Seks oglasi dame split - Susretit će se u sredini

ponedjeljak , 31.12.2018.

Srbija upoznavanje licni oglasi po gradovima:

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Pregledajte i objavite osobne oglase. Jedan od muškaraca koji je dao intervju za portal Kalelarga info, u kojem je istaknuo da traži ženu, Ive Adžić iz Biograda, povratnik iz Australije, u tome je imao uspjeha.

seks oglasi dame split

Sex, jebanje, karamo se po cijeloj kući, na veš mašini, sex u kupatilu, nad sudoperom, sex na terasi, samo se seksamo po kući. Osobni kontakti za Zagrepčane Vaša diskrecija je zajamčena. Imam dobre i velike silikone, čvrste, što je neuobičajeno za ženu mojih godina osim ako ne ugradiš silikone.

seks oglasi dame split

Upoznavanje i druženje - Stalno zivkam snažne momke iz susjedstva da mi mjenjaju sijalicu, poprave nešto, a onda ih nagradim sexom.

seks oglasi dame split

VKako mi se pička ovlažila, pa to nema nigdje. Pogledajte samo kako mi se sokovi slivaju preko tog slatkog uskog čmara. Bas sam droljasta i napaljena, i zato mislim da me treba dobro izjebati. Prvo me treba tršiti u tu slatku neobrijanu pičku, a zatim mi treba rasturiti čmar. Jako sam dobra pička za karanje. Javi se i nađimo se još danas!! Mmm kako imam dobre butine i sise za špricanje sperme. Bilo bi super da me uhvatiš za pune butine, poklopis me tijelom i zabijes mi kurac žestoko u pičku do jaja da ga dobro osjetim u sebi. O tome maštam dok su mi prsti u pizdi. Ne bi dugo izdržao da me jebeš a da me ne okupaš spermom svuda po tijelu. Super sam za sex, tako sam jebozovna i tako me pali pomisao da izvadiš kitu i tresnes je o moju picku. Jebem se žestoko i opako i da nezasita sam dobre kite i divljeg seksa. Uhvati me za mesnate guzove i otpozadi i karaj u pičku jako me navlačeći za sisu, svrši mi duboko u pičku zalivajući mi unutrašnjost bez prekida jebanja i bez vađenja kurca. Ovakve kao ja se vrhunski karaju i znaju dobro da zadovolje svakog muškarca bez obzira na godine. Mada najbolja sam za jebanje sa mladim neiskusnim jebačima željnim pičke. Da me jebu grupno i da se redaju na meni, da ih podučavam tajnama seksa i dobre jebačine. To bi bilo pravo zadovoljstvo i melem za mene koja sam stara kurvica, more mladih kurčeva i kupanje u njihovoj spermi. Volim kad mi štrcaju po licu i duboko u grlo. Sex Sex Sex i samo sex. Muž mi je ostario i pravo je čudo kad mu se digne kita. Ne razumijem ga, pa svima se diže čim vide moju sliku. Otišla sam u erotski dućan i kupila najveći vibrator. Kako mi samo trese pičkicu kad ga ubacim u nju. Mada nije to to. Ja najviše volim kada izađem sa prijateljicama, tada si nađem nekog mladog jebača koji mi otkine pičku od jebanja, a zatim mi svrši na ove prelijepe sisetine. Šaljem svoj broj mobitela čim se javiš!! Pogledaj samo kako imam prelijepu pičkicu sa frizuricom. Imam muža kojeg jako volim i koji me u potpunosti zadovoljava. Volim se jebat i uživam u tome. Najviše volim kada me moj kurati suprug, kara u misionarskoj pozi. Ako želiš sa nama se javi!! Mene je moj jebač slikao na brzaka poslije seksa, kad sam najmanje očekivala. Želio je da uslika moju tetovažu. Hvala mu što je nije zumirao, pa sada vidimo moje prelijepo tijelo. Lijepe sise, fina pička, dobra prilika za pojebati. Te meke usne izgledaju bajno za jedno dobro pušenje. Javi se da osjetiš ugodu orala! Dajem svoj broj mobitela samo se javi!! Mogla sam otvoriti vrata, možda bi neki mlađi kolega željan pičke mogao naletiti i da zadovoljiti me na pravi način. Uh vidi tu moju mesnatu sisu kako viri iz uske teksas jakne. Kakav bi bio užitak da mi mjesiš ovolike sisetine i staviš kurac među njih i drkam ti ga sisama dok ližem glavić i čekam spermu po licu i ustima. Još uvijek sam zategnuta i obla da bi mi mnoge mlađe kolegice zavidile. Imam fantastične, čvrte sise, oblu kruškastu guzu, fenomenalne noge. Slikala sam se za neke muške časopise, radila reklame, revije. Sada šetam ulicama u potrazi sa dobrom prilikom. Zavodim prolaznike i posjetioce kafića i diskoteka. Svi žele da me jebu, da me razvale od kurca, da svršavaju po mom tijelu, guzi, sisama. Ja sam napaljena brineta, raširila sam noge, istakla pizdu u prvi plan i drkam klitoris i sise zamišljajući kurac i nekog mladog jebača koji bi mi razvalio pizdu. Volim se jebat satima uz žestok i grub sex. Volim osjetiti kurac u ustima i čmaru kao i ukus sperme u ustima i duboko u grlu. Opasna sam i jebozovna za sex. Šaljem svoj broj mobitela čim se javiš!! Prava sam fukara sa punim sisama i debelim guzama. Meni je pravi užitak provući kurac među guzove i trljati ga o svo to meso. Na mene se najbolje kita ukrućuje. Pogotovo kad ovako podignem nogu i mamim tj provociram čovjeka obrijanom i glatkom mesnatom pičkom. Nogu mi nasloni na rame a kurac zabi duboko u pičku, dok mi mjesiš sisetine i ližeš ukrućene bradavice. Dajem svoj broj mobitela čim se javiš!! Kad uzjašem kurac nema mi ravne. Dobra sam i sa vibratorom. Na ovoj porno slici poziram mužu. Volim jahati vibratore i generalno velike i čvrste stvari. Kad se nasadim na kurac ne ustajem sa njega satima. Isto tako je i sa vibratorom. Opasna mama, dobra jebačica. Nije mi nilo lako, ali sam konačno shvatila koliko je napaljen na mene dala sam mu pičke a dala bi i tebi koji čitaš moj oglas. A kako i ne bi. Preljepa sam, izuzetno zgodna, jednom rječju pičketina. Kao stvorena za seks. Imam nevjerovatan seksi glas. Čim progovorim, njemu digne kurac. Ja to znam i stalno provociram. I taj moj pogled, kao da govori - Jebi me, tako sam napaljena i vlažna, radi mi šta god hoćeš! Volim sex, volim kad me mlađi momci karaju. Pritom stenjem i uživam dok joj veliki i debeo kurac ulazi duboko u moju vlažnu pičku. Ovim putem tražim avanturu pa mi se javi i odmah ti pošaljem svoj broj mobitela! Imam dobre i velike silikone, čvrste, što je neuobičajeno za ženu mojih godina osim ako ne ugradiš silikone. Otkad sam ugradila silikone, presretna sam. Jebem se po cijeli dan, a muž mi mjesi sise non-stop, poludio je za njima. Dođi me i ti jebati skupa sa mužem! Svatko me želi tucati čim me vidi. Volim i ja seks. To se odmah vidi. Sve te seksi poze na krevetu dok se