zivite zivot kratkih postova

petak, 31.03.2006.

and if you go, i wanna go with you...
and if you die, i wanna die with you...
take your hand and walk away...

- 22:16 - Komentari (1) - Isprintaj - #

evo meee...
bok! kako ste i sta ima ja sam ok nakon još jednog napornog dana...
zamislite valjda ću sada (preko vikenda) uspjet završit svoj post...
onaj dugiii...mislim o cemu ce biti...
e pa o mom savrsenom zivotu...
mislim kada bi bija takav...
ja imam planova (puuuuuuuuuuno) za svoju budućnost koje namjeravam ostvarit...rofl
do tada pozz...wave

- 21:55 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

četvrtak, 30.03.2006.


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tu sam išla u vrtić samo što je tada izgledao puno gore

- 22:06 - Komentari (1) - Isprintaj - #

srijeda, 29.03.2006.

Malo o mojem mjestašcu zvano : Novska (i u sljedećem postu očekujte slike)

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zapadna Slavonija

Latituda 45° 20' 48'' sjever (45.3467)
Longituda 16° 58' 32'' istok (16.9756)
Altituda 126 m (visina)


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Prema Statutu grada Novske čl. 4. - opis grba i zastave
Grb ima oblik poluokruglog štita s poljem crvene boje na kojem se nalazi srebrno bijeli dvostruko preklopljeni križ.
Zastava je jednobojna, plave boje , omjera duljine i širine 1:2. U sredini zastave u sjecištu dijagonala nalazi se grb Grada Novske koji je obrubljen žutom bojom.
Grab i zastava koriste se na način na koji se ističe tradicija i dostojanstvo Grada Novske.

- 22:38 - Komentari (3) - Isprintaj - #

utorak, 28.03.2006.

Image Hosted by ImageShack.uspredobra slikica, predobra...

- 22:21 - Komentari (2) - Isprintaj - #

evo cuh ja za nove ili ne nove (meni nove grupe) SUNN O)))burninmad(možda ide još koja zagrada u naziv hahahaha) i BETWEEN THE BURIED AND MEsmokini morem vam reći da su SUPERthumbup ko i sve metal grupe no mene zanima ako ikako mogu dobiti od vas stranicu od nekih gothic metal grupa jer ja sam sad za to i cula sam APOCALIPTICUnaughty još davnih dana ali me se dojmila...i ako ko zna koju grupu osim njih neka mi ostavi komentar sa stranicom jer ja VOLIM METALrofl (kakav god on bija) pozz...wavebrrr ježim se od BETWEEN THE BURIED AND ME burninmad ALL BODIES brrr...

- 22:02 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

Moje glavno pitanje oko System Of A Down ove godine je koji je to žanr i, ako je metal, kakav je to metal. Iako definitivno podržavam korištenje etno elemenata u modernoj glazbi, na 'Mezmerize' je to bilo krivo podijeljeno. Neke od pjesama su više bile etno stvari s metal elementima nego išta drugo. Suviše ska elemenata činile su đumbus na trenutke bizarno smiješnim. Ispao je to jedan kaotičan album s krivim odnosom snaga i nekim sramotnih dijelovima, mada slušljiv.
Pola godine kasnije imamo 'Hypnotize' na kojem su odnosi opet promijenjeni. Etno elemenata i dalje ima, ali (opet) nisu u prvom planu nego igraju sporednu ulogu ukrašavanja pjesama, a ska se više ne osjeti. Ali i metal je doživio potiskivanje. Ako ćemo rangirati glazbu po žestini i rifovima onda je 'Hypnotize' dom hard-rock rifovima i tome prikladno manje moćnoj produkciji. S tekstovima i konstrukcijama pjesama više punk prirode, s 'Hypnotize' se SOAD pomalo miču s metal terena prema bendovima poput Exploited ili čak Ramones. Još ne postoji žanr koji se zove punk hard-rock, ali ovako od oka djeluje kao nešto što bi moralo uspjeti. Velike turneje u velikim prostorima, velika prodaja albuma i popularnost kod najrazličitijih ljudi dokazuju da su SOAD s tim komercijalno apsolutno u pravu.

Drugo pitanje je da li je bilo potrebno objavljivati dupli album. Da je 'Mezmerize' skraćen samo za posve glupu 'Cigaro' (a čak ne i za one koje bih ja odbacio zbog nemetalnosti), a 'Hypnotize' za potpuno besmislenu 'Kill Rock & Roll' i glupu 'Vicinity Of Obscenity' i da su spojeni u jedno dobili bi album od 20 pjesama i malo više od sat vremena. U rap svijetu to bi bio jedan običan album, no na jednom CD-u s postojećim poretkom pjesama dobili bi jedan zvukom neujednačen rad. Kompromisno rješenje bi bilo objaviti ovo kao dvostruki album na 2 CD-a kojim bi se naglasila različitost oba, a dobila bolja ponuda. Jer oba su albuma (pogotovo uz one tri izbačene, ali i ovako) kratka i s malo pjesama i negdje su između onih kategorija EP-ja i LP-ja. Niti su posve kratki, a nisu bogme ni dugosvirajući s tom minutažom od jedva iznad pola sata. Spojeni u jedno dobivamo jedno veliko izdanje kod kojeg imaš što slušati jer bi takav imao bolju ponudu različitih vrsta pjesama.

'Hypnotize' je svakako jedna nova faza benda. Tekstualno su još uvijek gdje su bili na početku. Izbjegavanje ljubavnih tema, puno politike, anti-ratnih ideja, tekstovi o propagandi i tek nešto malo Armenije (ali vrlo izravno i patriotski u 'Holy Mountains') i dalju su konstanta. Vidno je međutim da bend pomalo izbjegava metal. Produkcija je mekša, radiofoničnija, manje oštra. I pjesme su konstruirane s manje "dž-dž" dijelova, rifovi su blaži i rokerskiji, a generalno nema puno brzih dijelova. Tu je varljiva otvarajuća stvar 'Attack' jer napada ultra-brzim početkom, ali ubrzo uspori i takav album ostaje većim svojim dijelom. Ono što ostaje su tipične SOAD melodije - velike, hrabre i ponosne i dalje s dodatkom istočnjačkog prizvuka, ali bez narodnjačkih dijelova. Promijenilo se i to da su SOAD najjači na baladama. To su najavili s 'Lost In Hollywood', a ovdje potvrđuju dvama najboljim pjesmama s albuma, 'Lonely Day' i odličnom 'Soldier Side', drugim dijelom intra u 'Mezmerize'. Uz naslovnu pjesmu, također prilično baladastu, zaključak je da SOAD ove godine žele da uz njih ne mašete glavom, ne razbijate, nego pjevate.
Kad se zbroji, 'Hypnotize' je kao kraći 'Toxicity' sa nešto slabijim i lakšim pjesmama. Slabijim u smislu da im fali ona moćna grandioznost melodija i sugestivnih konstrukcija, a lakšim u smislu da su često s više laganih, rokerskih dijelova, a s manje metal rifoznosti i minuta za provjetravanje kose. Album najviše smisla ipak ima uz dodatak 'Mezmerize' jer mu samom nedostaje koja jača pjesma i raznolikosti, čega zbrojeni imaju imaju dovoljno. Dva okej albuma, jedan dvostruki zabavan i energičan.

ovo je pisao moj poznanik (neznam kak da se drukčije izrazim) i malo se slazem i malo se ne slazemrofl
sve u svemu MEZMERIZE I HYPNOTIZE su okthumbupali se system nekako promijenio...istina je oni su u tim albumima baš kao kraći "toxicity" i imaju te neke južnjačke zvukove i više bi rekla (sada kada ih kao ne bi nikad ćula) da su neki rockeri a ne metalci...iovak ionak oni su naj GRUPA IKADA bez obzira na to što ih "normalna" mladež ne sluša...pozz...wave

- 21:53 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

ponedjeljak, 27.03.2006.


- 22:15 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

blog layouts


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layout for myspace


- 22:08 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

aleluja ovaj blog je fakat zakon...thumbup stalno uvode neke nove stvari...naughty
ja sam napokon dobila SYSTEM OF A DOWNsmokin- HYPNOTIZEnuti moram vam reći da su super ali su prije bili puno bolji...bangpozz sistemovci...wave

- 21:31 - Komentari (2) - Isprintaj - #

nedjelja, 26.03.2006.

Ajme ja se tresem…mad
Neznam sta mi je danas se cijeli dan rolam…bang
Doručak- rolanje sa Silvijom, ručak- rolanje sa Marijom i Mateom…nut
Sada sam se vratila sa rolanja i sva se tresem…
Moja sestra napravila neka peciva sa šunkom i sirom pa ja to i jučer i danas jedem…
Baš je fino sada kad sam se vratila toga sam pojela najmanje 10 komada, a ništa se ne lijepi od mene još uvijek imam 40 kg…smokin
Ali zapravo ne izgledam ja tako loše ja izgledam SUPER…thumbup
Ma kako već ja sam super zadovoljna svojim izgledom…
Evo sada bi ovo trebao biti duži post vidit ću još oće bit šta od toga…
Čini se da ništa…
E sada o nečem drugom pošto mi se baš sada raspravlja.burninmad
E da...Mislim koji je smisao blogova…rolleyes
Da ti pišeš nešto tvoje privatno što će SVI ČITAT i onda će ti komentirat samo ako ti njima komentiraš…
E da što se tiče toga što će svi čitat…
Može netko pročitat nešto loše i tada te prijavit, a onda blog gleda tvoju adresu, obraća ti se nekim mailovima i dolaze na tvoju adresu…rofl
Može netko tko te zna (i mrzi) napravit blog pod tvojim imenom, adresom, danom rođendana, sve, pa čak i tvoja NAJBOLJA PRIJATELJICA / NAJBOLJI PRIJATELJ.burninmad
Znači pokušavajte manje govorit o sebi inače bi vam se moglo nešto zaista loše dogodit.

