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Blog description
For my dear friends far far away... a diary of my wonderful life in the lovely country of Croatia.

Explanation to all who wonder why this blog is in English:
my dear friends, to whom I write this instead of e-mails, are not Croatian. They’re from all over the world. So, I write in English, which all of my friends, whether Croatian, or Japanese, of French, or Mexican, can understand.

Noriko's Web Page
Gabi's Work in Progress

Forgot my e-m@il?

The last movie I've seen...
I can't seem to find the time to go see a movie. Or the will. Or the money :).

Alexander the Great

Horrible, horrible movie. Don't go and see it is my honest advice.

The Chronicles of Riddick

What can I say? Vin Diesel. If this were the worst movie in the history of movie making, I’d still love it. But it was quite good, actually. Sort of like Conan in space, but with a much, much hotter guy in the main role. Vin Diesel. Ah, he could make a movie about him walking around in an empty room for two hours doing nothing and I’d think it was the movie of the year :). (oh, and this stays here until I see a new movie with Vinnie boy :)))

The book(s) I'm reading these days...
Right now I've got the new Terry Pratchett - "Monstrus Regiment". It's too serious for a Discworld book so far.

Damn useful!
Don't know what to do with your time? The Internet is a great source of fun and knowledge!


Hyperdictionary - the better to understand the English language. Has a dream dictionary too. Great page.


Internet Archive - "Universal access to human knowledge" - come here and learn something!


Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - the link says it all


Sci-Tech Today - latest news from science and technology


Internet Movie Database - any movie, any time. On your desk at your disposal.


Bored.com - Bored? Click away!


16.02.2005., srijeda

Nothing can rival that feeling in the morning, when you’ve just woken up and you’re stretching in bed with last night’s dreams still fresh in mind, lazily contemplating the shadows on the ceiling, knowing you don’t have to get up for the world.

It’s beautiful, that feeling of calmness and peace when you know your day is your own and you can do with it as you please. You can get up when you want or not get up at all. It’s all up to you - no kids, no husband, no family, no job, no obligations whatsoever. You want to stretch that moment of piece and quite for as long as you can, for eternity, because you know it is so rare, like a diamond in muck. You want to take that moment of serenity and keep it out of time, for yourself, forever.

I loved this morning. Although I knew it couldn’t last, perhaps because I knew it couldn’t last, I loved it. After the exertion of work the last few weeks, the running around, trying to do everything right, I needed just such a morning as this.

It’s strange how different my honeybunny and I are in some things – he can’t understand the joy of doing nothing.
But it isn’t the doing nothing part that is appealing, it’s the contemplating while doing nothing that is. Contemplating… everything. The loveliness of the morning. The joy of being alive. Breakfast. Symbolic meanings of dream visions. Showering over taking a bath. Why only our male neighbors walk their tiny dogs, and never their wives. The pointlessness of vacuuming the house. Gravity. Whether our cat will go crazy from confinement. Does God really care if I don’t go to church this Sunday. Little things like that I find myself thinking of while I stare at the empty white ceiling not seeing it at all.

What’s the point of that, what’s the purpose?
I’d be much more useful cleaning the house and bringing order to this chaos that surrounds me. (honeybunny, I hope you never come home unannounced – you are the creature of order while I, apparently, am the creature of chaos; what this place looks like while you’re not here would distress you most gravely :))

While thinking without purpose apparently has no use, I find it necessary. I think that reflecting on the inconceivable things such as love, God, death or the purpose of life is what in actuality makes us human. Imagining the unimaginable, as ludicrous as that sounds.
I think that without abstract thoughts we would be no better than any animal on Earth.
That we would have none of this lovely civilization goodness that surrounds us.

I cannot understand people that do not think, that do not pose questions with no tangible answer.
I mean, I know there is no purpose to thinking about what lies behind the universe, or what is the true nature of God, or what is the essence of nothingness, but I think that such questions should nevertheless be posed.
I don’t know why, but this striving towards the stars and pursuit of all knowledge is, I believe, essential to a good life.

I was reading Russell again, and there is an interesting thing he says about expanding ones knowledge:
“Now it must be admitted that highly educated people are sometimes cruel, I think there can be no doubt that they are less often so than people whose minds have lain fallow. The bully in a school is seldom a boy whose proficiency in learning is up to the average. When a lynching takes place, the ring-leaders are almost invariably very ignorant men. This is not because mental cultivation produces positive humanitarian feeling, though it may do so; it is rather because it gives other interests than the ill-treatment of neighbors, and other sources of self-respect than the assertion of domination. The two things most universally desired are power and admiration. Ignorant men can, as a rule, only achieve either by brutal means, involving the acquisition of physical mastery. Culture gives a man less harmful forms of power and more deserving ways of making himself admired.”

Well, I leave you to contemplate his words, and I’m off to do more… down to Earth stuff… for though entropy will make this place a mess again, with a significant help from the cat, I’m off to do some vacuuming :).

Love to all from


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