utorak, 30.05.2006.


Ajme danas je bio sve sam ne lijep dan. mad Posvađala sam se sa učiteljem iz biologije jer mi je reko da mu odma dam vježbenicu, a ja nisam htjela jer moram riješit još 2 lekcije da dobijem pet. Onda mi je reko da ću dobit jedan ako mu ne dam, al ja svejedno nisam htjela i počeli smo obadvoje vikatblabla i na kraju nikom ništ.rolleyes Ja njemu nisam dala vježbenicu, a on meni nije upiso komad.smijeh I onda samo imali vjeronauk, pa sam zajebavala Patkoša. Pa zemljopis…. Ma uglavnom, onda sam išla ui trgovinu kupit neš' nije bitno šta. I onda sam došla kuć i zaspala… krepat ću… Pa je došo Goran, i ja sam slučajno izjavila pred njim da mi se jede sladoled.njami A onda je on reko: ajmo, ajmo, ajmo !!! I nije me ostavio na miru dok nisam uzela novčanik i ošli smo slasičarnu. Naručila sam šampitu, a on čokoladnu tortu i poslije kerempitu. I kad smo se nažderali ko svinje i kad sam platila račun, odlučili smo da ćemo otić na ćevape.njami Onda smo sjeli u Mimozu i on je naručio ćevape, a ja cappucino.party I sad se osjećam ko da sam ne znam kolko pojela i popila.zaliven E da. onda smo se ja i Goran dogovorili da ćemo čim mu moj stari popravi auto ić u Bizovac.yes Ljepo jedan dan čim Vectra bude opet sposobna za vožnju idemo u Bizovačke Toplice. A pošto sad pada kiša i ovaj tjedan nema šanse da bude gotovo, znači idući ili onaj tjedan iza njega. I čim sam došla kuć odma sam počela sa trbušnjacima jer imala sam dojam da sam se udebljala ne znam kolko. Valjd zato što šampita ima tak puno kalorija il' tih nekih sranja u koja se je ne razumijem i zato bolje da šutim. Uglavnom.
Zaključak je da je ovaj dan, malo dosadan. Mrzim kišu. Može mi cjeli dan pokvarit, ajme MRZIM KIŠUUUUUUUUU !!!


30.05.2006. u 22:51 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

ponedjeljak, 29.05.2006.

ponedjeljak, 29. svibanj 2006

ajme danas je ponedjeljak bio, bila sam dežurna s Tinom… Sva sam u nekoj happy & Screwd Up Fazi. Screwd Up sam jer sam postala svjesna da nagodinu neću ić u razred s mojim curama… pa sam tužna, majke ti. Al' ne Orahovačka škola mi neće nedostajat, ni malo. A happy sam baš zbog toga, jer više neću morat gledat ružne face onih odvratnih sedmašica iz BAD BABY GIRLS CREW (skraćeno B B G's.). I zato jer me je moja teta zvala s njom na more…. Uiiiiiiiii, ići ćemo samo ja i ona i to u Umag. Al' naravno tek u 7 mjesecu, i ako nam nešt ne pokvari planove… Onda me je to isto pito Goran, al da idemo u Poreč kod njegove bivše… Joj da, ona je jučer otišla, Mirjana, svi smo bili tužni. Al' njih dvoje su mi povjerili jednu tajnu.. ŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠŠ! Ne smijem reć. Uglavnom jedva čekam da se ona vrati U 9. mjesecu. I razgovarala sam s mamom, s kim bi me pustila a ona je rekla, nek biram da nju boli kurac i da ona nema vremena bavit se s tim i da ju sad ostavim na miru da spava. A ne znam. Vesna mi je teta i obožavam ju (mamina polusestra ima 20 god). Goran mi je kum i ko stariji brat poznam ga od kad znam za sebe i kad smo bili mali radili smo sranja i zajebavali starce, moje i njegove, tukli se… Al Vesna me je prva pitala. A Gorana ipak volim malo više pošto ga svaki dan vidim, a Vesna je inače u Sloveniji i dolazi često samo što sam uz Gorana odrasla i njemu sam više privržena… I s njim mi bi bilo zabavno jer mi uvije sredi s nekim dečkom… Al ak mi odemo zajedno na more, tak daleko od staraca, pa ja ne znam šta će to bit!!!! Inače i kad izađemo zajedno, radimo sranja, napijemo se i bude svega. A kad idem van s Vesnom bude novaca… hehe.. Aj ljudi pomoz'te mi s kim da idem na moreeeee???? Vesna il' Goran…
kizz svima…


29.05.2006. u 23:25 • 2 KomentaraPrint#


Eto, da ne ispadne da ne znam ništa drugo neko bacat spike na Englesh sam štancat pjesme, odlučih da ću mal' pisat i ovak, da mi ne bude dosadno. cool

29.05.2006. u 21:08 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

eyy, ljudi moji...

29.05.2006. u 00:16 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

četvrtak, 25.05.2006.