slikam govore da nisam nevina. Malo tijelo, skroz zategnuto, male sisice koje taman staju u šaku, obrijana pičkica, mrak guza, sve su to atributi najbolje dame tj mene u gradu. Obožavam se slikat i pokazivat sve što imam. Također volim prirodu i sex u prirodi. Pogledaj tu moju obrijanu iskusnu pičkicu. Uh kako bi bilo dobro prići mi sa dignutom kitom, uhvatiti me za mesnate guzove i nasaditi me na kurac, dati mi da ga osetim do jaja. Sise su mi nešto manje, ali ne bi bilo loše poprskati ih mlazovima vrele sperme nakon dobre i dugotrajne divlje jebačine. Ovim putem tražim avanturu pa mi se javi i odmah ti pošaljem svoj broj mobitela! Kako sam sakrila čmar tangama a malo ih pomerila u stranu da vidiš pičku. Sex samnim bio bi pravi užitak. Dobro je poznata ona stara narodna - Nema dobre juhe bez stare koke. Pa tko ne bi poželio da pojebe ovako dobro i izazovno dupe i čmar i još izazovniju i pohotniju pičku. Sex je najbolji otpozadi dok me držiš za guzicu i navlačiš me na kurac. Imam obrijanu pičku za primjer mlađim djevojkama od mene. Vodim računa o sebi i svom izgledu pa čak i u gaćama. Stalno mi dolaze kurati jebači u posjetu i za njih sam uvijek dotjerana i obrijana. Volim čvrst kurac u svojoj iskusnoj vagini i u dupetu. Volim analni seks, a volim i da popušim veliki i dobar kurac. Veliki vibrator sam ubacila u pizdu jer mi je dobro razrađena i raširena, a manji nabija u čmar koji mi je nešto tjesniji nego pizda, ali nisam oskudjevala ni kad je analni sex u pitanju. Volim da me jebu dva jebača istovremeno. Jedan da mi zabije kurac u čmar otpozadi, a drugi da me jebe odozdo u pičketinu. Ovim putem tražim avanturu pa mi se javi i odmah ti pošaljem svoj broj mobitela! Koliko je samo kurca proslo kroz mene. A i dalje sam sexy, izazovna i ne sumnjam da bi mi svatko rado prišao otpozadi i zabio nabrekli crveni kurac u ovu željnu pičketinu sa velikim usminama. A bilo je i onih koji vole analni sex pa bi mi ga zabili do jaja u rašireni čmar koji može bocu coca cole od pola litre da primi a kamoli kurac. Imam odlične, velike, prirodne sise, koje su malo odvisile, ali koga briga za to. Imam prelijepu obrijanu pičkicu. Iako sam prešla četrdesetu godinu, izgledam bolje od nekih djevojaka koje imaju dvadeset. Dajem svoj broj mobitela čim se javiš!! Javna tajna je da se kurvam sa svojim šefom. Šef me doveo u salu za sastanke, postavio me na onaj veliki stol, pustio porniće na televizoru i sada me gleda kako se ja samozadovoljavam. On isto tako drka, kada se oboje dovoljno napalimo, šef će me jebati u tu slatku obrijanu pičketinu. Reprezentativni primjerak dobre tete sa ogromnim sisama i obrijanom pičkom. Obožavam kurac, volim sex više nego kruh da jedem. Volim kad je muskarac napaljen, rasni jebači volim da me karaju po cijeli dan. Stalno zivkam snažne momke iz susjedstva da mi mjenjaju sijalicu, poprave nešto, a onda ih nagradim sexom. Imam velike i dobre sise, čvrste, uvijek brijem pičku, volim da je uredna... Dajem svoj broj mobitela čim se javiš!! Ukratko da kazem, muz mi zna da i nema nista protiv da ga ja primim sa strane, dapace, on se voli i pridruziti... Može mi se kad sam se kao mlada udala za bogataša koji mi je osigurao sve u životu tako da ne moram prstom mrdnuti. Može se reći da sam sponzoruša, ali s obzirom da je to bilo prije 20 godina, ajde da kažemo i da volim svog muža. Ali ovu sliku nije slikao moj muž već moj ljubavnik. Dok on naporno radi i trudi se da mi ugodi, ja se kurvam sa njegovim kolegom sa posla, ovaj moj ne može da mi priušti sexa koliko meni treba, pa u međuvremenu dok je on na poslu ja se jebem sa drugima.. Pička lijepa i uglađena. Masturbiram pred mužem koji me slika. Dogovorili smo da ćemo napraviti porno slike za obiteljski album pa da sutra mogu kćerki pokazati kako se to nekad radilo i da je prinaučim nečem korisnom. Još mi se sise nisu načisto opustile i propale. I dalje sam pička i po za sex i jebanje. Sama sam se slikala kako jašem vibrator. Volim masturbirati iliti drkati pičku. Ovdje se nabijam na vibrator preko 20 cm i uživam, stenjem. Obrijana pička, duboka, nježna, topla, vlažna. Kako bih se ševila.. Ovim putem tražim avanturu pa mi se javi i odmah ti pošaljem svoj broj mobitela! Stvarno izgledam sexy i jebozovno. Nema nikog kod kuće, svi su nekud otišli, pa se malo opustili pred kamerama i slikamo se. Napravili smo super porno slike.. Pozdravljamo sve posjetitelje ove stranice i mole nekog da im se javi za upoznavanje... Dajem svoj broj mobitela čim se javiš!! Parovi kojima radi mašta ne prezaju od seksa na različim mjestima. Kupatilo je možda uobičajeno mjesto za sex i jebanje. Opuštanje u kadi, topla voda, napaljena žena, vlažna pička, nabrekao kurac, to su riječi koji opisuju nas. Ja sa osmehom gledam u muževljev kurac i želim ga jako u sebi. Mokra i nestrpljiva, provjeravam da li je voda dovoljno topla, pa da me muž pojebe i zadovolji. Tražimo muškarca ili ženu da nam se pridruže u swinganju... Za direktni spoj sa korisnicom samo pošalji sms poruku: MACA62 na sms broj Napaljena sam se nasadila na veliki kurac. Kad je kuća prazna valja se iskoristiti za nešto pametno pa i za sex. Prazna kuća, nas dvoje imamo slobodan dan pa ga koristimo najpametnije što znamo. Sex, jebanje, karamo se po cijeloj kući, na veš mašini, sex u kupatilu, nad sudoperom, sex na terasi, samo se seksamo po kući. On me natakne na kurac i nosi me po cijeloj kući i jebe na svakojakom namještaju. Guzi me na radnom stolu, divljački jebe u hodniku, ja mu pušim kurac na terasi da zavidi susjedi vide, svršava po mojim velikim, nabreklim i nabubrelim sisama u dnevnoj sobi.

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Oznake: srbija, upoznavanje, licni, oglasi, po, gradovima:

Beograd - Susretit će se u sredini

OFK Beograd

Click here: Beograd

The last of the major Belgrade museums is the , which showcases the lives, work and legacy of and , the 19th century reformer of the Serbian literary language and the first Serbian Minister of Education, respectively. Many , mainly from , Iran, and , arrived in order to pursue their studies during the 1970s and 1980s, and have remained in the city.


