Puzzle Pirates Baš ništa pametno

Baš ništa pametno

nedjelja, 24.02.2008.

Opet počeh razmišljati (malo)

Kehov poluvrisak je privukao pozornost ostalih u blizini. Prva ga je sustigla kapetanova reakcija
sužavanja očiju i mrštenja koja je vjerojatno nosila poruku „Što ti je, pazi kako se ponašaš, to nije dostojno ponašanje jednog časnika“-ali ipak nije rekao ništa nego je sve ostalo na pogledu, opasnom i sugestivnom pogledu koji je nagovještavao nastavak priče, ali kasnije.
Delajlina reakcija je pak više bila kompliment „Pa ja mislim da bi se malo ljudi usudilo napraviti ovako nešto, divim vam se“-to, blagi pogled njenih plavih očiju i osmijeh na ------ usnama..
Radi toga se Keh posramio svoje reakcije i pognuo glavu nadajući se da će propasti u zemlju dok mu je srce kucalo sto na sat i počeo se lagano preznojavati. U trenutku je zaboravio situaciju u kojoj su i sve zbog čega je bio kivan i pokušavao se usredotočiti na novonastalu situaciju i kako da se izvuče iz nje.
Jedino što je uspio sročiti bilo je „H…Hvala“-zbog toga ga je prošao još jedan val preznojavanja.
Sad već mokar od glave do pete nije mogao smisliti sljedeći potez, nego se samo nadao da će im nešto drugo zaokupiti pozornost i da će zaboraviti na njega.
Srećom nije morao dugo čekati.
„A tu smo“ reče Delilah i uđe u naizgled jednu od mnogih istih hala. Al ipak su zamijetili da je ova bila posebna po nečemu, svi su to osjećali ali nisu shvatili točno po čemu. Već im je previše bilo i to što će upoznati „ludog izumitelja“ o kojem su čuli jako puno, znali užasno malo, a trebali ga nagovorit ga na još više.
Jedino je Keh koji je još uvijek bio pod utjecajem adrenalina primjetio posebnost te hale. To je bila okolina koja je bila vrlo lijepo uređena. U njenoj blizini se nalazila šuma kao i u blizini ostalih, ali ovdje je bio jedan malo veći šumski put pored kojeg je bilo zasađeno razno cvijeće. Prije šume, na još osunčanoj livadi su bile ruže koje su se penjale uz zid od drvenih letvica a bilo ih je šest, i na svakom su ruže bile drugačije boje i izgleda. Naravno nisu to bili samo zidovi razbacani po livadi nego su imali i krov iznad sebe, te su tvorili nekakvu vrtnu kućicu u u kojoj su bili stol i stolice. Na stolu je bilo nekoliko šalica i čajnik. Činilo se kao lijepo mjesto za opustiti se i razmišljati.
„Lijepo izgleda.“ prišulja mu se Delilah s leđa.
Keh je odskočio od zemlje, uhvatio se za srce te ju pogledao, nasmješio se od uha do uha i rekao “ Je istina, al mi se nemoj više tako prišuljavati ostavit će me herc“.
„Idemo unutra“.
Dok su ulazili Keh se okrenuo da još jednom baci pogled na taj opuštajući zeleni prizor i u tom trenutku je žalio što on nije odrastao na ovakvom mjestu. Ne u onoj prašini u blizini pustinje gdje je jedinih nekoliko biljaka koje su bile dovoljno otporne da izrastu poprimile boju pijeska i više manje izgledale sablasno. Mjesto gdje kiša pada užasno rijetko, a snijeg nije vidio do dvadest i neke dok s kapetanom nije zaglavio na Emphisu koji je konstantno pod snježnim pokrivačem.
Zbog toga događaja ima laganu fobiju od snijega jer je u tih pet dana koliko su bili zarobljeni na planetu skoro izgubio prste zbog smrzavanja.
„KEH!!! Spavaš “-opet prijekorni pogled kapetana.
„Koncentriraj se na zadatak“
U ovom si trenutku Keh misli što je on skrivio piscu da ima pik na njega i stalno ga uvaljuje u probleme. Ali nezna da je ovo samo početak, nemože ni slutiti u kakve ću ga još nevolje uvaliti, njega i sve ostale.
Ušli su u hangar, napokon.

24.02.2008. u 23:21 • 2 KomentaraPrint#

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Moj mali grad, slobodno se doselite ako vam se sviđa:)

Samo mali kiss da se snovi nastave...


Moj Taekwondo klub
Preko ruba znanosti
Preko ruba..3
Mrtva kopriva
A je to

Koja pametna :)

Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better.

Razvedri se! Najgore tek dolazi.

"Ako nije istinito, dobro je smišljeno." (Giordano Bruno)

Ako se smiješ dok sve ide kvragu, znači da si već našao nekoga na koga ćeš svaliti krivicu.

Ne svađajte se s budalama. Promatrači neće primijetiti razliku.

Ako ti sreća okrene leđa, samo je šutni u dupe!

Život ne treba shvatiti preozbiljno. Uostalom tko se živ iz njega izvukao?

Bolje šest sati u školi nego uopće ne spavati.

Tko god kaže 'lako kao oteti djetetu slatkiš', ocito nikada nije pokušao oteti djetetu slatkiš" Robin Hood

Inače živim po načelima:
Živjet ću vječno, ili umrijet pokušavajući.

Za par godina ću vjerojatno koristit:
Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter.

