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Nešto o meni...

Odazivam se na: Nekakav nadimak, najčešće na Gigo, Piđo i Tuto, a u zadnje vrijeme se čuje i Čupix
Moje godine: Skoro pa puno, samo 19...
Slušam: PUNK, Rock, nađe se tu i malo metala, nekad i Marinu
Neslušam: mamu, tatu, hIP-hop i rAP, Cajke (iako ih je nemoguće nečuti negdje), haus, techno i takve gluposti
Odakle sam: Iz prelijepog mjesta, u Istočnoj Slavoniji, zvanom Tovarnik
Obrazovanje: ...trenutno sam na PTF - u Osijeku....
Ime nekih ljudi s kojima sam dobar: Stipa, Jura, Matijas, Sepika, Dado, Hrco, Pero, Šerf, Vec, Franjo, Zdrale, Jozo, Darko, Job, Marina, Fleš,... ako netko nije na popisu nek' se javi pa će se udovoljiti njegovom zahtjevu, naravno, ako je to moguće...

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Bad Religion

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There's a place where everyone can be happy.
It's the most beautiful place in the whole fucking world.
It's made of candy canes and planes and bright red choo-choo trains,
And the meanest little boys and the most innocent little girls,
And you know I wish that I could got there.
It's a road that I have not found.
And I wish you the best of luck, dear.
Drop a card or letter to my side of town.
Because there's no time for fussing and fighting my friend,
But baby I'm amazed at the hate that you can send and
You... painted my entire world.
But I... don't have the turpentine to clean what you have soiled.
And I won't forget it.
There's a place where everyone can be right,
Even though you remain determined to be opposed.
Admittance requires no qualifications:
It's where everyone has been and where everybody goes.
So please try not to be impatient,
For we all hate standing in line.
And when the farm is good and bought, you'll be there without a thought,
And eternity, my friend, is a long fucking time.
Because there's no time for fussing and fighting my friend,
But baby I'm amazed at the hate that you can send and
You... painted my entire world.
But I... don't have the turpentine to clean what you have soiled.
And I won't forget it.

Gužva u 16ercu

Prije bi se slupao u drvo
S poršeom od petsto milijardi
Neg što bi te vidio sa drugim
Dudove i orahe da bereš

Dao bi ti prijevozno biciklo
Metalika-ljubičasta boja
U kupus rani da s njim ne zalaziš
Uveče kad večera se sprema

Ma neka me izlome i prelome
Nek mi u čvor oči svežu plave
Nek mi kravu sakatu donesu
Samo ne dirajte gaće njene tamne

I dođe jesen brže nego prije
Vjenčanicu skrojiše joj bijelu
Krmak što na konja više liči
U bubreg mi metne šaku cijelu

I još pokoji šamar on pridoda
Biserne mi zube prepolovi
Dok se valjah po prljavoj bari
Ona ode s mamutom pod ruku

I moju facu zvijezda sad razblista
Istina se razotkrila cijela
Oči tužne neka mi uvenu
Dok u ruci gledam sliku njenu

Crveni makovi

Opet su jutros procvali
i žitu makovi skriveni
Sve su nam njive ovili
cvetovi njihovi crveni
Znaš li majko, majčice
kakvi su ono cvetovi
što rastu po našim njivama
tako divni crveni?
Gorki su, sinko plodovi
čemer je ono procvao
Umesto zlatne pšenice
korov je tamo niknuo
Mnogo je krvi poteklo
polja su nam opustela
Jedino što je ostalo
cvetovi maka crvena

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Hearts On Fire

We saw the writings on the wall
When heathens ruled above us all
Tormented, we still heard the call
You come to bring us down
Wield the scepter, steal the crown
Time on the throne is running out
‘Cause seasons change but we are still the same
Event though the cold winds blow we’re burning like a flame
Hearts On Fire, Hearts On Fire
Burning, burning with desire
Hearts On Fire, Hearts On Fire
Burning, burning with desire
Hearts On Fire, Hearts On Fire
Burning, burning with desire
Burning for the steel
Hearts On Fire
For years shunned by society
Outcasts, condemned for our beliefs
Our legions grew in secrecy
And now, the time is here
I see the Templars everywhere
The Freedom Call is drawing near
We hold our rebel banners up with pride
The colour’s crimson and the Hammer is the sign
Hearts On Fire, Hearts On Fire
Burning, burning with desire
Hearts On Fire, Hearts On Fire
Burning, burning with desire
Hearts On Fire, Hearts On Fire
Burning, burning with desire
Burning for the steel

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Sve ove stranice, gore navedene morate redovito posjećujte i dobro će vam biti u životu... Redovito ih pohodite, jer ako ih ne budete pohodili svi idete u PAKAO.....ha ha ha ha ha...burninmad

Atheist Rap

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...tog sam dana tetoviro dupe nacrto sam 2 labuda bela napiso sam 2 dinara druže i nasliko sta-bljičicu ruže ja to tada nisam mogo znati nešto gadno desiće se zatim uvenuće na dupetu cveće i svetlosti više videt' neće tattoo na dupetu tattoo nevaljali lažni Dimitrije najgori tatto godine su teret vrlo težak svakog dana boralo se dupe isce-di se sva ta farba silna i od gaća ostale su rupe kiselinom kvasio sam asvalt svakog dana krunio se šljunak ukras mi je skoro došo glave kad mi je u vojsci ispo sapun...