Kako mene živcira kad se moje vršnjakinje nađu pričat o metalu, grungeu, rocku i punku…headbang
Eto ja imam na WALLPAPERU „punk is not dead…yet!“…smokin
I to mi je baš cool…naughty
One kažu kao kako znaju o NIRVANI I KURTU jako puno umjesto da slušaju malo pozornije njegove pjesme i traže u njima tu njegovu patnju i nesreću i napušenost smokin hehehe…

- 19:14 - Komentari (3) - Isprintaj - #

subota, 25.03.2006.

danas sam se rolala
i osjecam se tako super thumbup
malo sam se "ojacala" rofl
tako da sam se sad uskladila sa ovim smajlovima dead
zapravo nisam dead ali nea veze
sada mi je vruće jako jako vruće ko da gorim burninmad
ovo je namjesteno
i kiss dajem svim zgodnim decakima (hehehehe) koji me
poznaju naughty
za kraj
wave mom frendu koji trenira kickboxing headbang

- 21:00 - Komentari (12) - Isprintaj - #

petak, 24.03.2006.

joj pa vidi ja tek sad skuzila da ima smajlica
sad cu si sve postove sredivat sa njima bas su luuuuuuuudiiiiiiiiiiiii
to im je dobro sta su napravili......
i da vam iskreno kazen osjecam se ovak headbang
i sdad bi morala zato jer imam aparatic prati zube mouthwash
ali mi se neda bang
ahahhahahaha smokin

- 21:19 - Komentari (4) - Isprintaj - #

ajde ja nemam materijala zapisanje dajte mi malo...................

- 21:04 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

STA IMA KOD VAS.........
Gledam a ne vidim…
No nije sve tako crno…
Zapravo odlazim…
Uzimam torbu i…
Što dalje od ljudi…
Ne mogu više ovo trpjeti…
Sreća se pretvorila u nesreću…
Zapravo odlazim…
Ne želim ovo više slušati…
Isto sve isto…
Iz dana u dan…
Slušam iste riječi…
No ne slušam ih jer…
Jer ih nemogu čuti…
Eto došlo…
Oglušila sam i nema mi spasa…
Bikaz slušam glazbu glasno…
Nemam inspiracije…
Zašto ovo pišem…
Da bi zadovoljila standarde nekih ljudova koje ni ne znam?
Za sebe…
Nisam si tako duboko progledala u dušu otkad znam za sebe…
Kraj je papira…
Ne želim da ovo bude kraj…
No je…
No zapravo sam skrenula sa teme „odlaženja“…
I tako ja odlazim…
I dobijem SMS…
Tko je?
Pitam se…
Nije li to onaj mali plavi ili smedji ili već koji koliko ih znam…
Nije to je samo Marija…
Govori o nekoj pjesmi…
Kao da je to poznato…
A ja to pišem…
U Wordu…
Neispisane riječi…
Nitko to nije smio vidjeti…
Ne želim više ovo pisati…
No nešto mi stalno u glavi govori da to izbacim iz sebe…
Joj pa nije kraj papira…
Krivo gledam…
Zapravo u Wordu se još nisam usavršila…
I sada je zapravo kraj stranice…
I za kraj rečem vam „Bok!“


- 20:56 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

četvrtak, 23.03.2006.

Ovan (21. III. - 20. IV.)
Škola Izgledne su promjene nabolje
Ljubav Predviđam strahovite pomake
In tjedna Teleskopi
Preporuka Pregledaj stare bilješke

Bik (21. IV. - 21. V.)
Škola Pripazi na predmete sa slovom D
Ljubav Iskrene čestitke na trudu
In tjedna Četvrtasti uzorci
Preporuka Pripazi na kalorije

Blizanci (22. V - 21. VI.)
Škola Tvoja urednost će donijeti plodove
Ljubav Što je tu je
In tjedna Klizanje po zaleđenoj travi
Preporuka Daj promijeni taj ringtone

Rak (22. VI. - 22. VII.)
Škola Iznenadna iznenađenja
Ljubav Poljubac rješava probleme
In tjedna Dvokoljenke
Preporuka Posveti se obitelji

Lav (23. VII. - 23. VII.)
Škola Pojačaj učenje stranog jezika
Ljubav Nije sve u pogledima
In tjedna Ukosnice i prstenje
Preporuka Pročitaj koju knjigu više

Djevica (24. VIII. - 23. IX.)
Škola Jedno od najboljig perioda ove školske godine
Ljubav Iskoristi novogodišnje opuštene situacije
In tjedna Fotoaparati s flashom
Preporuka Posjeti 2 prijatelja iz rane mladosti

Vaga (24. IX. - 23. X.)
Škola Nemoj zaostajati. Nikako ne kasni.
Ljubav Ne postoje dvije iste osobe na svijetu
In tjedna Umjetno krzno
Preporuka Prouči par novih plesnih koraka

Škorpion (24. X. - 22. XI.)
Škola Smireno ulaziš u burno razdoblje
Ljubav Stegni obruč
In tjedna Promjena boje kose
Preporuka Obuci se toplije

Strijelac (23. XI. - 21. XII.)
Škola Pripazi na profesora sa slovom M
Ljubav Nemoj čekati priliku. Stvori je
In tjedna Slastice od ananasa
Preporuka Pričekaj proljeće za sezonsko čišćenje

Jarac (22. XII. - 20. I.)
Škola Matematika je ključ tvog uspjeha
Ljubav Iznenadi poklonom
In tjedna Kratki rukavi
Preporuka Spomeni se prijatelja

Vodenjak (21. I. - 19. II.)
Škola Iznenadni ispiti možda nisu došli kraju
Ljubav Potakni konstruktivnu raspravu
In tjedna Privjesci u narančastoj boji
Preporuka Dopusti sebi poneki masni komad

Ribe (20. II. - 20. III.)
Škola Naporni tjedni su za tobom
Ljubav Odluke će pasti
In tjedna Vuneni dodaci
Preporuka Posjeti meki izvanredni kulturni događaj

- 22:06 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

Evo moje abecede:

Ara. To mi je luuuuuuuuuuuuuda ptica.
Bora. Nešto što ne bih htjela imati jaaaaaaaaaaaaaako dugo.
Crtić. Simpsoni heh ma Bart je moj decko.
Dar. I crawe za darovima…
Ekran. Od kompa naravno ja stalno blejim ili u to ili u TV.
Film. Ja obožavam gledat horore i komedije…
Glazba. Ja obožavam metal i tak te stvari stila Goth Metal i Hard Core ali znam i plesat uz one malo opuštenije things…
Hrkanje. Nije dostojno spomena…hehehe…
Isus. Meni se čini ko da je to sve namješteno…
Jaja. Koja? _____ ili Uskršnja…hehe…
Krava. Ima ih nekoliko u mom razredu.
Lyrics. To svakog dana skidam sa neta, a i prvo mi je palo na pamet.
Mravi. Uzgajala sam ih u plastičnoj čaši i onda sam ih njegovala pa mučila da svi pocrkaju…
Nokti. Grizla sam ih…
Oproštaj. Svakim danom ih je sve više i više…
Pjesma. Imam jednu svoju sad cu vam ju napisat…
Riba. Moj horoskopski znak…
Salama. To je fiiiino…
Škola. Ne bih o tomu…
Tramvaj. E oni novi u Zagrebu su grozni. Loši…
Ulizica. Koliko vas ima…jebote koliko vas ima…koliko vas iiima…jebote koliko vas iiima…
Vrag. Ja ne kužim te stvari…jesam katolik ili krščanin tak nešto ali ja zapravo ne kužim smisao toga svega…a vrag nije vrijedan ova dva reda…
Zakon. Mrzim zakone…oni su tu da se krše, a mi ih štujemo…
Želja. Eh, eh iman ih puuno…

I eto to bi bilo to…
Napokon sam počela pisat pristojne postove…
Samo trebam „malo“ upitnika kak bi vi rekli…
Da, da…
Ajde bok ja mislim da neću više pisat neg ću sam kopirat textove nemam inspiracije…

- 22:03 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

srijeda, 22.03.2006.

ejjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj......................kako ste mi................cini sae da ja uopce neam srece kod komentara...............

- 21:11 - Komentari (2) - Isprintaj - #



Sretni ste. Tko je zaslužan za osmijeh koji vam ne silazi s lica? Tko vas je to nadahnuo plimom pozitivnog raspoloženja? Uživajte dišući punim plućima. Danas biste se mogli i zaljubiti. Ne razbacujte se kada su osjećaji u pitanju. U potrazi za novim sadržajima, do izražaja će doći vaša snalažljivost. Financijski dobitak je nadomak ruke.


Poslovno ste angažirani i vrijedni. Rad je odlična kompenzacija za emotivno nezadovoljstvo. Kad radite, nemate vremena razmišljati o promašajima, rezultati su vidljivi i na njih možete utjecati. Koristi možete imati samo ukoliko se oslonite na vlastite snage. Okolina misli da ste slabiji, ali ćete je danas šokirati svojom snagom.


Izražen je optimistički pristup problemu, pa ćete ga lakše prebroditi. Ukoliko rješavate obiteljsko pitanje ili adaptirate životni prostor, pravi je trenutak. Nemojte nepažnjom upropastiti niz povoljnih prilika. Moguće su nesuglasice sa suradnicima. Samo smirenošću i strpljivošću možete izbjeći eventualne svađe. Glavobolja i problemi sa sinusima su prolazni. Ne zanemarujte partnera.


