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Blog description
For my dear friends far far away... a diary of my wonderful life in the lovely country of Croatia.

Explanation to all who wonder why this blog is in English:
my dear friends, to whom I write this instead of e-mails, are not Croatian. They’re from all over the world. So, I write in English, which all of my friends, whether Croatian, or Japanese, of French, or Mexican, can understand.

Noriko's Web Page
Gabi's Work in Progress

Forgot my e-m@il?

The last movie I've seen...
I can't seem to find the time to go see a movie. Or the will. Or the money :).

Alexander the Great

Horrible, horrible movie. Don't go and see it is my honest advice.

The Chronicles of Riddick

What can I say? Vin Diesel. If this were the worst movie in the history of movie making, I’d still love it. But it was quite good, actually. Sort of like Conan in space, but with a much, much hotter guy in the main role. Vin Diesel. Ah, he could make a movie about him walking around in an empty room for two hours doing nothing and I’d think it was the movie of the year :). (oh, and this stays here until I see a new movie with Vinnie boy :)))

The book(s) I'm reading these days...
Right now I've got the new Terry Pratchett - "Monstrus Regiment". It's too serious for a Discworld book so far.

Damn useful!
Don't know what to do with your time? The Internet is a great source of fun and knowledge!


Hyperdictionary - the better to understand the English language. Has a dream dictionary too. Great page.


Internet Archive - "Universal access to human knowledge" - come here and learn something!


Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - the link says it all


Sci-Tech Today - latest news from science and technology


Internet Movie Database - any movie, any time. On your desk at your disposal.


Bored.com - Bored? Click away!


18.02.2005., petak

Man, I'm pretty :)

It's another horrible morning; the view through my window hasn't gotten any better, the cat is annoying again and I feel incredibly lazy.
I hate the view through my window. When you grow up in one of the greenest parts of town, and play in your own and your neighbor’s gardens, it’s very hard to get used to gray buildings all around you. It’s just so… depressing. I can see one tree out there. One. One tree and fifteen gray or grayish buildings. It sucks.

Great start of the day.
I say start since I woke up at noon because I was watching old episodes of Star Trek until, oh, three, four in the morning.

It's surprising how quickly I get switched over to night mode. I am a night person, I function much better after five in the afternoon, and never, ever function good in the morning. The most horrible thing to me is the idea I have to get up early. Say about 6, or even 7 am. My whole body is made to function later. I don’t have an appetite in the morning. I cannot think clearly in the morning. It takes me ages to get used to getting up early.
It takes me exactly a day to go back to staying up until the dawn. I get the best ideas around midnight. Everything I ever did, college work or work in general, I always got praised for the work I did around 1 am.

So, I think I can safely say, there are two kinds of people – those who can get up early, and those who can stay up late.

My mother can’t sleep after 6am. She always gets up, even if she has nothing to do. My dad can’t get up before 8 am earliest. To him waking up earlier that that is impossible (it’s safe to guess which one I resemble more :))).
One of the happier times I had was working a graveyard shift at our resort. That was heaven, I finally found a job I can do with pleasure – during the night and with as little human contact as possible.

I said I’ll do a recap of my adventures and a sort of “what I learned from concert planning” story (like first graders homework, oh my :))).
I’ll tell you what I learned – I’m no good at human contact. I’m no good at conversations. I’m great at planning, seeing the big and the small picture, I’m great at getting ideas how we can make something better, I’m great at delegating and I’m quite good at listening. I’m no good at conversing.
I can stay up late and make little excel sheets with plans and numbers, but I’m just no damn good at sitting on the phone and getting what I want from people. I don’t have those skills to befriend someone in five minutes. I have no idea how to do something like that.
I really am a true introvert.

Oh, look at this post, it’s just me, me, me :))). I begin to sound like Johnny Bravo :). hey there sexy mamma :).
Well, I guess today is all about me :).

So, enough about me, let’s talk about me some more :).
I am thinking I have to find a job that has something to do with planning and managing. Anybody got some kind of a job like that to offer me? I’d be really good at it :).


- 13:26 - Comments? (1) - -