Few wordz 2 Bad Boyz Crew

Heyy B's
Time to hook up wit ya
Let's clear this up, don't ya think

Look, LiL' J
I ain't no some poor girl yo' are goin' to fuck up
I didn't fuck wit ya 'cause yo' LiL' D, the one in ya panties
Is too small for me anyway
I cloud never do that wit ya, I said that just to keep ya wit me (what was I thinkin'?)
Look – a here boy, we're done, there's nuthin' else to say
Just walk away
I don't have any attention to spoke to ya ever again
Fuck off, don't ya see that nobody don't care 'bout this
It's forgotten, deal that you're not interesting to talk about, LiL
Put yo' little D.I.C.K. back in pants
You won't need it
But before ya leave I promise that ya gonna remember me and this town
Don't forget that you are still here and I'm next to ya
Ya know me and ya know that I usually keep my word

Now, few wordz to other bad crew member
Skinny Legz, boy
Don't fuck wit me
You ain't nobody, you're not cool, just baby boy fool
Don't act like: I know my job
Cuz Even I'm young 4 some thingz
So I guess you shoud back home, and watch Ugly Ducklyng
Better get down, cause you are really to high 4 ya ages
Babyboy, you are stickin' yo nose where ya shouldn't
Don't be so annoyn'
You are 2 baby for me, and your baby style isn't atractive so much
In fact it makes me wanna puke

Especially when I see ya, LiL' J's Clone
How ya listen every his word like he's God to ya
I'm surprised Ya haven't hook up some new church in his oner
Cause I can see through ya, and ya don't have to be very smart to notice
That he's some idol to ya
Ya gonna lose selfrespect very soon if ya keep ya flow like this

Hey all ya'll, don't drink and don't smoke like our very known
Camila Smoker, cause smokin' tea is not good for ya nose
If ya wanna smoke really god tea, by controled origin, call this B
And you'll see
Funeral man, get down please, don't act so though,
cause we all know ya ain't, so please get back to ya level
Or ya gonna stuck somewhere and there won't be easy way back

Get of me, bad boyz
It ain't no fair that you hate me
Most of ya don't have a real reason
But LiL' J, yo do
So we'll keep on distance
Better for you, better for me
We don't wanna fight again, but if we do
I promise you:
It won't be few inocent punches
Now I'm tellin' ya
Don't let the fact that I'm girl stops ya to beat the shit out of me
But, ya can do it only if ya kick me very, very strong
And not once, you'll gotta hit me a lot of times
Don't be afraid, I'm gonna kick back, I know how
If ya want it we can do it right now
Tell your motherfuckin' clone to leave me
Before it get really mad
These were just wordz
But it can began a lot more
Fuck off, naughty's
I don't have time for arguing wit ya
Fuck all ya'll
I really hate 'cha so back off
Only I hate ya this much, LiL' J
Wit all my heart, all my soul, and all my mind
I'd like to see ya diyn', in great pain
Look, I hope ya ain't never 4get me, cause I won't forget 'cha
No, boy, I ain't mad at Cha
I'm pissed
And I won't stop until I see ya down
Now I see something: I ain't crazy, it's you
I just wanna that sweet little thing called revange
It ain't no sickness, it's obession
I think it will not gone untill I smack ya up
Fuck! Be careful, boy, I'm also troublemaker

ovo je više neki freestyle nego rap pjesma... eto nadam se da ima nekih koji će se prepoznat....

25.05.2006. u 22:27 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

petak, 19.05.2006.


1000 questons
0 answers
we gotta ask ourseves

So much violent in this world
Hate, war and sadness
That's our today
We live with all that shits
I wanna let all of U to know
It is really time for change
As 2pac said: " I see no changes, wake up in a mornin' and I ask myself, is live worth livin' shoud I blast myself?"
I bet all of ya
Even me think that way
We all know that there's no sense to keep live this way
It's sad to watch how young people destroyn' themselves
I'd like to say; we all borthers
God gave us this beautifull world
Crime, war, hate, violent
That's somethin' we are almost used to
No let me ask ya:

(Why) we treat eachother like enemises
(Why) are we on way to hell
(Why) There's more and more poor people
What happen' to us
We are so low
Where are love, peace and joy

Because of money brotha will kill brotha
Betrayd his own blood
I'm not Mosies
I didn't came here to save the world and get all luxury
I am here to warn U
I'm doin' this to open your eyes
I'm sayn the truth: we shot on eachother
On our own borotha
We have money for all kind of shits
But it's hard to look at holmises
Some famuos people came from underground
Now they are on top and forgot about life before all that money
I hope they will open they eyez and remember that feelin' When you don't have
Anythin' but sefrespect and power to love

I'm askin' Y'all again

(Why) we treat eachother like enemies
(Why) are we on way to hell
(Why) There's more and more poor people
What happen' to us
We are so low
Where alre love, peace and joy

Why is so hard say I'm sorry
Why we must curse God
Why we fight for shits


I hate war

(Why) we treat eachother like enemises
(Why) are we on way to hell
(Why) There's more and more poor people
What happen' to us
We are so low
Where alre love, peace and joy

Why they killed 2pac & Biggy (Rest in peace)
People, look what is goin' on, we are goin' to kill each other!
Cause of that
Drop your weapones

Hey Y'all
Hear me:
(Why) we treat eachother like enemises
(Why) are we on way to hell
(Why) There's more and more poor people
What happen' to us
We are so low
Where alre love, peace and joy

Hey, heyyyy, heyy
Stop, please

Ne mislite li i vi da je vrijeme za promjene? Ali ja sam nitko i ništa ovi moji stihovi koje sam napisala nemaju nikakvu vrijednost. A, ne mogu si pomoći kada ja imam taj čudni način razmišljanja i ovo mi je jedna od mojih najljepših.

