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All about System of a Down i moja mišljenja o ponekim stihovima-btw, stihovi mi daju inspiraciju za sastave koje obožavam pisati...



Life is a waterfall,
We're one in the river,
And one again after the fall

Swimming through the void
We hear the word,
We lost ourselves,
But we find it all?

Cause we are the ones that want to play,
Always want to go,
But you never want to stay,

And we are the ones that want to choose,
Always want to play,
But you never want to lose

Aerials, in the sky,
When you lose small mind,
You free your life.

Life is a waterfall,
We drink from the river,
Then we turn around and put up our walls

Swimming through the void
We hear the word,
We lost ourselves,
But we find it all?

Cause we are the ones that want to play,
Always want to go,
But you never want to stay,

And we are the ones that want to choose,
Always want to play,
But you never want to lose.

Aerials, in the sky,
When you lose small mind,
You free your life.
Aerials, so up high,
When you free your eyes,
Eternal prize.
Aerials, in the sky,
When you lose small mind,
You free your life.
Aerials, so up high,
When you free your eyes,
Eternal prize.

Chop Suey
Wake up,
Grab a brush and put a little (makeup),
Grab a brush and put a little,
Hide the scars to fade away the (shakeup)
Hide the scars to fade away the,
Why'd you leave the keys upon the table?
Here you go create another fable

You wanted to,
Grab a brush and put a little makeup,
You wanted to,
Hide the scars to fade away the shakeup,
You wanted to,
Why'd you leave the keys upon the table,
You wanted to,

I don't think you trust,
In, my, self righteous suicide,
I, cry, when angels deserve to die, Die,

Wake up,
Grab a brush and put a little (makeup),
Grab a brush and put a little,
Hide the scars to fade away the (shakeup)
Hide the scars to fade away the,
Why'd you leave the keys upon the table?
Here you go create another fable

You wanted to,
Grab a brush and put a little makeup,
You wanted to,
Hide the scars to fade away the shakeup,
You wanted to,
Why'd you leave the keys upon the table,
You wanted to,

I don't think you trust,
In, my, self righteous suicide,
I, cry, when angels deserve to die
In my, self righteous suicide,
I, cry, when angels deserve to die

Father, Father, Father, Father,
Father/ Into your hands/I/commend my spirit,
Father, into your hands,

Why have you forsaken me,
In your eyes forsaken me,
In your thoughts forsaken me,
In your heart forsaken, me oh,

Trust in my self righteous suicide,
I, cry, when angels deserve to die,
In my self righteous suicide,
I, cry, when angels deserve to die.

Sjeckanje duše (prijevod Chop Suey)
Probudi se
Uzmi kist i stavi malo šminke
(Uzmi kist i stavi malo)
Sakrij ožiljke da se smiriš
(Sakrij ožiljke da se)
Zašto si ostavila ključeve na stolu?
Zato sada stvaraš još jednu fabulu

Htjela si,
Uzeti kist i staviti malo šminke
Htjela si,
Sakriti ožiljke da se smiriš
Htjela si,
Zašto si ostavila ključ na stolu,
Htjela si.

Ne mislim da vjeruješ
U moje opravdano samoubojstvo
Ja, plačem, kad anđeli zaslužuju da umru,

Probudi se
Uzmi kist i stavi malo šminke
(Uzmi kist i stavi malo)
Sakrij ožiljke da se smiriš
(Sakrij ožiljke da se)
Zašto si ostavila ključeve na stolu?
Zato sada stvaraš još jednu fabulu

Htjela si,
Uzeti kist i staviti malo šminke
Htjela si,
Sakriti ožiljke da se smiriš
Htjela si,
Zašto si ostavila ključ na stolu,
Htjela si.

