from “Neposedy” children band, who was chosen by Ivan in the casting. “Yeah, she sings cool”, Renski agreed, “So what do you want from me here?” “I’ve got an idea to have a TV-show in support of Yugolavia with the participation of Russian rock stars, and this girl will be a headliner,” Shapovalov explained his idea. “You give the money and I’ll put your company’s logo. We can put computers in a studio, if you wish”. Renski refused, “I’m not interested in such advertising”. And then he suddenly added, “There’s another suggestion: Forget about this show, let’s make a music project with this girl”. Next day Shapovalov brought Lena and her mom to meet Boris. 31 May 1999 first Lena’s photoshoot took place, with a trendy make-up artist of that time, Alexander Shevchuk. This date is considered an official t.A.T.u. birthday.

It’s hardly possible to imagine such project in today’s Russia. Just think about it, two girls, still underage, were kissing mouth to mouth at all major TV channels, showed up on stage in “Fuck War!” t-shirts and made all crazy producer’s ideas come true (today such a producer would’ve been probably jailed). t.A.T.u. were incredibly lucky: They appeared in a right time in a right place. So now, 10 years later, they can afford themselves not to think about money, to perform only when they wish to, not when the producer tells to (t.A.T.u. gigs are quite rare now), and spend in California almost twice as much time as in their native Moscow.

Do you know already how and when you’ll celebrate the anniversary?
Lena: No, frankly speaking. But we’ll do it for sure. I guess, closer to the fall.
Yulia: There are actually not too many options: Either it’ll be some gig, or just a party where we’ll invite our friends and most active fans. It’ll be more clear later.

What moments from t.A.T.u. history do you recall most often now, after these 10 years?
Lena: I remember the very beginning. It was such careless time. We lived in each other’s places – sometimes Yulka stayed with me, sometimes I stayed with her. We walked in the city until 4 a.m. in the morning and then lied our parents that we were recording in the studio. For some reason I especially remember one night. We walked around Moscow downtown and then went with Yulka to my place. We opened the door very gently, not to awake my mom, we put off our clothes with no lights. And suddenly Volkova says, “I wanna eat”. I answer: “So what’s the problem? Go to the kitchen and eat.” Well I didn’t expect she would eat everything that was in the fridge, even my mom’s sandwiches with pate, that she prepared to take with her to work. Volkova ate 10 sandwiches! She’s so skinny and she’s so rapacious. Just crazy.

Yulia: I also remember that time mostly. We just enjoyed every day, like children do. We went to parties all the time, we made new acquaintances, we were having fun. I remember we came back from some place in the morning, we sat down near Lenka’s house entrance and started to yell the folk song “Oi, to ne vecher” as loud as we could. We woke the whole street up!

And I recall the time, when your studio was in the Pekin Hotel in Moscow. It was a real narcotics den there! Some Shapovalov’s friends came all the time, they smoked and sniffed something…
Yulia: Well, show-business is an unhealthy environment in general, there are so few sober and adequate people there. Is it some kind of a revelation for you?

No, but how did you manage to escape this?
Yulia: You just need to have priorities. As for me, I always wanted to look good, it is important for me. And looking at the very young people, who seemed to be about forty years old because of their way of living, I realized I didn’t want to become such as they later. Sure, it’s interesting to try everything in this life, but it’s important to know where to stop in time.

Did you try something?
As an experiment, not more.

Lena: Actually, whatever happened to us during these 10 years, just positive things stay in memory. I remember this incredibly intense period, when we had this crazy amount of performances, sometimes three a day, we didn’t have time to have a shour and to eat before we took the next plane. We got tired like hell. But it’s nice to remember it now. Actually, if we could return back time, I wouldn’t change a thing. Not a single situation! Because I’m more than happy now. I can’t even describe this happiness. .

Do you keep in touch with anybody from the people you’ve started with - Ivan Shapovalov, Alexander Voitinsky, Lena Kiper?

Yulia: Unfortunately, no. Except perhaps Ivan. We’ve met not so long ago – last fall. He came to the Bacardi Party where Lenka and me performed. He came not by chance, I guess. He probably wanted to see today’s t.A.T.u. I noticed him from the stage, even though he stayed quite far away and said hi in a microphone. But we actually didn’t really have a chance to talk.
Lena: As for the others we haven’t seen each other for hundred years. Time changes, we also do…

So in brief, what has changed inside each of you?
Yulia: The first thing I think of is I became a mom. It was a revolution of consciousness. I used to live just for myself before, I used to follow my emotions (I’m a very emotional person in general), but after the child’s birth I began to think about my every step. Oh, and I’m late less often now (Laughs). Though I still can’t get rid of this habit for good. Even if I’m late for an hour, I say I’ll arrive in 10 minutes.

Lena: My character has completely changed. It’s not that somebody tells me this - I feel it myself. I became more tough, I can handle more pressure. Like, “not a girl anymore”.

Nobody started to call you with your first and patronymic names?
No, thanks God! I’m still just Lena for everybody, and Volkova – just Yulia. Even Yulia’s kids call me “Lenka”.

I guess, you have no shows now, right?
We do have, but not often. So that everybody has a chance to start missing us.