19.05.2006. u 22:55 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

srijeda, 17.05.2006.


e jedna mala opaka.... zabranila sam komentare svima koji nemaju svoj blogich i ako mi netko hoche srat morat che napravit svoj i onda chemo se vrijedjat.... heh.... smijeh

17.05.2006. u 22:23 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

Can't diss me

Remember… I ain't nobody's fool

Look at cha boy, ya are just Walking skeleton
There's nothing inside of ya but the empty space
That's why I'm so much betta then ya, that's why ya can't beat me down
I have an attiude, and ya can kiss it if ya want
I'd like to see ya diyng in front of my eyez
I want ya to have painfull death
Die, I hope yo' azz fry
You ain't never drive me crazy
I ain't never gonna cry 'cause ya think I'm slut
Yo' opinion don't matter to me
As you can see
Not you or somebody from your bad boyz crew
Nobody of you!
Remember that I have my proud
And is big as this world
You can do nuthin' to take me down
You just can't break me, ya can't C me
I'm gonna smoke ya up, very soon
Lil' J – I'm talkin' to ya….

You just can't diss me by your words
And ya can't screw me by yo' actions
I ain't no your doll so that you can play me and drop away, remember

You can't C my power cause you are To weak 4 that baby boy
Leave this world in great pain so that I can be happy
Just walk away from here, oh ya don't have to ask me, I'll be fine!
Take a good look at me motherfucker
Remember this place, I wanna let ya to know that I'll Follow ya wherewer ya go, and to the end of world, I'm gonna follow ya
When Ya die I'm gonna come to ya dreamz and I'll make ya scream
Sooner or Later I'm gonna see your tearz, boy
It's so simple to talk around, but can ya face me?
Count down to apocalypse and till then I'll be here
Wit ya: In your songz and In your dreams in your tauhgts
No matter What you do, I'll Always somewhere close to you
Remember: I'll Fuck yo' azz Up!
Now Listen

You just can't diss me by your words
And ya can't screw me by yo' actions
I ain't no your doll so that you can play me and drop away, remember

Everytime ya close ya eyez, U'll se My face
Everytime ya sleep, I'll follow ya to land of dream, in own private hell
You gonna wish you're never born
You are like a vulture, So annoyn' fuckin' lil Fella
Not everybody Like what ya say
Cause you are to stupid for that anyway
This punk – azz bastard is about to found out how I'm dealin' with this shit
It ain't no hard I just act like it don't matter to me cause It actually don’t
Yours words of jealousy, truly, don't mean anything to me
Cuz not every body loves you, okay
And you ain't nuthin' but coward…
You don't even have cuirage to tell me all those thangz right in my face
Only cuz your flick, one bad chick…
Ha ha ha, ya don't even have equipment big enough for me
I cloud never suck you cock, cause I don't have what to
I cloud never fuck wit ya, cause ya little friend is too little

You just can't diss me by your words
And ya can't screw me by yo' actions
I ain't no your doll so that you can play me and drop away, remember

Good bye
Till the next time
Don't diss me BABYBOY
Arguing ain't fair
But somebody got to do it
You are one of bad boys
And you know how it goes – Bad Boy Killas! ( Not real killa, but…)

Don't diss me boy, I won't stay on one place, just do nuthin' and watching how you are makin' fool of me.
Nobody can't do that!
Not you, not anybody else I won't let Y'all, to diss me

Good night… Sleep thight….

Posvećena jedom dečku kojeg mrzim najviše na svijetu.... moj najveći nepijatelj... burninmad

17.05.2006. u 22:20 • 1 KomentaraPrint#

srijeda, 10.05.2006.

Fuck All Y'all

Oh, shit
She thinks that I'm slut!

Oh, poor me, some baby girl doesn't loves me
Ow what, I gotta back up
Or she will be mad
And, oh, kick my ass
Ha, ha nice
I'm not afraid of LiL' Bitches
Get over that
They know me and that's why they
Are out of my sight
Only cause they not brave enough to
Smash mi words right in face
Here is one law
Law of stronger
So guess who's stronger (and Smarter)
There's no girl who will diss me
And no boy who will play me
As long I have mysongs
Nobody won't go against me
You can't controles me
You can't stop me
I have my psihycal strenght
I know how to react on each insult
So stay away from me
And we'll stay ok
Not even your dissin'
Or insultin' can't stop me to say

Fuck All Y'all nobody won't diss me
Fuck you girl, You can't get me
Screw ya, Fella you can't broke me

Fuck All Y'all
I'm independent chick, remember
Back the fuck of my way

Don't act tough
I know that it ain't no You
We all konw that you can't keep up me
You can'r fight for you But you can't go against me
Everywhere I look around
All I see are cowards ( congarts 2 exeptiones)
Nobody can't stop my step forward
Keep that in yo' mind
So if you wanna go against me
This is how it's gonna be
No words, no insults
Just me & you, eyez in eyez
Empty parking lot
And some witnesses
2 fight with me is so hopeless
you can beat me down
only if you hit me hard enough
So that I can't get up anymore
Remember that I'm Ma, bitch!
Freedom of speak?
I don't think so
I can't say everythin' I want
So I am expressin' myself through my Rhymes
And I'm gonna repeat One more time

Fuck All Y'all nobody won't diss me
Fuck you girl, You can't get me
Screw ya, Fella you can't broke me

Fuck All Y'all
I'm independent chick, remember
Back the fuck of my way

Fuck bad boy crew
And Lil' Bitches plus LiL' J
Screw all of u!

