Anywhere but home

Oi!!! evo je sam danas doma oporavljam se od psihičkog maltretiranja koje svakodnevno doživljavam... u skul of kors... znate ono kad jednostavno niste u stanju izlaziti iz kuće? e tak je meni. hehe ili je to samo posljedica sinoćnjeg opijanja... baš moraš bit debil da se ideš nalit usred tjedna... šta mi vikend nije dovoljan??? očito nije.
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e ovak da napišem nešto o školi. to je pranje mozga. učimo stvari koje nam uopće neće trebat. šta je aliteracija il asonanca? who cares??? pa je sam bila pametnija prije neg šta sam krenula u skul (pod skul podrazumjevam od 6. il 7. osnovne jer do tad je sve zajebancija). anyway najgora stvar u skul su profesori. kako netko uopće poželi biti profesor??? pa daj ajde... onda još prigovaraju kak sam se to obukla, da se nesmijem šminkat za školu, šta mene starci puste takvu iz kuće... ono jebote šta vas brigaaa? i kako se samo usuđuju dat mi neopravdane sate za markiranje il zabranit mi da dođem pijana na sat. stvarno neznam... pa gdje ovaj svijet ide...

i svi klinci u skul su nekak jadni... osim par iznimka... cure ono headbang, dečki još gore... al znaju svi oni bit dobri za zajebanciju pod satom. nitko iz skul mi nije pravi frend. ne kuže oni moje bježanje od kuće, nastrane sklonosti, mržnju prema cijelom svijetu... i kuš ono nemre se s njima pit... hehe... al imam ja svoju ekipicu pijanduraparty...hehe... zujo

jedina dobra stvar u faking skul... kad pobjegneš sa sata... i odeš u wc... i izvadiš skalpel i tabletice... i režeš se kolko god oćeš... i tabletice sreće of kors... šta god nađeš doma il digneš u ljekarni...da ostaneš normalan. ufff... eto zbog toga ja idem u školu... nezamjenjiv filing... ah daaa...

28.02.2007. u 12:48 | 11 Komentara | Print | # | ^

Lost in the darkness

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Ovaj post je o jednoj osobi koja mi je bila sve na svijetu. Ona me potpuno razumjela, super smo se slagale i baš sve smo dijelile. Za nju sam bila spemna sve napraviti. To je bilo tako davno ali čini mi se da nikad neću zaboraviti... Odjednom me odbacila. Činilo mi se bez razloga. Nekako sam se prestala družiti s njom i našim prijateljima pa mi se činilo da su me odbacili. Samo tako... Kasnije sam shvatila da sam zapravo ja jednim dijelom kriva za to. Iako sam je voljela najviše na svijetu, ponekad sam se grozno ponašala prema njoj. Možda nisam znala iskazivati ljubav... Odjednom mi je postala dosadna pa sam se malo udaljila od nje. Da sam znala da će me zbog toga odbaciti nikad to ne bi napravila.

Otkad smo se prestale družiti užasno se promijenila. Prije je bila slična meni pa su joj svi govorili da se fura na mene. A onda se počela normalno oblačiti, normalno razmišljati, slušati pop i cajke, pušiti, družiti se s popularnima... Onda sam shvatila da joj ja nisam ništa značila. Bila je sa mnom jer nije imala nikog drugog. Furala je dark jer je mislila da će tako biti ljudima zanimljiva... To joj nije ništa značilo... Ona zapravo uopće nema karaktera. Ponaša se kako to odgovara ljudima s kojima se druži. Nikad nema svoje mišljenje.
Još me užasno boli kad ju vidim negdje s popularnim društvom, cigaretom u ruci i slično. Ali nadam se da je sada sretna. Iako me užasno povrijedila i više je ne volim, ne želim joj zlo...

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18.02.2007. u 21:38 | 4 Komentara | Print | # | ^


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Our painkiller...

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Ponekad mislimo da je to rješenje... Ali upravo nam to donosi stvarne probleme

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05.02.2007. u 16:03 | 6 Komentara | Print | # | ^

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†Lost in the darken world†

U bolju budućnost najbrže se stiže kroz snove...

