26.09.2007., srijeda

...koji vjeruju u reinkarnaciju samo odgadaju vlastiti zivot

Ja sam jednom imao djetinjstvo.
Stari logor na stablu. Neuporabljivi roštilj, puhaljke i dva psica. Crni i smedi. Našli smo ih napuštene pored kontejnera. Crni nije imao jedno oko. Krali smo mlijeko iz kuca da bi ih nahranili. Oni su trebali biti cuvari. Zacudo, ne mogu se sjetiti kako smo ih zvali.
Nogomet na školi subotom. Istina, rijetko sam igrao. Bio sam ili zamjena ili u najboljem slucaju vratar. Ulica protiv ulice. Zapoceto na nogometu u mirnodopskim uvjetima nastavilo bi se igranjem skrivaca. U ratnoj situaciji vodili bi se bespoštedni ratovi puhaljkama. Mnoga je majka zakukala vidjevši svoga junaka na kraju dana cijelog u modricama. Izgadanog palminim bobicama. To je slicica iz vremena prije 6, 7, 8 godina kad je sve bilo lijepo. KAd bih vam na pitanje sto zelim biti u zivotu odgovorio Kiborg. Sad nista ne bih volio manje od toga. A postajem jedan od njih. 00:00 h
19 mi je godina. Upravo sada. Zapravo nije nego za 6 h i 5 min.
Pravo vrijeme za sumiranje vlastitih neuspjeha. Sutra navecer vec necu sjediti za ovim racunalom. Necu biti u ovoj kuci. Nista vise nece biti isto. I opet, nakon sto sam si 100milijuna puta rekao da necu napisati sladunjavi placipickasti post o odlasku napravio sam to.
Svima, a posebno Amalki zelio bih reci da mi je zao. Bio sam nitkov i to je istina. Sebican, bahat, ogavan. A postojali su ljudi koji bi me od toga lijecili. Mislim da sam veceras u 19:37 izgubio i posljednjeg. Ja sad idem. NEmam pojma hoce li ovo biti zadnji post.
Samo sam vam ovo htio reci. Vidio sam Leonarda Dicaprija mnogo puta kako umire,ali sam samo jednom zbog njega zaplakao. Ne u Titanicu, ne u dnevniku kosarkasa, ne u Romeu i Juliji, nego u Departedu. A departed mi se cak niti ne svida. Ja sam fan paklenih poslova genijalnog azijskog akcica.
I samo nesto jos prije nego se odjavim. Pokusajte postupke drugih pogledati pod vise svjetlosnih filtara. Shvatit cete kako nije sve crno bijelo. Pohabana i pretenciozna izjava, znam, ali morao sam reci, jer sam to zelio vise nego postati kiborgom. Sada reklame i odjava.
- 00:21 - Komentari (2) - Isprintaj - #

18.09.2007., utorak

Ljeto nije ljeto ako ne ostavi pokoju slicicu

--Ultimativni san prosječnog hrvata
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--Ah ovaj hipersenzibilni, mega pjesnički pogled u daljine ((Zapravo fejkersko poziranje))
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--Seoski mudraci
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--Tri kuma-isto ko škoro tomson i bulic
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--Seoski dernek
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--provincijalci i RAFO
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--Kiša feat rokenrol
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--Ljetna najfrizura po izboru hairstyle gurua. Inace neki seljo kojeg ne znamo, al se ovaj friz mora objaviti.
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- 00:07 - Komentari (2) - Isprintaj - #

