Just A Lil' Bit(ch)

30.06.2005., četvrtak

Pažnju molim... Bebachica is here !!!

Jutros se je moja sestrična Martina napokon - kako ona kaže - napokon (nakon cca. 8 mjeseci) riješila 2900 g težine iz sebe - hehe, da ju sad vidim kad bude ta težina trčkarala uokolo... Sve čestitke i puse Martini i Bebachici (nije to pravo ime, ali još ne znam kak' će se zvat')... Happy birthday !!!
- 19:05 - Spit It ! (5) - haha...pa ni ja neću ovo printat'... - #

29.06.2005., srijeda

Kako bih voljela...

napisat' neki dobar post... Ne mogu... Ovo (ne)vrijeme valjda čudno utječe na mene... Ali u svakom slučaju, namjeravam komentirat' nešto... Budem. Čim se skuliram. Gledala sam maloprije kroz prozor i imala osjećaj k'o da sam u autopraoni(ci)... Neko drveće se strgalo dolje u parku, ali nije nikog ubilo jer nikog nije bilo vani (isss...koja dosada)... Ja ne znam kak' ću ja sutra po svjedodžbu u 9 ujutro... AAAAA !!! U ...khm...
Moko, mislim da od tvoje pijanke ništ', a nemojte se, molim vas, preplašit' kad me vidite sutra, ne mogu garantirat' za svoj izgled ili ponašanje, ali pokušat ću bit' normalna (kol'ko je to moguće).

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...da se ima kaj gledat', pošto se vani tak' i tak' ništ' ne vidi...
- 20:50 - Spit It ! (7) - haha...pa ni ja neću ovo printat'... - #

28.06.2005., utorak

Why did you come back ???

Sooo, ovo je obviously godina velikih povrataka zvijezda (bivših) kojima je ponestalo love nakon 5, 10, 20 und viele mehr godina... Pa su oni lijepo, ne budi lijeni, okupili svoju ekipu i odlučili napravit' «oproštajne turneje» raznih razmjera... Od «domaćih» blebetalo se o «Novim Fosilima», ali pošto u njihovim redovima ima i mrtvih, reunion nije bila ostvariva, but who knows... Zatim famous «Bijelo Dugme» iliti «Dugmići» i jedno veliko ZAŠTO ??? Ali, naravno, zbog love... Lijepo je to kad odabereš par pjesama kojima tak' i tak' svi koji dolaze znaju melodiju i riječi – možeš i fulat' (o ritmu bi se dalo raspravljat' – ovisno o promilima) pa se praviš velikom zvijezdom na stageu sa svojih 1000 i nešto godina, skakućeš k'o da si dopingirano lane... Ma, 'ajmo curice, 'ajmo dječaci (svećenićko-pedofilski, btw, ja sam ateistica)... E, od «stranih» su se okupili «najdraži» girlie pop bendovi – Backstreet Boys i Spice Girls !!! Weee ! Oni su, eto, svojim vjernim obožavateljima...khm...odlučili za nastupe naplatit' manju cijenu ulaznica (valjda je svima bilo jasno da se nitko osim dvije zaostale propale groupie cure neće ni pojavit' ako cijena bude normalna)... U onom drugom bendu, sve su Mel rekle da se slažu s tim da se okupe, a i Posh nije imala ništ' protiv (kad muž, jadan, slabo zarađuje... morali su potpisat' sad najveći ugovor za neku reklamu... izgovorit' će «Jer mi to zaslužujemo.» za neki šampon – on ima puno kose pa mu treba...), pa će valjda održat par «ekskluzivnih» nastupa... I KRSjedan u Ljubljani za one prevelike pare...
Nemam više riječi... Sve je to komercijalno i žalosno... Umjesto da dostojanstveno završe karijere (barem oni od 100-tinjak godina)...

P.S.: Samo da napomenem, blogpoll će trajat' tjedan dana, pa glasajte... Dotad će svirat'...
E, da... I isprike obožavateljima spomenutih osoba... Ali meni je sve to previše jadno...
Moglo bi se tu svašta još napisat'... Ali neću... I gotovo... Fuj...
Sutra TV program. A možda i danas, ne znam...
E, Moko, evo Good Charlotte, od Green Daya mi se 10 puta zbrejkao komp, popi...la sam...
- 19:35 - Spit It ! (8) - haha...pa ni ja neću ovo printat'... - #
Prvo dvije obavijesti : 1. jučerašnje nepisanje posta je protest zbog nedovoljnog broja komentara (0) pa bolje da danas skupite neke ideje i napišete nešto.
2. Moko, sorry, nisam uopće jučer bila na netu, nisam imala vremena uopće, pa ti evo «Green Day» sa zakašnjenjem (iako ga nisi zaslužila).

E, danas pišem o comebackovima i TV programu (ako se to može tako nazvat')...

- 13:50 - Spit It ! (1) - haha...pa ni ja neću ovo printat'... - #

26.06.2005., nedjelja

Evo, novi outfit...

Dakle, bolje vam je da vam se sviđa sadašnji izgled bloga jer takav će ostat'... Ja ću izgubit' i ovo malo preostalih živaca ako ga budem ponovno uređivala... Inače, stavih blogpoll pa oni koji čitaju ovaj blog (?) imaju mogućnost odlučivanja o audio dijelu istoga. Imate i sat, da se ne zadržite slučajno predugo na mom blogu :D ... E, ako imate kakvih želja ili prijedloga ili dobrih ideja, napišite u komentaru pa ću ja odglumit' zlatnu ribicu... Moram još popravit' neke slike, ne znam zašto se ne loadaju... Uglavnom, vruće mi je pa idem...

