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by XXS Girl
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Emmett Cullen Girl
cute new moon girl
i know what you are
Sabriel Cullen
samy x any
Twilight fan
princess of twilight
Loving a Werewolf
twilight xd
Only vampire can love you forever
Glitterfy.com - Glitter Graphics
Edward Kissed Bella - Katy Perry
This was never the way he planned
Not his intention
She got so brave book in hand
Lost self-preservation.
It´s not what he use to
Just wanted to try her on
He´s courius for her,
Caught into her scent.
Edward kissed bella,
and he liked it.
The smell coming off of her skin.
Edward kissed bella just to try it.
Hope the Cullens don´t minde it
It fell so wrong,
it fell so right.
At last he didn´t kill her tonight
Edward kissed bella,
and he liked it.
He doesn´t to tell her his age
Hes one o´eight.
She´s not some experimental game.
You couldn´t call it human nature.
It´s not what vampires do.
Not how they should behave.
His head gets so confued.Hard to obey.
Edward kissed bella,
and he liked it.
The smell coming off of her skin.
Edward kissed bella just to try it.
Hope the Cullens don´t minde it
It fell so wronf,
it fell so right.
At last he didn´t kill her tonight
Edward kissed bella,
and he liked it.
Vampires,they´r so magican,
cold skin,in the sun it sparkles.
Hard to resist,
so touchable.
Too good to deny it.
Don´t you agree they´re sexy beasts.
Edward kissed bella,
and he liked it.
The smell coming off of her skin.
Edward kissed bella just to try it.
Hope the Cullens don´t minde it
It fell so wronf,
it fell so right.
At last he didn´t kill her tonight
Edward kissed bella,
and he liked it.
Verse 1:
The night has come
I'm waking up
The moon is shining bright
I want someone
My needs undone
I've gotta beat daylight
I gotta feel love
Before I'm gonna make you mine
I gotta feel love
Your're gonna make me feel so fine
I gotta feel love
Just the way I always do
I'm gonna change your destiny
Until you want it to
Yeah - I'm a creature of the night
Yeah - I can take you higher
Yeah - I'm faster than the speed of light
You know I want you, before I bite you
The Creatures of the night
The Creatures of the night
Verse 2:
Come on let's go
Night's on the run
There is no time to waste
I fear the dawn
Can't stand the sun
It's you I'd love to taste
I gotta feel love
Before I'm gonna make you mine
I gotta feel love
Your're gonna make me feel so fine
I gotta feel love
Just the way I always do
I'm gonna change your destiny
Until you want it to
Yeah - I'm a creature of the night
Yeah - I can take you higher
Yeah - I'm faster than the speed of light
You know I want you, before I bite you
Chorus B:
Creatures of the night are lonely
It's the curse of the rising moon
Thinking about this one thing only
Really need some, fresh blood soon
The Creatures of the night
The Creatures of the night
Yeah - I'm a creature of the night
Yeah - I can take you higher
Yeah - I'm faster than the speed of light
You know I want you, before I bite you
DJ BOBO - WE GOTTA HOLD ON(Jedna od najdrazih)
Every night when the moon is risin' in the sky
I here you calling to me
Every time when I feel my spirit start to rise
You come to me in my dreams
I wish that I could be more than a fantasy
If I could only hold you in my arms
But soon we must surrender to reality
When the new day comes
Chorus 1:
We gotta hold on
To a dream only we can share
We gotta hold on
Even though we're not really here
We gotta hold on
Angel of the night
Feel you by my side
But in the morning light
I know you'll be gone
We've gotta hold on
Verse 2:
It's too late to say the love I'm feeling isn't real
Your spell is already cast
I don't want your magic secret to be revealed
I want the mystery to last
Could it be a blessing, could it be a curse
Knowing that you never will be mine
Imaginary lovers from the Universe
Forever lost in time
Chorus 1:
We gotta hold on
To a dream only we can share
We gotta hold on
Even though we're not really here
We gotta hold on
Angel of the night
Feel you by my side
But in the morning light
I know you'll be gone
We've gotta hold on
Chorus 1:
We gotta hold on
To a dream only we can share
We gotta hold on
Even though we're not really here
We gotta hold on
Angel of the night
Feel you by my side
But in the morning light
Chorus 2:
We gotta hold on
It doesent matter what the people say
We gotta hold on
So we can live to love another day
We gotta hold on
Angel of the night
Feel you by my side
But in the morning light
I know you'll be gone
We've gotta hold on
Your fingertips
across my skin
The palm trees
sawaying in the wind,images
You sang me Spanish lullabies
The sweetest sadness in your eyes,clever trick
Well,I never want to see you unhappy
I tought you´d want the same for me
Goodbye,my almost lover
Goodbye,my hopless dream
I´m trying not to think about you
Can´t you just let me be?
So long,my luckless romance
My back is turned on you
Should´ve known you´d bring me heartache
Almost lovers always do.
We walk along a crowded street
You took my hand and dance with me
And when you left,you kissed my lips
You told me you would never
Never forget this images
Well,I never want to see you unhappy
I tought you´d want the same for me
Goodbye,my almost lover
Goodbye,my hopless dream
I´m trying not to think about you
Can´t you just let me be?
So long,my luckless romance
My back is turned on you
Should´ve known you´d bring me heartache
Almost lovers always do.
