a gluposti koje mi se trenutno motaju po glavi

Oi! back in skul again... uff...nadam se da vam je bilo lijepo, da ste se napartijali, načagali, nacugali, napušili, nauživali & co jer sad dril do kraja godine. treba dignut prosjek... treba neš napravit sa sobom... ali šta ćeš pravit iz ničega.

Dakle bila sam malo u svijetu... ma nije da me ne zanimaju kulturni spomenici i prirodne ljepote, al ipak više obraćem pozornost na ljude, grafite, tragove urbane kulture...i ima veri interesting stvari. tamo na zapadu se emoa namnožilo ko štakora. mislim, nije da imam neš protiv, ali ipak... toliko starki, vensica, prugica, kockica, krugova, pirsinga, uskih hlača da ti se zavrti u glavi... ma brijem da se tam svi alternativci tak oblače. čak i dosta šminkera. ma idu mi na živce svi koji izgledaju ko emoi a nemaju pojma šta je to. tak izgledaju jer je to moderno. ma daj mrš... možda ih glazba malo zanima, ali niš drugo.
A jebiga, valjda je emo subkultura našeg doba. bogati razmaženi klinci imaju sve osim ljubavi. postaje im dosadno pa se jednostavno izgube. nemaju stvarnih problema, ali sve im izgleda tragično. a nemaju ljubavi pa padaju u depru... ionako ima premalo ljubavi u današnjem svijetu. a djeci treba ljubavi, i to puno... i ostaju sami i izgubljeni... sami sa svojim osjećajima koje ne mogu podijeliti s nikim... i onda se odrasli čude jer plačemo, vrištimo, režemo se, ne možemo izaći iz kreveta, mrzimo i sebe i cijeli svijet... i dosta djece traži pomoć. neki psihologa, neki alkohol, neki drogu, neki čokoladu... u mom slučaju sve to. i ništa ne pomaže...
I ko je kriv za to? očito onaj koji nas je takve stvorio, kako god ga vi zvali.

E, da, evo neke stvari koja me jako živcira. kad netko od 15, 16 godina tvrdi da je gay. ma daj mrš. kak on tak rano može točno odlučit da je peder. to me tak živcira. pa danas je većina klinaca nastrana, ono to skroz kužim jer sam i ja takva, ali baš sad da neko tvrdi da je peder/lezba tako rano... ma moš mislit. to pričaju sam tak iz fore. okej, u ovim godinama isprobavamo sve živo, pa daj ajde tko nije nikad zabrijao s nekim istog spola, pa ne mora odmah biti gay. dobro ajde ima iznimki, ali toga je malo. okej, ja sam vjerojatno biseksualna, ali ne mogu još biti uvjerena u to...
Malo mi je glupo kad ljudi ne prihvaćaju svoje nastrane sklonosti. obožavam to što sam freak, to što sam drugačija, to što su moja razmišljanja i potrebe drugačije... ae 'budimo realni' to je jedino šta volim na sebi. ali nećemo sad o tome brijem da se nikom neda čitati o tome kako se mrzim... anyway nemojte odbacivati svoje sklonosti. nije to zdravo. ne može se stalno skrivati ono što jesi. zašto se svi boje biti ono što jesu... znam da ja nisam prava osoba da dijelim bilo kakve savjete. ja ne znam ni sama sebi pomoći... al jebiga...

Ae uživajte, nemojte se brinuti šta drugi misle o vama, nacugajte se al ono za pravo, budite ono što jeste and big kiss...

16.04.2007. u 16:15 | 5 Komentara | Print | # | ^

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†Lost in the darken world†

U bolju budućnost najbrže se stiže kroz snove...

I hate people
I hate the human race
I hate people
I hate your ugly face
I hate people
I hate your fucking mess
I hate people
They hate me

Some may wish never to be born...wasting the dawn

Kick the chair right down under me leave me hanging alone in misery

I've lost my way home early
I don't care 'cause I won't stay there

†My love†

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The 69 Eyes
London After Midnight
Within Temptation
Skinny Puppy
Theatres Des Vampires
Sisters Of Mercy
Paradise Lost
Theatre Of Tragedy
Lacuna Coil
Killing Joke
Clan Of Xymox
Diary Of Dreams
Velvet Acid Christ
Dimmu Borgir
Cannibal Corpse
Arch Enemy
Bad Religion
Anti Nowhere League
Sex Pistols
My Chemical Romance
Dead Kennedys
Cheap Sex
KUD Idijoti
Funeral For A Friend
Scary Kids Scaring kids
...i još puuuno toga...

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†Silent scream†

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Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

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Sick of crying, tired of trying, yeah i'm smiling, but inside i'm dying...

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Gothic Girl

You can see her
Whenever it rains
From rome to new orleans
Dancing on the graves
Burden by the heart she loves her
Sunglasses after dark
And every single day her
Little life falls apart

She's out to look
So macabre and alone
She's close to hook
On her dying

Just like a gothic girl
Lost in the darken world
My lil' gothic girl
Darkerside jewel are your razor cuts for real - baby

You can see she's
On her road to ruin
Stigmata from crucifixion
On her pale white skin
Tribal pagan art she loves her
Tattood egyptian mark
And every single day her
Love will tear us apart

She's out to look
So macabre and alone
She's close to hook
On her dying

Just like a gothic girl
Lost in the darken world
My lil' gothic girl
Darkerside jewel are your razor cuts for real - baby

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Queen Of The Damned

When the sky become dark
I come out from my coffin
In search of my new victim
Unholy passion... hot blood on my mouth
Pointed teeth on your neck
I feel your soul inside me

I feel your enjoyment...
I feel you... in my veins...

When the light leaves the earth
I rise from my grave
Queen of the damned... I love the blood
I cut the throat of innocent virgins! For my thirst

She who loves the pain!
She who loves the suffering!
She who loves the lust!
She that want satisfy my thirst!
She who loves the blood!
She who loves the death!
She who loves the evil!
She can satisfy my thirst!

Satisfy my thirst...
I feel you... in my veins...

She who loves the pain!
She who loves the suffering!
She who loves the lust!
She that want satisfy my thirst!
She who loves the blood!
She who loves the death!
She who loves the evil!
She can satisfy my thirst!

Satisfy my thirst...

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Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us

Image Hosted by ImageShack.us

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us

Burn In Hell

Welcome to the abandoned land
Come on in, child; Take my hand
Here there's no work or play
Only one bill to pay
There's just five words to say
As you go down, down, down

You're gonna Burn in Hell
Oh, Burn in Hell

You can't believe all the things I've done wrong in my life
Without even trying I've lived on the Edge of a Knife
Well, I've played with fire, but I don't want to get myself burned
To thyn known self be true, so I think that it's time for achange

Before I Burn in Hell
Oh, Burn in Hell

Take a good look in your heart; Tell me what do you see ?
It's black and it's dark, now is that how you want it to be ?
It's up to you; What you do will decide your own fate
Make your choice now for tomorrow may be far too late

Hear no Evil, don't you
See no Evil, don't you
Lay no Evil down on me
You're gonna Burn in Hell
Speak no Evil, don't you
Think no Evil don't you
Play with Evil, 'cause I'm free

And then you'll Burn in Hell

Hear no Evil, don't you
See no Evil, don't you
Lay no Evil down on me
You're gonna Burn in Hell
Speak no Evil, don't you
Think no Evil don't you
Play with Evil, 'cause I'm free


Decay Of Corpse
Emo likich
Violet Pea
GothEmo Cura