One more time, c'mon
Fuck All Y'all nobody won't diss me
Fuck you girl, You can't get me ( you can't C me)
Screw ya, Fella you can't broke me ( remember)

Fuck All Y'all
I'm independent chick, remember ( Got that)
Back the fuck of my way (right now)

Oh, fuck that, do that shit
Punch me right now
No more pain for me from you

Fuck All Y'all !

....pjesma govori o tome da me ne zanima tuđe mišljenje i da bih htjela da mi mogu reći sve to u lice... mrzim ih, majku im...!

10.05.2006. u 23:25 • 8 KomentaraPrint#


Come on, baby boyz
Get ya asses on dance floor

Bad boys know how to do their thangs
They are tha main one
Bad boys have all girls
And nobody don't fuck with bad boys
Bad boys… I just love their style.
Their baby style
They will wisper nice thingz you like they are big
Bad boys are tough guys
And nobody can't diss 'em
Only problem is that
They even don't know what rap is
And they are like
We know our job
That is just a like a lil' homies
And I can't stand their Actin' Out
I hate when they pretend to be like somebody else
Bad Boys are rockin' right now
But there is another problem
They don't even know what Rhymes are
I gotta ask 'em? NEED HELP?
Lil' bitches, act bad if you are
Or ya'll won't get too far
Act like you wanna flip
Here will never be changes
And we will always be strangers
That is very known fact
And that's how I'm gonna act
For Ya'll

Come on, bad boyz show me what you got
Let's move baby boyz show that ya'll can keep up

Cheer up, baby boys, don't lay back
Cause when we fight
it will in the middle of the night with no lights on.

I guess you won't be bad boys baby boys
You will be just poor youngsters lost
In this big world, you will be just baby boyz
Boyz without big ballin'
Remember that I'm gonna
Bomb on you mother fuckers
Here, in this mother fuckin' town
See, somebody gotta make shure that all ya
Kidz grow up
It won't be me
You gotta know that you can't go against me,
No need for hoping
It's a battle lost
I'm gonna diss you up
Motherfuckin' punk – ass kidz
Stay away and alerted
Cause you never know what's behind corner
Still, 2 of you are just bitchy baby boyz
I hate baby boyz crew
And if you wanna be wit 'em than fuck you too
All you mother fuckers,
I'm tellin' ya to better back the fuck up
Or you gonna get smacked the fuck up
That's how we do
There's no other way to do
So fuck all Ya'll
Soon you will see how it goes
Remember that we still have G-I-R-L-S P-L-A-Y-A
No body can't stop me
I'm gonna smoke you up
You won't even know what happen
Wait and I'm gonna demolish you just by usin' ma wordz
Bad Ya'll, huh?
You should still be watchin' cartoons and drinkin' milk
Don't run your mouth, babyboys, I don't give a damn' about
Your motherfuckin' opinion
Bad baby boyz

Come on, bad boyz show me what you got
Let's move baby boyz show that ya'll can keep up

Cheer up, baby boys, don't lay back
Cause when we fight
it will in the middle of the night with no lights on.

I know that you can't keep up with me
And that's the way you're gonna be
Get over fact, you are just little boys
I can't even call you a Fellas
Cuz you ain't!

Fuck bad baby boys
And their crew

And for LiL' J
We gonna meet some day
Face to face
I'm givin you ma word

Bad boys, huh?
You don't even know what snow blowin' is
I bet 'cha.
Go to your mammas
Ask 'em to make ya warm milk befo' you go to bed
Ha ha, as I sad
I can't let baby boys to be charge
Screw ya
Drop dead motherfuckers
I hope yo' ass Fry!

..ne podnosim kada neki mali mlađi od mene se ponša ko da ima 17 i onda sere o meni, a ne može mi to reć u lice...ubit' take male mamlaze....