I cannot go to the ocean
I cannot drive the streets at night
I cannot wake up in the morning
Without you on my mind
So you´re gone and I´m haunted
And I bet you are just fine
Did I make ti that easy to walk
Right in and out of my life?
Goodbye,my almost lover
Goodbye,my hopless dream
I´m trying not to think about you
Can´t you just let me be?
So long,my luckless romance
My back is turned on you
Should´ve known you´d bring me heartache
Almost lovers
Eto ljudi nasa Kirsten je danas napunila 19 godina....
Pa eto ja joj zelim puno srece u zivotu i puno uspijeha,uz Sumrak...lol
Nadam se da ce ti se sve zelje koje zazelis ispuniti u tvojoj 19-oj godini
Mladi mjesec
Eto i mene,
Napokon sam nasla vremena da napisem novi post.
Jako mi je zao sto ga nisam prije napisala ali nisam imala vremena jer imam puno posla oko skole,moram ispraviti ocjene do pocetka proljetnih praznika i to mi bas i nije lako posto ih ima dosta..lol
Jednostavno je previse toga..skola,praksa,ucenje...jucer smo bili na izletu u Varazdinu...
nije nas bilo o d 8.30 do 18.30....Moram vam reci da je bilo odlicno i da sam se jako zabavila.
Grad je predivan,a tamo je tako ljepo i tiho ma milina....imali smo skoro sati pol da prosecemo gradom sami da malo istrazujemo,bili smo na groblju(koje je navodno jedno od najljepsih groblja u europi).
Ma uglavnom bilo je odlicno,a sad da vas vise ne gnjavim time idemo na SUMRAK!!!!!!
Znam da ste vec svi culi kako se poceo snimati Mladi mjesec..dosta sam blogova nasla s tim informacijama,a ja cu vam dati nesto sto nadam se drugi nemaju jer je glupo da sad svi pisemo o istim stvarima...hahah
Ja vrlo sretno najavljujem da će Taylor Lautner glumiti Jakoba Blacka u Mladom mjesecu i da su to s odusevljen prihvatili Summit Entertainment, producenti, a i Stephenie Meyer.
Los Angeles, CA - Ožujak 23, 2009 - Summit Entertainment objavila je danas da Native American,
Glumaci Chaske Spencer, Bronson Pelletier, Alex Meraz, Kiowa Gordon i Tyson Houseman su sluzbeno potpisali ugovor kao clanovi copora u Sumrak Sagi:Mladi Mjesec.
U filmu,copor brani ljude protiv vampira, iako im je plemenska povijest izmjesana s Edwardon Cullenom i njegovom obitelji.
Clanovima copora pridruziti ce se Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson i kolega copora Taylor Lautner u filmskoj reziji je Chris Weitz,koja ce biti objavljena 20. studenog, 2009.
U Sumrak sagi: Mladi mjesec, Bella Swan (Kristen Stewart) je shrvana zbog naglog odlaska njezine vampirske ljubavi, Edwarda Cullena (Robert Pattinson), ali je njezin duh obnovljen prijateljstvom s njezinim rastucim prijeteljem, neodoljivim Jacobom Blackom (Taylor Lautner).
Iznenada otkriva iznenada se nade u svijetu vukodlaka ciji su nasljeden neprijatelji vampiri, a njezina odanost odjednom je stavljena na kusnju.
Svaki clan copora je podrijetlom indijanac.Spencer je Lakota (Sioux), Pelletier je Cree-melez, Meraz je Purepecha (Tarasco), Gordon je Hualapai i Houseman, koji su bili otkriveni na otvorenom castingu poziva je Cree.
Casting za clana copora je nadgledao nagradeni casting redatelj Rene Haynes, koji je poznat po svom radu na projektima u rasponu od Native "ples s vukovima" i "Pokopaj mi srce kod Wounded Kneeja."
Radnja, moderne vampir ljubavne pricče i blockbuster uspjeha prvog filma u seriji pod naslovom sutoSumrak je objavljena u kazalištima na 21. studenog 2008. zaradivsi 60,9 milijuna dolara na domaćem terenu tijekom svog prvog vikenda. Do sada film je zaradio gotovo 380 milijuna dolara širom svijeta.
Sumrak je objavljen na DVD, Blu-ray i VOD prošle subote, 21 ozujka prodavsi više od 3 milijuna DVD u svom prvom danu što ga čini jednim od top pet najprodavanijih DVD tijekom protekle dvije godine.
ovo je par rijeci od filmskog rezisera Chrisa Weitza
Likovi u knjizi Stephenie Meyer prolaze kroz izvanredne okolnosti psihicke promjene i izgleda, tako da nije neobično da se nagada dali je isti glumac(sad i prije). Ali moj prvi instinkt bio je da je Taylor bio, i trebao bi biti Jakob, i da bi knjiga bila najbolja kad glumi glumac koji je emocionalno savrsen za taj dio. Mislim da ce ljubitelji knjige i filma Sumrak biti iznenađeni da je Jacob Black (Taylor), na sceni u Mladom mjesecu, raduje mse sto cu raditi s njime kao i sa ostatko mekipe u ekranizaciji ovog filma.
Sve najbolje
Chris Weitz
evo i nekoliko covera za film Mladi mjesec
to je sve za sad,ali ako nadem jos nesto...sigurno cu to napisati....
-She is brought him to life-