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by Tincha

Ovo gore je slikica od mene i mog brata na kupanju na jednoj prelijepoj plazi na jednom Grckom otoku...
Sliku mozda nadete na netu (hahahah...ja na netu) negdje, sliko nas je jedan poznati fotograf, obiteljski prijatelj...

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Nesto o meni...

reci cu vam samo u kratko, ne zelim da svi dozaju tko sam...


ime: ELI (eng. Ee-lie, iako je ime musko ipak su mi ga dali)
prezime: ...
godine: 18 (27.11.'88)
kosa: crna
oci: svijetlo zelene
visina: 173 cm
tezina: zena nikad dovoljno bogata ni dovoljno mrsava :)
volim: sve i nista
ne volim: nista i sve
slusam: sve ali bas sve sve
gledam: obozavam filmove, najvise trilere
ICQ: 354-120-760

ako vas jos nesto zanima pitajte, mozda i odgovorim...

isti isti ovakav vam je moj pasić... bio... sad je vejiki vejiki... moj "mali" Tyson

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by: gadura
Mala garava
100% bitch ~ Upss

The look of love...

The look of love is in your eyes
A look your smile can't disguise
The look of love is saying so much more than just words could ever say

And what my heart has heard, well it takes my breath away

I can hardly wait to hold you, feel my arms around you
How long I have waited
Waited just to love you, now that I have found you

You've got the
Look of love, it's on your face
A look that time can't erase
Be mine tonight, let this be just the start of so many nights like this
Let's take a lover's vow and then seal it with a kiss

I can hardly wait to hold you, feel my arms around you
How long I have waited
Waited just to love you, now that I have found you
Don't ever go
Don't ever go
I love you so

By: Diana Krall

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

# Jedna od najlijepsih pjesama na hrvatskoj estradi
Oliver: Za dva zrna laznog srebra

# Jedna od najlijepsih pjesama na talijanskoj estradi
Tiziano Ferro: Ti scatterň una foto

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


srijeda, 04.10.2006.

danas malo u nekoj komici... bit ce zbog vremena... samo da me ne ulovi neka prehlada... oprostite ali neda mi se bas pretjerano pisat... evo vam jedna jaaaaakoooo lijepa pjesmica od jos lijepseg pjevaca...

velika pusa svima...

Robbie Williams: Eternity

Close your eyes so you don't feel them
They don't need to see you cry
I can't promise I will heal you
But if you want to I will try
To sing this summer serenade
The past is done we've been betrayed It's true
Some might say the truth will out
I believe without a doubt in you

You were there for summer dreaming
And you gave me what I need
And I hope you find your freedom
(For eternity) X2

Yesterday when we were walking
You talked about your ma and dad
What they did that made you happy
What they did that made you sad
We sat and watched the sun go down
Picked a star before we lost the moon
Youth is wasted on the young
Before you know it's come and gone too soon

You were there for summer dreaming
And you gave me what I need
And I hope you find your freedom
(For eternity) X3

To sing this summer serenade
The past is done we've been betrayed It's true
Youth is wasted on the young
Before you know it's come and gone too soon

You were there for summer dreaming
And you are a friend indeed
And I hope you find your freedom
For eternity

You were there for summer dreaming
And you are a friend indeed
And I know you'll find your freedom
(For eternity)X2

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