The moved into a new building in downtown in 2006. Autrefois trčs industrialisée métallurgie, moteurs électriques… , elle abrite aujourd'hui les sičges sociaux de nombreuses entreprises et de plusieurs banques, ce qui en fait le principal quartier d'affaires de la capitale serbe. Gordy, The Culture of Power in Serbia : Nationalism and the Destruction of Alternatives, p.


OFFICE SHOES ONLINE PRODAVNICA OBUĆE - CIPELE, ČIZME, PATIKE ZA CELU PORODICU - Yugoslavia was then by , , , and forces. "> 8< X5 ><>3C[8;> 40 AB2>@5 25@>20B=> ?@28 A>;0@=8 :0;5=40@ C YC4A:>X 8AB>@8X8.


Show map of Europe Coordinates: : Belgrade Establishment Prior to 279 B. It is located at the of the and rivers, where the meets the. The urban area of the City of Belgrade has a population of 1. One of the most important prehistoric cultures of Europe, the , evolved within the Belgrade area in the 6th millennium BC. In antiquity, - inhabited the region and after 279 BC conquered the city, naming it. It was during the reign of , and awarded in the mid-2nd century. It was settled by the in the 520s, and changed hands several times between the , , and before it became the capital of 1282—1316. In 1521, Belgrade was conquered by the and became the seat of the. It frequently passed from Ottoman to rule, which saw the destruction of most of the city during the. Belgrade was again named the capital of Serbia in 1841. As a strategic location, the city was battled over in 115 wars and razed 44 times. Belgrade was the capital of from its creation in 1918. Belgrade has a special within Serbia and it is one of five statistical regions of Serbia. Its metropolitan territory is divided into , each with its own local council. The city of Belgrade covers 3. It is classified as a Beta-. Belgrade 1789 The first farming people to settle in the region are associated with the , which flourished between 6200 and 5200 BC. There are several Starčevo sites in and around Belgrade, including the eponymous site of. The Starčevo culture was succeeded by the 5500—4500 BC , a more sophisticated farming culture that grew out of the earlier Starčevo settlements which is also named for a site in the Belgrade region. The Vinča culture is known for its very large settlements, one of the earliest and some of the largest in prehistoric Europe; anthropomorphic figurines such as the ; the earliest known in Europe; a form developed prior to the and , known as the , dating back to around 5300 BC. When it comes to the modern urban zone of the city, in the modern Cetinjska Street in downtown, a skull of a Paleolithic human was discovered in 1890. The skull is dated to before 5000 BC. Antiquity The walls of the , where the walls of the Roman had been discovered Evidence of early knowledge about Belgrade's geographical location comes from ancient myths and legends. The rock overlooking the confluence of the and rivers has been identified as one of the places in the story of and the. The of and ruled this area prior to the Roman conquest. In 34—33 BC the Roman army led by reached Belgrade. It became the in the 1st century AD, and by the mid-2nd century, the city was proclaimed a by the Roman authorities, evolving into a full-fledged highest city class by the end of the century. Apart from the first Christian who was born in the territory of modern Serbia in — known as —another early Roman Emperor was born in Singidunum: Jovian , the restorer of Christianity. Jovian reestablished Christianity as the official religion of the , ending the brief revival of under his predecessor. In 395 AD, the site passed to the Eastern Roman or. Across the Sava from Singidunum was the Celtic city of ; the two were connected with a bridge throughout Roman and Byzantine times. Middle Ages 1282—1325 1325—1404 1404—1427 1427—1521 1521—1688 1688—1690 1690—1717 1717—1739 1739—1789 1789—1791 1791—1806 1806—1813 1813—1867 1867—1882 1882—1915 1915—1918 1918 1918—1941 1941—1944 1944—1992 1992—2006 2006— In 442, the area was ravaged by. In 471, it was taken by , who continued into. As the left for , the took over the city. In 539 it was retaken by the Byzantines. In 577, some 100,000 Slavs poured into and , pillaging cities and settling down. The under conquered the whole region by 582. According to Byzantine chronicle , the had stopped in Belgrade on their way back home, asking the for lands; they received provinces in the west, towards the Adriatic, which they would rule as subjects to 610—641. In 829 was able to add Singidunum and its environs to the First Bulgarian Empire. The first record of the name Belograd appeared on April, 16th, 878, in a Papal letter to. Later, this name appeared in several variants: Alba Graeca Greek city , Griechisch Wiessenburg Greek white castle , Nandor Alba City of the Bulgarians , Nandor Fejervar The white castle of the Bulgarians , Castelbianco White Castle , Alba Bulgarica Bulgarian City. For about four centuries, the city remained a battleground between the , the and the. The city hosted the armies of the and the ; while passing through during the , and his 190,000 saw Belgrade in ruins. Following the battles at and , Serbia began to crumble as the Ottoman Empire conquered its southern territory. The north resisted through the , which had Belgrade as its capital. The city flourished under , son of Serbian prince. Lazarević built a castle with a citadel and towers, of which only the and west wall remain. He also refortified the city's ancient walls, allowing the Despotate to resist the Ottomans for almost 70 years. During this time, Belgrade was a haven for many Balkan peoples fleeing Ottoman rule, and is thought to have had a population of 40,000 to 50,000 people. In 1427, Stefan's successor had to return Belgrade to the , and became the new capital. Although the Ottomans captured most of the , Belgrade, known as Nándorfehérvár in Hungarian, was and 1456. As the city presented an obstacle to the Ottoman advance into Hungary and further, over 100,000 Ottoman soldiers , in which the Christian army led by the Hungarian General John Hunyadi successfully defended it. The ordered by commemorates the victory throughout the Christian world to this day. Ottoman rule and Austrian invasions Belgrade in 1684 Seven decades after the initial siege, on 28 August 1521, the fort was finally captured by Sultan and his 250,000 soldiers and over 100 ships subsequently, most of the city was razed to the ground and its entire Orthodox Christian population was deported to , to an area that has since become known as the. Belgrade was made the seat of the district , becoming the second largest Ottoman town in Europe at over 100,000 people, surpassed only by. Ottoman rule also introduced , including numerous mosques, increasing the city's influences. In 1594, a major was crushed by the Ottomans. Later, ordered the of to be publicly torched on the ; in the 20th century, the was built to commemorate this event. Occupied by the three times , , , headed by the and , and respectively, Belgrade was quickly recaptured by the Ottomans and substantially razed each time. During this period, the city was affected by the two , in which hundreds of thousands of Serbs, led by two , retreated together with the Austrians into the Habsburg Empire, settling in today's and. During the , the Serbian revolutionaries held the city from 8 January 1807 until 1813, when it was retaken by the Ottomans. After the in 1815, Serbia reached semi-independence, which was formally recognized by the in 1830. The development of Belgrade architecture after 1815 can be divided into four periods. In the first phase that lasted from 1815 to 1835 the dominant architectural style was still the Balkan or rather Balkan-Ottoman one. At the same time the interest for Central and Western European architecture started to grow. Between 1835 and 1850 a rise in the construction of neoclassicist and baroque buildings could be observed. One of the buildings from that time is the one in which the pedagogical museum is located today. The third phase 1850—1875 was characterized by serious attempts of turning towards romanticism, which implied the combination of romanticist and gothic architecture with that from the early period of the renaissance. Typical of the last quarter of the 19th century was the eclecticist style on the basis of the renaissance and baroque. In 1841, Prince moved the capital from to Belgrade. During his first reign 1815—1839 Prince Miloš Obrenović consequently pursued the creation of new settlements, the colonization of new population and the aim to make Belgrade a center of administrative, military and cultural institutions. His project of creating a new market space čaršija was less successful. The new Abadžijska čaršija couldn't compete against the already well-established market places of the city of Belgrade. Trade was still conducted in the centuries-old Donja čaršija and Gornja čaršija. New construction projects were typical for the Christian quarters and not so much for the Muslim ones. Until 1863 the number of Belgrade quarters decreases continuously, mainly as a consequence of the reduction of Muslim population. An Ottoman city map from that year counts only 9 quarters mahale. The names of only five are known today: Ali-pašina mahala, Reis-efendijina, Jahja-pašina, Bajram-begova