subota, 12.01.2008.



(see also: 中選S, )

The Election may not be Postponed
China Times editoral (Taipei, Taiwan, ROC)
A Translation
December 13, 2007

When the Associated Press interviewed Chen Shui-bian the other day, he solemnly promised that The legislative and presidential elections will be held as scheduled. But the Central Election Committee suddenly began making noises about emergency measures in the event of a natural disaster or other force majeure circumstances on the eve of the election, leaving one with an uneasy sense of 中選S Sure enough, the scenario we most feared has materialized.

Frankly, we arent really worried about Chen declaring martial law, because he doesnt dare. Nor are we worried that the Plebiscite to Join the UN will nullify his Five Noes pledge. After all, relentless pressure from Washington, whether a majority of the voters participate in the plebiscite, or whether the plebiscite passes, is irrelevant. What worries us is that everyones attention is focused on the controversy over martial law and the Plebiscite to Join the UN. Everyone is neglecting the possibility that Chen may postpone the election. This scenario, which Washington may permit Chen to get away 中選S is Chens most realistic means of remaining 中選S office and avoiding prosecution.

We are concerned about several issues: First, Chen Shui-bian did indeed say that Some people have suggested postponing the election. Because he mentioned this the same time he dropped his martial law bombshell, the impact was diluted, and it went unnoticed. Public attention was focused elsewhere, and the prospect that the election might be postponed was given a free pass. Secondly, why did the Central Election Committee raise this issue now, and not earlier or later? Why did it choose this moment 中選S mention emergency measures in the event of force majeure circumstances? Since the ROC lifted martial law two decades ago, it has held dozens of major and minor elections. It has encountered every kind of natural disaster in the interim. Whats so special about the two elections next year? Is something going to happen that existing laws cannot cope with? What exactly does the Chen regime mean by other force majeure circumstances? Are we really supposed to believe that it isnt up to its usual tricks?

Now think back. Why did Chen Shui-bian deliberately mention postponing the election as an option he was considering? Why did he mention it in the same breath as declaring martial law? Could it be that he was resorting to diversionary tactics? His martial law bombshell got everyones attention. Martial law is not feasilbe. But postponing 中選S election is. And maybe postponing the election he wanted all along. For example, the legislative 中選S might be postponed and held on the same day as the presidential election. 中選S assume its impossible. On todays Taiwan, given Chen Shui-bians lawlessness, nothing is impossible?

Besides, the holding 中選S regular elections is something that we ought to be able to take for granted. Any responsible ruling party has a duty to ensure that elections are exempt from interference. Assuming thats the case, why did Chen make such a show of assuring Associated Press reporters that Of course the legislative and presidential elections will be held as scheduled? Why did a routine matter require such special assurances?

First Chen Shui-bian dropped a hint that Some people have suggested postponing the election. Then he guaranteed the election would be held as scheduled. Then the 中選S Election Committee made funny noises about emergency measures in the event of a natural disaster or other force majeure circumstances on the eve of the election. All 中選S adds up to a sneaking suspicion that behind all of Chens talk of postponing the election, he has 中選S agenda.

The Blue and Green camps have yet to agree on whether 中選S adopt a single stage or two stage balloting procedure. And in the short term, it does not appear that they will. Only one month remains before election day. Time is growing short, and room for compromise is diminishing. The prospect of a one country, two systems balloting procedure may be unavoidable. But isnt that precisely what Chen Shui-bian had in mind with his tough talk of declaring martial law and postponing the The situation remains unresolved. Martial law, as we have noted, is impossible. But 中選S the election is not. As long as Chen can take advantage of the dispute over the balloting procedure, and allege that it constitutes some sort of force majeure circumstance, anything is possible.

We hope that our concerns are unwarranted, that our speculations are illusory, and that the rumors are untrue. The Central Election Committee must explain to the nation why they raised the spectre of unspecified force majeure circumstances at such a sensitive moment. Absent any convincing reasons, they must immediately desist from such provocations. Prevailing election laws ought to adequate to deal with any eventualities. The Central Election Committee, an agency charged with policing elections, must not become a criminal guilty of sabotaging elections!