10.05.2006. u 23:23 • 0 KomentaraPrint#


Again I gotta explain
That I ain't perfect
I cannot be mirror of perfection
I can't look good, have good grades
And with all that be nice to everyone
That's just ain't me
That it ain't way I wanna to be
How manny times I'll say
Why I'll always scratch ma handz
Cuz pain is too strong
And If I don't make it down
It will brake me
I won't exist any more

All I have inside of my soul is Pain
I feel broken
Does anyone see me
But all i feel is Pain
It's so fuckin' strong
I can't even see what's wrong

There are scars on my handz
There are scars my heart
It's not my fault Cuz I'm bitch
I'd rather be that, than some snitch
How to get rid of emptiness
How to again feel happines
When all I see around me
Are some betrayers and evil people
I can't face the fact
That this world miss good people
Sometimes I am so naive
I gotta get more ruff
But it's so hard
I hate pretend like I have a perfetct life
When I know It's not truth
Maybe it's almost perfect
But there's always this BUT & MAYBE
And for now

All I have inside of my soul is Pain
I feel broken
Does anyone see me
But all i feel is Pain
It's so fuckin' strong
I can't even see what's wrong

I always smile like everything is ok
I'm tryin to stay cool
I'm tryin to make everybody fool
Sometimes I can't
But almost every time
Nobody knows how lonley I am
Oh I so need a hug from close friend
I need a shoulder to cry out my saddnes
I need somebody to kill this lonleyness
It don't have to be real love or something like that
I just need someone to hug me
Someone who will say that I'm valible
But first I have to admitt my position
I gotta lose this fake smile
I know my life ain't promsised
But it's shure get betta
And hope somebody will hear me cryin'
Somebody gotta hear my screams:

All I have inside of my soul is Pain
I feel broken
Does anyone see me
But all i feel is Pain
It's so fuckin' strong
I can't even see what's wrong

Dear Lord, can you hear me
Tell me what to do in moments like this
I know I won't lose my faith
Cuz I know you'll save me
I believe with all my soul
That you will lead me on right way
Still I have free will
But for now

All I have inside of my soul is Pain
I feel broken
Does anyone see me
But all i feel is Pain
It's so fuckin' strong
I can't even see what's wrong

And all I feel is pain
I gotta be stronger
I am stronger
Pain will dissapear soon, I know

Lord knows…

...ovo sam napisala kad sam bila jako usamljena i kada sam osjećala samo... pa bol!

10.05.2006. u 23:22 • 1 KomentaraPrint#

Girl's playa

Me and my girl crew are rockin tha house!

Every motherfuckin fella
Know us
So storng Combination
Mirror of perfection
We come to make them play our game
We will have who to balme
So this is a girl's playa
Lil' bit filthy playa
I don't care
I just wanna make
All the boys dancin' Ma's way
I have my style
My girl is here
That's right
Fellas wanna touch me
They are always tryin' talk to me
They are buyin' me expensive drinks
Hopin' I will dance with 'em
One thing they don't know
That I don't want speak with 'em
I just come to party
I don't care for poor fellas
They are so annoyn'

This is Girl's playa
We will do our thangz
This is dirty playa
We will make it very filthy
When tha we start to dance
Dance floor is jam packed ah ah ah

I will rock that house
Make party hot uh
We know who's the BEST
Beat goes from my chest
How come
Everybody dancin' my way
Sudenly everybody lik me
I wonda what happen' yesterday
Cuz today thangs are different
My Ma beat is still very same
So I don't understand
Why sudnely
Everybody treat me well
Maybe I went out from hell
Some thing I still can't understand
How come
People are like that
How come
I'm always betwen love and hate
I really hate when I'm rockin' and
Are jealous
It's irititing
Cause I'm just tryin'
Rock that club
I wanna listen music and dance
I'm tryin to
Rock tha house

This is Girl's playa
We will do our thangz
This is dirty playa
We will make it very filthy
When tha we start to dance
Dance floor is jam packed ah ah ah

This is G – R – L – S than P to the L with A plus Y and A
Motherfuckin girlz playa
And it's bad
We are simple Girlz
But we don't want simple things
We know our job
We maintain our charm
We know flirt suggestilivy
And we can do it gently
Bit it's so boring
We hate casual routine
Why do Y'all think we envented filthy GIRLS PLAYA?
It don't matter to me
I can dance slow and fast
I can shake my thang both wayz
Only I want to hear Is G–I-R-L-S P-L-A-Y-A
It can be good
It can be bad, as long is girls way
Baby with me that's fine!

Ladies and Gentlemens:
Don't be fooled by my sweet looks
I'm crazy
What I can't do with skills
I'll demolish by Ma words
Maybe I'm not tall
But I have power for a lot of things
That's my motto
I'm fast, sweet and young
What else I need

This is Girl's playa
We will do our thangz
This is dirty playa
We will make it very filthy
When tha we start to dance
Dance floor is jam packed ah ah ah

A fuckin girls playa
Is dirrry game
I'm smoke ya up, you won't even see me

Girls playa….
My playa… my way….

....cure su glavne.... To je sve... heh....

10.05.2006. u 23:21 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

Holla at me

I know you'd like to be my boss
I know you like to see me down
These bitches hate my style
They are talkin' shits
Like I'm a hoe
But they don't know
One thing I have but they don't
That thing I have and they never will
That's why I always know how it feel
To be avanded
I alwayz know what is wrong
I always tell my feelings in my song

Would you like to holla at me
I know you'd like to holla at me
But you'll never feel how is to holla at me
Nobody can't holla at me

Would you like to holla at me, bitch
I know you'd like to holla at me, girl
But you'll never feel how is to holla at me
Nobody can't holla at me

Maybe some time you will holla at me
But that will be your last time if You holla at me
Cuz there are always pay back times
I'll always do that In my Rhymes
Phisically I'm much stronger
No matter how ya look at that
I'm smarter, stronger, I'm bettea, bitch
I have somethin' you don't
That's why I always standin' on a front

