Rose Madder

27.08.2005., subota

sitting in my room,
my own little sanctuary

simply trying to be still,
to feel the air circulate around me

shadows forming into shapes...

will my presence fill the room,
or will it just crouch and hide in the darkness

my own darkness,
so thick and overwhelming

maybe there is a tiny ray of light somewhere...
if I could only concentrate harder maybe I could see it,
if only for a second,
just a flicker would be enough

why can I only see the light when my eyes are closed?

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opis bloga

She sits in the corner, trying to draw air out of a room which seemed to have plenty just a few minutes ago and now seems to have none.

čita se...


There's so many different worlds
So many different suns
And we have just one world
But we live in different ones

Standing by the window
Eyes upon the moon
Hoping that the memory will leave her spirit soon
She shuts the doors and lights
And lays her body on the bed
Where images and words are running deep
She has too much pride to pull the sheets above her head
So quietly she lays and waits for sleep

Uhvati me čvrsto i ne popušta.
Lud je za tišinom, to ne propušta.
Vodi me u svoj plavičasti dom.

Jedan d-moll me razvali,
neki bi to prosto tugom nazvali.
Nije to...šta je tuga za d-moll?

My spirit begins to rise to the heavenly skies
Just to be shunned away by you
Now all I want is to die, no streets of gold in the sky
And I wash my hands of you