Na prvi pogled sve lijepo funkcionira, ali kada malo bolje pogledate, postajete nezadovoljni. Sve se odvija prilično sporo, ali ne brinite - vrijeme radi za vas. Ukoliko ćete biti strpljivi, a hoćete, stvari će doći na svoje mjesto. Dobit ćete u skladu sa zaslugama, ni manje ni više. Ukoliko se bavite umjetnošću, stvari držite pod kontrolom. Pripremite se za uzbudljive događaje.


Napokon ste našli vrijeme za lijepe stvari. Posao je danas u drugom planu. Netko vam je razbuktao maštu, pa planirate susret, čak i više od toga. Želite izgledati što ljepše i osvojiti dotičnu osobu, pa krećete u šoping. Jeste li razmišljali o novim cipelama? Uspjeh je neminovan. Neke stvari sami ne možete riješiti, pa se obratite prijateljima.


Do svega morate doći vlastitim trudom. Imate osjećaj da vam ništa ne pada s neba. Danas vam paše samoća, pa se pokušajte izolirati. Napunit ćete baterije i bit ćete spremni za nove radne pobjede. Poslovi se povećavaju. Zdravstveno stanje je nestabilno, pa se savjetuje odmor i odgoda svega što može pričekati. Samo mudrim potezima možete riješiti problem.


Nastupaju teškoće bilo da se radi o poslu ili o zdravlju. Slaba točka organizma su leđa, koja vam, ukoliko niste fizički aktivni, mogu zadavati probleme. Zbog nekoga se svjesno žrtvujete i spremno činite ustupke. Situacija vam je više nego jasna. Valjda ste u pravu! Moguća je kupoprodaja nekretnina. Spremate se za susret s dragim ljudima koji neprekidno misle na vas.


Strpite se u želji za dokazivanjem svojih kvaliteta. Kad dođe vrijeme, same će postati vidljive. Ukoliko ćete ih nametati, lako se možete sukobiti sa suradnicima. Trenutno vas nervira jedan od suradnika. Dalje od njega! Pošto ste imali brdo emotivnih i poslovnih problema, vijest o odlasku na put ugodno će vas iznenaditi. Još ako to bude inozemstvo?


Divno se osjećate ukoliko ste se okrenuli onim stvarima koje vam pričinjavaju zadovoljstvo. Poslovi kasne, partner zanovijeta, para ni na vidiku, a vi se okrećete prijateljima, kafićima i glazbi. Odličan način da popravite raspoloženje. Partner vas voli, iako o tome otvoreno ne govori. Značajnu korist možete imati od prijatelja. U fazi ste stvaranja novih životnih prilika.


Želite da vas drugi obasipaju pažnjom i hvale. To svi volimo, ali vi trenutno više nego inače. Pošto ste promjenljivog raspoloženja i osjećate manjak ljubavi, želite da i vama neko pokloni pažnju. Ukoliko ona izostane, okrenite se poslu. U radu je spas. I partner vam može pomoći kad je važan problem u pitanju. Od njega ste digli ruke, ali on ne samo da hoće već i može pomoći.


Moguća je opasnost od ozljeda, operacija i uniformiranih lica. Savjetuje se dodatan oprez, naročito poštivanje zakonskih normi i mirovanje. Ukoliko ćete se pridržavati ovih savjeta, izbjeći ćete sve moguće neugodnosti. Svoju radoznalost možete upotrijebiti na bezbroj sigurnih načina. Recimo, bavite se umjetnošću, otiđite u kazalište ili muzej. Nemate što izgubiti.


Imate problema, pa se pokušajte izolirati i razmisliti gdje griješite. Odmorite se i realno procijenite vlastite snage. Samo tako ćete prebroditi trenutnu krizu. Ukoliko imate problema s kućanskim aparatima, morat ćete se spremiti za neočekivani izdatak. Kad se najmanje nadate, ponudit će vam se nešto primamljivo, putovanje recimo. Prijedlog je zanimljiv, pa ga prihvatite.

- 20:55 - Komentari (1) - Isprintaj - #

ejjjjjjjjjjjjj...................sisi sad cu ja tebi malo horaca stavit..................evo bit ce uskoro pa cekaj...............i sad razmisljam o tim nagradnim igrama i imas pravo...........svi oni imaju obitelj.................ma ja sam totalka zbedirana imam love pa bi slala za te tenke al je to glupost zapravo i otkud mi pravo da ja tak nes dobijem..............danas sam isla sa starom u ZG pa mi je kupila role u turbo sportu a skroz su luuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude........hehe.....................i tako..............evo u next postu će bit horača...............i promijenit ću font ti tko god da si..........................

- 20:03 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

utorak, 21.03.2006.

evo sad necu nis posebno pisat neg samo da sam vidila novi ok i procitala ga i ima neka nagradna igra za 50centove šuze..............ma nisu loše (s njegovim potpisom ((o daaaaaaa)..........oni rade tako puno tih nagrada za nas tinoce a dobije ih ono neko ko salje 300 poruka na dan i koji ima dzeparac od 200 kn............sta je s nama obicnim smrtnicima..................ja nikad nist nisam dobila............ajde pozzz......moram ici...............sutra ili preksutra vas writeam..............

- 21:39 - Komentari (3) - Isprintaj - #

ponedjeljak, 20.03.2006.

kak mi je fora mijenjat dizajn...

- 22:33 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

Bok! Sta ima?
Ja sad se malo odmaram od Bladea. Imam zapravo sva tri ta filma ali nekak mi su vampiri zakon i ona njihova Gothic Metal mjuza...ja bi bija vampir...to mi je tak kuuuul...ali bi ja bija Day Walker...da mogu po danu hodati...ma ima tak nešto opasno kod vampira, a ja tu stvar baš volim nekak je opasno...a ja volim opanost iako se to na meni baš i ne žiki...

- 22:15 - Komentari (1) - Isprintaj - #

subota, 18.03.2006.


Vicevi koji će vas još jednom nasmijati!


Kad je Perica došao iz škole tata ga upita:

- Što ste danas radili u školi?

- Radili smo pokus!

- Pa hajde onda ponovi sve to za sutra za školu! - kaže tata.

Perica sav sretan odgovori:

- Pa zašto kad više nema škole?


Ivicu u školi profesor upita:

- Ivice, nabroji mi 3 poznate osobe ?

Ivica samouvjereno počne: Kranjčar, Drpić i Šimić!

Profesor ga upita:

- A nisi li ti čuo za Bettovena, Mozarta i Chopina?

Ivica mu odgovori:

- Ne, rezervne igrače ne poznajem!


Pita otac sina:

- Sine, kako se glasa mačka?

- Mijau... - odgovori sin.

- Dobro, a kako se glasa pas?

- Vau, vau!

- Dobro sine, a kako se glasa miš?

- Klik, klik!!


Mama ljutito upita Juricu:

- Jurice, zašto si tako brzo pojeo kolače? Zar nisi pomislio na svog brata?

Jurica ogovara punih ustiju:

- Jesam, zato sam se toliko i žurio!


Idu dva zrna pijeska pustinjom i jedan kaže:

- Uh al' je danas gužva!


Pita sin tatu:

- Tata, a gdje su Alpe?

- Ne znam sine, pitaj mamu ona je spremala stan.


- Perice, voliš li ići u školu?

- Lijepo je ići u školu, lijepo je vraćati se iz škole, samo mi se ne sviđa ono između!


Zašto ameba ide pješke u školu?

Zato što ima samo jednu stanicu.


Ivica je došao na šišanje kod frizera.

Frizerka ga upita:
- Kako hoćeš da te ošišam?

Ivica će na to:
- Besplatno!


Što je to žuto i bijelo, a putuje 100 kilometara na sat?

Jaje u sendviču vlakovođe!


Mala stonoga žali se mami:

- 'Boli me noga.'

- 'Zlato mamino, a koja te noga boli?'

- 'Ne znam mama, ja znam brojati samo do 10!'


Nakon nekog vremena hoda nešto počne škakljati slona na nozi. Kad je podignuo nogu primijeti da je nagazio malog marava pa mu kaže:

- 'Oprosti mi, molim te, nisam te želio zgaziti.'

Mrav će na to:

- 'Ma ništa stari, i meni se to moglo dogoditi!'


Ivica je prvi put u operi.

- Tko je onaj što nam okreće leđa?

- Dirigent.

- A zašto štapom prijeti onoj teti?

- Ma, ne prijeti joj.

- A zašto onda ona vrišti?


Zašto je mali crv tužan?

Zato što su mu mama i tata otišli na pecanje!!!!!!


Poznati atletičar se razbolio i otišao k liječniku. On ga cijelog pregleda i na kraju mu izmjeri temperaturu.

- Oho, 39.4! - iznenadi se liječnik.

- A koliki je rekord, doktore? - brzo ga upita atletičar.


- Sine, ako ti ja dam svaki mjesec 70 kn kokliko ćeš imati na kraju godine?

- Ništa, tata.

- Kaka to računaš, zar ne znaš matematiku?

- Znam ja matematiku, ali više znam sebe!.


Slona odjednom počne nešto škakljati na stopalu, digne nogu i primjeti da je nagazio mrava pa mu kaže:

- Oprosti mi, molim te, nisam te želio zgaziti.

A mrav će na to: - Ma ništa stari, i meni se to moglo dogoditi!


