četvrtak, 31.08.2006.

Something about me

Evo nešto o meni.. Stvari koje volim... U slikama. Dakle, volim:

svoj grad:
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zalaske sunca:
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pun mjesec:
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kišu i lokve:
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cedevitu (popijenu u dobrom društvu) (jel se sićaš 2.7. kad je ovo slikano? bang)
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dobre motore:
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svoje lijevo uho:
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svoje čizme:
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svoj (sad već izgubljeni) lančić:
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svoj (ukradeni i sadašnji) mobitel:
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svoje mače (divlje i pospano):
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aliene i SF:
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Star trek:
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TBF (karton sa kutije sa koncerta):
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crtane junake (pogotovo spidermana):
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I još puno toga... Al ne da mi se uplodat.... I... Jedan post ne čini blog... mah

21:34 | Komentari (14) | #

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