Would you like to holla at me
I know you'd like to holla at me
But you'll never feel how is to holla at me
Nobody can't holla at me

Would you like to holla at me, bitch
I know you'd like to holla at me
But you'll never feel how is to holla at me
Nobody can't holla at me

I have my crib
I always do my beats
If ya want you're invited but remember
You can't holla at me
You can't tell me how I shoud be
Girl's talkin' 'bout me
I let 'em talk
I guess they don't have better things to do
Oh that's so sad
But I'm glad
Who will care for 'em
Later they will all be screwd up
Fucked up middle age womens
But I will have my songs
And then nobody
Will holla at me
You'll see

Would you like to holla at me
I know you'd like to holla at me
But you'll never feel how is to holla at me
Nobody can't holla at me

Would you like to holla at me, bitch
I know you'd like to holla at me
But you'll never feel how is to holla at me
Nobody can't holla at me

... mrzim kada netko povisi glas na mene, mogla bih ubit tu osobu koja to napravi... stoga: NO BODY CAN'T HOLLA AT ME!!!

10.05.2006. u 23:19 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

I'm still here

Ya think tat I'm weak
That I'm gone from this world
But look – a here!
Guess who's back
Back from death
Now I'll prove how powerfull I am
Yeap, that's Ma
And none will fuck with me
I come to party
To grabe somebody
I'll shake my body
Lemme do my groove
I don't care for girl's talkin so
Move I comin' through
In the mood
Me and my crew
Will come tonight
And we'll show ya what means to have fun
Girlz and boyz Attention please
Now it's time to squezee
Cause I am back stronger then befo'
Till midnight
I'll make you all hit tha floor
Remember that

I'm still here
I'm doin' all my thangz
Do what you want, but I'm here 4ever

I'm still here
I'm doin' all my beats
And I'm gonna make it louda
I'm gonna make ya move

Move in my groove
Let me make ya scream
I am the leader
And ya will play ma game
I'll rock the beat till I'm alive
There's no girl who will diss me
There's no boy who will play me
I am one of independent sisters
In this mutha-fuckin' world
No one stop my step forward
I'll get my reward
I just know that people are jealous
Maybe I shoud blame fellas
I will make party on my hill
I'll make Y'all chill
I can make things better
No matter what's weather

I'm still here
I'm doin' all my thangz
Do what you want, but I'm here 4ever

I'm still here
I'm doin' all my beats
And I'm gonna make it louda
I'm gonna make ya move

To be some hottie
That just ain't me
I know what like my life spupposed be
Listen carfefuly when I'm talkin'
Cuz I'm not goin' to repeat
I paid my dues
Move now I'm still comin' through
I dance with my girlz
I make big noise
Look at me
Cause that's all you'll see
I look like bitch
I act like bitch
I talk like bitch
I walk like bitch
But I not a bitch, uh
I'll holla for Y'all to hear that
Let me dance my way
Me move my way
Take a very good look at Ma now motherfucker
Call me hoe If ya brave enough

I'm still here
I'm doin' all my thangz
Do what you want, but I'm here 4ever

I'm still here
I'm doin' all my beats
And I'm gonna make it louda
I'm gonna make ya move

Stop me now
Would you dare?
Check it out…
I am still here, bitch
I'm not gone yet
Remember that
I am very same Ma
Here's no changes...

...pjesma je napisana kada su svi mislili da sam se promjenila i da sam se povukla....

10.05.2006. u 23:16 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

Sljedeći mjesec >>

  svibanj, 2006 >
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
15 16 17 18 19 20 21
22 23 24 25 26 27 28
29 30 31        


Komentari da/ne?


Ř Toliko je stvari koje zahtijevaju punu budnost da je bolje da odem na počinak!

Ř Samo se 17 % prometnih nezgoda događa krivnjom pijanih vozača; znači, 83 % nesreća prouzroče oni trijezni!

Ř Čistoća je pola zdravlja; dakle nečistoća je ona druga polovica!

Ř Tko rano rani, cijeli dan je pospan, a tko pod drugim jamu kopa, naziva se grobar!

Ř Podaci govore da je svaki četvrti čovjek na Zemlji Kinez, pa ako tvoj otac, majka i brat nisu Kinezi, onda to sigurno moraš biti ti!

Ř Što više učim, otkrivam da je toliko toga što još ne znam. Što više znam, više i zaboravljam. Što više zaboravljam, manje znam. Pa zašto bih se onda mučio učeći?!
Ř Zašto svi žele otići na nebo, no nitko nije spreman za to i umrijeti?!

Ř Sva računala čekaju istom brzinom.

Ř Ako biste vikali 8 godina, 7 mjeseci i 6 dana, kažu znanstvenici, proizveli biste u svome tijelu upravo onoliko topline koliko je potrebno da skuhate vrč čaja!

Ř Zapamtite da vlakovi nikad ne voze po voznome redu, nego samo po tračnicama!

Ř Ljude ne plaši koliko ste loši; plaši ih koliko ste dobri!

Ř Djeca na stražnjem sjedalu prouzroče nezgode; nezgode na stražnjem sjedalu prouzroče djecu!