- Ivice sad nam lijepo svima ispričaj zašto si opet zakasnio u školu? - upitala je učiteljica

- Ubola me osa učiteljice! - uzviknuo je Ivica.

- A gdje te ubola? - upita učiteljica.

- Joj, ne smijem reći! - uporan je Ivica.

- Onda sejdni - nervozno odgovori učiteljica.

- Joj, ne mogu ni sjesti! - vikne Ivica.


Mama: 'Zašto ne jedeš ribu?'

Petra: 'Ne volim jesti ribu.'

Mama: 'Zamisli da voliš ribu pa ju lijepo pojedi!'

Petra: 'A ti zamislida sam je pojela pa odnesi tanjure!'


Na satu matematike učiteljica pita Ivicu:

- Koliko je 5-5?

- Ne znam.

- Pa,ako imaš 5 šljiva i 5 šljiva pojedeš koliko ti ostane?

- Pa, pet koštica.


Učitelj: - Koliko godina doživi pas?

Ivica: - Oko petnaest.

Učitelj: - Odlično, a miš?

Ivica: - E, to ovisi o mački!


Pita profesor Ivicu: - Ivice,koja ptica ne savija gnijezdo?

Ivica mu odgovori: - Kukavica!

Profesor ga brzo upita: - Zašto?

Ivica mu spretno odgovori: - Jer stanuje u bakinom zidnom satu!


Otac je htio provjeriti znanje svojih sinova iz matematike.pa ih je upitao: - Dečki, ako svakome od vas dam mjesečno 30 eura,koliko ćete imati nakon četvrtog mjeseca?'

Dečki odgovore u jedan glas: - Ništa!!!

- Kako ništa, pa vi uopće ne znate matematiku! kaže otac.

- Znamo mi matematiku tata, ali još bolje poznajemo sebe!


Pita učiteljica Ivicu:'Zašto si na roditeljski sastanak poslao svog starog djeda? Zar su tvoji roditelji tako zauzeti?'

Ivica odgovori:'Nisu, ali djed jedini slabo čuje!'


Ivica nakon dva dana izostanaka dođe u školu, a učiteljica ga upita:

- Gdje si bio prošla dva dana?

Ivica odgovori:

- Prvi dan mi je mama oprala rublje pa nisam mogao doći u školu, a drugi dan sam vidio da se i vaše rublje suši pa sam mislio da vi nećete moći doći u školu!


Mama pita Ivu:
- Ivo, jesi li vido negdje moju cjediljku?
- Jesam, ali bila je puno rupa pa sam je bacio u smeće!


Negdje u parku...
- Izgubio sam psa.
- Zašto ne staviš oglas u novine?
- Neće pomoći, moj pas ne zna čitati.


Sretna mama hvali se susjedima:
- Moj sin ide na satove engleskog, francuskog i i trigonometrije!
- Ma nemojte?
- Je, je! Ajde sine kaži im nešto na trigonometrijskom!


Mama upita Ivicu: - Sine, zašto svaki dan tako kasno dolaziš iz škole?
Ivica joj odgovari: - Poslije zadnjega sata svi su otišli i nitko me nije probudio!


Mama pita sina: - Zašto ne obućeš svoje nove cipele?
Sin joj odgovori. - Teta u trgovini mi je rekla da me prvih nekoliko dana cipele mogu žuljati pa ću ih obući tek sljedećeg tjedna!


Pita tata Ivicu: - Ivice voliš li ići u školu? Ivica mu spretno odgovari: - Volim ići u školu i volim se vraćati iz nje, ali ne volim ono između.

- 22:40 - Komentari (1) - Isprintaj - #

1.Ako želiš da ti život izgleda drukčije, moraš promijeniti svoje ponašanje!
2.Glede fizičke boli-kada stalno radimo jedno te isto, isto boli.
3.Glede emocionalne boli-kada stalno radimo jedno te isto, isto boli.
4.Problemi ne moraju nužno biti loši.
5.Nisi poražen tako dugo dok se ne predaš!
6.Svaka "katastrofa" u vašem životu i nije baš katastrofa nego situacija koja čeka da promijenite svoje mišljenje o njoj.
7.Zaboravi savršenost i teži k poboljšanju!
8.U tvojim je rukama tvoj odnos spram sebe samog.
9.Izazovi svoje tobožnje karakteristike. Kada sami sebi damo još jednu priliku i još dobijemo pomoć, najčešće to možemo učiniti.
10.Takvi ste, kakvi ste. Ali, ne morate takvi ostati!

(Pročitaj i procijeni!)

- 22:06 - Komentari (1) - Isprintaj - #

četvrtak, 16.03.2006.

koliko vas ima..........................yeah...................
mos mislit.............

- 23:05 - Komentari (4) - Isprintaj - #

Pametni jazavčar četiri puta pobjegao iz ZOO vrta

JOHANNESBURG - Stoffel, zlatnožuti jazavčar u privatnom zoološkom vrtu u Johannesburgu, ovih se dana slavi u novinama kao “kralj svih bjegunaca” među zatočenim životinjama.

Posjet lavovima

Pas, pronađen još kao napušteno štene na jednoj oranici, iza sebe ima respektabilnu karijeru bjegunca. Nakon što je u još mladoj dobi iskopao tunel ispod 1,50 m visoke ograde svog kaveza, zaposlenici su mu taj put za bijeg zapriječili izlivši duboke betonske temelje. Nakon toga je inteligentni jazavčar dovlačio kamenje i komadiće stijena, napravio visoki podest s kojeg je preskočio zid i zbrisao. Na svoju nesreću završio je u kavezu s lavovima, gdje su ga čuvari pronašli i vratili u obitavalište. S obzirom na to da su iz njegova kaveza uklonili sve kamenje, Stoffel je potom iskoristio zdjelu za hranu kao pomoć u bijegu. Zdjelicom je iskapao i navlačio grumenčiće zemlje sve dok nije ponovno napravio malo uzvišenje s kojeg je preskočio ogradu - i ponovno završio kod lavova.

Rođeni bjegunac

Ovaj put je susret prošao krvavo i jazavčar je morao na šivanje kod veterinara. No, čim se osovio na noge, Stoffel je utekao i iz “bolničke sobe”. Uprava vrta već je više puta pametnog Stoffela pustila na slobodu, a jedanput čak dala i udomiteljima, no on se svaki put vratio, kako bi ponovno pobjegao.

ee..........bas je pametan..........(i ja bi tak)

- 22:45 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

bok ljudi!!!!!!! kod nas nije bilo nastave pa sam cijeli dan se dosadjivala....................ajde bok.............nemam inspiracije..............ni prihoda.............

- 22:27 - Komentari (1) - Isprintaj - #

srijeda, 15.03.2006.

ovo je posvećeno kurtu
a ovo mom tati (koji nije mrtav ko kurt)

- 22:26 - Komentari (13) - Isprintaj - #

hello!Image Hosted by ImageShack.us

- 21:46 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

ponedjeljak, 13.03.2006.


Hi ljudi! sta ima! ja danas išla u školu, imali smo ju popodne, i skužim da sam zakasnila na novinare. tada su mi rekli da sam voditelj našeg (školsko-novinarskog) radija. meni je to baš zakon!!!
ma danas ko i svaki drugi dan...poz sisi i joxu i željkici...btw: ajde dodjite kući !!!!!!!!!!!
hahahahaha..........no moram ja i malo svoje pozzdravit zar ne?
ajde pozz i vama i nadam se da će doć dan kad ću imat više materijala za pisanje na svoj blog...pozz vama
(ps za xeroxa: okani me se...riješi to sa mnom u 4 oka)
(ps za sve štovatelje th i us 5: ubijte se)
(ps za sve pi... iz moje i ostalih skola: unajmite si sobu...)
(ps za sve metalce: ostanite taki kaki ste i nedajte da vas ista sputava u vašim snovima i da vas niko ne 'bedira'...)
(ps za one kojih na ovom poppisu nema: pozz...)

- 23:04 - Komentari (3) - Isprintaj - #

petak, 10.03.2006.

ajde bok...........možda vas sutra pišem...............

- 23:41 - Komentari (5) - Isprintaj - #

-Jim Morrison-


- 23:38 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

Free Counters
Free Counters



- 23:36 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #















Glittery texts by bigoo.ws

- 23:34 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

Charts this fear were very high, including #4 in Japan, both group and record, # 3 in Canada´s greatest metal mag- Brave words and Bloody Knuckles, # 1 in Metal Maniacs, and # 17 on the official Swedish charts, to name a few.

A video is shot for Only for the Weak, and the band ent on a mini our in Europe, where they played 13 shows in front of 20 000 people, needless to say, it was a huge success.

Next: summer festivals, including Wacken Open Air, Rock Machina to name a few, then the release of a live album : The Tokyo Showdown, in August, before heading over to the US for another our.

What next? well, another record was made, this time at a new location with a new producer: Dug-Out studios with Daniel Bergstrand. The band wanted to go elsewhere and try on a different studio and producer. Reroute To Remain was produced, and the the result was amazing. More touring, headline spins, support spins were done. Including raveling with the likes of Slipknot, Mudvayne, Soulfly and Slayer, that gave them the possibility to share their music with a different audience! Two headline spins in the US, one in Europe, festivals, including replacing Linkin park at Sweden's biggest festival: Hultsfred.

The day after that show they were offered to do a support slot for Metallica in Madrid, which was a huge success, playing in front of 30.000 people, making it the biggest show so far , that was not a festival.