12.09.2007., srijeda

Action man

-"Mama, hocu baš toga!" viknuo sam i pokazao na Action man-jungle special forces. Ali isti je kao i ovaj tu a gotovo dvostruko skuplji nije se dala majka. Ali mama, ovaj je jungle-task force, a ovaj special force. Kako možeš tvrditi da su jednaki?!
Majka je slegla ramenima i odvela me veselog prema pultu. Izvadila je karticu i platila.
Dobio sam svoga jungle speciala. Devetnaesti u kolekciji.
Ja sam Alex.Imam 9 godina, 19 action mana, 7 G.I Joe-a, 2 dr X-a, 2 X-ova pomocnika, 4 Kena, 5 Barbie i 2 Shelley.
Barbie lutke imam da Action Man-i imaju supruge, Shelley da imaju djecu, a Kenove da u mojim igrama budu obicni civili ili statisti. Jer ja znam da na svijetu nema grada ni filma u kome su svi muškarci zgodni i mišicavi.
Prvu Barbie kupio mi je tata. On se tada prije dvije godine nervozno smješkako trgovcu besmisleno objašnjavajuci kako kupuje Barbie mojoj maloj sestri za rodendan. Ja nemam sestru. Ali zato Action mani imaju žene.
Shelley mi služi samo u scenarijima u kojima bi dr. X oteo kci jednog od Action man-a (onoga koji bi taj dan imao glavnu ulogu) kako bi je onda on spasio iz X-ovih zlih ralja.
Kenovi do rucka uglavnom izginu u unakrsnoj vatri, a zna se dogoditi i da X potkupi kojeg Action mana i pretvori ga u zlocestog. TAj obicno bude jedan od onih ciji dijelovi nisu posve fleksibilni. Al se on naravno u kljucnom trenutku pokaje i baci X-a kroz prozor ili u bacvu sa radioaktivnim otrrovom. Doduše X se u sljedecoj igri vrati još gori i demolira bazu Action mana(koja obicno bude ispod stola) i rani Barbie, a iznervirani Action man krene u bešcutnu osvetu u kojoj X opet strada.
Kako sve ove igracke imaju odjecu koja se može svlaciti tako sam naucio puno o ljudskoj anatomiji.
No ni action mani ni Kenovi ni g.I Joe-ovi ni barbie ni shelley nisu izmedu nogu imali ono što sam ja imao. Pišulinca.
Nekoliko sam puta upitao mamu zbog cega je to tako ali su njeni odgovori redovno bili nedefinirani ili bi jednostavno skrenula s teme.
Uvijek sam htio biti baš kao Action man, i to sam govorio mami i tati, a oni su govorili kako moram jesti mrkvu i špinat i u školi ne izbjegavati tjelesni.
I sve sam to radio, i kupovao odjecu nalik na njihvu, i nosio action mana kod frizerke da mi napravi istu frizuru, ali sve dok je u mojim hlacama živio pišulinac ja nisam mogao biti action-man.
Teta je jednom imala operaciju. Lijecnici su joj odrezali slijepo crijevo.
Znam da je bilo negdje dolje, i pitao sam prijatelja iz razreda,dobro nije mi prijatelj ali je decko iz razreda koji mnogo zna je li pišulinac isto što i slijepo crijevo, a on je rekao da jest, i onda sam ga pitao bih li ja mogao odrezati svoje slijepo crijevo i on je rekao da bi, samo mi trebaju oštre škare i rakija.
Škare sam razumio ali rakija mi nikako nije bila jasna. On je to vidio na filmu.
Trebalo je mjesto gdje je bio pišulinac preliti rakijom kako bakterije ne bi pojele moj organizam.
Došao sam iz škole, otišao u podrum, uzeo tatine škare za živicu, iz mini-bara izvadio bocu s rakijom i otišao u podrum. Ponio sam još samo action mana da mi pravi društvo jer sam znao da ce boljeti, a kako oni nikada ne placu, znao sam da necu ni ja onda plakati.
Uzeo sam škare, zatvorio oci i cvrsto stisnuo. Krv je pocela curiti iz mog slijepog crijeva. Boljelo je. Vrištao sam kao lud, a onda je crijevo otpalo. Sam sam isti kao Actionman. On je samo buljio u mene.
Pogledao sam dolje i vidio krv. Mnogo krvi. Pao sam u nesvjest.
Probudio sam se u bolnici. Mama je plakala,a tata je pricao s doktorom.
Sad sam isti kao action man rekao sam mami. Ona je još neutješnije pocela plakati. Donestite mi Action mana u bolnicu šaptao sam.
Nema ih više sine. Nema više action mana.
Pridružio sam se majci u placu.
Prišili su mi moje slijepo crijevo. A action mane dali siromašnoj djeci.
Tada sam shvatio da su mama i tata pomocnici Dr X-a.
Osveta ce biti moja.

- 00:30 - Komentari (4) - Isprintaj - #



Messenger ne koristim

Porcupine tree-Sentimental

I never want to be old
And I don't want dependence
It's no fun to be told
That you can't blame your parents anymore

I'm finding it hard
To hang from a star
I don't want to be...
Never want to be old

Sullen and bored the kids stay
And in this way wish away each day
Stoned in the mall the kids play
And in this way wish away each day

I don't really know
If I care what is normal
And I'm not really sure
If the pills I've been taking are helping

I've wasted my life
And I'm hurting inside
I don't really know
And I'm not really sure...