Ne mislim da vjeruješ
U moje opravdano samoubojstvo
Ja, plačem, kad anđeli zaslužuju da umru,
U moje opravdano samoubojstvo
Ja, plačem, kad anđeli zaslužuju da umru,

Oče, Oče, Oče, Oče,
Oče, u Tvoje ruke, svoj duh predajem
Oče, u Tvoje ruke

Zašto si me napustio
U Tvojim očima napustio
U Tvojim mislima napustio
U Tvome srcu napustio, mene oh,

Vjeruj u moje opravdano samoubojstvo
Ja, plačem, kad anđeli zaslužuju da umru,
U moje opravdano samoubojstvo
Ja, plačem, kad anđeli zaslužuju da umru,


I'll wait here
You're crazy
Those vicious streets are filled with strays
You should've never gone to Hollywood
They find you
Two-time you
Say you're the best they've ever seen
You should've never trusted Hollywood
I wrote you
And told you
You were the biggest fish out here
You should've never gone to Hollywood
They take you
And make you
They look at you in disgusting ways
You should've never trusted Hollywood
I was standing on the wall
Feeling ten feet tall
All you maggots
Smoking fags on Santa Monica Blvd.
This is my front page
This is my new age
All you bitches put your hands in the air
And wave them like you just don't care
All you maggots
Smoking fags out there on Sunset Blvd.
All you bitches put your hands in the air
And wave them like you just don't care
Phony people come to pray
Look at all of them beg to stay
Phony people come to pray
(The lines in the letter said
"We have gone to Hackensack")
Look at all of them beg to stay
Phony people come to pray
All you maggots
Smoking fags on Santa Monica Blvd.
All you maggots
Smoking fags out there on Sunset Blvd.
All you maggots
Smoking fags out there on Hollywood Blvd.
You should've never trusted Hollywood
You should've never gone to Hollywood
All you bitches put your hands in the air
And wave them like you just don't care
You should've never trusted Hollywood


Why do they always send the poor
Barbarisms by Barbaras
With pointed heels
Victorious victories kneel
For brand new spankin' deals
Marching forward hypocritic and
Hypnotic computers
You depend on our protection
Yet you feed us lies from the tablecloth
Everybody's going to the party have a real good time
Dancing in the desert blowing up the sunshine
Kneeling roses disappearing into
Moses' dry mouth
Breaking into Fort Knox stealing
Our intentions
Hangers sitting dripped in oil
Crying freedom
Handed to obsoletion
Still you feed us lies from the tablecloth
Everybody's going to the party have a real good time
Dancing in the desert blowing up the sunshine
Everybody's going to the party have a real good time
Dancing in the desert blowing up the sunshine
Blast off
It's party time
And we don't live in a fascist nation
Blast off
It's party time
And where the fuck are you?
Where the fuck are you?
Where the fuck are you?
Why don't presidents fight the war?
Why do they always send the poor?
Why don't presidents fight the war?
Why do they always send the poor?
Why do they always send the poor?
Why do they always send the poor?
Why do they always send the poor?
Kneeling roses disappearing into
Moses' dry mouth
Breaking into Fort Knox stealing
Our intentions
Hangers sitting dripped in oil
Crying freedom
Handed to obsoletion,
Still you feed us lies from the tablecloth
Everybody's going to the party have a real good time
Dancing in the desert blowing up the sunshine
Everybody's going to the party have a real good time
Dancing in the desert blowing up the sun
Where the fuck are you?
Where the fuck are you?
Why don't presidents fight the war?
Why do they always send the poor?
Why don't presidents fight the war?
Why do they always send the poor?
Why do they always send the poor?
Why do they always send the poor?
They always send the poor
They always send the poor

subota, 26.08.2006.

Malo o knjizi koju upravo čitam...