The making of soundtrack to your escape started in may 2003 when they rented a small house in Denmark to do pre-production. The idea to do this came very natural as they had started working like this on the last record, but this time they wanted to go even further away from Sweden, to prevent any kinds of distractions. The result was 11 songs, and then two more followed as they ent into another recording process, although this time they moved all their gear and Daniel Bergstrands studio equipment into a larger house in Denmark to do the recording ina much more relaxed atmosphere. Only the druns where recorded at Dug-Out as the previous record, but the producers were the same: Daniel Bergstrand and Örjan Örnkloo.. which brings us up to date, where a large our is on it´s way, taking the band once again all over the world, trying to spread the In Flames word around !

Today´s line-up is:
Björn Gelotte - Guitars
Daniel Svensson - Drums
Peter Iwers - Bassguitar
Jesper Strömblad - Guitars
Anders Fridén - Vocals

- 23:25 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

četvrtak, 09.03.2006.

saint patrick's day

moj decko...bas je lud mali...odite na njihovu stranicu...

- 23:13 - Komentari (1) - Isprintaj - #

saint st patrick's day 2006

saint st patrick's day 2006

saint st patrick's day 2006

saint st patrick's day 2006

saint st patrick's day 2006

saint st patrick's day 2006

saint st patrick's day 2006

saint st patrick's day 2006

saint st patrick's day 2006

saint st patrick's day 2006

st patrick's

st patrick's

- 23:05 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

Postao sam ateista - ubili su boga u meni.
Idealna žena je kao kokoš – dobri bataci i pileći mozak.
Nevina sam – reče kurva na sudu.
Einsteinova teorija je relativno jednostavna.
Proglašavam sebe erogenom zonom.
Mi smo oni na koje su nas roditelji upozoravali.
Stvarnost je iluzija uzrokovana nedostatkom alkohola.
Tko rano rani, ima podočnjake.
Ako je abortus ubojstvo, onda je drkanje genocid.
Tko tebe kamenom ti njega isto kamenom jer je kruh skup.

ovo su neke izreke kojih imam još na wordu ali ću ih polako objavljivat jer ih ima puno..............
ma bas su lude.................

evo nes od SEPULTURE:
SEPULTURA.COM.BR - Official Website

sad ću napisat nešt o mojo takodje naj grupi: In Flames

(možda neće stati pa ću u nekoliko postova morat ali mi ne zamjerajte...)Image hosting by Photobucket

It was the year 1990, Jesper decided to take leave of the band Ceremonial Oath, that he was currently in, together with Anders Fridén and Anders Iwers (Tiamat)

Image hosting by PhotobucketHe wanted to make music in a different direction, and he teamed up with Johan Larsson and Glenn Ljungström to form IN FLAMES. The gang made a demo and shipped it off to Wrong Again records in order to get a record-deal, which they did. The owner of the company enjoyed the music so much that he immediately gave them a deal over the phone, as they rang him up one night. The next day, they sat down and wrote the album Lunar Strain, which was released some time later, and became a big underground success. They had some "in and out members" , and borrowed some from different bands. People that have been a part of IN FLAMES since the beginning, are Mikael Stanne and Anders Jivarp (Dark Tranquillity), Anders Iwers (Tiamat), Henke Forss (Dawn), Daniel Erlandsson (Eucharist, Arch Enemy), and a few more. The band then released a mini-CD called Subterranean, that became the "breaker" for IN FLAMES, in terms of getting out off the underground scene, that is, and led them to get a license deal with German company Nuclear Blast for the next record, and they have been there since then. After some time, the boys were getting tired of constantly borrowing people in order to make a record, or do a decent live show, and they asked Anders Fridén and Björn Gelotte to join the band, on vocals and drums, and they accepted. IN FLAMES were for the first time a band with a real line up.

They recorded and released yet another record . The Jester Race, which became a huge success, worldwide, and the band started to get some fantastic attention all over Europe, and in Japan, where they were licensed to Toy´s Factory. They ent on a festival our together with Samael, Grip inc. And Kreator - this was the first big thing that happened to them, but definitely not the last. Some gigs here and there over the next fear, led to both Johan and Glenn feeling that they had to make a choice where their priorities were , and sadly, they choose not be a part of IN FLAMES any more. They both announced, unexpectedly after the recording of Whoracle, that they were leaving, and Björn, Jesper and Anders were left with a finished record and half a band.

Luckily they were good friends with Peter Iwers and Niklas Engelin, who both happened to play bass and guitar, and they filled in at the end of the recordings, to do a mini-our with Dimmu Borgir. This worked out fine and the two gentlemen were asked to stay in the band permanently, and so they did. Together the group continued onto a successful our in Europeand an amazing week in Japan, where they did their first two shows. Japan welcomed the Swedes with warm arms, and they had an amazing experience. As they return to Sweden, Niklas leaves the band, due to some different opinions, and the fact that he wanted to focus on Gardenian, his other band. This is the biggest turning point for IN FLAMES, as they decide to switch Björn from drums to guitar, (being a guitar player originally), and recruit Daniel Svensson ( Sacrilige) on Drums. This works out wonderful, and they record COLONY, the biggest success so far.

The Colonization takes them around the world, to Europe, USA and Japan, and this our is an amazing experience for IN FLAMES, that finally receives the attention they´ve been waiting for. As they play full houses almost everywhere, the party goes on for a few months, and the response is excellent all over the world.

In August of 2000, after a few years of successful touring , the release of Clayman is a fact, after spending 3 months in the studio. This record spins off really well, and the sales are overwhelming and it knocks out the previous record sales in a few months.

After doing festivals with Dream Theater, Slipknot, Testament, Methods of mayhem, etc, a world our was to expect. In Flames aimed for Japan and Europe, which was squeezed in between 2 American tours. This was the same round as last fear, only this time bigger places, more people and more material. In Japan, Jesper received an award from BURRN! As the number 1 songwriter of the fear. The tours were a huge success once again. Peter Iwers did not join them on all of these tours as he had a new arrival back home, that he stayed home with instead, a baby girl, but he joined in for the Scandinavian and Japan dates, and was temporarily replaced by Dick Löwgren from Armageddon for the other tours. In the fear 2000, approximately 150 shows were performed by In Flames , and then a well deserved vacation was taken by the members. 2001, Peter is back and the band does a few single shows in Sweden, including a headline gig in Gothenburg, which was featured in 4 television channels, and aired live on the radio.

- 22:36 - Komentari (1) - Isprintaj - #

srijeda, 08.03.2006.

evo malo o mojoj naj grupi (ima ih...) SYSTEM OF A DOWN...ja cu malo "pisati" a vi se nemojte ljutiti jer je na engleskom...........a vi se nemojte uvrijediti glupi sugavi stovatelji tokio hotela i us5!!!!!!!!!!!.....................

Three years and eight months after the release of Toxicity, one of this decade’s most corrosively powerful, relevant and down-right important albums, System of a Down— guitarist/singer Daron Malakian, singer Serj Tankian, bass player Shavo Odadjian and drummer John Dolmayan—unleashes Mezmerize /Hypnotize… Well, actually, what they’re doing is unleashing half of it—the Mezmerize half—with the understanding that attention spans aren’t what they used to be in the Too-Much-Information Age.

You can count on System, one of rock’s most daring and innovative bands, to do things in its own way, and with a level of commitment that’ll knock the wind right out of you. “This band’s what Public Enemy once was and what Rage Against the Machine never quite managed to be: the potent trifecta of credibility, sincerity and real danger,” pronounced Esquire on naming them “Best Agitators” in the magazine’s 2005 Esky Music Awards. If you were looking for the ultimate one-sentence summation of this extraordinary band, that’s pretty good. Malakian has his own take. “We’re really an honest band—that’s why people are listening to us,” he asserts. “We’re not bullshitting ourselves and we’re not bullshitting them.”

Tankian’s take is even more succinct. “Our music has always been urgent, critical and questioning, and that still remains,” he says.

“We’re artists for the sake of art,” Tankian continues. “And our expression is pure and natural in terms of where it comes from. I think that’s always better with art because, once you have something in mind and you try to achieve it, it becomes less pure in some ways. If you just let whatever expression there is come out—it might be socially viable, it might be political, romantic, humorous, a personal narrative, a philosophical thought, whatever it is—if it’s pure and it just comes out and you leave it that way, I think it’s more potent. I think it’s more real.”

Fate chose this group of Armenian Americans, two of whom were born in Lebanon, one in Armenia and another in Hollywood, as unknowing prophets. Toxicity, System’s second album, appeared on Sept. 4, 2001 and was at the top of the charts on Sept. 12, while America and the world were paralyzed with grief, shock and fear. Perhaps because the music of Toxicity was so uncompromising and yet so full of humanity at its extremes, it provided a suitably harrowing soundtrack for that unimaginable moment, striking a deep nerve. The album generated four Top 10 singles, including the #1 “Aerials,” and went on to sell 6 million copies, establishing System not as some prefab mainstream commercial entity but rather as an urgent voice in the uncharted wilderness that was heard—and believed—by a great many human beings.

Just over a year later, the band offered up Steal This Album!, made up of tracks that had been started during the Toxicity sessions but didn’t fit that album’s dedicated confrontational vibe—tracks that put a greater emphasis on melody and the two-part harmonies of Malakian and Tankian. With Steal!, System, which up to that point had pitched nothing but fastballs (although some were of the split-finger variety), showed that it had a command of all kinds of stuff, and potent stuff at that. Thus, Mezmerize /Hypnotize is both the long-awaited follow-up to Toxicity in big-picture terms and a natural progression from Steal This Album! in a musical sense.