- 18:15 - Spit It ! (2) - haha...pa ni ja neću ovo printat'... - #

25.06.2005., subota

F*** !!!

OK, još nisam počela spremat sobu... Uletila mi je neka buba vel. cca 2 cm, hibrid mrava, ose i veličine stršljena, nekak' tanka u sredini... Prošle godine sam na moru probala ubit' - "prijatelji životinja", ne miješajte se u ovo, ovo nije životinja, već buba !!! - jednu takvu - jako ih je teško ubit', strgala sam cijelu "Arenu" prije nego je krepala... Ako niste znali, ja se bojim buba, vjerojatno najviše od svega (mislim, nije da se ovak' bojim, gadne su i sve...fuj...sva se ježim - koje li ironije po ovoj vrućini). Oduprla sam se nagonu da vrišteći pobjegnem, ćopila bilježnicu iz matke (našla se pri ruci jer sam donijela torbu s balkona (bila je na balkonu dugo, dugo, od petka jer mi se prolila "Jana" od limuna u njoj)), i šutnula bubu bilježnicom (a, eto, barem je nečemu poslužila) u pravcu otvorenog prozora. E, sad... Ziher sam da nije izletjela van jer nisam to vidjela, a poprilično sam sigurna da mi je na krevetu (weee !!!) i sad me strah provjeravat' (mislim, kaj ako se zaleti meni u facu i ubode me, ha ? niti ne znam koja je to izopačena vrsta... zna li itko ???)... Do sljedećeg javljanja (ako mi glava ne bude otečena)...
Peace out ! (War with bugs on !)
- 14:00 - Spit It ! (8) - haha...pa ni ja neću ovo printat'... - #

In My Hood (ooops... Room)...

Scattered toys screw they face up at me
On some real shit son, they don't want beef
I cock that, aim that shit (books etc.) out the window
Spray, there ain't a shell that bend my heat
Ya'll roaches better lay down, yeah I mean stay down
Get hit with a Off spray round, ya ass ain't gon' make it
You snakes gon' get layed out in blood and ya brains out
Have you on the laminat, shiverin' and shakin'
I'm from Sopot mothafucka, where the buildings & cars explode
If you feel like you on fire, boy drop and roll
homies'll heat ya ass up cause they heart turns cold
Now you can be a victim or you can lock and load
The party jump, with shorty (a.k.a kendi) bouncin' that ass
I won't fuck (? fo' real, 50, op.prev.), gimme a second, I'ma holla, I'ma see whats up
I got my spužva in my hand, got my Čarli in my trunk
Carve ya turkey up nice, you play me like a punk

In my room
roaches got love for me, but I don't go no where without my Off
In my hood
A lil ganja, a lil Žujice, and homies just don't know how to behave
In my room
snakesss is grimey, I stay on point, I move with my kitchen knife
In my hood
neighbours might buck at me, so I keep somethin' around to buck back
In my hood

Dakle... poruka ovog posta je da idem spremat' sobu (možda se više ne vidimo, ovo je fakat opasno), za one koji ne znaju - to je bila slobodna obrada 50-jeve pjesme "In My Hood".

P.S. nemam žohare i zmije u sobi (nadam se) - bliska budućnost će pokazat...
- 09:15 - Spit It ! (2) - haha...pa ni ja neću ovo printat'... - #

24.06.2005., petak

Bačkazagre Stinakri hvaljujeza...

Zipa ovo, ralju... Lahva masvi jiko us salipi mentareko an vajo blog (ot ej ticakra ap ćune tljatpe op ojnj), erj zbe sva ihb aj stalapre sat'pi stovepo (eheheh... mojtene ads statpre sat'pi mentareko... :) )... Zdravpo masvi jiko ovo tajuči (mane kvihta, koa suni zohistima)... Poručampre ad ovo tateči snogla erj načei ćetene zumjet'ra...
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S.P.: Komo, našz ad aj bete božavamo... mosa im jeni lobi godnou znat'pri... erj is kota dnahla mapre nime... ono as ffiste...

- 20:10 - Spit It ! (3) - haha...pa ni ja neću ovo printat'... - #

Dobro jutro !

Čovječe, danas sam išla trčat', izgleda da su mi se pluća smanjila jer sam poslije 2.5 kruga skoro krepala... Disala sam k'o lokomotiva (personifikacija), pa ću ić' navečer s one dve jer one isto nisu mogle trčat' (nekakva sparina, kaj ja znam...). Uglavnom, osjećam se čist' dobro unatoč nedostatku sna (a tak' i tak' sanjam školu skoro svaku noć...bljak...pa mi ne fali previše). Ići ću sad kod bake, da ju malo vidim, mama joj mora neke stvari odnijet' (baka je na knežiji pa valjda neki uzi, berettu i crack...) itaq. Pozdravljam sve one dobre ljude još bolje volje koji ovo čitaju: «Hello !!!». Mislim, trudim se svaki dan stavit' neki post, obnovit' boxove i sl., nadam se da su ok. Pisat ću nešto kasnije...

- 09:30 - Spit It ! (8) - haha...pa ni ja neću ovo printat'... - #

23.06.2005., četvrtak

... pa-pa nadahnuće...