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SVE ove stranice nije obavezno posjetiti no u PAKAO se ide ako ih se ne posjeti....

Sunce piči, mi roštiljamo Cure gule krumpir u hladovini Nedjeljom se mi planirano Utapamo u harmoniji Mi znamo sve već o životu I što ti meni imaš pričati Koliko troši benzina u zimskim uvjetima I koji je limar najjeftiniji Divlje izlaske u grad zamijenio je sad Lagani dvokorak uz puni želudac A sada zreli i debeli iscrpljenoj ženi U prolazu dijelimo poljubac Divlje izlaske u grad zamijenio je sad Lagani dvokorak uz puni želudac A sada zreli i debeli iscrpljenoj ženi U prolazu dijelimo poljubac A na roštilju zna se čevapi i kobase Derbi sezone dreči na radiju Sa škembom napred i brade masne Jurimo ka trećem infarktu Zar se ne možete igrat malo dalje I što radi lopta tu u vrućem ugljenu Reko' sam vam već milion puta A sada dođite sami po šamarčinu Divlje izlaske u grad zamijenio je sad Lagani dvokorak uz puni želudac A sada zreli i debeli iscrpljenoj ženi U prolazu dijelimo poljubac




Chop Suey!

Wake up, Grab a brush and put a little (makeup), Grab a brush and put a little, Hide the scars to fade away the (shakeup) Hide the scars to fade away the, Why'd you leave the keys upon the table? Here you go create another fable You wanted to, Grab a brush and put a little makeup, You wanted to, Hide the scars to fade away the shakeup, You wanted to, Why'd you leave the keys upon the table, You wanted to, I don't think you trust, In, my, self righteous suicide, I, cry, when angels deserve to die, Die, Wake up, Grab a brush and put a little (makeup), Grab a brush and put a little, Hide the scars to fade away the (shakeup) Hide the scars to fade away the, Why'd you leave the keys upon the table?
Here you go create another fable You wanted to, Grab a brush and put a little makeup, You wanted to, Hide the scars to fade away the shakeup, You wanted to, Why'd you leave the keys upon the table,
You wanted to, I don't think you trust, In, my, self righteous suicide, I, cry, when angels deserve to die
In my, self righteous suicide, I, cry, when angels deserve to die Father, Father, Father, Father,
Father/ Into your hands/I/commend my spirit, Father, into your hands, Why have you forsaken me,
In your eyes forsaken me, In your thoughts forsaken me, In your heart forsaken, me oh, Trust in my self righteous suicide, I, cry, when angels deserve to die, In my self righteous suicide, I, cry, when angels deserve to die.



He spent fifteen years getting loaded Fifteen years 'till his liver exploded Now what's Bob gonna do now that he can't drink? The doctor said, "What you been thinkin' 'bout?" Bob said, "That's the point, I won't think about nothing Now I gotta do something else," OI OI OI! "To pass the time." Bob shaved his head He got a new identity Sixty-two holed air cushioned boots And a girl who rides a scooter Gonna take him out, of town They would get away Riding around, as the trucks drive by You could here the other fuckers go... A couple of lines, an extra thermos of Joe He'll be kickin' in heads at the punk rock show, yeah Bob's the kinda guy who knows just what Bob's the kinda guy who knows just what to do When the doctor tells him to "Quit your drinkin', now's the time." Will he ever walk the line To all my friends, I feel just great But will he ever walk the line Kickin' ass and bustin' heads Red suspenders Once a day he shaves his head But will he ever walk the line? Will he ever walk the line? Will he ever walk the line? Will he ever walk the line? Oh will he ever walk the line?

04.04.2006., utorak

Nevjerovatno al istinito...FIZIKA...

Nevjerovatno al istinito, dao sam ispit. Prvi. Prvi ispit na fax-u. Sretan sam Nisam više brucoš. Ima već nekih sat i pol. Čovječe to je za nevjerovati već osjećam se kao da imam diplomu u rukama, a tek je prvi ispit. Ma nema veze sretan sam. I to me je prvo srušio, a kad je vidio kako ga gledam tužnim psećim pogledom, kaže on meni: "Kolega šta ću s vama? Ajd dođite još jednom. A ja pomiren s padom gledam i nije mi jasno šta on priča, al idem. I tak pito me neke sitnice koje sam prije par trnutaka pročito i naklapah ja njemu malo i eto moje dvojke, dražesne predivne odlične savršene i prve ocjene u mom index-u, i to iz Fizike...
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