“People ask, ‘How are you gonna compete with Toxicity?’” Malakian points out. “And the answer is: by not competing with it. By not being afraid to use the new ideas that we have. Some bands are afraid of their fans: ‘They’re not gonna like this and they’re not gonna like that.’ We don’t have that mindset. We’ve gotta impress ourselves before we impress the fans—you gotta love yourself first, you know? I’ve gotta feel like we have everything it takes to make a record that’s better than anything we’ve done.”

“I look at everything we do as a continuation because it’s the same band and the same four individuals,” says Dolmayan, “So Mezmerize /Hypnotize is still System of a Down, but definitely there’s a huge growth. It’s more melodic but at the same time more aggressive. Every album captures where you are at that moment, but almost instantly you’re in a new place, as soon as it’s recorded, so it’s just basically a window into where you’re going in the future. And how people want to look at that and understand it is really up to each individual.”

Malakian not only produced the band’s magnum opus with Rick Rubin, as he did with Toxicity and Steal This Album!, but also increased his already considerable song, arrangement and vocal contributions, stepping forward both as a lead vocalist and as one half of System’s distinctive harmonies. Malakian’s increased foreground presence poses no problems for Tankian. “It’s not hard for me because we’ve been working together for over 10 years,” Serj points out. “I don’t necessarily encompass his words when I sing them—I approach them from my perspective and what they make me feel.” This is the same sort of statement one might expect to hear from Mick Jagger in describing his relationship with Keith Richards, or Robert Plant on Jimmy Page.

Likewise, Tankian, who shared production chores on Toxicity, broadened his own contributions in terms of writing music and arranging. In addition to writing more than half of the lyrics for both Mezmerize and Hypnotize, he played acoustic guitars, pianos and synths on the new album, as well as handling the string arrangements, doing most of it in his well-appointed home studio. There’s a great deal of back and forth between them in the creation of material, as Malakian explains: “I might have a great chorus but I don’t think the verse is that great, so I’ll ask Serj, ‘Can you make the verse better?’ And he does the same thing with me on stuff that he writes.” Both artists, then, have stepped up and branched out as their band matures, but their interaction is ongoing. So many great rock & roll bands have been led by tandems, and System of a Down is no exception.

System of a Down wrote some 30 tracks for Mezmerize/Hypnotize and recorded them at Rubin's Laurel Canyon studio between June and November of 2004. The new songs are more complex, more progressive, more unorthodox and more experimental than ever, while retaining the idiosyncratic, ironic and schizophrenic qualities that make System of a Down so distinctive. Among the uncompromising songs contained on Mezmerize are “Cigaro,” “Violent Pornography,” “Sad Statue,” “Radio/Video” and “Revenga.”

According to Malakian, the ramping up of melody and vocal interaction between the two collaborators is “part of the band’s evolution.” His priorities in developing the material for Mezmerize/Hypnotize involved “just being honest as a writer—not being afraid to express different parts of my life and different parts of what I see around me. Some people kind of censor themselves; I don’t and this band doesn’t. It’s a crazy time in the world, and I just stay focused on being inspired, not only by the crazy times but also by everyday life. It all meshes together. You can look at these songs from the viewpoint of a normal Joe or you can look at it in a broader way, because there’s a world going on around this normal Joe.”

The new album’s character is encapsulated by the jaw-dropping first single, “B.Y.O.B.,” with its myriad shifts in tempo, tone and viewpoint. The track starts out with System’s signature teeth-baring ferocity, as Tankian howls like an opera singer on steroids about a world gone mad while his cohorts impersonate the RATATAT of an AK47. Then, just as abruptly, a second protagonist comes into the frame, this one a carefree dude cruising eastward on the San Bernardino Freeway en route to a party in the desert, the scene delivered via a delectable minor-key pop hook. Thereafter, like some chemically amplified fever dream, the settings keep shifting until they begin to overlap, and a voice—Malakian’s—screams, “Blast off / It’s party time / And where the fuck are you?,” setting up the bitter incantation, in yet a third distinct time signature, that sends the song—and the listener—over the edge: “Why don’t presidents fight the war? / Why do they always send the poor? / Why do they always send the poor?” The song is so epic that it seems much bigger than its 4:17 length, and when it’s over, the listener is spent, enraged and exhilarated, all at once. And that’s just the first track of an album that packs a world of compressed fury into its 37 minutes. But it isn’t gratuitous fury.

“Originally, there was, in my own performance—on the first album, for example—a lot more ferocity and rage and aggression in terms of how I expressed myself,” Serj points out. “Whereas, now, it’s almost like a way of shaking things up to raise my voice, to communicate on an intense-energy level—which I would say is as powerful as anger and rage, yet more focused and productive.”

The album ends—this half of Mezmerize/Hypnotize does, at any rate—just as thrillingly as it begins, with Malakian’s double-cheeseburger reflection on his ugly, beautiful and bizarre hometown, comprising the Spandex-style rocker “Old School Hollywood” (ironic, maybe, but bitchen for sure), inspired in part by his surreal experience on the field at Dodger Stadium for the 2003 celebrity game, segueing into “Lost in Hollywood,” a bittersweet journey back to “the streets where I grew up,” which has to be the most beautiful and haunting song this band has ever recorded. Admittedly, “bittersweet,” “beautiful” and “haunting” haven’t been used a whole lot in describing System of a Down up to now, but this band is endlessly surprising, and they refuse to be typecast. From moment to moment within any given track, they might be perceived as art rock, hard rock, Floydian prog-rock, psychedelia, politically charged hardcore, nu-metal, old metal or even Gilbert & Sullivan from some parallel universe, but in the end they’re System, period—unpredictable and indescribable.

“In terms of dichotomy and the dynamics of the songs, it just kind of comes naturally through Daron’s songwriting and my songwriting,” says Tankian. “We just go with it. To me, it’s always been interesting both musically and lyrically to put two things next to each other that don’t have a previous relationship and see what kind of relationship I can create out of them, because I think that’s creating something new. If you can make it work, it’s fun.”

The band has no overriding concept, meaning each of their albums is—just as Dolmayan says—essentially a representation of these particular individuals at a particular moment in time. Simple, right? Right. And also incredibly complex—as complex as human beings and the world they’re living in, a world seemingly without absolutes or easy answers.

“I don’t really have a side—I’m not red or blue,” says Malakian. “And since I did write a good part of the lyrics on this record, the songs tend to take a middle ground rather than being one-sided about it. I think that’s why my world and Serj’s come together so well lyrically, because he’s more politically motivated and I’m not, but some of his stuff makes mine more serious, and some of my stuff makes his stuff a little bit more human. As I was sequencing the records, I realized that if I went to a shrink and he hypnotized me, I would be singing some of these songs.”

“I don’t feel any particular responsibility in discussing social or political things,” Tankian explains. “It’s something that’s in my heart. I’ve always had a problem with injustice, whether it’s personal, national, international or universal. It’s just always bothered me to the point where I have to say or do something. I think action is worth a million words, though, as far as that’s concerned. But ultimately, if there’s one thing I’d like to do more than anything else, it’s to not take this life so seriously.”

There’s not a trace of arrogance in this band, despite the scope of its success. In its place is a disarming humility. “I didn’t find music—music found me,” Malakian says, clearly in awe of the part he feels destiny tapped him to play. Odadjian is similarly grateful to be where he is in life. “Every day that comes, I thank my Higher Power that I’m alive and doing what I do for a living, because I love it,” he says. “It’s something I’ve dreamt of doing, and I’ve worked my ass off to get where I’m at. I don’t take any of it for granted.”

They operate as a democracy, with each band member embracing his own particular role while contributing to System’s unorthodox but remarkably harmonious dynamic, which comprises intricate relationship vectors. Odadjian, for example, handles System’s stage production and is involved with the band’s videos as a director (Toxicity’s “Chop Suey” and “Aerials”) and editor (“B.Y.O.B.”) “We have our arguments,” Dolmayan acknowledges, “but in the end, if someone has a compelling argument, everyone else will listen, even if that person’s in the minority. So it’s a true democracy in that everyone’s voice is heard.” Dolmayan pauses for the punch line. “Some people talk more than others,” he quips.

And speaking of relationships, System has a deep connection with its audience. The band’s fans seem to receive the music precisely in the spirit in which it’s offered, making it the rarest of situations—particularly in the context of commercial art forms—and certainly the most rewarding. “The impact that we’ve had on people, artistically, socially and politically, is pretty amazing,” Tankian marvels. “It’s a huge compliment, and it’s a very special thing. I think System of a Down in itself is very special in that sense.

“It’s about the audience finding you, rather than you finding the audience,” Tankian offers. “A lot of bands are marketed by labels to certain demographics. With us it was just the opposite from Day One. We toured pretty heavily until we built up a certain amount of fans that bought our CDs and saw our shows before we approached radio or video in any way. So that set us apart. That’s the old-fashioned way, and it’s how bands should be broken. And that’s why I think—luckily—we’ve had a good long career, and one that’s perpetually increasing. We’re not an overnight-success kind of band.”

Remember, Mezmerize is only the first half of this serial double album, so expect another sheaf of surprises when Hypnotize sees the light of day later this year. “The end of Hypnotize will tie together Mezmerize,” Daron promises, “but it’s really tough to explain until you hear it. Individually, in my opinion, they both stand on their own, but until you hear the second one you won’t know how the two records come together as one. We’re not leavin’ you dry.”

Don’t expect these guys to ever follow any script but their own—they make it up as they go along, and yet it always turns out to be right on the nose.

“I think you do what you’re destined to do,” says Tankian, expressing what could serve as his band’s credo. “If you follow your heart and you follow your path, then you’ll always be safe with anything that you do, including art.”