Danas sam na «trčanju» srela Julijanu (iz a. razreda). Ništ' posebno... Nadalje – BOLE ME NOGE !!! Mislim da ću smrvit' nekoliko «Andola», rastopit' ih u vodi i zabost' neku iglu u venu (improvizirana IV iliti infuzija)... Sutra vjerojatno neću moć' ni hodat', ali nema veze, idem ja opet trčat' – ako me ne ubije, ojačat' će me. Uostalom, napredujem. Danas sam otrčala 6 krugova... No, dosta o trčanju, SaX ima novi nastavak, pročitajte ako pratite, a na linku «vrlo» ima jedna kratka i šokantna basna – svakako pročitajte. Inače, baš mi je dobra «Ghetto Gospel» s Akonom, malo tužna, ali dobro...stavit' ću lyrics. Danas idem do solarija – predbilježit' se (jer su sve babe nahrupile, a meni se ne da tražit' neki u gradu). Ne znam kaj da još pišem, zapravo mi se i ne da (primjetih da su blogovi masovno zanemareni – vovk, ovo je upozorenje) pa se vidimo kad dobijem inspiraciju.
Upravo sam se zalila vodom s ledom... jupi !!! ('ajde, barem nisam zalila tipkovnicu)

- 10:20 - Spit It ! (17) - haha...pa ni ja neću ovo printat'... - #

22.06.2005., srijeda

Dan antikristiničke borbe

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Ne znam, možda zato jer je blagdan, možda mi je zato danas koma dan... Uglavnom, ujutro sam išla trčat', došla doma, prčkala po internetu, posvadila se s mamom jer je ona čistila, a ja prčkala po internetu, plakala oko pola sata jer sam zaključila da me zapravo nitko iz obitelji ne voli (samo baka) – ja inače ne cendram, ne znam kaj mi je došlo -, otišla spavat', probudila se, otuširala se, napravila kolač od keksa i pudinga (koji sam već skoro pojela)... Mama, tata i brat cijeli dan su išli negdje. Prvo je buraz otiš'o sa starim u dućan, pa su išli prat' auto pa smo ručali pa je buraz otiš'o van, a starci kod nekih prijatelja. Pa su maloprije svi došli doma (jupi – ne.). Možda je i ovaj post tak' koma zato jer je blagdan. Ne idu mi blagdani... Uvijek ta neka okupljanja, uvijek se posvadim s nekim... Nije to za mene. Uglavnom, još ću gledat' «Dead Like Me» (nisam jučer gledala, bila sam vani, pa ako netko zna kaj se dogodilo, molim sažet sadržaj, iako vjerojatno nitko neće ovo čitat'). Ujutro opet idem trčat (...u ...khm... !), pa je zato možda ovo zadnji post od mene (mislim, u slučaju da krepam).

Ljudeki, laku noć !

- 22:50 - Spit It ! (3) - haha...pa ni ja neću ovo printat'... - #

Run, bitch, ruuun !!!

Jučer navečer sam bila vani s frendicama i jednoj od njih je palo na pamet da idemo trčat' (ona, btw, to može jer trenira tae kwon do)... Uglavnom, dogovorile smo se da idemo u 7 ujutro i stavile mobitel-alarme na 6:30... I dalje je povijest... Nije. Probudilo me «Just Lose It», a to se skoro i dogodilo (aaAaaAaaAaa). Digla sam se u 6:45 (još ne znam na koju zombi-foru), pojela cornflakes da mi ne bude zlo (svejedno mi je zlo), oprala zube i našminkala se (Freddy Krueger style) i pokupila se iz stana (nikome nisam rekla kam' idem, ali nisu ni skužili, svi još uvijek spavaju, a ja tu prčkam po blogu). Kupim ja na kiosku: «Dvije Jane, negazirane», a kad sam rekla prodavačici (koja me zna) da idem trčat', počela se smijat' meni u facu (jer me zna). No, dobro... Mi na igralište (U3ne) i trčimo prvo 2 kruga za zagrijavanje (tj., ona trenirajuća frendica – Kristina trči 2 kruga za zagrijavanje, Marina i ja krepavamo 2 kruga). Onda meni prvo padne lanac sa ključevima, pa mobitel, pa slušalica od mp3-ja iz uha... Imam trenirku koja prijeti da će past' s mene (jer ima odrezan rub iz razloga koje sad neću nabrajat'), a moja trenirka je ostala u školi (nadam se da je još tam'). Sve u svemu... nakon ta 2 kruga smo se malo istezale (inkvizicija style) i trčkarale još malo po stazi (da vam objasnim – Kristina je trčala k'o Steffi na tjelesnom kad nam nabija komplekse (5 krugova, samo sporije), a Marina je otrčala još 2 kruga, ja još 3. Došla sam doma u 8. Još mi je zlo...
- 08:20 - Spit It ! (3) - haha...pa ni ja neću ovo printat'... - #

21.06.2005., utorak

Zašto ???

Dakle, donedavno mi je The Game bio čist' simpatičan rapper... ono... dečko iz Comptona, mali gangsta... sad će on bit' k'o Dre... Je, bit će ne ! Jučer, prekjučer, ne znam kad... sve mi je u magli... vidjela sam spot (za neku ubi' bože gadnu pjesmu, gemišt "how we do" i "hate it or love it") s R. Kellyjem !!! (???) What is going on ?! I danas pročitam da je izvrijeđao cijeli G-unit (skupa s Oliviom) na 18-minutnoj "pjesmi"... Gle, budimo realni, Lloyd Banks je napravio pre...en album, a Game ga naziva "bitch" ??? Taj Game bi trebao počet svoje Beggin' 4 Mercy inače neće dugo... ne znam... Osjećam se... izdanom... A kak' ga Dre gleda...i Dre se sigurno tako osjeća...