Maybe just the time of t.A.T.u. passed?
I don’t think so. Our time isn’t over, our time has changed. No such noise and hysteria. But people still want to see and to hear us.

And what do you do in the US all this time, if you don’t plan shows there?
For example, I had an eye surgery in San-Francisco. I was fed up with squinting my eyes all the time. So now I’m in the rehabilitation period.

You feel ok?
I feel great! Though my “new” eyes get tired, especially in bright light, in the sun. I have to wear sun glasses. But I finally see everything! Peoples’ faces, flowers, leaves on the trees. It all blurred into one big spot before. And what makes me happy the most is that I can watch TV now. Before the surgery I literally had to touch the screen with my nose to see the picture.

Was the surgery painful?

Not at all. It was scary. I had to stare at a one point all the time. And this point acted wierd: sometimes it changed the color, sometimes became very sharp, or, vice versa, it was divided into three. And then - bang! – total darkness. I’ve lost vision in general – even if it was just for some seconds, but still! I got so frightened I could not breathe. But later it turned out that it was all ok, it should be like that.

Yulia, and what about you, what are you doing in US now?
Yulia: I working on my solo album. I was meeting with various producers, I was choosing songs, I’m already trying to record things. However, I want to point: Despite Lenka and me decided to try solo projects, t.A.T.u. will exists further on, just in a “light mode”.
Lena: Yulka and me, we’ve decided we can’t stay on a single place all the time; it’s necessary to move on. Furthermore it’s interesting to try yourself, to understand what you’re cabable of when you’re alone. It’s always easier when you’re two, you know!

Is it already known, what style are your new songs are going to be?Lena: I’m still in search.
Yulia: Me too. The only thing I know for sure: It won’t be a pop-music. I don’t really like all these “dances”, r’n’b. I can just listen to it, not to perform. It’s boring. I need a real drive on stage.

When Lena comes to the US, she usually stays in Boris Renski’ place. And what about you, Yulia, where do you usually live with Parvis?

Now I stay in Los Angeles with our friends. This time Parvis stayed in Moscow with our kids, by the way. And I wanted to stay in a hotel in the beginning, but finally I decided to call our friends and ask them to host me. I hate to stay alone, especially in hotels! I need companionship… And next time when I arrive here, I hopefully will stay in my own house. I’m looking for a place right now quite intensively. I plan to move finally to Los Angeles in the summer.

What do you mean “finally”?
I mean, forever. To live.

Are you serious?
Yes. First time I came to the US [for a long time] in 2005, and I liked it very much. Back then I already had an idea that it would be not bad to live there. And now this idea just got stronger.
So what can we find there that we don’t have in Russia?
Everything’s different here. It’s better to raise children here, because you have everything you need. It’s much safer here. It’s easier to be in music industry. All leading musicians and producers live in the US, and I’m really tired of flying back and forth. For another thing, here it’s summer all year round. And I can’t live without the sun. I’m very tired of Moscow greyness, of these endless parties. This empty “life burning”. So, it’s high time for me to change an atmosphere.

Aren’t you afraid that many fans in Russia won’t understand you?
No. I don’t really care what people in general think about me. Normal people, especially the ones who have kids, understand me. And not-normal ones can go home.

What’s your view on how an attitude towards “free love” definition changed in Russia during these 10 years?
Unfortunately, nothing has changed. Two years ago Lena and me came to the Gay Pride and observed how these poor boys were beaten from both sides: policemen from one side and skinheads from the other. I don’t understand how one can blame people only because they choose a different orientation. It’s just a savagery. I guess it doesn’t happen even in hindward African countries. To be honest, that episode has strongly affected me. Back then this strong desire of moving out of here grew deeper.

Lena, do you also plan to move out of Russia?
Lena: Never. I’m a patriot in this sense. Certainly I enjoyed staying in the US, but I wouldn’t live there. I have mom, dad, sister, friends, and relatives in Moscow. If they would move all at once, I would’ve probably thought about. But it’s impossible – I have too many relatives. (Laughs)

It’s great you can actually afford yourselves to choose a place to live. By the way, how much did you earn during 10 years of the career?

Honestly? No idea. I don’t know how much and on what accounts I have. I made two big purchases – apartments in Moscow, - and it seems there are still money left. If I need more money for something, then it will be necessary to call somewhere to check how much money I actually have and how I can get them.
Yulia: I don’t know as well. If I want to buy something, I just get money from the card, and when and in what amount they get there – I’ve no idea.

In the Internet one can find a video of your very first press-conference, in the end of which you kissed mouth-to-mouth for the camera. And when was your last kiss?
Lena: I don’t remember, we don’t mark these days. (Laughs) But we sometimes kiss even now. Not just on stage. For example, when we’re having fun somewhere.

Yulia already has children and a husband. Aren’t you going to marry?
In the nearest future – no. But on the other side, “If you want to set God laughing – just tell him about your plans”. It’s a banal saying, but it’s not cancelled.

Do you have a boyfriend?
Let’s skip the question.

Sergey Anisimov / OK!