Ř Kažu da pijanstvo ubija polako. No kome se uopće žuri?!

Ř Kako oduševiti ženu? Udvarajte joj, ljubite je, volite je, nasmijavajte je, štitite je, slušajte je, podupirite je! A kako oduševiti muškarca? Svucite se i ponesite pivo!


Nešta o meni:
Ime: Martina
Visina, težina: 1.59 cm, 49 kg
Boja kose, oči: Plava, zelene ( a nekad i plave, kako kad!)
Rođena: Jesam, i to 25.7.1991. (čak sam i rat preživila!)
Family: Majka, Otac, Sestra, 3 mačke: Mikica ili Mic – mula, Keno i Anteee
Hobiji: Pjevanje, Pisanje pjesama, malo break dance – a… i još neke sitnice koje nisu vrijedne spomena…
Dečka: IMAM IMAM IMAM IMAM IMAM IMAM cerekcerekcerekcerekcerekcerek
Frendovi: mnogobrojni i sve ih obožavam!

Volim: Pjevat, plesat, frendove, familiju, 2paca, West side,pisat pjesme, trčat, ljeto, sunce, plivanje, jednog dečka, sebe.. heh

Ne volim: Mob Deep – a, LiL' J – a, Bad Baby Boyz – e & Bad Baby Girlz, cjelu njihovu ekipu, 50 centa, Eminema, Kišu, Zemljopis, mahune (fuuuj), kad neko stalno cendra, previše romantike…

Ne znam volim li: Matematiku, Fiziku, East Side Rappers, Notoriusa B.I.G. – a, snjeg…

Mene jako malo Ljudi voli jer sam jako iskrena i sve ih gledam u oči i kažem svoje mišljenje.... zato me ne mogu podnet, a ustalom smeta im jer imam nekog jebenog samopouzdanja ( to smeta curama)


Lil' J (Little Joint)
Skinny Legz (S.L)
Camila Smoker (S.C.)
Funeral man
Lil J's Clone


Miss Small Tits
Miss I'm not Guilty
Mono Girl
Jealous Mad Bitch (J.M.B.)
Suddenly Popular (S.P.)

- LiL J – a Mrzim jer je tako odvratan i ne moram navoditi objašnjenje
- Skinny Legz – odvratan Babyboy koji se ponaša ko da ima 17, a ne 13

- Camila Smoker – mrzim kad se počne preseravat ko da je pijan i napušen, a nije nego sere i misli da je cool
- Funeral Man – Odvratan po prirodi možd ni ne bi bio loš da se ponaša ko četrnaestogodišnji adolescent, ne ko neka faca.
- LiL J's Clone – Pa ime govori sve! Ne da se on oblači ko on ili nešta tako, ali ga smatra glavnom facom i uvlači mu se u dupe. Mrzim takve ljude.

- Miss Small Tits – Nije zgodna niti nema sise a ponaša se ko da ju je priroda ne znam koliko obdarila, mala je 7. razred i totalno je fuj.

- Miss I'm Not Guilty – Mala cura sere o meni i kad ju ljepo zamolim da mi sve to kaže u lice onda mi ona počne bacat neke spike: Joj, pa ja nisam kriva, nisam to nikada rekla, ma daj… Najradije bi ju istukla. ( a vjerojatno i oću, jer mi je pun kurac malih cura koje se ponašaju ko da imaju 18, a ne 13 ili 12.)

- Mono Girl – Pa eto u društvu je sa Miss Small Tits i onda sere o meni pa je zaslužila mjesto među LiL' Bitches

- Jealous Mad Bitch – E ova je moje godište ali je bljak. Cura je ljubomorna na sve koji su zgodni i uvijek izgleda ko da je ljuta. Iskreno mi se gadi. Ona će mi pokvarit frendicu iz razreda.

- Suddenly Popular – prije je bila super i zezale smo se i bile smo si ok, a sada od kad je u društvu s LiL' J – om ona i jedna moja frendica iz razreda se ponašaju ko da nisu normalne i počele su piti, pušiti i preseravat se.


