ponedjeljak, 25.02.2008.



attosecond - a definition from WhatIs.com - This definition follows US usage in which a billion is a thousand million and a trillion is a 1 followed by 12 zeros.) An attosecond is one quintillionth ...

1 E-18 s - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 1 attosecond (1 as) – estimated time it takes for an atomic nucleus to recoil; about 100 attoseconds – record for shortest time interval measured as of ...

Attosecond Technology - The UK Attosecond Technology project - investigating the generation, measurement and application of attosecond duration light pulses.

Attosecond pulse generation and detection - The conjecture of producing a train of attosecond pulses using high-order harmonic generation (HHG) has been put forward almost 10 years ago. ...

Attosecond Physics & High-Order Harmonic Generation - Homepage of the Attosecond Physics & High-Order Harmonic Generation group at the Lund Institute of Technology.

ATTOWORLD: attosecond science comes of age - Welcome to the website of the MPQ-LMU Laboratory for Attosecond & High-Field Physics (LAP). Prof. Ferenc Krausz. *** recent progress in attosecond science ...

attosecond, attoseconds- WordWeb dictionary definition - Derived forms: attoseconds. Type of: time unit, unit of time. Part of: femtosecond. Encyclopedia: Attosecond. Nearest ...

Here Comes the Attosecond - Before going further, what is an attosecond? It's 10-18 second or just a billionth of a billionth of a second. This article from DISCOVER says that ...

- Attosecond Technology - The UK Attosecond Technology project - investigating the generation, measurement and application of attosecond duration light pulses.

1 E-18 s - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - An attosecond is one billionth of one billionth of a second. ( One attosecond is to one second what one second is to the age of the universe. ...

Attosecond Physics & High-Order Harmonic Generation - Homepage of the Attosecond Physics & High-Order Harmonic Generation group at the Lund Institute of Technology. ... laser and the attosecond pulse train using a ...

Amazon.com: "attosecond pulses": Key Phrase page - Key Phrase page for attosecond pulses: Books containing the phrase attosecond pulses ... Physics of Plasmas, Typical X-ray, attosecond laser pulses, gas jet position, ...

- laser pulses open one to two windows (slits) of attosecond duration for photoionization. ... of the fringes makes possible interferometry on the attosecond ...

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