and Laz Hadži-Mahmudova mahala. On 18 April 1867 the Ottoman government ordered the Ottoman garrison, which had been since 1826 the last representation of Ottoman suzerainty in Serbia, withdrawn from the. The only stipulation was that the Ottoman flag continue to fly over the fortress alongside the Serbian one. Serbia's de facto independence dates from this event. The urban planner Emilijan Josimović had a significant impact on the urbanism of Belgrade in the last third of the 19th century. Of great importance was also the construction of political and cultural institutions as well as parks. However, Istanbul — the capital city of the state to which Belgrade and Serbia officially still belonged — at the same time underwent quite similar processes of urbanisation. In May 1868, Prince Mihailo was assassinated with his cousin while riding in a carriage through the park of his country residence With the 's full independence in 1878, and its transformation into the in 1882, Belgrade once again became a key city in the Balkans, and developed rapidly. Nevertheless, conditions in Serbia as a whole remained those of an overwhelmingly agrarian country, even with the opening of a railway to , Serbia's second city, and in 1900 the capital had only 70,000 inhabitants at the time Serbia numbered 2. Yet by 1905 the population had grown to more than 80,000, and by the outbreak of World War I in 1914, it had surpassed the 100,000 citizens, not counting which then belonged to. The first-ever projection of motion pictures in the Balkans and Central Europe was held in Belgrade, in June 1896 by Andre Carr, a representative of the. He shot the first motion pictures of Belgrade in the next year; however, they have not been preserved. World War I The First World War began on 28 July 1914 when Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia. Most of the subsequent Balkan offensives occurred near Belgrade. On 15 December, it was re-taken by under Marshal. After a prolonged battle which destroyed much of the city, between 6 and 9 October 1915, Belgrade fell to and Austro-Hungarian troops commanded by Field Marshal on 9 October 1915. The city was liberated by Serbian and on 1 November 1918, under the command of Marshal of France and. Since Belgrade was decimated as the front-line city, overtook the title of the largest city in the for a short while. Kingdom of Yugoslavia 1934 After the war, Belgrade became the capital of the new Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes, renamed the in 1929. The Kingdom was split into , and Belgrade, together with and , formed a separate administrative unit. During this period, the city experienced fast growth and significant modernisation. Belgrade's population grew to 239,000 by 1931 incorporating the town of Zemun, formerly in Austria-Hungary , and 320,000 by 1940. The population growth rate between 1921 and 1948 averaged 4. In 1927, Belgrade's first airport opened, and in 1929, its first radio station began broadcasting. The , which crosses the Danube, was opened in 1935, while over the Sava was opened in 1934. On 3 September 1939 the first , the last race before the outbreak of World War II, was held around the and was followed by 80,000 spectators. World War II On 25 March 1941, the government of signed the , joining the in an effort to stay out of the Second World War and keep Yugoslavia neutral during the conflict. This was immediately followed by mass protests in Belgrade and a military led by Air Force commander General , who proclaimed to be of age to rule the realm. Consequently, the city was by the on 6 April 1941, killing up to 2,274 people. Yugoslavia was then by , , , and forces. Belgrade was captured by subterfuge, with six German soldiers led by their officer pretending to be a larger force, accepted the surrender of the city. Belgrade was then occupied by the later the same month and Belgrade became the seat of the puppet , headed by General. During the summer and fall of 1941, in reprisal for guerrilla attacks, the Germans carried out several massacres of Belgrade citizens; in particular, members of the were subject to mass shootings at the order of General , the German Military Governor of Serbia. Böhme rigorously enforced the rule that for every German killed, 100 Serbs or Jews would be shot. The resistance movement in Belgrade was led by Major from 1941 until his arrest in 1943. Just like , which was devastated twice, by both German and Allied bombing, once more during World War II, this time by the on 16 April 1944, killing at least 1,100 people. This bombing fell on the. Most of the city remained under German occupation until 20 October 1944, when it was liberated by the and the Communist. On 29 November 1945, Marshal proclaimed the in Belgrade later to be renamed to on 7 April 1963. Higher estimates from the former secret police place the victim count of political persecutions in Belgrade at 10,000. Socialist Yugoslavia When the war ended, the city was left with 11,500 demolished housing units. During the post-war period, Belgrade grew rapidly as the capital of the , developing as a major industrial center. In 1948, construction of started. In 1958, Belgrade's first television station began broadcasting. In 1961, the conference of was held in Belgrade under Tito's chairmanship. In 1962, was built. In 1968, led to several street clashes between students and the police. Breakup of Yugoslavia damaged in the 1999 NATO bombing On 9 March 1991, led by were held in the city against. According to various media outlets, there were between 100,000 and 150,000 people on the streets. Two people were killed, 203 injured and 108 arrested during the protests, and later that day tanks were deployed onto the streets to restore order. These protests brought to power, the first since World War II who did not belong to the or its later offshoot, the. In 1999, during the , caused substantial damage to the city. Among the sites bombed were the buildings of several ministries, the building, several hospitals, the , the , the , and the. Several of these buildings have been left in their bombed states to serve as a memorial for the bombings. After the , Belgrade was the site of major public protests, with over half a million people on the streets. These demonstrations resulted in the. Contemporary period In 2014, , a catalytic development, has been initiated headed by the aimed at improving Belgrade's cityscape and economy by revitalizing the Sava amphitheater, a neglected stretch of land on the right bank of the Sava river, between the and. The project includes office and luxury apartment buildings, five-star hotels, a shopping mall and Belgrade Tower. The project is, however, considered by many as 'controversial', since there are a number of uncertainties regarding its funding, necessity, as well as chosen architectural solutions. City is currently under rapid development and reconstruction, especially in the area of , where many apartment and office buildings are under construction. Panoramic view of Old city Belgrade lies 116. The historical core of Belgrade, , lies on the right banks of both rivers. Since the 19th century, the city has been expanding to the south and east; after World War II, was built on the left bank of the Sava river, connecting Belgrade with. Smaller, chiefly residential communities across the Danube, like , and , also merged with the city, while , a heavily industrialized satellite city, remains a separate town. The city has an urban area of 360 square kilometres 140 sq mi , while together with its metropolitan area it covers 3,223 km 2 1,244 sq mi. On the right bank of the Sava, central Belgrade has a hilly terrain, while the highest point of Belgrade proper is at 303 m 994 ft. The mountains of 511 m 1,677 ft and 628 m 2,060 ft lie south of the city. Across the Sava and Danube, the land is mostly flat, consisting of and. One of the characteristics of the city terrain is. They cover almost 30% of the city territory and include several types of mass wasting. Most critical ones are in , , , and , in the Danube valley, and , and especially its neighborhood of Duboko, in the Sava valley. They have moving and dormant phases, and some of them have been recorded for centuries. Less active downhill creep areas include the entire above the Sava Kalemegdan, , which can be seen by the inclination of the monument and the tower of the , and the Voždovac section, between and. Landslides encompass smaller areas, develop on the steep cliffs, sometimes being inclined up to 90%. They are mostly located in the artificial hills of Zemun: , and. However, the majority of the land movement in Belgrade, some 90%, is triggered by the construction works and faulty water supply system burst pipes, etc. The neighborhood of is considered to be the most successful project of fixing the problem. During the construction of the neighborhood from the 1970s, the terrain was systematically improved and the movement of the land is today completely halted. Climate Belgrade has a : Cfa , with four seasons and uniformly spread precipitation. Monthly averages range from 1. There are, on average, 31 days a year when the temperature is above 30 °C 86 °F , and 95 days when the temperature is above 25 °C 77 °F. Belgrade receives about 691 millimetres 27 