Tupac je bio divna osoba, svi su ga voljeli i poštovali, i kada je umro cjeli je svijet plakao. Tupac je ubijen u 25. godini života. Živio je kako je i umro - s pištoljem u ruci. Živio je veoma kratko ali je zaista svašta doživio. Njegova majka, Afeni Shakur je bila pripadnica radikalne skupine «Crne pantere» koja se je borila za prava crnaca. Afeni je Tupaca rodila 16.6.1971. Dala mu je ime Tupac Amaru po poglavici Inka čije ime znači "sijajuća zmija", a Shakur na arapskom znači "zahvalan Bogu". U rujnu 1986. Tupac je primljen u prestižnu Baltimore School for the Arts gdje je učio o baletu i glumi. Rođeni glumac, našao je sebe u školskim predstavama i osjećao da je napokon našao svoje mjesto. U tom je razdoblju Tupac napisao i svoju prvu rap pjesmu. Taj je period završio kad je Tupac imao 17 godina jer se tada dogodilo nešto što ga je jako potreslo. Bila je to smrt njegovog najboljeg prijatelja koji je poginuo dok se na školskom igralištu igrao s pištoljem. “Bio sam izbezumljen njegovom smrću, a nisam mogao ni ići u školu u kojoj nikad nisi znao s koje će ti strane doletjeti metak,” rekao je Tupac. Napustio je školu i sa obitelji se u lipnju 1988. preselio u Marin City, gradić blizu Oaklanda, a u kolovozu iste godine njegov je očuh Mutulu Shakur osuđen na 60 godina zatvora zbog umiješanosti u pljačku automobila koja se zbila 1981. 1990. stvari su se počele mijenjati. Shakur je susreo Shock-G-a, vođu rap grupe Digital Underground, i prihvatio posao tehničara / plesača / rappera. Budući da je odmah počeo snimati vlastite demo-vrpce, momci iz grupe pružili su mu punu potporu.
7. rujan 1996., prvi dan: Tupac je bio obožavatelj Mikea Tysona. Kada je nakon meča Tupac napuštao dvoranu u kojoj je Tyson imao meč, sjeo je u auto i tada je netko počeo pucati. Dva su metka završila u Tupacovim prsima, druga dva u ruci, a jedan u nozi.
Šesti dan nakon što je ranjen: U bolnici je duboka tišina. Ispred bolnice se skupilo više od 150 ljudi. Mnogi od onih koji su slijedili Shakura tijekom godina - legije obožavatelja, novinari i oni koji su ga mrzili - vjerovali su da će se bučno vratiti, kao što je to učinio poslije ranjavanja 1994. Vijest da je Tupacova smrt osvećena proširila se gomilom.
13.9. 1996. Dežurni Liječnik traumatološke bolnice je u 4:03 poslijepodne objavio 2pacovu smrt: “This is Dale Pugh, marketing and public relations director for the University Medical Center.” rekao je bolnički razglas. “This message is being recorded at approximately 5:15 p.m. on Friday, September 13. Tupac Shakur has passed away at UMC at approximately 4:03 p.m. Physicians have listed the cause of death as respiratory failure and cardiopulmonary arrest.” Neki je promatrač pokazao poznati West Coast “W” znak u Tupacovu čast. Traumatološku sobu je ubrzo napustio i jedan član Tupacove bande. Sjurio se niz bolničke stepenice i vikao: Why the fuck you let him die, yo? Why the fuck you let him die?
Počinitelji tog ubojstva koje je okrenulo glazbeni svijet još nisu otkriveni. Neki misle da je on lažirao svoje ubojstvo. No, to valjda nikada nećemo doznati. Tupac je bio složena osoba: briljantan i glup; jako zabavan i smrtno ozbiljan; prijatelj i nespreman udovoljiti, ali također i vrlo lošeg temperamenta i odan nasilju; ; voljen od svojih ljudi i žena, ali također i odijeljen od svoje rase i osuđeni silovatelj; velikodušan prema pogreškama, ali i opasan kockar kad je dolazilo do njegovog osobnog i profesionalnog života; nevjerojatno talentiran, ali i užasno kratkovidan. Za mene, 2Pac je bio najvažniji solo izvođač u povijesti rapa ne zato što je bio najtalentiraniji, nego zato što je on, više od drugih rappera, pokazivao kako je to biti mladi Crnac u Americi. Riječi 2Pacovih presama su vrlo raznolike. Ponekad se uopće nije moglo razumjeti da li je on Crnce volio ili ih je potpuno prezirao. Kada se usporede dublja značenja njegovih pjesama “Keep Ya Head Up” i “Hit ‘Em Up” koja se odnosi na rappera Biggie Smalla i njegovu ženu, R&B pjevačicu Faith, u stihovima “You claim to be a player, but I fucked your wife” - dobiva se jasna slika Shakurove shizofrenične prirode s obzirom na isticanje rase i spola. Što ga je, ipak, činilo posebnim bilo je to što se nije bojao proturječiti nikome.

Do 1995. činilo se da se Tupac umorio od hip hopa. “I don’t even got the thrill to rap no more,” rekao je. Prema njegovoj dugogodišnjoj prijateljici Karen Lee “’Pac always carried the weight of a lot of people on his shoulders. All he ever wanted was to hear himself on the radio and to see himself on the movie screen.” Dajući Tupacu status simbola, nije ni čudo što su neki ljudi već počeli nagađati da je on još uvijek živ, da je krivotvorio svoju smrt.

Neki misle da je još živ. Moje mišljenje je da je to glupost. Jer znam, jednostavno znam da on nije takva osoba. Mislite li da bi mogao ovako dugo šutjeti? Ne, naravno da ne. O tome nam govore i njegove pjesme. Premda u pjesmi Life Goes On pjeva o vlastitom sprovodu, mislim da to nema veze s time da je on lažirao svoju smrt. Bilo bi to jako teško jer bi time morao cjeli L.A. Police Department, svjedoke i puno ostalih ljudi, a za tako što nitko ne bi htio šutjeti za manje od milijun dolara. Ali to ne mijenja moj stav prema njegovom životu i stvaranju. On je za mene i dalje najdraži rapper. I ne samo rapper. Divna osoba. I nitko mi ne može reći ništa protiv njega, jer čak i da je kriv, moje se mišljenje neće promjeniti.


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