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THUMBING MY WAY(BACK TO HEAVEN) ime bloga i naša omiljena pjesma

I have not been home since you left long ago
Im thumbing my way back to heaven
Counting steps, walking backwards on the road
Im counting my way back to heaven
I cant be free with whats locked inside of me
If there was a key, you took it in your hand
Theres no wrong or right, but Im sure theres good and bad
The questions linger overhead
No matter how cold the winter, theres a springtime ahead
Im thumbing my way back to heaven
I wish that I could hold you
I wish that I had

Thinking bout heaven
I let go of a rope, thinking thats what held me back
And in time Ive realized, its now wrapped around my neck
I cant see whats next, from this lonely overpass
Hang my head and count my steps, as another car goes past
All the rusted signs we ignore throughout our lives
Choosing the shiny ones instead
I turned my back, now theres no turning back
No matter how cold the winter, theres a springtime ahead
I smile, but who am I kidding?
Im just walking the miles, every once in a while Ill get a ride
Im thumbing my way back to heaven
Thumbing my way back to heaven
Im thumbing my way back to heaven...


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četvrtak, 18.10.2007.

lalalalalalala.........to sam samo ja...

Znam da me puuuno ljudi smatra umišljenim, bahatim, arogantnim.. Pitam te ljude: koliko ste riječi sa mnom progovorili? Da li ste vi mene upoznali,proveli dan sa mnom ili samo pričate nešto što ste sami prosudili iz korica ili iz nečega što vam drugi kažu? Znam da sam puno osoba povrijedio. Puno cura prvenstveno koje će to pamtiti cijeli život. Žao mi je što sam tako postupao, što sam iskorištavao vaše osjećaje. Da mogu promijeniti svoju prošlost, promijenio bih. Svakom dođe trenutak; nije to trenutak, to je razdoblje kada nam se otvore oči..Kada počinjemo razmišljati svojom glavom, biti ono što jesmo, a ne ono što bi drugi htjeli da budemo,kada se prestanemo pretvarati.

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