I know what you thinkin why I call you me too,Cause everything I say, I got you sayin me too ™

petak, 17.02.2006.

The best!!!!!!!!!1

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Spy Shot: Bugatti Veyron
If these pictures are any indication, it looks like the world's most ambitious supercar project is back on the rails.
The VW Group's 252mph, 1001bhp W16-engined supercar, the Bugatti Veyron, has been caught out ice-testing by our spies ahead of a promised production date of September 2005. First shown at the Geneva Motorshow in 2002, the Veyron was mooted for production as long ago as 2003. There are, though, other subtle signs that VW is turning up the heat on the Veyron project - it is currently the star of the Vienna Autoshow, running until January 23rd. That's the first time the Veyron has appeared in Austria, a country where those with the means to purchase such a car are presumably numerous. Indeed, with an estimated pricetag of $1,000,000, this is definitely one for the super-rich. So is Volkswagen going to make a killing? Not likely, because even if it manages to shift all of the rumoured 300 production run, that's unlikely to put much of a dent in the Veyron's massive development costs.

- 11:05 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj -

četvrtak, 16.02.2006.

Jos jedna.............

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No comment!!!

- 09:09 - Komentari (1) - Isprintaj -

utorak, 14.02.2006.

Ne da mi se pisat post,ali.......

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......imam jednu odličnu adresu s raznim stvarima(hehhehe):


- 23:43 - Komentari (2) - Isprintaj -

srijeda, 08.02.2006.


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ovo kažem kad netko traži moju sliku na chatu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

- 19:00 - Komentari (5) - Isprintaj -

petak, 03.02.2006.

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FUBU-----For U By Us

- 19:28 - Komentari (6) - Isprintaj -

četvrtak, 02.02.2006.

Evo me opet!

Nakon tjedan i pol,vraćam se na blog i pravljenju postova!Napokon je novi
mjesec i mogu trositi MB-e!Stavio sam novi spot,jer je odličan!
Nije se baš dogodilo baš nešto u ovih tjedan dana,osim što je u osk-u bio
naš tovar(IVO) preko vikenda,nadam se da će doć i opet!
Još ne zna igrat nogomet,ali ima vremena i za to!ajd vidimo se!pozzzzz

- 22:47 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj -

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