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Blog o svemu i svacemu a najviše o US5 - U!
Mi smo Anna (Ana) i Tena
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Evo naša e-mail adresa: richijevemale15@net.hr i neznam zašto 15 valjd nam je došlo......e da e - mali adresa je samo za dopisivanje između fanova, u vezi us5 - a!
Mi naj više volimoooo RICHIA!


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Now We're back again for a funky ride
US5 Ain’t no stopin us cause were done it right
US5 's like dynamite
In Don’t you know we’ve got it right?

Keep it pumpin hot for the appetite
The Move your bodies up for some real delight
I like the way you work
Club Your body close to me

I wanna rock
So girl get up
Songtexte All that you want
I can give you
I wanna work your body up and down
Everybody in the club let's party
All my fellas grab a sexy shorty
Lyrics All my girls lookin' naughty naughty
And we all go oh oh oh
Everybody in the club let's party
All my fellas grab a sexy shorty
Liedertexte All my girls lookin' naughty naughty
And we all go oh oh oh
Let me to the crib with a party song
All the sexy girls just came along
Alle They're just so down with this
Got bumpin' through the night
Give Your body up in the air
See the party people just everywhere
In We like the way they work
Their bodies to the beat, oh yeah
I wanna rock
so girl get up
All that you want
Club I can give you
I wanna work your body up and down
Everybody in the club let's party
All my fellas grab a sexy shorty
Songtext All my girls lookin' naughty naughty
And we all go oh oh oh
Everybody in the club let's party
All my fellas grab a sexy shorty
Lyric All my girls lookin' naughty naughty
And we all go oh oh oh
All my people join the party
Come on down and shake your body
Liedertext We’ve got somethin’ for the clubs
So girls

Here we go just one more time
Girls go crazy for the disco
Boys are freakin up so let's go
US5 This is how we roll the party
Let’s go:
Welcome in the club


Here we go
That's right
Let's dance
The Yeah
Can you, can you, can you handle this?
Club They work


I wanna rock
so girl get up
All that you want
Songtexte I can give you
I wanna work your body up and down
Everybody in the club let's party
All my fellas grab a sexy shorty
Lyrics All my girls lookin' naughty naughty
And we all go oh oh oh

Everybody in the club let's party
All my fellas grab a sexy shorty
Liedertexte All my girls lookin' naughty naughty
And we all go oh oh oh
Everybody in the club let's party
All my fellas grab a sexy shorty
Alle All my girls lookin' naughty naughty
And we all go oh oh oh
Everybody in the club let's party
All my fellas grab a sexy shorty
In All my girls lookin' naughty naughty
And we all go oh oh oh

nedjelja, 24.09.2006.


Hy! Mi smo mal promjenile dizajnek, pa onda kak vam se sviđa?!
Jeste vidili na vivi novi il stari (ja sam ih prvi
put vidila na vivi) PART SIX... Stavit ću vam njihovu pjesmu


Walk into the party
I can feel your eyes on me as I walk in
let’s get this business started
it’s time to make my move
u only get one shot

I push up on your body
now I finally have us standin’ face to face
away from everybody
I gotta throw a line
to show you what I’ve got

I say shorty here’s my cue
cuz I just had to talk to u
and I can tell u want it too
I said I need to get with u

girl, it’s goin down tonight
I’m gonna make you mine
can’t you see I want ya, I want ya girl

I’ve been checkin u all nite
so what’s the point of lying
now can’t you see I want ya I want ya girl

now I can be committed
I’ll work that body like a nine to five
I might as well admit it
and as I grab your hips
I watch u lick your lips

u know I’m about to kiss u
can’t wait to taste the honey from the hive
to think I almost missed u
and now I’m standing here about to
cash my chips

I say shorty here’s my cue
cuz I just had to talk to u
and I can tell u want it too
I said I need to get with u

girl, it’s goin’ down tonight
I’m gonna make you mine
can’t you see I want ya, I want ya girl
A sad od Pink:

Who knew

You took my hand
You showed me how
You promised me you'd be around
Uh huh
That's right
I took your words
And I believed
In everything
You said to me
Yeah huh
That's right

If someone said three years from now
You'd be long gone
I'd stand up and punch them up
Cause they're all wrong
I know better
Cause you said forever
And ever
Who knew

Remember when we were such fools
And so convinced and just too cool
Oh no
No no
I wish I could touch you again
I wish I could still call you friend
I'd give anything

When someone said count your blessings now
For they're long gone
I guess I just didn't know how
I was all wrong
They knew better
Still you said forever
And ever
Who knew

Yeah yeah
I'll keep you locked in my head
Until we meet again
Until we
Until we meet again
And I won't forget you my friend
What happened