Sullen and bored the kids stay
And in this way wish away each day
Stoned in the mall the kids play
And in this way wish away each day

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The stranglers-No more heroes

Whatever happened to Leon Trotsky?
He got an ice pick
That made his ears burn
Whatever happened to dear old Lenny?
The great Elmyra and Sancho Panza?
Whatever happened to the heroes?
Whatever happened to the heroes?

Whatever happened to all the heroes?
All the Shakespearoes?
They watched their Rome burn
Whatever happened to all the heroes?
Whatever happened to all the heroes?

No more heroes any more
No more heroes any more

Whatever happened to all the heroes?
All the Shakespearoes?
They watched their Rome burn
Whatever happened to the heroes?
Whatever happened to the heroes?

No more heroes any more
No more heroes any more

Anti-flag-"Anatomy Of Your Enemy"

10 easy steps to create an enemy and start a war:
Listen closely because we will all see this weapon used in our lives.
It can be used on a society of the most ignorant to the most highly educated.
We need to see their tactics as a weapon against humanity and not as truth.

First step: create the enemy. Sometimes this will be done for you.

Second step: be sure the enemy you have chosen is nothing like you.
Find obvious differences like race, language, religion, dietary habits
fashion. Emphasize that their soldiers are not doing a job,
they are heartless murderers who enjoy killing!

Third step: Once these differences are established continue to reinforce them
with all disseminated information.

Fourth step: Have the media broadcast only the ruling party's information
this can be done through state run media.
Remember, in times of conflict all for-profit media repeats the ruling party's information.
Therefore all for-profit media becomes state-run.

Fifth step: show this enemy in actions that seem strange, militant, or different.
Always portray the enemy as non-human, evil, a killing machine.


Sixth step: Eliminate opposition to the ruling party.
Create an "Us versus Them" mentality. Leave no room for opinions in between.
One that does not support all actions of the ruling party should be considered a traitor.

Seventh step: Use nationalistic and/or religious symbols and rhetoric to define all actions.
This can be achieved by slogans such as "freedom loving people versus those who hate freedom."
This can also be achieved by the use of flags.

Eighth step: Align all actions with the dominant deity.
It is very effective to use terms like, "It is god's will" or "god bless our nation."

Ninth step: Design propaganda to show that your soldiers
have feelings, hopes, families, and loved ones.
Make it clear that your soldiers are doing a duty; they do not want or like to kill.

Tenth step: Create and atmosphere of fear, and instability
and then offer the ruling party as the only solutions to comfort the public's fears.
Remembering the fear of the unknown is always the strongest fear.

[Chorus (repeat)]

We are not countries. We are not nations. We are not religions.
We are not gods. We are not weapons. We are not ammunition. We are not killers.
We will NOT be tools.

Mother fuckers
I will not die
I will not kill
I will not be your slave
I will not fight your battle
I will not die on your battlefield
I will not fight for your wealth
I am not a fighter
I am a human being!!!

Mars volta-Day Of The Baphomets

Sawing off the pavement
repenting their past lives
might i be the only payment left
to be left behind
clay and pigment footsteps
rust it boiling clean
our bull let in linguistics
that only we can breathe

i gotta prayer that'll make you theirs now
beneath sepulchers
raise your entrails as an offer

fondling with pitchforks
in a cattle prodded sea
signaling the sedatives
to emaciate their queen
bowing in constriction
anytime you leave
we snuffed ourselves an angel
and cut her by the wings

i gotta prayer that'll make you theirs now
beneath sepulchers
raise your entrails as an offer

in my sight i was born
to bring death at the footsteps of your home
i have sewn
all the hair and crooked nails
that you all have worn
while your wife
sits at home
i plant the vermin
because she needs it so

how long must we fold by hand
the nuns are burning wheels again
dent of mattress to make it bare
come clean with the anecdote
after all we came undone
pale of sluts with host at fault
one day we won't pay your debt
our centipedes will get theirs yet

poachers in your home
poachers in your home

how long must we fold by hand
the nuns are burning wheels again
dent of mattress to make it bare
come clean with the anecdote
after all we came undone
pale of sluts with host at fault
one day we won't pay your debt
our centipedes will get theirs yet