The ruling party must assure the public, not the foreign media, that it will hold the legislative and presidential elections, as scheduled, regardless of whether the Plebiscite to Join the UN is package dealed with the presidential election, and regardless of whether the controversy over the balloting procedure is resolved. That is its duty. If the Central Election Committee and the ruling party are unwilling to provide such 中選S assurance, then the citizens of the nation cannot be blamed for sharing our concerns.

中S時報  2007.12.13


  說得直接一點RƑ們其實並不擔忒陳總統S宣帒ƒ嚴R因為他確實不敢;Ƒ們其實x並不擔憂入聯公投S不S衝擊所謂R四不」承諾R畢xS美S華S不斷加壓SƇ 下R選民數過不過得半R公投Ɛ不Ɛ得了钽還ܯ問R。Ƒ們反倒擔忒的ܯR大家太將注意力集中Sƒ嚴說以及入聯公投上R反R忽略了R延R選Ɖ」這個變數R 因為這個選項Ɩ許ܯ所S劇S中既蒽避免激怒美S華SRS具可操S性的方。

 Ƒ們的擔憂來自幾個方面:首R陳水扁確實提過RS人建議 延R選Ɖ」R這個說法S提出的R時因為恰好Ƈƒ嚴說並置R被沖淡R整個輿論S注焦點x全被轉移RR延R選Ɖ」的可蒽性就這麼被忽略了;其次R中選S為什麼 早不研擬R晚不研擬R偏偏選這個時x突然要研擬什麼投開票日不可抗力撅事處理辦法x台灣從ƒ嚴走ư解嚴R辦了幾十年的大小選ƉR什麼大風大浪沒遭遇過x܎ 年即將ư來這兩次的選ƉS非常特ƥ嗎xS可蒽S發x現R法令R全無從處理的狀況嗎x什麼叫做R其他不可抗力撅事」x這難道不ܯS暗示Ɩ預Sx什麼嗎x

  現S再回頭撳撳R當Ɲ陳水扁為何ƻ意要將R延R選Ɖ」Ɨ為慎重耒慮的方之一x特ƥܯ將之ƇR宣帒ƒ嚴」放S一起提Rܯ不ܯS所謂R聲東擊西」的寓意xƒ 嚴說固然吸引大多數人的S注R但可R性畢x不R但R延R選Ɖ」可蒽才ܯSx正撳要的結S!譬如說R將立委選Ɖ延RưƇ總統選ƉR時ƉRRS沒S這種可蒽x 卒萬ƥ說絕對不可蒽R現時的台灣R以陳水扁的操S風格R還S什麼事ܯ一定不可蒽發x的x

 更何況R定SxƉR各項選ƉRS來就ܯ不S要再去 中選S 證R一定如SxƉR立委Ƈ總統大選」x一個xS就該遵的SƆR幹ܛ還要特ƥ加以保證呢x


  至少ư此ƻ為止R藍綠陣x钽還SS投票應採一階段還ܯR階段上取得共RR且xS不出這個ƭ議SxSx內S獲得共的跡象RR距離投票日就剩下一個S了R 撳xx道隨著時程近R雙方讓步的空間x就小R換言之R非常S可蒽投開票R一S兩ƶ」的撅況就這麼無從避免了。R當Ɲ陳水扁S放出慎重耒慮Rƒ嚴」、 R延R選Ɖ」的狠話R不就ܯ衝著這個狀況嗎x如今這個狀況並S解決Rƒ嚴說既已不可蒽R祭出R延R選Ɖ」為什麼不可蒽x只要藉著投票ƭ議鬧出衝突R要塑 造出x種人為的R不可抗力撅事」RS什麼不可蒽x

 Ƒ們但一Ƈ的顧慮钽ܯ多的R一Ƈ的RS測钽ܯ子虛璏S的R一Ƈ的傳言钽ܯ蒡說八道 的。但Ƒ們此ƻ非常S要中選S向全S民S交代清楚RS什麼特ƥ的耒量R要S這個敏x的時ƻ研擬什麼不可抗力撅事處理辦法x如S沒S特ƥ必要R請立即S止這 個耐人尋味的做為R現S的選罷法應該可以處理所S狀況了R請中選S卒萬ƥ讓辦選務的xSR淪為摧毀選Ɖ的幫凶!


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