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- 21:35 - Spit It ! (2) - haha...pa ni ja neću ovo printat'... - #


E... došao je dan kada je sax objavio nastavak svojih nevjerojatnih pustolovina... dakle, da znate... idem jest' keksiće i čitat' to, pa kad se vratim, možda nešto i napišem... Za sve neupućene, link s vaše desne strane koji kaže: "saxove pustolovine" poslužit će za daljnje informacije.
P.S. za G-ja: ja nemam svoju sliku, a koliko znam, ti imaš (ili si imao) moju... Ako ju nemaš... Razgovarat ćemo se mi još...

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- 20:15 - Spit It ! (2) - haha...pa ni ja neću ovo printat'... - #

20.06.2005., ponedjeljak

Puste misli o praznicima...

Baš si mislim kak' je to lijepo kad sam na praznicima... Još ne mogu vjerovat' da su praznici...da je drugi razred gotov... tooo, čovječe !!! Mislim, ustat ću se sutra ujutro iz kreveta i neću morat' u školu, ali samo sutra ? NEEE !!! Čovječe, ni za 10 ili 20 dana... Ma, čovječe (znam da moram prestat' s tim) – sve do devetog mjeseca (iliti rujna, da skratim...). Znam da me najgore čeka, ali živo mi se je.. jer sam na PRAZNICIMA ! Osjećam se ... energično ... tuče mi se s nekim, a buraza mi nema doma (tipično, nikad ga nema kad ga trebaš)... Nema profe da me pita «Kristina, tebi se zijeva ?» Ne, kozo, ja zijevam... pospana, mrzovoljna, umorna i bezvoljna, jednom riječju – uškoljena (podsjeća na uškopljena – nije ni čudo, ali to je samo za mužjake, ne ?)... Svejedno, je.. vas, ljudi, na praznicima smo... To će biti taj dan... to će biti taj daaan... objesi profesora, zapali školu i uživaj !!!
- 20:15 - Spit It ! (6) - haha...pa ni ja neću ovo printat'... - #

Kod kuće je najgore

Itaq sam ja danas bila vrijedno stvorenje, pošto mi je stara imala temperaturu (i još je uvijek ima) pa mi se obilo u glavu... Tj., svi su nezahvalna čudovišta u mom stanu. Prije 2-3 sata kaže ona (stara moja) da netko ode u dućan. JA, koja sam iskorijenila prašinu, usisavala, prala suđe, očistila prokletu pećnicu – JA da idem u dućan ?! Da se spremam sat vremena da odem u dućan po je..ni ocat ?! Naravno ! Tko bi drugi... Ne dao bog da ode ono malo smeće od mog brata koje btw, cijeli prokleti dan (od 9 do vremena kad je trebalo u dućan) sjedilo i igralo komp... On se usuđuje reć': «Zakaj ona ne bi otišla, ha ? Tak' i tak' nije danas niš' napravila...» E, tu je granica raspuknuta... U svom sam pravedničkom gnjevu njemu opsovala sve po spisku i barem mu pokušala nabacit' osjećaj krivnje jer je žena koja ga je rodila bolesna, a on joj neće pomoć', ali pošto je on (? još nisam skužila) bezdušno biće, nije mi uspjelo... Na kraju je majčica otišla sama u dućan jer joj se nije mene dalo čekat' da se spremim, a buraziću (tepam jer će vjerojatno čitat' ovaj blog) se zaštekala igrica... hihihi... tko se zadnji smije...
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... ne, ne dobije fiftyja... to je on meni zgodan, pa ga zato stavljam...
poosa !
- 19:15 - Spit It ! (0) - haha...pa ni ja neću ovo printat'... - #

Za one koji vole GTA...

Za one koji imaju doma komp i PS2 i vole GTA ili se spremaju igrat' ili su vidjeli kod nekog igru, pa im se sviđa ili, ili... Uglavnom, igra je jako dobra, ALI je na PS2 grafika (meni, barem) puno ljepša. Sad će neki reć' : - da, je..š grafiku, bitno da ima misije – ili nešto slično... Ali, ja ne mogu baš proć' misije nego se vozikam uokolo, vodim Denise u disko, koljem itaq pa mi je grafika važna. I lakše je igrat' s joystickom nego s tipkama (iako neki još ne mogu smislit' analog ili ne znaju koja je to tipka R3, takvi, btw, nisu ni zaslužili igrat'). Zato, ako još niste kupili San Andreas (one loše stvari koje vam se događaju su božji gnjev, ako niste kupili), usrećite svog boga i kupite prokletu igru, po mogućnosti, za PS2. Ako vam ne idu misije (nabavite brata, dečka, frenda ili sestru ili curu ili frendicu - da bude politički korektno - kojima idu), igra je zabavna čak i kad samo zujite po Los Santosu (metafora LA-a) ili druga dva grada – Las Venturasu ili San Fierrou... Mislim, mogla bih ja sad tu napisat' svašta o GTA, ali bit će vam dosadno, pa oni koje zanima, neka pitaju...
Glavni lik je C.J., što su i inicijali 50 centa (Carl Johnson – Curtis Jackson),, a C.J. može i izgledat' kao 50 ili kao Fat Joe, btw (sve ovisi o vama jer ga možete frizirat', tetovirat', nabildat', odjenut' i obuć', udebljat' fast foodom itaq). Najbolja radio postaja je «Radio Los Santos» na kojem puštaju 2paca, Compton's Most Wanted, Drea, Too Short, NWA, Ice Cubea, Eazy E-ja, Cypress Hill...
Za kraj, evo neki cheatovi, da vam bude lakše (upišite ih dok igrate)...

hp, vest, cash – HESOYAM
50 cent look – JYSDSOD
Fat Joe look – BTCDBCB
čačkalica look – KVGYZQK
get rid of cops – ASNAEB

Ako vam trebaju još neke šifre, imam ih ja pa samo recite (ako neke ne rade, provjerit' ću pa ispravit').
Evo i mog buraza, koji mi prolazi misije... (malo je zaglavio u vlaku)
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- 12:50 - Spit It ! (4) - haha...pa ni ja neću ovo printat'... - #

19.06.2005., nedjelja

Dok ja čekam...