in of precipitation a year, with late spring being wettest. The average annual number of sunny hours is 2,112. The highest officially recorded temperature in Belgrade was 43. Climate data for Belgrade 1981—2010 Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Year Record high °C °F 20. The Assembly of the City of Belgrade has 110 members, elected on four-year terms. A 13-member City Council, elected by the Assembly and presided over by the mayor and his deputy, has the control and supervision of the city administration, which manages day-to-day administrative affairs. It is divided into 14 Secretariats, each having a specific portfolio such as traffic or health care, and several professional services, agencies and institutes. The were won by the , which formed a ruling coalition with the. These elections ended the long-time rule of the , which was in power from 2004 to 2013. The Mayor of Belgrade is , a political independent affiliated with the Serbian Progressive Party. With the new 2010 City statute, they were all given equal status, with the proviso that suburban ones except Surčin have certain autonomous powers, chiefly related with construction, infrastructure and public utilities. Most of the municipalities are situated on the southern side of the Danube and rivers, in the region. Municipality Classification Area km 2 Population 2011 suburban 213 27,110 urban 156 181,231 suburban 289 83,907 suburban 384 58,622 suburban 339 53,096 urban 41 214,506 suburban 411 72,524 urban 451 173,521 urban 31 108,641 urban 14 39,122 suburban 271 20,367 urban 5 48,450 urban 285 43,819 urban 148 158,213 urban 3 56,333 urban 154 168,170 urban 32 151,808 Total 3,227 1,659,440 Main articles: and According to the 2011 census, the city has a population of 1,166,763, while the urban area of Belgrade with adjacent urban settlements of , , and included has 1,233,796 inhabitants, and the population of the metropolitan area the administrative area of the City of Belgrade stands at 1,659,440 people. ±% 1426 50,000 — 1683 100,000 +100. The main ethnic groups are: 1,505,448 , 27,325 , 9,902 , 8,061 , 7,752 , 6,970 , and 3,996. Many people came to the city as economic migrants from smaller towns and the countryside, while tens of thousands arrived as refugees from , and , as a result of the of the 1990s. Between 10,000 and 20,000 are estimated to live in Belgrade; they began immigrating in the mid-1990s. Many , mainly from , Iran, and , arrived in order to pursue their studies during the 1970s and 1980s, and have remained in the city. Settlements Population Belgrade 1,166,763 46,086 26,904 26,006 25,429 23,609 21,001 18,205 11,088 10,807 10,473 Although there are several historic religious communities in Belgrade, the religious makeup of the city is relatively homogenous. The community is by far the largest, with 1,475,168 adherents. There are also 31,914 Muslims, 13,720 Roman Catholics, and 3,128. There once was a significant in Belgrade, but following the World War II of the city, and subsequent Jewish emigration, their numbers have fallen from over 10,000 to just 295. Belgrade is the of Serbia and , with a total of 17 million square metres 180 million square feet of office space. It is also home to the country's. Currently, over 600,000 people are employed in 120,286 companies, 60,000 enterprises and 50,000 shops. The City of Belgrade itself, owns 267,147 square metres 2,875,550 square feet of rentable office space. As at 2009, Belgrade contained 31. The City's nominal in 2014 was estimated at 16. It offers a range of facilities, such as hotels, congress halls e. Development Center, located in Belgrade, was at the time of its establishment the fifth such center in the world. Many world IT companies choose Belgrade as their European or regional center of operations. These include , , , and , among others. The most famous Belgrade IT companies are , , , etc. In Belgrade is also couple of IT Institutes like and and new IT Park Zvezdara. Many IT entrepreneurs started in Belgrade like and. The 2013 Annual Survey ranked Belgrade the 86th most expensive out of 131 world cities. According to the 2015 Survey, 73% of the City's households owned a computer, 65. The Grand Hall of the Belgrade hosts many annual international cultural events, including the , , , , , , and the. The winning author wrote his most famous work, , in Belgrade. Other prominent Belgrade authors include , , , and. The most internationally prominent artists from Belgrade are and. Most of is based in Belgrade. The city was one of the main centers of the in the 1980s: , , and were all from Belgrade. Other notable Belgrade rock acts include , and. Today, it is the center of the scene, with acts such as , , , and most of the stable hailing from or living in the city. There are numerous theatres, the most prominent of which are , , Yugoslav Drama Theatre, , and. The is also based in Belgrade, as well as the. Other major libraries include the Belgrade City Library and the. Belgrade's two opera houses are: and. There are many foreign cultural institutions in Belgrade, including the Spanish , the German and the French , which are all located in the central pedestrian area of. Other cultural centers in Belgrade are American Corner, , , Chinese , Canadian Cultural Center, , Italian , Iranian Culture Center, Azerbaijani Culture Center and Russian. Following the victory of Serbia's representative at the , Belgrade hosted the Contest in. Museums , Left: — Centre: Hotel Marriott Belgrade — Right:. The most prominent museum in Belgrade is the , founded in 1844 and currently closed for reconstruction which will be ended in 2018. The museum houses a collection of more than 400,000 exhibits over 5600 paintings and 8400 drawings and prints, including many foreign masters like , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , etc. The , established in 1901, contains more than 150,000 items showcasing the rural and urban culture of the Balkans, particularly the countries of. The was the first Contemporary art museum in Europe founded in 1958 and has a collection of around 35,000 works including , , , , and others since 1900. The museum is open renovated in 2017. The is located within the railway company headquarters building The houses a wide range of more than 25,000 military exhibits dating as far back as to the , as well as parts of a stealth aircraft shot down by the Serbian army. The has more than 200 aircraft, of which about 50 are on display, and a few of which are the only surviving examples of their type, such as the. This museum also displays parts of shot down US and aircraft, such as the and. The , founded in 1952, preserves the personal items of , the inventor after whom the was named. It holds around 160,000 original documents and around 5,700 personal other items including his urne. The last of the major Belgrade museums is the , which showcases the lives, work and legacy of and , the 19th century reformer of the Serbian literary language and the first Serbian Minister of Education, respectively. Belgrade also houses the , founded in 1977, which has the large collection of art from West Africa. With around 95,000 copies of national and international films, the is the largest in the region and among the 10 largest archives in the world. The institution also operates the Museum of Yugoslav Film Archive, with movie theatre and exhibition hall. The archive's long-standing storage problems were finally solved in 2007, when a new modern depository was opened. The also exhibits original 's stick and one of the first movies by. The moved into a new building in downtown in 2006. The museum hosts a range of collections covering the history of urban life since prehistory. The has collection from Yugoslav era. Beside paintings, the most valuable are rocks donated by crew , and while visiting Belgrade in 1969 and from mission donated by in 1971. Museum also houses 's sabre with 260 brilliants and diamonds, donated by Stalin himself. See also: , , , , , and Belgrade has wildly varying architecture, from the center of , typical of a Central European town, to the more modern architecture and spacious layout of. The oldest architecture is found in Kalemegdan Park. Outside of Kalemegdan, the oldest buildings date only from the 18th century, due to its geographic position and frequent wars and destructions. The oldest public structure in Belgrade is a nondescript Turkish , while the oldest house is a modest clay house on , from late 18th century. Western influence began in the 19th century, when the city completely transformed from an oriental town to the contemporary architecture of the time, with influences from , , and. Serbian architects took over the development from the foreign builders in the late 19th century, producing the , , and later, in the early 20th century, the and , influenced by. Elements of are present in buildings such as , old Post Office in Kosovska street, and sacral architecture, such as based on the , and the. However, in the mid-1950s, the trends took over, and still dominate the Belgrade architecture. Belgrade has the second oldest sewer system in Europe. Tourism Elite neighborhood of is situated near the and parks. The White Palace , house of royal family , is open for visitors. The palace has many valuable