
09.09.2006., subota

tainted love...

oi...wass up... povlacim sve sto rekoh u prvom postu... ne mislim pisat takve gluposti neg cu pisat uglavnom o rolanju.. anyway evo nesto o mom najdrazem roleru Alexu Broskowu...

Birth Date - June 28, 1985
Birth Place - Kansas City USA
Current Home - Lawrence, Kansas USA
Nationality - United States
Height - 5' 6"

evo i jednog interviewa sa sk8erske stranice, casopisa sa alexom...malo je stariji al je super....

JAMES PAGE:How did rollerblading start for you ?
Alex: Thats kind of funny because when I was about 8 I used to chill with my brother at this skateboard shop and one day they started to carry rollerblades and I begged my dad to buy me some and then I started to jump off stairs..
JP: Why do you think people classify you as a park skater?
Alex: I dont think people really do but if they do I guess thats ok..I mean I do like skating park but i would call myself more of a street skater.
JP:So what do you say about people who think parks are not cool and are not real core skating?Alex: I have never heard anyone say that but if they did I would say they're kinda dumb because rollerblading is rollerblading no matter where you do it, and you should love rollerblading for what it is and not where it is done. But I would have to say that street skating is iller… haha.
JP:Do you think living outside of California has a big impact on pursuing a professional career?
Alex: Yeah I do. And it doesnt help that I live in one of the worst spots in Florida for skating, but when i am back home in Kansas City it is better because of better spots to skate and what not and so forth.
JP:Some of your income is from doing stunt work in movies and commercial, what are your best and worst experiences?

Alex: Haha, I have never done any stunt work or movies or commercial work but that would be ill if I did. I have done some demos that I have gotten paid for doing and those are always fun.
JP:You're in videos, mags and you've been doing good in pro contest for the last two years, but no pro model or even ads from your board sponsor. How do you feel about this or is it your choiseAlex: I just turned pro this yeart and since I broke my leg 5 years ago that doesnt help but i should be back around summer time and im looking forward to being in some pro comps.
JP:Many poeple think a board with your name on it is a major component to evelating your pro status.
Alex: Yeah if you had a pro skate i am sure you would feel really good about it and that would make your name a lot bigger so it does sure elevate your status.
JP: Whats a good day for ALEX?
Alex: A good day for me would be a day filled with ill street skating… no drama and just chilling with all my niggas and having a good old time..
Alex: Yeah but I dont really have any words i just want to thank some people. I would like to thank, James Page, all my family for supporting me, Adam Johnson and Brenton Wheeler, everyone back home in Kansas Fucking city, all the fools doown in Fame( Miami), and all the up and coming cats in t2e, my sponsors Rollerblade, Kevin Gillian for hooking me up with flow on Senate. Jeff Belzeski, Jeromy Morris and Jeremy Rockwell for basically getting rolllerblading started in Kansas city. And i would like to send a huge thanks to Ben Baptiste because he really helped me a lot last sunday when i broke my leg and he is probably one of my best friends right now. Also i want to thank all other people for hepling me when i needed it. Love all. Peace. Stay up. KFC bitch!!

=>Alex Broskow
Royale to Gap
St Louis, MI

evo i njegovih rola...

to bi bilo to o njemu a evo i slika jos nekih dobrih rolera....

Oli Benet
Madrid, Spain

Zac Burlingame
Sacramento, CA

Sean Kean
Bs Nugen
Sacramento, CA

Eric Bailey
Ao Topsoul 360 out
Barn Burner 05

Nick Wood
Dis Bs Royale
San Diego, CA

Si Cox

Jojo Jacobi
München, Germany

Bs Royale
Bern, Switzerland

Alex Nunez
FS Savannah

Erik Bailey
Oakland, CA

______ evo to bi bilo to za ovaj post.... cyaaaa mah

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__--ak vas jos nes zanima pitajte___

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