I hate people
I hate the human race
I hate people
I hate your ugly face
I hate people
I hate your fucking mess
I hate people
They hate me

Some may wish never to be born...wasting the dawn

Kick the chair right down under me leave me hanging alone in misery

I've lost my way home early
I don't care 'cause I won't stay there

†My love†

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The 69 Eyes
London After Midnight
Within Temptation
Skinny Puppy
Theatres Des Vampires
Sisters Of Mercy
Paradise Lost
Theatre Of Tragedy
Lacuna Coil
Killing Joke
Clan Of Xymox
Diary Of Dreams
Velvet Acid Christ
Dimmu Borgir
Cannibal Corpse
Arch Enemy
Bad Religion
Anti Nowhere League
Sex Pistols
My Chemical Romance
Dead Kennedys
Cheap Sex
KUD Idijoti
Funeral For A Friend
Scary Kids Scaring kids
...i još puuuno toga...

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†Silent scream†

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Sick of crying, tired of trying, yeah i'm smiling, but inside i'm dying...

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Gothic Girl

You can see her
Whenever it rains
From rome to new orleans
Dancing on the graves
Burden by the heart she loves her
Sunglasses after dark
And every single day her
Little life falls apart

She's out to look
So macabre and alone
She's close to hook
On her dying

Just like a gothic girl
Lost in the darken world
My lil' gothic girl
Darkerside jewel are your razor cuts for real - baby

You can see she's
On her road to ruin
Stigmata from crucifixion
On her pale white skin
Tribal pagan art she loves her
Tattood egyptian mark
And every single day her
Love will tear us apart

She's out to look
So macabre and alone
She's close to hook
On her dying

Just like a gothic girl
Lost in the darken world
My lil' gothic girl
Darkerside jewel are your razor cuts for real - baby

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Queen Of The Damned

When the sky become dark
I come out from my coffin
In search of my new victim
Unholy passion... hot blood on my mouth
Pointed teeth on your neck
I feel your soul inside me

I feel your enjoyment...
I feel you... in my veins...

When the light leaves the earth
I rise from my grave
Queen of the damned... I love the blood
I cut the throat of innocent virgins! For my thirst

She who loves the pain!
She who loves the suffering!
She who loves the lust!
She that want satisfy my thirst!
She who loves the blood!
She who loves the death!
She who loves the evil!
She can satisfy my thirst!

Satisfy my thirst...
I feel you... in my veins...

She who loves the pain!
She who loves the suffering!
She who loves the lust!
She that want satisfy my thirst!
She who loves the blood!
She who loves the death!
She who loves the evil!
She can satisfy my thirst!

Satisfy my thirst...

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Burn In Hell

Welcome to the abandoned land
Come on in, child; Take my hand
Here there's no work or play
Only one bill to pay
There's just five words to say
As you go down, down, down

You're gonna Burn in Hell
Oh, Burn in Hell

You can't believe all the things I've done wrong in my life
Without even trying I've lived on the Edge of a Knife
Well, I've played with fire, but I don't want to get myself burned
To thyn known self be true, so I think that it's time for achange

Before I Burn in Hell
Oh, Burn in Hell

Take a good look in your heart; Tell me what do you see ?
It's black and it's dark, now is that how you want it to be ?
It's up to you; What you do will decide your own fate
Make your choice now for tomorrow may be far too late

Hear no Evil, don't you
See no Evil, don't you
Lay no Evil down on me
You're gonna Burn in Hell
Speak no Evil, don't you
Think no Evil don't you
Play with Evil, 'cause I'm free

And then you'll Burn in Hell

Hear no Evil, don't you
See no Evil, don't you
Lay no Evil down on me
You're gonna Burn in Hell
Speak no Evil, don't you
Think no Evil don't you
Play with Evil, 'cause I'm free


Decay Of Corpse
Emo likich
Violet Pea
GothEmo Cura