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Video by samako2006

Jaki vjetar raspiruje požar što već drugi dan gori na otoku La Palma koji je dio španjolskih Kanarskih otoka, rekli su glasnogovornici.

Predstavnik za sigurnost regionalne vlade rekao je da su se vatrogasci na kopnu morali povući kada se požar raplamsao u blizini grada Fuencaliente.

Angažirano je oko 500 vatrogasaca i sedam zrakoplova za gašnje požara. Vatra je uništila oko 30 kuća i nekoliko vinarija, a jučer je evakuirano oko 4.000 stanovnika.

BBC prenosi da požari i dalje bijesne ali da su pod kontrolom.Neki stanovnici otoka su spašeni samo nekoliko minuta prije nego što je vatra progutala njihove kuće.Strahuje se da bi požar mogao da zahvati i opservatorij u kojoj se nalazi najveći teleskop na svijetu.

Očekuje se da će španjolski premijer Hose Luis Rodriges Zapatero krajem dana stići na Palmu kako bi se iupoznao sa situacijom te obećao da će svi oni koji su izgubili domove dobiti pomoć.

About 500 firemen have spent the weekend battling to contain the forest fire which began late on Friday evening at the southern tip of the island.Fanned by strong winds the fire had by Sunday morning devastated some 5,000 acres of pine forest and destroyed dozens of homes in the town of Fuencaliente on the south of the volcanic island.The fires threatened to engulf the village of Tigalate and the resort of Mazo and there were fears the flames could spread to an observatory housing the world's largest telescope.

The Roque de Los Muchachos Observatory has been operating for more than 20 years, and a new telescope was inaugurated last month.Dozens of holidaymakers, some of them British, were unable to catch flights home from the island because of road closures.Military aircraft were brought in to try and tackle the flames but firefighters on the ground had been pulled back because of a "real risk of danger to human life" said Canarian government official Jose Miguel Ruano.

Spain's Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriquez Zapatero was expected to fly to the island Sunday to witness efforts to contain the fire.La Palma, which is the fifth largest of the Canary Islands, has a resident population of under 90,000 and it's tourist industry is far less developed than neighbouring Tenerife and Gran Canaria.Local reports stated the fire may have been caused by a stray firework set off during local fiestas.

Authorities said they hoped to bring the blaze under control by late Sunday aided by a change in wind direction and the fact that the fire was heading towards a sparsely forested area of volcanic rock, which would serve as a natural firewall.The blaze is the latest in a summer of wild fires which have already ravaged an estimated 75,000 hectares of land across Spain and left 11 people dead including nine firefighters.

03.08.2009. ...10:00 [ Komentari (0) ] Isprintaj

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