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sOtOnIsTiCa sAm
nedjelja , 13.03.2022.No eto, kad već visi ovaj krindž (hrv. susramlje) u boxu na livo, ajde nek stavim ovdje i LEGIT stranicu "sotonske" tematike, čisto da ne kvarimo ugođaj.
Takođe i mali tekstić kojeg mi je FB izbacio kad sam išla staviti stvar na share.
The Mission Of The Satanic Temple Is To Encourage Benevolence And Empathy, Reject Tyrannical Authority, Advocate Practical Common Sense, Oppose Injustice, And Undertake Noble Pursuits.
We have publicly confronted hate groups, fought for the abolition of corporal punishment in public schools, applied for equal representation when religious installations are placed on public property, provided religious exemption and legal protection against laws that unscientifically restrict women's reproductive autonomy, exposed harmful pseudo-scientific practitioners in mental health care, organized clubs alongside other religious after-school clubs in schools besieged by proselytizing organizations, and engaged in other advocacy in accordance with our tenets.
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je li moguće da je prošlo 7 godina?
srijeda , 22.02.2017.Znam da ovo nitko nikad neće pročitati (zajebavam se, bok demijune, bok morg, bok alex).
Prošlo je cirka 7 godina i sad gledam ovu sprdnju i plače mi se koliko sam edgy bila. jebiga, nisam ja kriva što sam se navukla na 4chan kad sam imala jedno 11 godina. nemojte puštat klince na internet.
stavit ću ovaj blog opet u pogon jer sam još uvijek edgy ali na mrvicu drukčiji način.
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ponedjeljak , 12.04.2010.Što mislite o filmu/knjizi Twilight (Sumrak, kako god)? Ovo me vec gnjavi duže vrijeme, a nikako da napišem post. Ukratko, uopce mi se ne sviđa. Zašto? Da vidimo:
1. Glavni lik: Pazi joj samo ime. Bella Swan. Ljepotica Labud. Šta nije mogla spisateljica nešto mrvicu originalnije smislit? Ona je inace jako posebna, kao snjezna pahuljica, i iako nije Barbie girl svi je vole prvi dan i najzgodniji decko se zaljubi u nju... zijev... Takvi perfektni likovi postoje vec stoljecima, najcesce u prvim pokušajima u pisanju. Mozete li pogoditi zašto?
2. Drugi glavni lik: Edward Cullen. Polumrtav čudak pedofil koji se sjaji na suncu. Need I say more? Stalno govori Belli kako je jako opasan i kako ce je ubit i slične brbljarije, a ništa se ne događa. Ništa. U filmu taj naš najdraži pseudo-vampir izgleda kao junkie. Blijed k'o krpa, stalno zuri negdje u daljinu... Robert Pattinson je i sam rekao: “When you read the Twilight series, it’s like saying ‘Edward Cullen is so beautiful I creamed myself’. I mean every line is like that. He’s the most ridiculous person who’s so amazing at everything.I think a lot of actors tried to play that aspect. I just couldn’t do it. And the more I read the script, the more I hated this guy, so that’s how I played him, as a manic-depressive who hates himself. Plus, he’s a 108 year-old virgin, so there’s clearly some issues there.”
3. Radnja: Cura se preseli u nekakav grad usred ničega gdje se ništa ne događa osim što se vampir zaljubi u nju i ostatak filma bulji u nju dok spava, prijeti joj ili radi nešto treće. Zašto se uopće preselila u taj grad, that's beyond me.
Mogla bih još pisati o ovome, ali tema je isfurana. Ako sam vas neke fanove uvrijedila, sorry. Jednostavno ne razumijem kako je Twilight postao tako popularan, što vidite u tom filmu? To nisu ni vampiri, ne znam što je to. Ako hoćeš vampire, pogledaj Nosferatu. On se barem nije sjajio na suncu.
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ponedjeljak , 08.02.2010.Biblija.
Kad to procitate i vidite sto se sve događa u toj knjizi, kad vidite sva ta ubojstva, silovanja, blud, te odvratnosti u Starom Zavjetu... okrenuo mi se zeludac i odlucila sam prijeci na neku normalniju religiju.
P.S. jedan smijesan citat, odvratnosti ostavim za poslije (ne znam iz kojeg dijela Biblije):
" Ne smijete jesti ništa što crkne. Daj to pridošlici koji boravi u tvojim gradovima neka jede ili pak prodaj tuđincu. "
Da, opet sam tu... nedostajah li vam?
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Svi blogovi nesto crkavaju...
ponedjeljak , 28.09.2009.Pola blogova koje prije citah vise nema... eh... a oni iz mojih ranih dana blogiranja (circa 2005) su vec dugo godina na ledu i nista se novo ne pise. Bas depresivno.
Anyway, ni gothic blogova vise nema, svi su postali emo odkad se ta scena pojavila.
Facebook mi fakat ide na zivce. Ne pitajte zasto.
(usput: procitajte ovo, cura je retardirana: da,da, ovo tu)
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Zivi svaki dan kao da ti je zadnji i jednog ces dana doista biti u pravu!
utorak , 14.04.2009.A colleague at work heard this from her boyfriend.
He works with someone who said that his sister's friend got the last tube (subway train) home a couple of weeks ago. When she got on there were 5 rows of seats empty but the last row had three people sitting in them. As she was a little afraid, she went and sat opposite these people. She settled down and looked up to see the woman sitting opposite her really staring at her.
So she got out her book and started to read but every time she looked up the woman was still staring. The train pulled into the next station and a man got on. He looked up and down the carriage, took a look at her and the people opposite her and came and sat next to her. As the train left the station the man leaned back and said quietly in her ear "If you know what's good for you, you'll get off at the next station with me". She was scared but thought the best idea would be to get off at the next station as he asked as there might be people around.
The next stop comes up and she leaves the train with this man. The man says "Thank God, I didn't mean to scare you but I had to get you off that train. I'm a doctor and the woman sitting opposite you was dead, and the two men either side were propping her up". According to the guy who told this story, the girl and the doctor called the police who stopped the train at the next station.
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