...da se objavi prvi post koji sam napisala (jer sam se morala pravit' pametna s narihtavanjem vremena objave bloga, ali kaj je, tu je. Napokon slobodni od tiranskih ustanova popularno zvanih "školama", većinom su moji dragi suučenici zaključili da je najbolje zalit' "tugu" zbog završetka nastave jeftinim alkoholom (ne zamjeram im, iako ja nisam pila)... Bilo je zabavno gledat' frenda kako u pokušaju da uhvati loptu udara u zeleni metalni koš za smeće (i to donjim dijelom tijela), ali kad je pao na...khm...guzicu i udario glavom u (također zeleni) stup javne rasvjete, malo sam se zabrinula. Kaže danas da su mu cojones dobro i da na glavi ima samo malu izbočinu. Ostatak se oporavio bez težih posljedica (ja sam se bojala da će se poutapljat' u Jarunu, ali srećom, samo srećom, nisu). Dakle, kak' je vama završila školska godina ??? I btw, koji vam je najbolji rapper ?

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Dakle, za nekoga tko zna: kak' stavim one male slike (top left corner) kod teksta ? one neke dimenzije i veličina su neispunjivi zahtjevi. i kak' da stavim neku mjuzu ??? Please, people, assist. Zahvaljujem Miss Filth i Daneu na pomoći.
- 20:50 - Spit It ! (4) - haha...pa ni ja neću ovo printat'... - #

Svaki početak je težak...

Image Hosted by ImageShack.us Dakle, evo... Sad napokon imam i ja svoj blog i još ne znam o čemu ću pisat'... O svačemu. Inače živim u Zagrebu, imam 16 godina, volim hip hop i video igre... Volim životinje i bla, bla... Uglavnom, ako nekog nešto zanima, samo pitajte. Nadam se da će netko komentirat' ovaj blog inače ću ga doživjet' kao osobni neuspjeh. Inače, ako nekoga zanimaju Final Fantasy, GTA, i slične igre ili imate pitanja o njima, slobodno se javite.
- 20:45 - Spit It ! (10) - haha...pa ni ja neću ovo printat'... - #

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A, gle ovo...

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    Xzibit - Spit Shine
    I 'ma clean this whole shit out like climax,
    with words put together better than sony electronics,
    king of the jungle, humbly stay honest,
    eat with the lions, swim with peranas,
    gasoline the scene, strike the match,
    inferno, I'm too through nigga, so stand back,
    I spit shine, get mine and rip rhyme
    and make my career take a incline,
    I'm strick with knives, straight with razors,
    good with grenades and great with gadges, (yeah)
    been around the world on a million stages,
    watch niggas bitch up and go through changes,
    I had guns before guns was in fashion,
    I mashed out before niggas knew mashin,
    I knew terror before the planes started crashin,
    I got punch lines and niggas ain't laughin'...

    I'm gonn be here after the smoke dye down,
    Insomnia style I won't lye down,
    fight the good, fight don't need no help,
    keep your hands up - defend yourself,
    move like I move and live lifelong ,
    can't move up if your heart's not strong,
    get your own shit 'cause this shit's mine,
    every time I spit, I shine

    Cock-sucker I preach when I practice,
    back shit up, wrap this, rap shit up,
    still actin' up, get found in the trunk of an Acuva,
    ya'll suck like jail in dracula,
    X turn up the heat, increase the hatred,
    straight stone face don't fuck with gay shit,
    so i guess that means I cant fuck with you now,
    drew down, let off, facate to new town,
    you feel like bishop, induced now,
    gotta flame thrower that will burn
    great holes till you goose down, (yeah)
    rough sound, same strong background,
    bent on black the big boys playin' tips down,
    my whole train of thought is the party,
    any motherfucker with problems, and not get caught,
    I was blessed with life when I cursed to death,
    I'ma spit till my very last breath...

    Let me get a three second look, I hit a million dollar target,
    You ain't came up yet well nigga' let me show ya,
    Come across dope like planes and boats,
    Like baloons filled with coke, down a mexican's throat,
    you ever seen a man get smoked and shit on himself,
    the body shake for a second, then it can't stop a second,
    the evidence are the weapon and the people involved,
    let one nigga talk, everybody gettin caught, for sure,
    I say that, to say this,
    if you cant handle the time then ride the beach,
    might as well touch your tail and jump the fence,
    castrate yourself, expose the bitch,
    X go head up, the fuck never ran from it,
    I got engaged with buck shots that you can't stop and
    You ain't a killer you're an album filler,
    You ain't a soldier you're a rap promoter,
    Game over...

