Onda, dok sam te voljela
Onda, dok sam te sanjala
Onda, dok me nisi slomio
Mislila sam, da si pravi za mene,
jedini i pravi.

To je bilo onda...

Bila ti je to samo igra,
igra u kojoj sam ja patila.
Tvoj je potez završio,
moj je red.
Sada kada znam istinu,
kada je moj red,
imam samo dvije riječi za tebe:

Ovako, onaj mali za kojeg sam u prošlom postu napisala da mi se sviđa, e, to je propalo. Rekla sam mu da mi se sviđa ali od toga ništa. Nisam tužna, moram priznati da sam i mislila da će tako biti. Ipak mi je žao, sada sam najvjerovatnije unišitla mogućnost da ikada više normalno pričamo. Toga mi je najviše žao...ali šta se može, moram skupiti snage i ponovno (po tko zna koji put) podignuti glavu i nastaviti bitku koja se zove život, jer:
Don't let the fear of striking out keeps you from playing the game called life

Ali ipak ima istine u pjesmi od Nickelback- Feelin't way too damn good:

I missed you so much
That I begged you to fly and see me
You must've broke down
Coz you finally said that would
But now that you're here
I just feel like I'm constantly dreaming

Coz something's gotta go wrong
Coz I'm feelin' way to damn good

For 48 hours I don't think that we left my hotel room
Should show you the sights
Coz I'm sure that I said that I would
We gotta make love just one last time in the shower

Well something's gotta go wrong
Coz I'm feelin' way to damn good

And it's like, every time I turn around
I fall in love and find my heart face down and
Where it lands is where it should
This time it's like
The two of us should probably start to fight
Coz something's gotta go wrong
Coz I'm feeling way to dam good, oh
Feelin' way too damn good

Sometimes I think best if left in the memory
It's better kept inside than left for good
Lookin' back each time they tried to tell me
Well something's gotta go wrong
Coz I'm feelin' way too damn good

And it's like, every time I turn around
I fall in love and find my heart face down and
Where it lands is where it should
This time it's like
The two of us should probably start to fight
Coz something's gotta go wrong
Coz I'm feeling way to dam good, oh
Feelin' way too damn good
Oh, oh, feelin' way too damn good

I missed you so much
That I begged you to fly and see me
You must've broke down
Coz you finally said that would
But now that you're here
I just feel like I'm constantly dreaming

Coz something's gotta go wrong
Coz I'm feelin' way to damn good

And it's like, every time I turn around
I fall in love and find my heart face down and
Where it lands is where it should
This time it's like
The two of us should probably start to fight
Coz something's gotta go wrong
Coz I'm feeling way to damn good, oh, oh
Feelin' way too damn good
(I missed you so much
That I begged you to fly and see me)
Feelin' way too damn good
(I missed you so much
That I begged you to fly and see me)

najtočniji je, barem za mene i moj život, ovaj stih:
something's gotta go wrong coz I'm feelin' way too damn good

04.02.2008. u 20:50 | | Scream. (11) | P | !! | K

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Opis bloga

Pieces Of My Life. Hope You'll Like It. Leave A Comment. Kissićbelj

O meni

Pa ovako. Zoven se Petra i iman 16 godina. Volim svakakvu glazbu ali ipak najviše pop i r'n'b (na žalost nekih mojih prijateljicabeljbelj)
Ugl., ovdje ću pisati o sebi i svojo okolini, ljudima koje volim gledati i slušati (film i glazba), zapravo što mi god padne na pamet. BYEroflrofl

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