- 22:36 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

ejjjjjjjjjjjjjj.............ljudi ovo je moj prvi post i četvrti blog...ja u startu, ja malo luda, ja u problemima...i tak...eto ljudi ja neznam sta da vam rečem...to je tako dirljivo...hahahahahahahahahaha...svo vas pozdravljam...be cool...

- 22:12 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

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malo svega i svakoga (čega)

  • evo ljudovi moji neće bit niš novog ali ću biti malo iskrenija i s (nadam se) više postova...uostalom ista sam...nisam se promijenila...inače sam metalka i materijalizam je jači od mene...eto malo cu prepisat sa proslih blogs ali vam (nadam se) nece bit lose...jamcim...pozzz....


hej ljudi.....................

  • ja nemam pojma sta da tu pisem pa sam skinla malo pjesama pa čitajte...

    i chat...

    Chop Suey

    Wake up,
    Grab a brush and put a little (makeup),
    Grab a brush and put a little,
    Hide the scars to fade away the (shakeup)
    Hide the scars to fade away the,
    Why'd you leave the keys upon the table?
    Here you go create another fable

    You wanted to,
    Grab a brush and put a little makeup,
    You wanted to,
    Hide the scars to fade away the shakeup,
    You wanted to,
    Why'd you leave the keys upon the table,
    You wanted to,

    I don't think you trust,
    In, my, self righteous suicide,
    I, cry, when angels deserve to die, Die,

    Wake up,
    Grab a brush and put a little (makeup),
    Grab a brush and put a little,
    Hide the scars to fade away the (shakeup)
    Hide the scars to fade away the,
    Why'd you leave the keys upon the table?
    Here you go create another fable

    You wanted to,
    Grab a brush and put a little makeup,
    You wanted to,
    Hide the scars to fade away the shakeup,
    You wanted to,
    Why'd you leave the keys upon the table,
    You wanted to,

    I don't think you trust,
    In, my, self righteous suicide,
    I, cry, when angels deserve to die
    In my, self righteous suicide,
    I, cry, when angels deserve to die

    Father, Father, Father, Father,
    Father/ Into your hands/I/commend my spirit,
    Father, into your hands,

    Why have you forsaken me,
    In your eyes forsaken me,
    In your thoughts forsaken me,
    In your heart forsaken, me oh,

    Trust in my self righteous suicide,
    I, cry, when angels deserve to die,
    In my self righteous suicide,
    I, cry, when angels deserve to die.

    Lyrics by: Tankian, Malakian
    Music by: Malakian

    Jet Pilot

    Wired were the eyes of a horse on a jet pilot,
    One that smiled when he flew over the bay,
    Wired were the eyes of a horse on a jet pilot,
    One that smiled when he flew over the bay.

    My horse, is a shackled old man,
    His, his remorse, was that he couldn't survey,
    The skies, right before,
    Right before they went gray,
    My horse and my remorse,
    Flying over a great bay

    Wired were the eyes of a horse on a jet pilot,
    One that smiled when he flew over the bay,
    Wired were the eyes of a horse on a jet pilot,
    One that smiled when he flew over the bay.

    My, source, is the source of all creation,
    Her, discourse, is that we all don't survey
    The skies, right before,
    Right before they go gray,
    My source, and my remorse,
    Flying over a great bay,

    Wired were the eyes of a horse on a jet pilot,
    One that smiled when he flew over the bay,
    Wired were the eyes of a horse on a jet pilot,
    One that smiled when he flew over the bay
    Where were the eyes of a horse on a jet pilot,
    One that smiled when he flew over the bay,
    Where were the eyes of a horse on a jet pilot,
    One that smiled when he flew over the bay.

    Wired were the eyes of a horse on a jet pilot,
    One that smiled when he flew over the bay,
    Wired were the eyes of a horse on a jet pilot,
    One that smiled when he flew over the bay
    Where were the eyes of a horse on a jet pilot,
    One that smiled when he flew over the bay,
    Where were the eyes of a horse on a jet pilot,
    One that smiled when he flew over the bay.

    I cannot disguise,
    All the stomach pains,
    And the walking of the canes,
    When you, do come out,
    And you whisper up to me
    In your life of tragedy,

    But I cannot grow,
    Till you ETA the last of me,
    Oh when will I be Ree,
    And you, a parasite,
    Just find another host,
    Just another fool to roast,

    Cause you,
    My tapeworm tells me what to do,
    My tapeworm tells me where to go,
    Pull the tapeworm out of your ass, Hey
    Pull the tapeworm out of your ass, Hey
    Pull the tapeworm out of your ass, Hey
    Pull the tapeworm out of your ass, Hey

    I cannot deny,
    All the evil traits,
    And the filling of the crates,
    When you, do come out,
    And you slither up to me
    In your pimpin majesty,

    But I cannot grow,
    Till you eat the last of me,
    Oh when will I be free,
    And you, a parasite,
    Just find another host,
    Just another stool to post,

    Cause you,
    My tapeworm tells me what to do,
    My tapeworm tells me where to go,
    Pull the tapeworm out of your ass, Hey
    Pull the tapeworm out of your ass, Hey
    Pull the tapeworm out of your ass, Hey
    Pull the tapeworm out of your ass, Hey
    Pull the tapeworm out of me?

    I'm just sitting in my room,
    With a needle in my hand,
    Just waiting for the tomb,
    Of some old dying man,
    Sitting in my room,
    With a needle in my hand,
    Just waiting for the tomb,
    Of some old dying man?.

    Cause you,
    My tapeworm tells me what to do,
    My tapeworm tells me where to go,
    Pull the tapeworm out of your ass, Hey
    Pull the tapeworm out of your ass, Hey
    Pull the tapeworm out of your ass, Hey
    Pull the tapeworm out of your ass, Hey


    Tell the people,
    Tell the people that arrive,
    Tell the people,
    Tell the people that arrive,
    We don't need to multiply,
    We don't need to multiply,
    We don't need to multiply,
    We don't need to multiply,

    Show your people
    Show your people how we died
    Show your people
    Show your people how we died,
    We don't need to nullify,
    We don't need to nullify,
    We don't need to nullify,
    We don't need to nullify
    No need to nullify,
    No need to nullify,
    No need to nullify,
    We don't need to nullify

    We don't need to,
    We don't need to,
    We don't need to,
    We don't need to.

    Ask your people,
    Ask your people what is right,
    Ask your people,
    Ask your people what is right,
    We don't need to multiply,
    We don't need to multiply,
    We don't need to multiply,
    We don't need to multiply,
    No need to multiply,
    No need to multiply,
    No need to multiply,
    We don't need to multiply.

    Deer Dance

    Round, Round,

    Circumventing circuses,
    Lamenting in protest,
    To visible police,
    Presence sponsored fear,

    Battalions of riot police,
    With rubber bullet kisses,
    Baton courtesy,
    Service with a smile

    Beyond the Staples Center you can see America,
    With its tired, poor, avenging disgrace,
    Peaceful, loving youth against the brutality,
    Of plastic existence.

    Pushing little children,
    With their fully automatics,
    They like to push the weak around,
    Pushing little children,
    With their fully automatics,
    They like to push the weak around.

    Round, Round,

    A rush of words,
    Pleading to disperse,
    Upon your naked walls, alive,
    A political call,
    The fall guy accord,
    We can't afford to be neutral on a moving train,

    Beyond the Staples Center you can see America,
    With its tired, poor, avenging disgrace,
    Peaceful, loving youth against the brutality,
    Of plastic existence.

    Pushing little children,
    With their fully automatics,
    They like to push the weak around,
    Pushing little children,
    With their fully automatics,
    They like to push the weak around.

    Push them around,
    A deer dance, invitation to peace,
    War staring you in the face, dressed in black.
    With a helmet, fierce,
    Trained and appropriate for the malcontents,
    For the disproportioned malcontents,
    The little boy smiled, it'll all be well,
    The little boy smiled it'll all be well,

    Pushing little children,
    With their fully automatics,
    They like to push the weak around,
    Pushing little children,
    With their fully automatics,
    They like to push the weak around.
    Pushing little children,
    With their fully automatics,
    They like to push the weak around,
    Push the weak around,
    Push the weak around,
    Push the weak around,
    They like to push the weak around.


    Jump, Bounce, Down, Up

    I went out on a date,
    With a girl, a bit late,
    She had so many friends,
    Gliding through many hands.
    I brought my pogo stick,
    Just to show her a trick,
    She had so many friends,
    Gliding through many hands.

    Jump Pogo?..
    Bounce Pogo,
    Down Pogo, Up Pogo

    Unannounced twister games,
    All players with no names,
    They lined up double quick,
    But just one pogo stick,
    Everyone gets to play,
    Runaway, expose',
    It was so exotic,
    But just one pogo stick.

    Jump Pogo?..
    Bounce Pogo,
    Down Pogo, Up Pogo

    Oh, I like to spread you out,
    Touching whoever's behind

    Jump Pogo?..
    Bounce Pogo,
    Down Pogo, Up Pogo


    Walk with me my little child,
    To the forest of denial,
    Speak with me my only mind,
    Walk with me until the time,
    And make the forest turn to wine,
    You take the legend for a fall,
    You saw the product,

    Why can't you see that you are my child,
    Why don't you know that you are my mind,
    Tell everyone in the world, that I'm you,
    Take this promise to the end of you.

    Walk with me my little friend,
    Take this promise to the end,
    Speak with me my only mind,
    Walk with me until the end,
    And make the forest turn to sand,
    You take the legend for a fall,
    You saw the product,

    Why can't you see that you are my child,
    Why don't you know that you are my mind,
    Tell everyone in the world, that I'm you,
    Take this promise to the end of you.