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    Eminem - Ass Like That
    Ohh Beeby, The way you shake it
    I can’t believe it, I ain’t never seen an ass like that
    The way you move it, you make my peepee go DOING DOING DOING
    I don’t believe it, it’s almost to good to be true
    I ain’t never seen an ass like that
    The way you move it, you make my peepee go DOING DOING DOING

    The way she moves, she’s like a belly-dancer
    She shakin that ass to the new Nelly jams
    I think someone’s at the door but I don’t think Imma answer
    Police saying, FREEZE... DOING DOING DOING
    What do you mean freeze? Please I’m a human being
    I have needs, I’m not done, not til I’m finished peeing
    I’m not resisting arrest, I am agreeing Mr. Officer
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    I’m already on my knees, I can’t get on the ground any further
    It’s impossible for me, And do not treat me like a murderer
    I just like to pee, pee, pee, Yes, I make R&B
    I sing song, it Ring-a-Chong-a-Ching-Chong-Chong-Ching
    Syke, I joke I joke, I kid I kid. If offend, I’m sorry
    Please, Please forgive, for I am Triumph, the puppet dog
    I am a mere puppet, I can get away anything I say and you will love

    The way you shake it
    I can’t believe it, I ain’t never seen an ass like that
    The way you move it, you make my peepee go DOING DOING DOING
    Jessica Simpson, looks oh so tempting
    Nick, I ain’t never seen an ass like that
    Every time I see that show on MTV my pee pee goes DOING DOING DOING

    Mary Kate and Ashley used to be so handsome
    Now they getting older, they’re starting to grow bum-bums
    I go to the movies and sit down with my popcorn
    Police saying, FREEZE... DOING DOING DOING
    What do you mean freeze? JEEZ I just got my seat
    I have ticket, look I put away, my zipper’s zipped
    Please do not remove me from this movie theatre, please
    I did not even get to see Mary Kate’s shower scene
    I didn’t mean to be obscene or make a great big scene
    And don’t treat me like I’m Pee-Wee Herman
    This movie’s PG, Mr. Office, I demand to see my attorney
    I will simple plead innocent, cop a plea, and be free
    Free, yes free, right back on the streets
    What you mean my lawyers with Michael, He’s too busy?
    I am Triumph, Britney Spears has shoulder’s are like man
    And I could say that and you laugh cause there’s a puppet on my hand

    The way you shake it
    I can’t believe it, I ain’t never seen an ass like that
    The way you move it, you make my peepee go DOING DOING DOING
    Hilary Duff is not quite old enough so I ain’t never seen a butt like that
    Maybe next year I’ll say ass and she’ll make my peepee go DOING DOING DOING

    The way she moves she dances like a GO-GO
    In that video she sings get out your puzzle
    I need a new boyfriend, Hi my name is Jo-Jo
    Police saying, FREEZE... DOING DOING DOING
    What do you mean freeze? My computers will be seized
    And my keys to my ranch. I just bake cookies
    Mr. Office, lookie, take a woof of this
    Here, I make Jesus juice, take a sip of this
    Nobody is safe from me, no not even me
    I don’t even know if I could say the word peepee
    Pee on the radio but I think I did
    Janet is that a breast? I think I just saw a tit
    Syke, I joke I joke, I kid I kid. I don’t think my joke is working
    I must flea quick, get to the chopper, everybody get out
    I am not Triumph, I am Aronld, get down

    The way you shake it
    I can’t believe it, I ain’t never seen an ass like that
    The way you move it, you make my peepee go DOING DOING DOING
    So Gwen Stafani will you peepee on me, Please
    I ain’t never seen an ass like that
    Cause the way you move it, you make my peepee go DOING DOING DOING


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    2pac feat. Akon - Ghetto Gospel
    If I could recelect before my hood dayz
    I would sit in bliss and reminis on the good dayz.
    i stop and stare at the younger, my heart goes to'em
    they stressed and goin under.
    we never really went through that
    cause we was born ????
    today things change,its a shame
    they blame it on the youth cause the truth look strange
    for them its worse, we come from a world thats cursed
    and it hurts.
    cause any day theyll push the button.
    and yall condemned like malcom x and uncle bob
    they died for nothin.
    make the people teary, the world looks dreary
    but when you wipe your eyes you see it clearley.
    theres no need for you to fear me.
    if you take the time to hear me, maybe you can learn to cheer me.
    it aint about black or white, both doin
    i hope you see the light before its ruiend
    my ghetto gospel

    Cause thats the life when ur
    Living in the (ghetto)and
    Eating in the (ghetto)or
    Sleeping in the (ghetto) (ghetto)
    Cause thats the life when ur
    Living in the (ghetto)and
    Eating in the (ghetto)or
    Sleeping in the (ghetto, ghetto, ghetto)

    Tell me do you see that old lady she aint sad
    living out a bag, in rags, loving the things she has
    over there see that lady, the cracks got her crazy.
    and shes gonna give birth to a baby?
    i shouldnt let it fade me. we out of the projects
    jumped into another form of slavery.
    and even now i get discouraged.
    i wonder if its tooken all back will i still keep the courage.
    i refuse to be a role modle.
    i keep control on the hoes and take out my old bottle.
    i make mistakes, i learn from everyone.
    and when its said and done, ill be called a better one.
    if i strecth you dont stretch.
    never forget, god is gonna finish with me yet.
    i feel his hands on my brain.
    when i write ryhmes, i go blind, and let the lord do this thing.
    but am i any less holy,
    i choose to puff a blunt and drink a beer with my homies
    and then world peace, we tried and failed
    now theres war in the streets
    my ghetto gospel.