If someone said three years from now
You'd be long gone
I'd stand up and punch them out
Cause they're all wrong and
That last kiss
I'll cherish
Until we meet again
And time makes
It harder
I wish I could remember
But I keep
Your memory
You visit me in my sleep
My darling
Who knew
My darling
My darling
Who knew
My darling
I miss you
My darling
Who knew
Who knew

I meni superr pjesma od Ričike:¤)

Sometimes in life when all hope is gone
A true frinds comes along
And makes you realize that everything's okay
and last you have gone through,any up and downs
but no matter what,you guys always stuck by my side
and that's I dedicate this song to you-my best friends

And after everything that we’ve been
through Im still here with you
Cuz you‘re still my lady,
cuz you‘re my lady
I swear Im gonna make you happy
for the rest of our lives
Cuz you’re my lady, and Im your best
friend, and Im your best friend

Verse 1
In times when all hope is gone
and sadness fills your
heart with pain
You wonder (yeah)
If there’s anyone
that you can call
To somebody who‘s left
all alone

You’re such a loyal friend
and now I know that I’ll never
find somebody quite like you
I appreciate the day
you came and you stayed

And after everything that we’ve been
through Im still here with you
Cuz you‘re still my lady,
cuz you‘re my lady
I swear Im gonna make you happy
for the rest of our lives
Cuz you’re my lady, and Im your best
friend, and Im your best friend

Some people said that we would
never survive, we showed them that
dreams can come true and it’s for sure
Our secret lies behind an endless
friendship and nothing could tear
us apart

You’re such a loyal friend
and now I know that I‘ll never
find somebody quite like you
I appreciate the day
you came and you stayed

And after everything that we’ve been
through Im still here with you
Cuz you‘re still my lady,
cuz you‘re my lady
I swear Im gonna make you happy
for the rest of our lives
Cuz you’re my lady, and Im your best
friend, and Im your best friend

True love is so hard to find
Especially if it‘s someone
you can call your best friend
No matter what problems occure
You will overcome them with her

And after everything that we’ve been
through Im still here with you
Cuz you‘re still my lady,
cuz you‘re my lady
I swear Im gonna make you happy
for the rest of our lives
Cuz you’re my lady, and Im your best
friend, and Im your best friend

Jeste gledali koncert na vivi??? Ja jesam
i blo je superrr!!!!JONSONICA ovo je za tebe
jer jedina kommentiraš!! Stavila sam ovdije
zato što u kommove ne stane. Ima previše slova.













Pa - pA

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utorak, 12.09.2006.

Bez naslova

E da ja sad gledam neke blogove o Us5-ui mislim si: oni više nemaju materijala........
mislim naprimjer jedna je počela pisat o Tokio hotelu dok je druga pisala izmišljotine o Chrisu,
a još i treća pa njoj se briše blog jer nije dobila 100 komentara..Mislim suludo......lud bang
Ali eto ja ću vam stavit slikice:::::::::

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ponedjeljak, 04.09.2006.


Hy svima!

"Skidaj se,skidaj se!" vrištala je čitava hala kada je zadnja pjesma od US5 trebala da nastupi...Jay & Co. ostali su bez riječi.Pogledali su se međusobno,a zatim su pogledali i Menadžera iza stage-a koji je već pokrio oči.Onda je Jay skinuo majcu i pokazao Fanovima svoje pločice!Onda Richie,još jedan kratak pogled prema Menadžeru i skidaj majcu!Polako je i Richie skinuo majcu kada su Fanovi počeli još više vrištati!Ostali su takođe odma ponovili za njima!
Kada su počele prve riječi od "CBTMB" cure iz prvih redova nisu mogle vjerovati da Richie pjeva polugol stihove njihove omiljene pjesme.
Šta reći?????????

ha, ha jeli to istinitolud?!

Još mal...

Moj najbolji prijatelj u US5 je Chris. Mi smo totalno srodne duše jer imamo slične poglede i iste probleme. On me svaki dan nauči ponešto iz njemačkog jezika, a kad sam tužan ili loše raspoložen on učini sve da se opet mogu smijati. Chris je za mene skoro kao brat. Jedino što me kod njega smeta jesu znojave noge, životinjski smrde. Sa Jayom dijelim sobu u našem stanu. On je ponekad strog i ne razumijem sve njegove misli ali se zapravo sa njim dobro slažem. U muzičkom pogledu sam od njega u svakom slučaju mnogo naucio - prije "Big in America" sam u najboljem slučaju pjevao pod tušem. Izzy je samotnjak pa sa njim nemam bas najbliže odnose a i kad je Mikel u pitanju moram ponekad zatresti glavom, kad on pokrene neke od svojih ludih akcija, ali ipak mi je on prirastao za srce. Divim se njegovom talentu i njegovoj svojeglavosti.


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