...šok za sistem...

utorak, 09.10.2007.


Naš prijatelj manga ( 012 station ), je etablirajući ovaj blog "zadnjim bastionom mužjačkog otpora" izrekao svu frustraciju posljednjih pravih muškaraca u ovom perverznom svijetu kojeg pokušavaju oblikovati razne Glorije, Storyji, Cosmopolitani, Mile i slični časopisi. Face it, njima je jedina svrha pokopati sve prave muškarce. Da, tu ne zalaze oni "muškarci" koji nose bijele koliđice. Tu se nosi Camel ili slične cipele, muške cipele...
Mi razumijemo probleme Al Bundya i preziremo Oprah. Držimo da smo na vrhu hranidbenog lanca, a povrće ispravno nazivamo prilogom. Štujemo i obožavamo žene, ali mislimo da se poslovi dijele na muške i ženske. Naše žene ne nose kofere, ne zabijaju čavle, ne peru auto...
Ovaj blog je potvrda da nas još ima, ozbiljnijim ženama da još nismo izumrli zajedno sa njihovim očevima, a zavedenim bambijima edukativno ukazanje pravih vrijednosti koje muško mora imati da bi zaslužio zvati se muškarcem...
Današnji post je edukativan i namjenjen ženama. Dolazi vrijeme darivanja i predlažemo Vam, štovanim damama, idealni poklon da istinski razveselite svog muškarca. Članak je prenešen u izvornom obliku bez izmjena...

Carlsberg Makes Probably The Best Gadget In The World
Author Gordon Kelly
Published 4th October 2007

Could there be anything better than watching your pint being pulled in the local pub? How about watching it get pulled at home...

Image Hosted by Carlsberg

Carlsberg has this week seemingly lived up to its own rhetoric having launched the 'DraughtMaster' - a self contained "home dispense unit [which] keeps the beer cool and ensures a freshly poured pint whenever you want". This, combined with Saturday afternoon football, could well create Man Heaven.

The science, as much as you surely don't care - but since we're a tech site we need to mention it and since you're getting to hear about beer you have to listen - is centred around the company's one way keg system which keeps beer fresh for up to three weeks after first pour. Simply insert the pre-cooled keg, connect the beer tap and pour - no tubes, no pumps.

Seven years of (hugely worthwhile) research has gone into the DraughtMaster's creation and Darran Britton, Marketing Director from Carlsberg, wisely tells women across the global that it would make "the ideal Xmas gift and must have item for lovers of quality beer everywhere". Women write it down.

Available this month, the DraughtMaster retails for Ł129.99 and comes with a chrome tap, drip tray and guide to pulling the perfect pint. Five litre kegs (roughly nine pints) of Carlsberg Export cost Ł13.99 each, that's Ł1.55 a pint.

Sometimes the world is a happy place...

Carlsberg Draught Master

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