    Cause thats the life when ur
    Living in the (ghetto)and
    Eating in the (ghetto)or
    Sleeping in the (ghetto) (ghetto)
    Cause thats the life when ur
    Living in the (ghetto)and
    Eating in the (ghetto)or
    Sleeping in the (ghetto, ghetto, ghetto)

    Gun shots every night in the (ghetto)
    Crooked cops on sight in the (ghetto)
    Every day is a fight in the (ghetto)
    (oh oh oh oh oh) (ghetto)
    Got kids to feed in the (ghetto)
    Selling coke and weed in the (ghetto)
    Every day somebody bleed in the (ghetto)
    (oh oh oh oh oh) (ghetto)

    Cause thats the life when ur
    Living in the (ghetto)and
    Eating in the (ghetto)or
    Sleeping in the (ghetto) (ghetto)
    Cause thats the life when ur
    Living in the (ghetto)and
    Eating in the (ghetto)or
    Sleeping in the (ghetto, ghetto, ghetto)

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    OutKast - Roses
    [Verse One - Andre 3000]
    Caroline! Caroline!
    All the guys would say she's mighty fine
    But mighty fine only got you somewhere half the time
    And the other half either got you cursed out, or coming up short
    Yeah, now dig this, even though (even though)
    You'd need a golden calculator to divide (to divide)
    The time it took to look inside and realize that
    Real guys go for real down to Mars girls, yeah!

    [Chorus- Repeat 2x]
    I know you'd like to thank your shit don't stank
    But lean a little bit closer
    See that roses really smell like boo-boo
    Yeah, roses really smell like boo-boo

    [Verse Two - Andre 3000]
    Caroline! See she's the reason for the word "bitch" (bitch)
    I hope she's speeding on the way to the club
    Trying to hurry up to get to some
    Baller or singer or somebody like that
    And try to put on her makeup in the mirror
    And crash, crash, crash.. into a ditch! (Just Playing!)
    She needs a golden calculator to divide (to divide)
    The time it takes to look inside and realize that
    Real guys go for real down to Mars girls, yeah!

    [Chorus- Repeat 2x]
    I know you'd like to thank your shit don't stank
    But lean a little bit closer
    See that roses really smell like boo-boo
    Yeah, roses really smell like boo-boo

    [Verse Three – Big Boi]
    Well she's got a hotty body, but her attitude is potty
    When I met her at a party she was hardly acting naughty
    I said "Would you call me?"
    She said "Pardon me, are you ballin'?"
    I said "Darling, you sound like a prostitute pursing"
    Oh so you're one them freaks, get geeked at the sight of ATM receipts
    But game been peeped, dropping names she's weak
    Trickin' off this bitch is lost
    Must take me for a geek a quick way to eat
    A neat place sleep, a rent-a-car for a week, a trick for a treat
    Now go on the raw sex, my AIDS test is flawless
    Regardless, we don't want to get involved with no lawyers
    And judges just to hold grudges in a courtroom
    I wanna see ya support bra not support you!

    [Chorus- Repeat 4x]
    I know you'd like to thank your shit don't stank
    But lean a little bit closer
    See that roses really smell like boo-boo
    Yeah, roses really smell like boo-boo

    [Repeat 2x]
    Better come back down to Mars
    Girl, quit chasin' cars
    What happens when the dough get so low
    Bitch, you ain't that fine
    No way.. no way.. no way

    [Repeat 2x]
    Crazy bitch (repeated in background)
    Bitch, stupid ass bitch
    Old punk ass bitch, old dumbass bitch
    A bitch's bitch, just a bitch

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    Young Buck - Do It Like Me
    [Young Buck:]
    All My Thugs And Thugets
    Walk Where I Walk, See What I See
    Now I Welcome You All To Cashville, Tennekee
    All My Life, I Hustle'd All Night
    Now I'm Alright, My Wrist Is All Ice
    And I Did It All, Without Ya'll Advice
    I Done Been To Hell And Back, Twice

    You Cant Do It Like Me!

    Now As The World Turns, I Let My Bud Burn
    Police Writin' Down My Tags, Like Im Con'cerned
    I Graduated From The Nickels And Dimes
    You Need The F.E.D.'s Bitch, To Come Get Mine
    Get On The Grind Hoe, And Stay The Fuck Up Outta Mine Fo'
    The Kid's Find Daddy Lay'd Out With His Eyes Closed
    I Know, Can't Be Humble In The Jungle
    Give A Nigga An Inch, He'll Take A Whole Mile From Ya'
    So I Bust First, Fuck This Earth Nigga
    Whats Worse? Wakin' Up In The Pen, Or Sleepin' Up Under The Dirt
    Boo Yow! Is The Sound Of The 40 Cal.
    Ak's Bananna Clips Hold A 100 Rounds
    Test Me, Rude Boy Don't Want None
    Got Jamacan's And Hesian's Buck, Buck, Buckin' They Gun
    Where The Hood At? Nigga, That's Where I Come From
    Where Shoot Dice, Snort White, Sell Crack And Heroine

    You Can Walk Like I Do, And Talk Like Me Too
    But Nobody Gon' Rock With You
    Cuz You Can't Do It Like Me (Nah, You Cant Do It Like Me)
    {[50 Cent:] Hold On A Second Homie, Lets Get This Clear}
    You Can Walk Like I Do, And Talk Like Me Too
    But Nobody Gon' Rock With You
    Cuz You Can't Do It Like Me (Cuz, You Cant Do It Like Me)
    {[50 Cent:] Hold On A Second Homie, Lets Get This Clear}

    Somebody Tell Me What This World Comin' To
    Why They Go Get They Metal Detector's When We Come Through
    Yah, I Know We Got Beef, And Niggas Say They Wanna Kill Us
    But You Can't Get Mad, Cuz The Whole World Feel Us
    Do The Math, Half Of These Niggas Lying In They Rhymes
    They Don't Even Read The Paper Work, Just Sign On The Line
    I Got A 9, And A Heart To Go Get Mine
    And I'll Be God Damn, If I Take A Loss This Time
    I'm Fishline, In The Water, Nibble Only To Get Caught
    May I Take Ya' Order? Yah, I Can Get It In New York
    See The Streets Know, This Nigga Here'll Let The Heat Go
    Be Low, Don't Be No Muthafuckin' Hero
    A Kilo'll Get A Nigga Whole Click Killed
    You Ain't Gotta Spend Shit, Niggas'll Hustle Up A Mill
    When You Live With All The Roaches, You Kill All The Rats
    And The Thugs, That Ain't Focused, Get They Head Cracked