artworks. Nearby, 's mausoleum, called , documents the life of the former Yugoslav president. Today it is connected with the right bank of the Sava via two causeways, creating an artificial lake. It is the most popular destination for Belgraders during the city's hot summers. There are 7 kilometres 4 miles of long beaches and sports facilities for various sports including golf, , basketball, volleyball, , baseball, and tennis. During summer there are between 200,000 and 300,000 bathers daily. Extreme sports are available, such as , , and. There are numerous tracks on the island, where it is possible to ride a bike, go for a walk, or go jogging. Apart from Ada, Belgrade has total of 16 islands on the rivers, many still unused. Among them, the , at the confluence of Sava, stands out as an oasis of unshattered wildlife especially birds. These areas, along with nearby , are protected by the city's government as a. There are 37 protected natural resources in the Belgrade urban area, among which eight are geo-heritage sites, i. Other 29 places are biodiversity sites. Tourist income in 2016 amounted to nearly one billion ; with a visit of almost a million registered tourists. Of those, more than 70,000 arrived by 550 river cruisers. Average annual growth is between 13% and 14%. Nightlife Belgrade has a reputation for offering a vibrant nightlife; many clubs that are open until dawn can be found throughout the city. The most recognizable nightlife features of Belgrade are the barges splav , spread along the banks of the Sava and Danube Rivers. Famous alternative clubs include Akademija and the , located in the basement of the. One of the most famous sites for alternative cultural happenings in the city is the SKC Student Cultural Centre , located right across from Belgrade's highrise landmark, the. Concerts featuring famous local and foreign bands are often held at the center. SKC is also the site of various art exhibitions, as well as public debates and discussions. A more traditional Serbian nightlife experience, accompanied by traditional music known as roughly translated as Old Town Music , typical of northern Serbia's urban environments, is most prominent in , the city's old neighborhood where the poets and artists of Belgrade gathered in the 19th and early 20th centuries. Skadar Street the centre of Skadarlija and the surrounding neighbourhood are lined with some of Belgrade's best and oldest traditional restaurants called in Serbian , which date back to that period. At one end of the neighbourhood stands Belgrade's oldest beer brewery, founded in the first half of the 19th century. Sport The in , one of the largest indoor arenas in Europe. FIVB World League final game — Brazil vs Serbia There are approximately one-thousand sports facilities in Belgrade, many of which are capable of serving all levels of sporting events. Belgrade has hosted several major sporting events recently, including , the , the 2006 , the 2007, and the. The city is home to Serbia's two biggest and most successful clubs, and. Red Star won the 1991 European Cup. The two major stadiums in Belgrade are the Marakana and the. The is one of the fiercest in world football. According to the , the is one of the largest European with capacity of 22,868. It is used for major sporting events and large concerts. In May 2008 it was the venue for the. The is the main venue of clubs , European champion of 1992, and. In recent years, Belgrade has also given rise to several world-class tennis players such as , and. Ivanović and Đoković are the first female and male Belgraders, respectively, to win singles titles and been with. The Serbian national team won the , beating the French team in the finals played in the Belgrade Arena. Numerous Serbian and foreign designers and fashion brands have their shows during. The festival, which collaborates with , has helped launch the international careers of local talents such as and. British fashion designer , who was born in the city, also frequently presents her runway shows in Belgrade. In addition to fashion, there are two major design shows held in Belgrade every year which attract international architects and industrial designers like , , , and. Both the and feature lectures, exhibits and competitions. Furthermore, international designers like , , , and are originally from Belgrade. See also: Belgrade is the most important media hub in Serbia. The city is home to the main headquarters of the national broadcaster , which is a public service broadcaster. The most popular commercial broadcaster is , a Serbian media multinational, known for its popular entertainment programs. One of the most popular commercial broadcaster is , another media company, which has its own TV station, radio station, and music and book publishing arms, as well as the most popular website on the Serbian internet. Other TV stations broadcasting from Belgrade include formerly Fox televizija , , and others which only cover the greater Belgrade municipal area, such as. High-circulation daily newspapers published in Belgrade include , , , and. There are 2 sporting dailies, and , and one economic daily,. A new free distribution daily, , was founded in the autumn of 2006. Also, Serbian editions of licensed magazines such as , , , , Men's Health, and others have their headquarters in the city. Belgrade has two state universities and several private institutions of higher education. Having developed with the city in the 19th century, quite a few University buildings are a constituent part of Belgrade's architecture and. With enrollment of nearly 90,000 students, the University is one of the Europe's largest. There are also 195 primary elementary schools and 85 secondary schools. Of the primary schools, there are 162 regular, 14 special, 15 art, and 4 adult schools. The secondary school system has 51 vocational schools, 21 gymnasiums, 8 art schools and 5 special schools. The 230,000 pupils are managed by 22,000 employees in over 500 buildings, covering around 1. Former Belgrade has an extensive public transport system based on buses 118 urban lines and more than 300 suburban lines , trams 12 lines , 8 lines , 2 lines and 6 lines. Buses, trolleybuses and trams are run by and , in cooperation with private companies on various bus routes. The network, , run by city government in cooperation with , is a part of the integrated transport system, and currently has two lines Batajnica-Ovča and Belgrade-Center-Resnik. The ticketing system based on began operating in February 2012. Daily connections link the capital to other towns in Serbia and many other European destinations through the. The main usage of system was to connect the suburbs with the city centre. Beovoz was operated by. However, this system was abolished back in 2013, mostly due to introduction of more efficient BG Voz. Belgrade is one of the last big European capitals and cities with over a million people to have no metro or subway or other system. The city is placed along the and VII. The motorway system provides for easy access to and , in the north; to the south; and , to the west. Expressway is also toward Pancevo and new Expressway construction toward Obrenovac Montenegro is set scheduled for March 2017. Situated at the confluence of two major rivers, the Danube and the Sava, Belgrade has 11 bridges—the four main ones are , , and the , both of which connect the core of the city to. The is on the Danube, and allows the city to receive goods by river. The city is also served by , 12 kilometres 7. At its peak in 1986, almost 3 million passengers travelled through the airport, though that number dwindled to a trickle in the 1990s. Following renewed growth in 2000, the number of passengers reached approximately 2 million in 2004 and 2005, over 2. All-time peak, with over 4 million passengers, was accomplished in 2014, when Belgrade became the second fastest growing major airport in. Belgrade has received various domestic and international honors, including the French proclaimed 21 December 1920; Belgrade is one of four cities outside France, alongside , and , to receive this honour , the awarded 8 October 1925 , the Yugoslavian awarded 18 May 1939 and the Yugoslavian proclaimed on 20 October 1974, the 30th anniversary of the overthrow of occupation during World War II. All of these decorations were received for the war efforts during the World War I and World War II. In 2006, ' magazine awarded Belgrade the title of City of the Future of Southern Europe. Statistical Office of Republic Of Serbia, Belgrade. Retrieved 16 November 2010. Retrieved 6 May 2009. Retrieved 10 July 2007. Retrieved 11 April 2018. 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Administrative Office of the City of Banja Luka in Serbian. Archived from on 17 September 2011. Retrieved 9 August 2013. Retrieved 23 September 2008. Retrieved 16 May 2007. Archived from on 15 July 2011. Retrieved 15 November 2009. Archived from on 27 September 2007. Retrieved 10 July 2007. TheRegion, magazine of SEE Europe. Archived from PDF on 8 August 2007. Retrieved 10 July 2007. A Short History of Belgrade. The Diary of a Political Idiot: Normal Life in Belgrade. Belgrade : among the Serbs. London: Longman, Brown, Green and Longmans. Retrieved 22 July 2009. Glasnik Etnografskog instituta SANU.