Muškarci misle da bi se o računalima trebalo govoriti u ženskom rodu, jer:
Nitko osim njihovog tvorca ne razumije njihovu logiku.
Jezik kojim komuniciraju međusobno je nerazumljiv svima ostalima.
Poruka "Bad Command or File Name" je otprilike jednako informativna kao
i "ako ne znaš zašto sam ljuta na tebe, ja ti sigurno neću reći!"
I najmanje greške se pohranjuju u trajnu memoriju za kasnije pregledavanje.
Čim se posvetite jednome, potrošite pola plaće na dodatke.
Propuste nešto jednom mjesečno i podivljaju.
Godinama radiš istu stvar i onda odjednom ne valja.zubo

Black Sabath

Finished with my woman cause she couldnt help me with my mind
People think Im insane because I am browning all the time
All day long I think of things but nothing seems to satisfy
Think Ill lose my mind if I dont find something to pacify

Can you help me thought you were my friend
Whoah yeah

I need someone to show me the things in life that I cant find
I cant see the things that make true happiness, I must be blind

Make a joke and I will sigh and you will laugh and I will cry
Happiness I cannot feel and love to me is so unreal

And so as you hear these words telling you now of my state
I tell you to enjoy life I wish I could but its too late

Sonata arctica
Remember when we used to look how sun set far away?
the walk we took that night
I hope your wish came true, mine betrayed me

You let my hand go, and you fake a smile for me
I have a feeling you don't know what to do
I look deep in your eyes, hesitate a while...

Why are you crying?

Tallulah, It's easier to live alone than fear the time it's over
Tallulah, find the words and talk to me ,oh, Tallulah,
This could be... heaven

I see you walking hand in hand with long-haired drummer of the band
In love with her or so it seems, he's dancing with my beauty queen
Don't even dare to say you hi, still swallowing the goodbye
But I know the feelings still alive- still alive

I lost my patience once, so do you punish me now
I'll always love you, no matter what you do
I'll win you back for me if you give me a chance
But there is one thing you must understand

Iron Maiden
The Reincarnation Of Benjamin Breeg
Let me tell you about my life
Let me tell you about my dreams
Let me tell you about the things that happen
Always real to me

Let me tell you of my hope
Of my need to reach the sky
Let me take you on an awkward journey
Let me tell you why
Let me tell you why

Why should these curses be laid upon me
I won't be forgiven 'till I can brake free
What did I do to deserve all this guilt
Pay for my sins with the sale of my soul
Demons are trapped all inside of my head
My hopes are gone reach for heaven from hell

My sins are many my guilt is too heavy
The pressure of knowing of hiding what I know
I'm able to see things
Things I don't want to see
The lives of a thousand souls
Weigh heavy down on me

I know they're crying for help reaching out
The burden of them will take me down as well
The sin of a thousand souls not died in vain
Reincarnate still in me live again

Someone to save me
Something to save me from myself
To bring the salvation
To exorcise this hell

Someone to save me
Something to save me from myself
To bring the salvation
To exorcise this hell

Someone to save me
Something to save me from my hell
A destination
Away from this nightmare

Someone to save me
Something to save me from myself
To bring the salvation
To exorcise this hell

The End

This is the end Beautiful friend
This is the end My only friend,
the end Of our elaborate plans,
the end Of everything that stands,
the end No safety or surprise,
the end I'll never look into your eyes...again
Can you picture what will be
So limitless and free
Desperately in need...of some...stranger's hand In a...desperate land
Lost in a Roman...wilderness of pain
And all the children are insane
All the children are insane
Waiting for the summer rain, yeah
There's danger on the edge of town
Ride the King's highway, baby
Weird scenes inside the gold mine
Ride the highway west, baby
Ride the snake, ride the snake
To the lake, the ancient lake, baby
The snake is long, seven miles
Ride the snake...he's old, and his skin is cold
The west is the best The west is the best
Get here, and we'll do the rest
The blue bus is callin' us The blue bus is callin' us
Driver, where you taken' us
The killer awoke before dawn, he put his boots on
He took a face from the ancient gallery
And he walked on down the hall
He went into the room where his sister lived,
and...then he
Paid a visit to his brother, and then he
He walked on down the hall, and
And he came to a door...and he looked inside
Father, yes son, I want to kill you Mother...
I want to...fuck you C'mon baby, take a chance with us
C'mon baby, take a chance with us
C'mon baby, take a chance with us
And meet me at the back of the blue bus
Doin' a blue rock On a blue bus Doin' a blue rock C'mon, yeah
Kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill
This is the end Beautiful friend
This is the end My only friend, the end It hurts to set you free
But you'll never follow me
The end of laughter and soft lies
The end of nights we tried to die
This is the end

The Clansman

Wake alone in the hills
With the wind in your face
It feels good to be proud
And be free and a race
That is part of a clan
And to live on highlands
And the air that you breathe
So pure and so clean

When alone on the hills
With the wind in your hair
With a longing to feel
Just to be free

It is right to believe
In the need to be free
It's a time when you die
And without asking why
Can't you see what they do
They are grinding us down
They are taking our land
That belongs to the clans

Not alone with a dream
Just a want to be free
With a need to belong
I am a clansman...Freedom

It's a time wrough with fear
It's a land wrough with change
Ancestors could hear
What is happening now
They would turn in their graves
They would all be ashamed
That the land of the free
Has been written in chains

And I know what I want
When is timing is right
Then I'll take what is mine
I am the clansman

And I swear to defend
And we'll fight to the end
And I swear that I'll never
Be taken alive
And I know that we'll stand
And we'll fight for our land
And I swear that my bairns
Will be born free

And I know what I want
When is timing is right
Then I'll take what is mine
I am the clansman... Freedom

No, no we can't let them take anymore
No we can't let them take anymore
We've the land of the free

It's a time wrough with fear
It's a land wrough with change
Ancestors could hear
What is happening now
They would turn in their graves
They would all be ashamed
That the land of the free
Has been written in chains

And I know what I want
When is timing is right
Then I'll take what is mine
I am the clansman... Freedom