Jednostavno, volim te
Nitko drugi nije kao ti. Ti si svojevrstan, jedinstven, posve originalan i neponovljiv. Ne vjeruješ to, ali nitko drugi nije kao ti - odvijeka dovijeka. I svaki čovjek koga voliš nije nikakav običan čovjek. Iz njega zrači neobična privlačna snaga. I ti po njemu postaješ na neki način drukčiji. Možeš mu čak reći: Što se mene tiče, ne moraš biti nepogrešiv, bez greške i savršen, jer - ja te jednostavno volim.
Phil Bosmans
Korak naprijed ...
11.03.2005., petak
You know that you are typical Croatian when ...
At least one family member makes his own wine
"Sljivovica" is used not only to celebrate at all occasions, but to cure illness and as a massage lotion as well.
At the age of 13, you are allowed to go out of town with your friends for Croatian soccer tournaments, folklore festivals and dances.
You were still in elementary school the first time yougot drunk.
The majority of your friends are also your relatives, even if they aren't your relatives, you refer to their parents as "Teta" and "Striko"
You are the only kid in your class who doesn't get to sleep in on Saturdays because of "Hrvatska Skola"
"Kuhace" are not only used for stirring when cooking...they are also used by Mama to beat you when there is no "siba" handy.
At least once before you've told your parents that you'll call the police to report "child abuse" and each time your parents said "Samo probaj".
Mama beat you in public on at least one occasion.
When leaving the house to go out, you always receive the same warnings (regardless of age): -"Pazi sta radis", "Pamet u glavu", "Nemoj me sramotit", "Nemoj da ja sta cujem"
Sadly, if something actually does happen, somehow Mama will know before you make it home
Lunch on Sundays have more courses than Kanadjani have for Christmas or Thanksgiving dinner
You love "pasteta", but don't like bringing it to school or work for lunch because you'd be embarassed if someone asked you what it was
There is a slab of fat in your fridge called SLANINA
Your mother washes the dishes before putting them in the dishwasher!!!
All meals your parents have ever prepared contain one key ingredient "Vegeta"
Vegetarianism is not a concept your parents understand
All other action stops when you hear people speaking Serbian in a store somewhere and your mom starts to talk to you in english so that the serbian people won't find out you speak "their" language and start trying to be your friend.
You insist that you can spot a Serb from a mile away
You have at least one short-wave radio in your house
You smell garlic on the old man's breath behind you sitting on the klupa in church on sunday mornings
You live with your parents until you are married
Mama thinks that whenever you get sick it's because you didn't eat enough
You are never ever allowed to sit by an open window for fear of catching pneumonia from the "propuh" (even in the middle of summer)
When upset, it isn't unusual for Tata to send you "u p**** materinu"
Baba and Dida wear at least 3 layers of clothing in all seasons
Dida spits into a napkin at the dinner table
Your parents turn the channel when there is a kissing scene
Dida insists you are quiet while he watches the news even though he doesn't understand a single word they're saying, regardless of the fact he doesn't understand what they're saying, he knows more about what's going on in the world than you do
Whenever your parents said "vidit cemo" you knew that it meant "NO!"
Everything that goes wrong in the world can somehow be traced back to Serbs
Your cousin in Croatia who calls you to send him money had a cell phone before you and wears only name brand clothing
Your relatives in Croatia think it's strange if you are not married by the age of 18
You are only allowed to vacation in the homeland
English words are acceptable if used with the ending "A-T-I" which makes them Croatian... "play-ati", "study-ati", "party-ati",...
Your dida mowes the lawn in knee high black socks and sandels
Your parents still prefer buying cassete's over cd's
A CROATIAN wedding consists of a minimum of 400 people, 2/3 of which u don't even know
......Your still laughing your ass off cause u know every single one of these are true!!!!! ......
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Dnevnik.hr Gol.hr Zadovoljna.hr Novaplus.hr NovaTV.hr DomaTV.hr Mojamini.tv |
Opis bloga
Htio bih vam reći najdublje riječi,
ali se ne usuđujem.
Bojim se vašeg smijeha...
Htio bih vam reći najiskrenije riječi,
ali se ne usuđujem.
Bojim se da mi nećete vjerovati...
R. Tagore
Nekad sam mislila da sve mogu sama.
Da u dugim noćima, u tišini sobe,
uz mene nema nikoga.
Mišljah da moje planove ometaju ljudi,
da sam sve to mogla učiniti bolje i drugačije.
I to sve sama.
Bila sam nestrpljiva i nepopravljivo tvrdoglava
kada su u pitanju bile moje čežnje i zahtjevi.
A sve to vrijeme uz mene je, poput nježne ali
čvrste ovojnice stajao Gospodar.
Nisam ni slutila kolika se snaga krije u Onome kojega možeš upoznati samo srcem.
U onome kojega samo u ljubavi možeš vidjeti.
Sve moje sposobnosti bijahu ništavne bez Njega, ali moje srce to nije znalo.
Šutjeti nisam umjela, ljubiti još manje.
Ali Ljubav nije mogla bez mene.
Onaj koji je sama Dobrota i vjernost želio se nastaniti baš u meni.
Tada spoznadoh da ništa nisam i ne mogu sama učiniti,
da su bol i radost dar Onoga koji me ljubi.
Željana Kovačević