14.09.2006., četvrtak, 22:40

pst...ja nisam kriwa....ja sam lijena...

tekst na slici
ŁoŁ =))...eto opet ja ne pišem...sad zato kaj fakat ne stignem i neda mi se jebeno mi se neda...no no prosta biti...ja sam dobro dijete...hmmmmm... neda mi se danas filozofirat...niti tu izmišljat...ali nema weze smisliti ćem ja nešto...
eh da! GyGyca je dobila monitor!!!! pa ajmo swi trk do nje!!! trk trk =)) da da odmah je natipkala post...=))) pa ga moram kao i ja sad...ŁoŁ...možeš mislit...da da....ma kaj da wam kažem osim meni je looooodooo jebeno....=))) swaki dan sam wani =)) go waya go!!! ŁoŁ i tak do deset jer swi imamo ujutro školu (eh...) ma nije ni u školi loše dapače na nekim stowima je jako zabawno...recimo danas sam lijepo "razowarala" s profom iz engleskog...=)) kaj ona dir u moj dekolte....to je moj DEKOLTE!!! I SAMO MOJ!!! =))) i nema meni nitko ništ o njemu srat...al mi je pod powijesti isto lodo bilo ja sam si fino kopila kikiće i njamala cijeli sat...=)) lol i dobaciwala...ah šta ćeš ipak ja sam waya a i owo nam je zadnja godina =)) a ježi ga...=)) i khm khm...idem naći slikicu =))

a sad riječi meni jedne predobre pjesme... =)) može??? može!! =))

Beyonce - Ring The Alarm

Ring the alarm
I been through this too long
But I'll be damned if I see another chick on your arm
Won't you ring the alarm
I been through this too long
But I'll be damned if I see another chick on your arm

She gon' be rockin' chinchilla coats
If I let you go
Get in the house off the coast
If I let you go
She gon' take everything I own
If I let you go
I can't let you go, damn if I let you go

She gon' rock them VVS stones
If I let you go
Get in the 'Bach or the Rolls
If I let you go
She gon' profit everything I taught
If I let you go
I can't let you go, damn if I let you go

Tell me how should I feel
When I know what I know
And my female intuition tellin me you a dog
People told me 'bout the flames
I couldn't see through the smoke
When I need answers, accusations
What you mean you gon choke

You can't stay, you gotta go
Ain't no other chick spendin' your dough
This is taking a toll, the way the story unfolds
Not the picture perfect movie everyone would've saw

She gon' be rockin' chinchilla coats
If I let you go
Get in the house off the coast
If I let you go
She gon' take everything I own
If I let you go
I can't let you go, damn if I let you go

She gon' rock them VVS stones
If I let you go
Get in the 'Bach or the Rolls
If I let you go
She gon' profit everything I taught
If I let you go
I can't let you go, damn if I let you go

Ring the alarm
I been through this too long
But I'll be damned if I see another chick on your arm
Won't you ring the alarm
I been through this too long
But I'll be damned if I see another chick on your arm

Tell me how should I feel
When you made me belong
And the thought of you just touchin' her
Is what I hate most
I don't want you, but I want it
And I can't let it go
To know you give it to her like you gave it to me, come on

He's so arrogant and bold (Oh)
But she gon' love that shit, I know
I done put in a call, time to ring the alarm
'Cause you ain't never seen a fire like the one I'ma cause...

She gon' be rockin' chinchilla coats
If I let you go
Get in the house off the coast
If I let you go
She gon' take everything I own
If I let you go
I can't let you go, damn if I let you go

She gon' rock them VVS stones
If I let you go
Get in the 'Bach or the Rolls
If I let you go
She gon' profit everything I taught
If I let you go
I can't let you go, damn if I let you go

How can you look at me
And not see all the things
That I kept only just for you
Why would you risk it babe
Is that the price that I pay
But this is my show, and I won't let you go
All it's been paid for, and it's mine
How could you look at me
And not see all the things

She gon' be rockin' chinchilla coats
If I let you go
Get in the house off the coast
If I let you go
She gon' take everything I own
If I let you go
I can't let you go, damn if I let you go

She gon' rock them VVS stones
If I let you go
Get in the 'Bach or the Rolls
If I let you go
She gon' profit everything I taught
If I let you go
I can't let you go, damn if I let you go

lol...=))) spot stawim kasnije...neda mi se sad...=))) a jel sam puno napisala...ma nema weze glavno da sam nešt natipkala pa wi nawalite... =)))

P.S. ewo spota ako radi =))

By; waya

~~ love my candy words...share it with me....do it baby... ~~ ˇ48ˇ ~~ §_§ ~~ {¤} ~~

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~koliko was ima???~

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o wayi???

hmm...dakle što trebate znati o wayi???
ime joj je Iva
ali društwo ju zna kao way (cita se; waji)
po nowijem kao waya (čita se; waja)
ona je jedna okay cura...
čije šwrljotine i gluposti čitate kad god dođete na njen blog...
izgleda hmmmm....okay...brineta je, ima tamno smeđe okice visoka je oko 167-168...(možda manje-možda wiše)
a što woli??
hmmm....woli sebe swoje pijatelje, swoju oitelj kao i swi drugi...
sto još??
woli noć, čokoladu, dugo spawati, zajebanciju, dobar prowod, shooping, žiwotinje, izlaske, zabawu, crtkati, maštati, sanjariti, romantiku, deče i cure, swoj comp, net, swoj blog i narawno swoj mob i motore...
no woli i čitati, pisati (točnije tipkati...), mistične stwari i pojawe (poput duhowa, wampira i sl.)...
kako sam zaborawila obožawa colu…jednostawno je luda za njom…=)))
i da često psuje…
a što ne woli?
ne woli lažljiwce i laganje, kradljiwce, dosadne ljude, školu i učenje, umišljene pokwarene i licemjerne ljude…
i sto još ne woli? što ju još smeta?
ne woli se rano dizati i rano ići spawati, kada joj netko sere o štetnosti cole, kada ju njezini dragi strarci gnjawe...
smeta ju kad je ljuta jer joj dođe da porazbija swe oko sebe...
~to je je bilo nešto malo o wayi
ne woli predrasude...
dobro...a što želi? koji su joj ciljewi?
ciljewi...pa želi uspjet u žiwotu, zwaršiti dobre škole, putowati... no kako se to kaže widjeti swijeta,
želi...hmmm...motor, bawit se plesom, wiše izlaziti, i skinuti koju kilu...
a najwiše se želi ludo zaljubiti i žiwjeti žiwot...

~the mjuza~

ikone i sjikice....
ikone =)))