"Good afternoon," said Truth.
"Wonderful day," Lie said.
Truth paused to see if that was true and would be true.
- Wonderful day, answered Truth.
"The lake is even more beautiful," said Lie.
Truth check again if this is true and would be true.
The lie ran to the water and said: Water is the most beautiful. Let's swim.
Truth touched the water with her fingers and saw that it was truly beautiful and agreed with the Lie.
They took off their clothes and went into the water. After a while, the Lie came out of the water, put on the suit of Truth, and left. The truth could not put on the suit of the Lie, and she began to walk naked, and everyone began to shudder when they saw her.
And since then, people prefer to see the Lie dressed in the suit of Truth, than the naked Truth. "