Credit: Zhenya Voevodina

Slike s Eurovizije

Na stranici tatuhq.pl su objavljene 3 HQ slike s polufinalne večeri Eurovizije. Kliknite na sliku ispod da biste pogledali galeriju.

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srijeda, 13.05.2009.

Autograph sessions

Kako bi proslavile Euroviziju t.A.T.u. će održati seriju dijeljenja autograma u Moskvi sljedećih datuma:

13. svibnja (danas)
Mjesto: "Karusel" / Metropolis Mall, po moskovskom vremenu: 19-20h

16. svibnja
Mjesto: Supermarket "Perekrestok", po moskovskom vremenu: 19-20h

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Video - t.A.T.u. u polufinalu Eurovizije

t.A.T.u. su jučer nastupile na polufinalu Eurovizije u Moskvi sa svojim legendarnim hitom "Not Gonna Get Us". Nastup je zbilja bio odličan, pogledajte:

Download (Credit: Denis)

Donosim vam dvije slike, na prvoj su Lena i Parviz, a na drugoj Julia, Lena i Parviz.

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us

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utorak, 12.05.2009.

Nove slike s Eurovizije

Na stranici tatuhq.pl je objavljena HQ galerija slika s otvorenja Eurovizije. Kliknite na sliku ispod da biste pogledali galeriju.

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Donosim vam slike s jučerašnje probe za današnji nastup grupe t.A.T.u. na Euroviziji.

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us

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nedjelja, 10.05.2009.

New pictures from Eurovision opening

Donosim vam exkluzivnu sliku dolaska Julije Volkove i Parviza Yasinova na otvorenje Eurovizije u Moskvi. Slika je snimljena danas (10.05.2009.) Kliknite za uvećan prikaz.

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us
(Credit: Kriek)

t.A.T.u. su otvorile ceremoniju s pjesmom s kojom su 2003. nastupile na Euroviziji, "Ne ver', Ne boisya". Pogledajte HQ video:

Uživajte i u slikama s ceremonije, kliknite za uvećan prikaz:

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us

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četvrtak, 07.05.2009.

Nastup u Moskvi

10. i 12. svibnja t.A.T.u. će nastupiti na natjecanju za pjesmu Eurovizije u Moskvi.

Nove slike

Donosim vam nove slike Lene Katine snimljene ovih dana u Los Angelesu tokom snimanja njezina solo albuma. Kliknite na sliku za uvećan prikaz.

Comments (7) // Link

srijeda, 06.05.2009.

Video coming soon

Troy MacCubbin na svojoj je Twitter stranici objavio sljedeću poruku:

Video coming soon as well. I've seen it & it looks great!
1:06 PM May 5th from TwitterFon

Nadam se da ćemo uskoro saznati o kakvom je to videu riječ! wink

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utorak, 05.05.2009.

Nove slike

Troy MacCubbin je na svojoj Twitter stranici napisao kako su on i ostatak benda (Sven, Steve, Domen), te Lena proslavili uspješan radni tjedan, te je objavio zajedničku sliku na kojoj se nalaze Lena, Sven, Troy, Steve, Domen, te t.A.T.u. menađer Boris Rensky. Kliknite na sliku za uvećan prikaz.

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us

Exclusive Photos

Diana, članica tatu.ru foruma, i njezina prijateljica imale su priliku provesti večer sa Lenom Katinom, t.A.T.u. bendom, te dijelom t.A.T.u. menadžmenta. Druženje se održalo 1. svibnja 2009. Na stranici AllMyLove.Org objavljene su exkluzivne HQ slike s toga druženja! Kliknite na sliku ispod i pogledajte galeriju:

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ponedjeljak, 04.05.2009.

Nove poruke od Troya

Troy MacCubbin je na svojoj stranici Twitter ponovno objavio mnoštvo informacija u vezi snimanja novog Leninog albuma! Pročitajte neke najnovije zapise:

Kliknite na sliku za uvećan prikaz.

Live with t.A.T.u.
Na Russia.ru je objavljen novi nastavaka serijala Live with t.A.T.u. u kojem se ovoga puta govori o Leninoj laserskoj korekciji vida. Jako zanimljiv nastavak, pogledajte:

Download (Credit: javierjesus)

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nedjelja, 03.05.2009.

Julia na MTV-u

MTV, Trendy News, 2.5.2009.

Novinar: Želiš li snimiti duet sa Snoop Dogg-om?
Julia: Ne, trenutno radim na svojoj solo karijeri, ali u budućnosti zašto ne?

Download by Denis

MTV News Block, 2.5.2009.

Download by Denis

Troy's Twitter

Na Troyevoj stranici Twitter objavljeno je puno update-ova što se snimanja Leninog solo albuma tiče. Pogledajte:

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Također je objavljena slika Lene u studiju. Kliknite na sliku za uvećan prikaz.
Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us

Comments (3) // Link

petak, 01.05.2009.

Scanovi + Live with t.A.T.u.

Rolling Stone (Rusija), Svibanj 2009.
Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us

Live with t.A.T.u.
Na Russia.ru piše kako će novi nastavak serijala Live with t.A.T.u. biti objavljen 4. svibnja u 17h (Moskovsko vrijeme). Malo strpljenja! zubo

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