Pisac koji me uvijek iznova oduševljava je Paulo Coelho. Napisao je dosta knjiga od kojih me se najviše dojmio „Alkemičar“. Uvijek kad je pročitam otkrivam nove mogućnosti života i ljubavi. Trenutno čitam njegovu novu knjigu „Zahir“ koja govori o opsesiji ljubavlju koja se čas čini svetom a čas ludom. Pronalazim se u rečenicama koje je on napisao dok je isto kao i ja tražio izlaz iz Ljubavi. Zahir je stari motiv iz islamske tradicije, znači nešto što je prisutno, vidljivo i što nije moguće predvidjeti. Svi imamo svog Zahira. On nije isključivo povezan s ludom opsesijom ljubavlju, on je sam po sebi opsesija, opsesija nakom stvari koja nam nikako ne daje mira nego sve više raste u nama, a prestaje tek kad pronađemo to za čim težimo! Ili ako uspijemo ugušiti želju za tim jer samim time gasimo i utjecaj Zahira! Knjigu ocjenjuju kao tešku ali uopće nije takva. Izgubiti ćete dosta ako ne pročitate bar neku njegovu knjigu. on u ovoj knjizi traži svoju ljubav, svog Zahira, njegovu ženu. Taj put ga odvodi iz sigurnosti njegova svijeta na posve neizvjestan put, na kojem će potražiti novi smisao prirode ljubavi i snage sudbine.
Evo vam jednog citata: “ Uvijek je važno znati kada je nekome razdoblju došao kraj. Zaokružiti cikluse, zatvoriti vrata, završiti poglavlje- ime nije važno, važno je prepustiti prošlosti životne trenutke kojih više nema.“
A sada malo o „Alkemičaru“. Knjiga govori o putovanju mladog pastira koji u potrazi za svojim blagom odlazi sve do egipatskih piramida. Na putu upoznaje mnoge ljude s različitim životnim sudbinama te ljubav svog života. Neću vam puno otkrivati jer ovu knjigu svatko drugačije protumači.
Evo vam nekoliko citata:
- Ne želim mjenjati, jer ne znam kako mjenjati.
- Katkad je nemoguće zaustaviti rijeku života.
- Kad štogod zaista želiš, cio se svijet uroti da to i osvariš.
- ...jer je život uvijek i samo trenutak u kojem živimo.
- ... na svijetu uvijek postoji netko tko upravo tebe čeka.
- ... a kad se dvoje sretnu i kad se ukrste pogledi, sva prošlost i budućnost izgube bilo kakvu važnost, te postoji samo taj trenutak, ta nevjerojatna sigurnost...
- Kad se ljubi, sve ima više smisla.
- Od tog dana, pustinja će postati važnija. Stalno će je promatrati, nastojeći doznati koju zvijedzu mladić slijedi u potrazi za blagom. Svoje će poljupce slati vjetrom, u nadi da će mu on dotaknuti lice i kazati mu da je živa, da ga čeka... Od tog dana, pustinja će postati samo jedno: nada da će se on vratiti.
- Jer tvoje je blago ondje gdje je i ono samo.
- Nitko ne može pobjeći od svog srca. Zato je bolje slušati što govori. Da nikad ne naiđe udarac kojeg ne očekuješ.
- Mi, srca, umiremo od straha kad samo i pomislimo na ljubavi koje su zauvijek otišle, na trenutke koji su mogli biti dobri, a nisu bili, na blaga koja su mogla biti otkrivena, a zauvijek su ostala sakrivena u pijesku. Jer kad se to dogodi , mi strašno patimo.
- Reci mu da je strah od patnje gori od same patnje. I da nijedno srce nije nikada patilo kad je otišlo u potragu za svojim snovima, jer svaki trenutak traženja trenutak je susreta s Bogom i Vječnošću.
- Svaki trenutak traženja trenutak je nalaženja.
- Traženje počinje uvijek Početničkom srećom. A završava uvijek Ispitom Osvajača.
- Sve je samo jedno.
- Oči pokazuju snagu duha.
- Smrt uglavnom navede ljude da budu osjetljiviji na život.
- Sve što se dogodi jednom, može se više nikad ne ponoviti. No sne što se dogodi dvaput, dogoditi će se zacijelo i treći put.

Nadam se da su vam ovi citati pobudili želju da pročitate barem nešto iz bogatog stvaralačkog opusa ovog pisca. Kiss!

- 19:25 - Komentari (5) - Isprintaj - #

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