Novi Beograd - New Belgrade, Serbia
During this time, Belgrade was a haven for many Balkan peoples fleeing Ottoman rule, and is thought to have had a population of 40,000 to 50,000 people. On 18 April 1867 the Ottoman government ordered the Ottoman garrison, which had been since 1826 the last representation of Ottoman suzerainty in Serbia, withdrawn from the. The historical core of Belgrade, , lies on the right banks of both rivers. Retrieved 16 November 2010. 518 7>>-2@B, C >:28@C >>;>H:>3 2@B0 3@040 5>3@040, 873@0R5= X5 1995. Administrative Office of the City of Banja Luka in Serbian. Le , qui franchissait le Danube, fut ouvert ŕ la circulation en. Belgrade joue un rôle important sur la scčne du , avec le groupe , avec des comme et et surtout avec le label. Ŕ la fin de la guerre, la Serbie avait perdu 28 % de sa population, tandis que Belgrade était la ville du pays qui avait subi le plus de destructions. Le bâtiment de la , ŕ. La « Haute École », fondée ŕ Belgrade en , fut le premier établissement d'enseignement supérieur en Serbie. Later, this name appeared in several variants: Alba Graeca Greek city , Griechisch Wiessenburg Greek white castle , Nandor Alba City of the Bulgarians , Nandor Fejervar The white castle of the Bulgarians , Castelbianco White Castle , Alba Bulgarica Bulgarian City.