    You Can Walk Like I Do, And Talk Like Me Too
    But Nobody Gon' Rock With You
    Cuz You Can't Do It Like Me (Nah, You Cant Do It Like Me)
    {[50 Cent:] Hold On A Second Homie, Lets Get This Clear}
    You Can Walk Like I Do, And Talk Like Me Too
    But Nobody Gon' Rock With You
    Cuz You Can't Do It Like Me (Cuz, You Cant Do It Like Me)
    {[50 Cent:] Hold On A Second Homie, Lets Get This Clear}

    I Know I Got A Dirty Mouth, Bitch I'm From The South
    I'm Nuthin Like What You Done Seen Or You Done Heard About
    I'm In My Best On The Block, A Vest And A Glock, And The Rest In My Sock
    Unless I Was Pac, You Wont See Me With A Cross On My Back
    Gotta Do My Own Thang, Can't Copy That Cat
    Let Me Holla At Ya' For A Minute May'ne
    If Ya Stand For Nuthin' Nigga, You'll Fall For Anythang
    I'm Bustin Any Brain, They Say That I'm Insaine
    But I Came In This Game With Cocaine In My Viens
    What I'm Sayin, That I'm Trained To Go And Turn A Penny To A 20
    You Complain, I'd Rather Work With What He Sent Me, Ain't It Strange?
    How I Went From A Hoopty To A Bently, I Ain't Changed
    I'm In The Hood, You Want Me? Come And Get Me
    Feel My Pain, But Don't Feel Sorry For Me
    Cuz They're Some Kids In Samalia With Nuthin To Eat

    You Can Walk Like I Do, And Talk Like Me Too
    But Nobody Gon' Rock With You
    Cuz You Can't Do It Like Me (Nah, You Cant Do It Like Me)
    {[50 Cent:] Hold On A Second Homie, Lets Get This Clear}
    You Can Walk Like I Do, And Talk Like Me Too
    But Nobody Gon' Rock With You
    Cuz You Can't Do It Like Me (Cuz, You Cant Do It Like Me)
    {[50 Cent:] Hold On A Second Homie, Lets Get This Clear}

    [Scratching {50 Cent: Hold On A Second Homie, Lets Get This Clear}]

  • 50 Cent - Just A Lil' Bit


    [Verse 1]
    Damn baby all I need is a lil bit
    A lil bit of this, a lil bit of that
    Get it crackin' in the club when you hear this shit
    Drop it like its hot, get to workin' that back
    Go shake that thang, yeah work that thang
    Let me see it go up and down
    Rotate that thang, I wanna touch that thang
    Can you make it go round and round
    I step up in the club, I'm like who you with
    G-Unit in the house, yeah thats my clique
    Yeah I'm young, but a nigga from the old school
    On the dance floor, a nigga doin' old moves
    I don't give a fuck, I do what I wan' do
    I hit your ass up, boy I done warned you
    Better listen, when I talk, nigga don't trip
    Yo' heat in the car, mine's in this bitch
    I ain't tryna beef, I'm tryna get my drink on
    Got my diamonds, my fitted, and my mink on
    I'ma kick it at the bar till its time to go
    Then I'ma get shorty here and I'ma let her know

    All a nigga really need is a lil bit
    Not a lot baby girl just a lil bit
    We can head to the crib in a lil bit
    I can show ya how I live in a lil bit
    I wanna unbutton your pants just a lil bit
    Take 'em off and pull 'em down just a lil bit
    Get to kissin' and touchin' a lil bit
    Get to lickin' and (*edited*) a lil bit

    [Verse 2]
    This is 50, comin' out your stereos
    Hard to tell though, cause I switched the flow
    Eyes a lil low, cause I twist the dro'
    Pockets on slow cause I move the O's
    My neck, my wrist, my ears is froze
    Come get ya bitch, she on me dawg
    She musta heard about the dough
    Now captain come on and save a hoe
    I get it crunk in the club, I'm off the chain
    Number one on the chart, all the time mayn
    When the kid in the house, I turn it out
    Keep the dance floor packed, thats without a doubt
    And shorty shake that thang like a pro mayn
    She back it up on me I'm like oh mayn
    I get close enough to her so I know she can hear
    System thumpin', party jumpin', I said loud and clear

    All a nigga really need is a lil bit
    Not a lot baby girl just a lil bit
    We can head to the crib in a lil bit
    I can show ya how I live in a lil bit
    I wanna unbutton your pants just a lil bit
    Take 'em off and pull 'em down just a lil bit
    Get to kissin' and touchin' a lil bit
    Get to lickin' and (*edited*) a lil bit

    Baby you got me feelin' right (ya heard me)
    My mama gone, you can spend the night (ya heard me)
    I ain't playin', I'ma tryna (*edited*) tonight (ya heard me)
    Clothes off, face down, x up, c'mon

    [Chorus x2]
    All a nigga really need is a lil bit
    Not a lot baby girl just a lil bit
    We can head to the crib in a lil bit
    I can show ya how I live in a lil bit
    I wanna unbutton your pants just a lil bit
    Take 'em off and pull 'em down a lil bit
    Get to kissin' and touchin' a lil bit
    Get to lickin' and (*edited*) a lil bit

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