normalnO nenormalaN

srijeda, 24.07.2024.

my case is clear. not a rocket science where and how to start:
the godfathers of... everything.
they were the beginning and they are the end.
at one moment of my life they closed a 20 years long circle...
....O= 2 x r x 2.42...

... after which nothing will ever be the same again!

for the sake of my future I've decided last minute to put 2I&M instead of 242 on my left triceps...
but I don’t need a tattoo as a reminder that one LOVELY DAY , there won't be any twisted PRINCIPLES guiding us how to live our lives or diabolical ETHICS that have been related to GEOGRAPHIC or any other origin.
no DECEIT , I am telling you the truth: we are the SPECIAL FORCES ,of the Goodness and the Honesty! These shall be the pillars of our new RELIGION !
Just like any of you, I am also the reasoning ANIMAL , and I do want to be my own SOUL MANAGER ! I do not need self-declared mediators. they will WASTE their time with me.
my brothers and sisters, be aware!
nothing QUITE UNUSUAL about it, they were doing it before, and they will try again to TAKE ONE or two or dozens of thousands of us into their MATRIX and use our flesh and bones as a FUEL for their vicious grand design! but they will NEVER STOP us! this evil and arrogant NOMENKALTURA which has been bringing to the human mankind nothing but misery, ANGST and AGONY shall face its bitter and final fate! and I will be their DER VERFLUCHTE ENGEL ! with your help, they will be CRUSHED and will never rise again!
have no mercy, my dear legions! remember the SLAUGHTER we all have been witnessing for way too long and forget that you all are red under your SKIN and MUTILATE that injustice once and for all!
for the end, let us BLEND THE STRENGTHS , bring along our FLAG and step forward!
once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more, BODY TO BODY !
UNTIL DEATH US DO PART with the only HYMN we have ever had on our lips:

The Anthem

24.07.2024. u 18:38 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

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