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Njeni klijenti su uvek zadovoljni jer ona im pruža mogo toga, poćevši od pušenja kurca pa nadalje. Potreban mi je muškarac koji bi me malo razdrmao u ovim mojim godinama.

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Matore Kurve i Drolje vole da Puše Veliki Kurac, da ga stave u usta i sisaju i progutaju spermu na kraju 142 slika, poslednja dodana Sep 13, 2008 Matorke ubedljivo imaju Najbolja Dupeta. Ah, svršavam po tastaturi.

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Amaterski pornici : Pogledajte kako se dobro jebu dve sestre - Bilo da su male, velike, okrugle, jajaste, meke, tvrde, ja ih prosto obožavam. Verovatno može da svrši ako joj se lepo oliže sisica i gricka bradavica.

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Kategorija Albumi Slike Matorke koje vole Sex, Jebanje, Pušenje Kurca, Spermu i još mnogo toga... Extra Sexi Matore Pičke, pogledajte kako su dobre, za sex i jebanje, za dobru jebačinu. Za Vas samo Pička, Matora Pička 389 slika, poslednja dodana Feb 03, 2009 Matorke Puše Kurac. Matore Kurve i Drolje vole da Puše Veliki Kurac, da ga stave u usta i sisaju i progutaju spermu na kraju 142 slika, poslednja dodana Sep 13, 2008 Matorke ubedljivo imaju Najbolja Dupeta. Velika, Mala, Okrugla, Zaobljena, svakakva Dupeta, Sexi, Jebozovna Dupeta, Guze za Trpanje u Bulju 269 slika, poslednja dodana Aug 21, 2008 1612 slika u 6 albuma i 1 kategorije, sa 0 komentara, pogledane ukupno 1629941 puta Nasumicno prikazane slike Suzana Hot Matora Amaterka 928 pregleda Suzana je sebe opisala kao hot matoru amaterku, a to i jeste. Ona je napaljena žena, sa ogromnim prirodnim sisama. Slikala se da bi se zabavila. Sama kaže da voli seks. Voli da drka velike kurčeve napaljene gospode, voli da je gledaju dok se jebe, obožava seks na javnom mestu, po raznim parkovima, haustorima, na reci i slično. Ima gomilu vibratora u raznim bojama i veličinama i često ih upotrebljava. Na slici je u crnim čipkanim boksericama koje joj stoje fantastično. Njena je guza je lepo popunila te uske bokserice, koje bi mrtvaka digla iz mrtvih. Obožavam ovakve starije kurve sa punim sisama i debelim guzama. Njima je pravi užitak provući kurac među guzove i trljati ga o svo to meso. Na ovakve se najbolje kita ukrućuje. Pogotovo kad ovako podignu nogu i mame i provociraju čoveka obrijanom i glatkom mesnatom pičkom. Nogu bih joj naslonio na rame a kurac zabio duboko u pičku, dok joj mesim sisetine i ližem ukrućene bradavice. Ah, svršavam po tastaturi. Volim sise u svim obliciam i veličinama. Bilo da su male, velike, okrugle, jajaste, meke, tvrde, ja ih prosto obožavam. A tek bradavice i areole. Male ili velike, svejedno, izluđuju me. Ova matorka ima lepe male sisice, bradavice su joj boje čokolade, a kad se napali bradavica joj postane tvrda kao kamen. Ona ne može da odoli sisanju i lizanju. Verovatno može da svrši ako joj se lepo oliže sisica i gricka bradavica. Nije čak ni potrebno da primi kurac, ona svršava već i predigri. Poslednje dodate slike Matorka se Naguzila i čeka Kurac 6683 pregleda Uh kako ova starija pičkica izaziva svojom matorom guzom i čmarom. Kako je sakrila čmar tangama a malo ih pomerila u stranu da vidimo pičku. Sex sa ovom matorom kokom bio bi pravi užitak. Dobro je poznata ona stara narodna - Nema dobre supe bez matore koke. Pa ko ne bi poželeo da pocepa ovako dobro i izazovno dupe i čmar i još izazovniju i pohotniju pičku. Sex je najbolji otpozadi dok držite ribu za guzicu i navlačite na kurac. Feb 03, 2009 Matorka sa Glatkom, Mesnatom i Obrijanom Pičkom 8043 pregleda Kako dobra bucmasta i punija matorka. Obožavam ovakve starije kurve sa punim sisama i debelim guzama. Njima je pravi užitak provući kurac među guzove i trljati ga o svo to meso. Na ovakve se najbolje kita ukrućuje. Pogotovo kad ovako podignu nogu i mame i provociraju čoveka obrijanom i glatkom mesnatom pičkom. Nogu bih joj naslonio na rame a kurac zabio duboko u pičku, dok joj mesim sisetine i ližem ukrućene bradavice. Ah, svršavam po tastaturi. Feb 03, 2009 Porno Matorka u Ekstazi 14229 pregleda Uh ova guzata porno crnka je u ekstazi dok ubacuje po nekoliko prstiju u vrelu pičku. Mmm kako dobre butine i sise za špricanje sperme. Bilo bi vrh uhvatiti je za pune butine, poklopiti je telom i zabiti joj kurac žestoko u pičku do jaja da ga dobro oseti u sebi. Sigurno to ova matora kučkica i mašta dok su joj prsti u pizdi. Ne znam za vas, ali ne bih dugo izdržao da je jebem a da je ne okupam spermom svuda po telu. Matorka je tako dobra za sex, tako je jebozovna i tako me pali da mi dođe da izvadim kitu i tresnem je o tastaturu koliko sam se napalio. Feb 03, 2009 Stara Kurava na Krevetu 11381 pregleda Evo jedne baš matore sisate jebačice, čeka jebača na krevetu. Ovakve starke se vrhunski karaju i znaju dobro da zadovolje svakog muškarca bez obzira na godine. Mada najbolja bi bila za jebanje sa mladim neiskusnim jebačima željnim pičke. Da je jebu grupno i da se ređaju na njoj, da ih podučava tajnama seksa i dobre jebačine. To bi bilo pravo zadovoljstvo za ovu staru kurvetinu, more mladih kurčeva i kupanje u njihovoj spermi. Voli kad joj štrcaju po licu i duboko u grlo. Sex Sex Sex i samo sex. Feb 03, 2009 Crnogorka Digla Nogu 11866 pregleda Ove crnogorske matore drolje su najbolje za sex, pogotovo kad obuku ovako izazovan veš i kad dignu nogu provocirajući naše kite, uvek željne dobrog i iskusnog ženskog mesa. Sigurni smo da se ova starka jebe žestoko i opako i da je nezasita dobre kite i divljeg seksa. Ja bih je najradije uhvatio za mesnate guzove i otpozadi karao u pičku jako je navlačeći na nabrekli kurac, svršio bih joj duboko u pičku zalivajući joj unutrašnjost bez prekida jebanja i bez vađenja kurca. Feb 03, 2009 Drkanje Pičke na Radnom Stolu 9539 pregleda Evo kako se najbolje iskoristi pauza za topli obrok, drkanjem pičke na radnom stolu u zaključanoj kancelariji. Mada matorka je mogla da otvori vrata, možda bi neki mlađi kolega željan pičke mogao da naleti i da je zadovolji na pravi način. Uh pogledajte tu mesnatu sisu kako viri iz uske teksas jakne. Kakav bi bio užitak mesiti ovolike sisetine i staviti kurac među njih i drkati ga sisama dok matora kurva liže glavić i čeka spermu po licu i ustima. Feb 03, 2009 Sunčanje u Prirodi uz Pokazivanje Pičke 7821 pregleda Ništa nije tako dobro kao ove sisate i guzate crnke, koje imaju dosta iskustva u jebanju i koje vole tvrd kurac i dobar sex. Takva je i naša matora beograđanka Dragana, koja voli prirodu i sex u prirodi. Pogledajte tu obrijanu matoru pičkicu. Uh kako bi bilo dobro prići joj sa dignutom kitom, uhvatiti je za mesnate guzove i nasaditi na kurac, dati joj da ga oseti do jaja. Sise su joj nešto manje, ali ne bi bilo loše poprskati ih mlazovima vrele sperme nakon dobre i dugotrajne divlje jebačine. Feb 03, 2009 Dva Vibratora u MILF Guzi i u Pički 6134 pregleda Uh ova matora MILF drolja voli da su joj sve rupe popunjene, pa kad nema kurčeva u blizini onda rupe popunjava vibratorima. Veliki vibrator je ubacila u matoru pizdu jer joj je dobro razrađena i raširena, a manji nabija u čmar koji joj je nešto tesniji nego pizda, ali nije oskudevala ni kad je analni sex u pitanju. Voli da je jebu dva mlada jebača istovremeno. Jedan da joj zabije kurac u čmar otpozadi, a drugi da je jebe odozdo u pičketinu. Feb 03, 2009 Sexy Matorka iz Hrvatske Drka Pičku 8996 pregleda Hrvatice su zaista ekstra pičke slobodne i razuzdane i vole da se jebu žestoko, bilo da je reč o mladim ili pak starijim kurvama. Pogledajte ovu napaljenu brinetu kako je raširila noge, istakla pizdu u prvi plan i drka klitoris i sise zamišljajući kurac i nekog mladog jebača koji bi joj pocepao pizdu. Voli da se jebe satima uz žestok i grub sex. Mnogo voli da oseti kurac u ustima i čmaru kao i ukus sperme u ustima i duboko u grlu. Opasna i jebozovna matorka za sex. Feb 03, 2009 Matora Plava Kurva na Moru 5871 pregleda Pogledajte samo tu guzatu i sisatu nemicu, plavušu, na čamcu kako se naguzila i pokazuje svoju raširenu obrijanu pičku. Koliko je samo kurca proslo kroz ovu pičku. A i dalje je ekstra izazovna i ne sumnjam da bi joj svako rado prišao otpozadi i zabio nabrekli crveni kurac u ovu željnu pičketinu sa velikim usminama. A bilo bi i onih koji vole analni sex pa bi joj ga zabili do jaja u rašireni čmar koji može oklagiju da primi a kamoli kurac. Feb 03, 2009 Pogledaj sve moje slike - Vekica - 44 godine - Novi Sad Gledala sam slične sajtove i razmišljala o svemu tome, a onda jednog dana rekla, a zašto ne bih i ja pokušala da pronađem nekog kad su mnogi već uspeli. Potreban mi je muškarac koji bi me malo razdrmao u ovim mojim godinama. Moram da priznam da sam se malo uspavala i zapostavila ono što se zovi pravi zivot. Zaboravila sam kako živeti i uživati. Pomozi mi da se prisetim. Sad imam svoj butik i uspešno vodim posao. Kako puno radim, ne stižem puno i da izlazim, pa mi je ovo super prilika da upoznam nekog. Ako se ne plašiš uspešne, a ipak, normalne žene, ja sam tu, javi se.

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Pogotovo kad ovako podignu nogu i mame i provociraju čoveka obrijanom i glatkom mesnatom pičkom. Pa ko ne bi poželeo da pocepa ovako dobro i izazovno dupe i čmar i još izazovniju i pohotniju pičku. Sex je najbolji otpozadi dok držite ribu za guzicu i navlačite na kurac. Moram da priznam da sam se malo uspavala i zapostavila ono što se zovi pravi zivot. Pogledajte ovu napaljenu brinetu kako je raširila noge, istakla pizdu u prvi plan i drka klitoris i sise zamišljajući kurac i nekog mladog jebača koji bi joj pocepao pizdu. Luckily you can have FREE 7 day access! Male ili velike, svejedno, izluđuju me.

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Starije Žene

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Oznake: Starije, žene

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