    Take this promise for a ride,
    You saw the forest, now come inside,
    You took the legend for its fall,
    You saw the product of it all,
    No televisions in the air,
    No circumcisions on the chair,
    You made the weapons for us all,
    Just look at us now,

    Why can't you see that you are my child,
    Why don't you know that you are my mind,
    Tell everyone in the world, that I'm you,
    Take this promise to the end of you.


    Hey you, see me, pictures crazy,
    All the world I've seen before me passing by,
    I've got, nothing, to gain, to lose,
    All the world I've seen before me passing by,

    You don't care about how I feel,
    I don't feel it anymore,
    You don't care about how I feel,
    I don't feel it anymore
    You don't care about how I feel,
    I don't feel it anymore,
    You don't care about how I feel,
    I don't feel it anymore.

    Hey you, are me, not so pretty,
    All the world I've seen before me passing by,
    Silent my voice, I've got no choice
    All the world I've seen before me passing by,

    You don't care about how I feel,
    I don't feel it anymore,
    You don't care about how I feel,
    I don't feel it anymore
    You don't care about how I feel,
    I don't feel it anymore,
    You don't care about how I feel,
    I don't feel it anymore
    I don't see, anymore,
    I don't hear, anymore,
    I don't speak anymore,
    I don't feel.

    Hey you, see me, pictures crazy,
    All the world I've seen before me passing by,
    I've got, nothing, to gain, to lose,
    All the world I've seen before me passing by,

    You don't care about how I feel,
    I don't feel it anymore,
    You don't care about how I feel,
    I don't feel it anymore
    You don't care about how I feel,
    I don't feel it anymore,
    You don't care about how I feel,
    I don't feel it anymore
    I don't sleep, anymore,
    I don't eat, anymore,
    I don't live anymore,
    I don't feel.


    Making two possibilities a reality,
    Predicting the future of things we all know,
    Fighting off the diseased programming
    Of centuries, centuries, centuries, centuries.

    Science fails to recognize the single most
    Potent element of human existence
    letting the reigns go to the unfolding
    Is faith, faith, faith, faith.

    Science has failed our world
    Science has failed our Mother Earth.

    Science fails to recognize the single most
    Potent element of human existence
    letting the reigns go to the unfolding
    Is faith, faith, faith, faith.

    Science has failed our world
    Science has failed our Mother Earth.

    letting the reigns go to the unfolding
    Is faith, faith, faith, faith
    letting the reigns go to the unfolding
    Is faith, faith, faith, faith.

    Science has failed our world
    Science has failed our Mother Earth.

    Science has failed our Mother Earth.

    Education, fornication, in you are, Go,
    Education, subjugation, now you're out, Go,
    Education, fornication, in you are, Go,
    Don't be late for school again boy

    I think me, I want life,
    I think me, I want a house and a wife,
    I want to shimmy- shimmy- shimmy through the break of dawn, yeah.

    Education, fornication, in you are, Go,
    Education, subjugation, now you're out, Go,
    Education, fornication, in you are, Go,
    Don't be late for school again girl

    I think me, I want life,
    I think me, I want a house and a wife,
    I want to shimmy- shimmy- shimmy through the break of dawn, yeah.
    I think me, I want life,
    I think me, I want a house and a wife,
    I want to shimmy- shimmy- shimmy through the break of dawn, yeah.

    Indoctrination, of a nation,
    Indoctrination of a nation,
    Subjugation of damnation,
    Subjugation of damna?

    Don't be late for school again boy,
    Don't be late for school again girl,
    Don't be late for school again boy,
    Don't be late for school again girl.

    Conversion, software version 7.0,
    Looking at life through the eyes of a tire hub,
    Eating seeds as a past time activity,
    The toxicity of our city, of our city,

    New, what do you own the world?
    How do you own disorder, disorder,
    Now, somewhere between the sacred silence,
    Sacred silence and sleep,
    Somewhere, between the sacred silence and sleep,
    Disorder, disorder, disorder.

    More wood for their fires, loud neighbors,
    Flashlight reveries caught in the headlights of a truck,
    Eating seeds as a past time activity,
    The toxicity of our city, of our city,

    New, what do you own the world?
    How do you own disorder, disorder,
    Now, somewhere between the sacred silence,
    Sacred silence and sleep,
    Somewhere, between the sacred silence and sleep,
    Disorder, disorder, disorder.

    New, what do you own the world?
    How do you own disorder, disorder,
    Now, somewhere between the sacred silence,
    Sacred silence and sleep,
    Somewhere, between the sacred silence and sleep,
    Disorder, disorder, disorder.

    When I became the sun,
    I shone life into the man's hearts,
    When I became the sun,
    I shone life into the man's hearts.

    Psycho, groupie, cocaine, crazy,
    Psycho, groupie, cocaine, crazy,
    Psycho groupie cocaine crazy,
    Psycho groupie coke,
    Makes you high, makes you hide,
    Makes you really want to go- stop.

    Psycho groupie cocaine crazy
    Psycho groupie coke,
    Makes you high, makes you hide,
    Do you really want to think and stop,
    Stop your eyes from flowing,

    Psycho, groupie, cocaine, crazy,
    Psycho groupie cocaine crazy,
    Psycho groupie coke,
    Makes you high, makes you hide,
    Makes you really want to go - stop.
    Psycho groupie cocaine crazy
    Psycho groupie coke,
    Makes you high, makes you hide,
    Do you really want to think and stop,
    Stop your eyes from flowing out

    So you want the world to stop,
    Stop in and watch your body fully drop,
    From the time you were a
    Psycho, groupie, cocaine, crazy,

    So you want to see the show,
    You really don't have to be a ho
    From the time you were a
    Psycho, groupie, cocaine, crazy.

    Psycho, groupie, cocaine, crazy,
    Psycho groupie cocaine crazy,
    Psycho groupie coke,
    Makes you high, makes you hide,
    Makes you really want to go - stop.

    Psycho groupie cocaine crazy
    Psycho groupie coke,
    Makes you high, makes you hide,
    Do you really want to think and stop,
    Stop your eyes from flowing out

    So you want the world to stop,
    Rushing to watch your spirit fully drop,
    From the time you were a
    Psycho, groupie, cocaine, crazy,

    So you want to see the show,
    You really don't have to be a ho
    From the time you were a
    Psycho, groupie, cocaine, crazy.

    Life is a waterfall,
    We're one in the river,
    And one again after the fall.

    Swimming through the void
    We hear the word,
    We lost ourselves,
    But we find it all?

    Cause we are the ones that want to play,
    Always want to go,
    But you never want to stay,

    And we are the ones that want to choose,
    Always want to play,
    But you never want to lose.

    Aerials, in the sky,
    When you lose small mind,
    You free your life.

    Life is a waterfall,
    We drink from the river,
    Then we turn around and put up our walls.

    Swimming through the void
    We hear the word,
    We lost ourselves,
    But we find it all?

    Cause we are the ones that want to play,
    Always want to go,
    But you never want to stay,

    And we are the ones that want to choose,
    Always want to play,
    But you never want to lose.

    Aerials, in the sky,
    When you lose small mind,
    You free your life.
    Aerials, so up high,
    When you free your eyes,
    Eternal prize.
    Aerials, in the sky,
    When you lose small mind,
    You free your life.
    Aerials, so up high,
    When you free your eyes,
    Eternal prize.

    Prison Song

    They're trying to build a prison,
    They're trying to build a prison,

    Following the rights movements
    You clamped on with your iron fists,
    Drugs became conveniently
    Available for all the kids,
    Following the rights movements
    You clamped on with your iron fists,
    Drugs became conveniently
    Available for all the kids,

    I buy my crack, my smack, my bitch
    right here in Hollywood.

    Nearly 2 million Americans are incarcerated
    In the prison system, prison system,
    Prison system of the U.S.

    They're trying to build a prison,
    They're trying to build a prison,
    They're trying to build a prison, (for you and me to live in)
    Another prison system,
    Another prison system,
    Another prison system. (for you and me to live in)

    Minor drug offenders fill your prisons
    You don't even flinch
    All our taxes paying for your wars
    Against the new non-rich,
    Minor drug offenders fill your prisons
    You don't even flinch
    All our taxes paying for your wars
    Against the new non-rich,

    I buy my crack, my smack, my bitch
    right here in Hollywood.

    The percentage of Americans in the prison system
    Prison system, has doubled since 1985,

    They're trying to build a prison,
    They're trying to build a prison,
    They're trying to build a prison, (for you and me to live in)
    Another prison system,
    Another prison system,
    Another prison system. (for you and me to live in)
    For you and I, for you and I , for you and I.

    They're trying to build a prison,
    They're trying to build a prison,
    They're trying to build a prison,
    For you and me,
    Oh baby, you and me.

    All research and successful drug policy show
    That treatment should be increased,
    And law enforcement decreased,
    While abolishing mandatory minimum sentences,
    All research and successful drug policy show
    That treatment should be increased,
    And law enforcement decreased,
    While abolishing mandatory minimum sentences.

    Utilizing drugs to pay for secret wars around the world,
    Drugs are now your global policy,
    Now you police the globe,

    I buy my crack, my smack, my bitch
    right here in Hollywood.

    Drug money is used to rig elections,
    And train brutal corporate sponsored
    Dictators around the world.

    They're trying to build a prison,
    They're trying to build a prison,
    They're trying to build a prison, (for you and me to live in)
    Another prison system,
    Another prison system,
    Another prison system. (for you and me to live in)
    For you and I, for you and I , for you and I.
    They're trying to build a prison,
    They're trying to build a prison,
    They're trying to build a prison,
    For you and me,
    Oh baby, you and me.