fold the river by the lips
as a cruel and smothered wind
fits the gash with ornaments
dawn is nodding off again
raised the braille to read it clear
gathered by the cholera
rinse the burns in cauldrons
help the palm we see a lens
my hands secrete a monument
my hands secrete a monument

i am the reason
four your missing child
they might be home
but there's no trace
under your pillow
i have left a spine
oh the things we do
when you're away
i saw the message
that you wrote in the sand
dismembered hints that carve away
the anesthetic of your gospel said
put a muzzle on the lamb

give me one page
give me one page
make it blank
mace that i leak
will rain
give me one page
give me one page
make it blank
race i inflict
your way

maybe one day you'll stop and realize
the throne that you serve is dead

give me a plague
give me a plague
make it blank
nothing you own is safe

The coral-I remember when

I remember when I saw the sea freeze
But it said nothing about the birds and the bees
They were swarming around my head
You'd be better off dead

But I ain't going down like that
I ain't going down like that

Cos I'm better than him and I know where I've been
You know where god I'm bound
And I'm higher to sin but don't we all sin
If that is the truth then the truth is grim
Now it ain't easy in jail, the stories for sale
Your father has died while he's gripped for bail
He points to the west and he leaves out the rest
And wants you to be his special guest


I remember when I saw the leaves fall
I was in the woods, and the gown you wouldn't wear to the Ball
Into the ditch I fly
Wanted dead or alive

But I ain't going down like that
No I ain't going down like that

Cos I'm better than him and I know where I've been
You know where god I'm bound
And I'm higher to sin but don't we all sin
If that is the truth then the truth is grim
Now it ain't easy in jail, the stories for sale
Your father has died while he's gripped for bail
He points to the west and he leaves out the rest
And wants you to be his special guest


Hi Hi Hi

Cos I'm better than him and I know where I've been
You know where god I'm bound
And I'm higher to sin but don't we all sin
If that is the truth then the truth is grim

The Shins

"Gone For Good"

Untie me, I've said no vows
The train is getting way too loud
I gotta leave here my girl
Get on with my lonely life

Just leave the ring on the rail
For the wheels to nullify

Until this turn in my head
I let you stay and you paid no rent
I spent twelve long months on the lam

That's enough sitting on the fence
For the fear of breaking dams

I find a fatal flaw
In the logic of love
And go out of my head

You love a sinking stone
That'll never elope
So get used to the lonesome
Girl, you must atone some
Don't leave me no phone number there

It took me all of a year
To put the poison pill to your ear
But now I stand on honest ground, on honest ground

You want to fight for this love
But honey you cannot wrestle a dove
So baby it's clear

You want to jump and dance
But you sat on your hands
And lost your only chance

Go back to your hometown
Get your feet on the ground
And stop floating around

I find a fatal flaw
In the logic of love
And go out of my head

You love a sinking stone
That'll never elope
So get used to used to the lonesome
Girl, you must atone some
Don't leave me no phone number there

Svima koji su zainteresirani da mi nanesu teske tjelesne ozlijede, otruju me kukutom, posalju mi svoje slike u raznim pozama koje njihov lokalni svecenik(ne)bi odobrio, zaljube se u mene, suraduju sa mnom, isprintaju i pikadom gadaju poklanjam jednuu slicicu mene(u tmurnoj pozi).
Ja vas sve volim, bez obzira koliko zelite moju smrt.


To je moja Lucy,saslusava kad imam sto za reci,govori kada imam sto slusati,i cesto me spusti na zemlju kada se neopravdano podignem
Jedan goticar,zgodan,zaposlen mladic koji od zivota ima sve sto se pozeljeti moze,posao,bend,bubnjeve,
poeziju,crnu odjecu,i veliku mudrost

Mala pankerica koja eksplodira iz sarenila boja,oblika i isijava optimizmom koji je meni nekad prijeko potreban(A i zajebaje se(narko-fifi)
dok je ovakvih ljudi ima i nade u bolje sutra,barem se nadam
mrtva patka zivi vjecno,bez obzira na rijetka pojavljivanja
vegashin,covjek kojeg poznajem kratko i povrsno,no do
Novi u linkovima. Jednostavno dobro. Pogledati!

Prah su bili...


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