Wilson was not poisoned, he was electrocuted.
After a fond farewell she turned and sped lightly away.
And now, messieurs, i wish you good day.
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He then went into a dark corner and watched the crowd of people with sharp, ferret-like eyes.
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He is wanted by the police.
We needed a third man, so we looked around and found j.
Telegraph us your address at once, day message.
We stopped within twenty yards of the house, concealed by the dark shadows.
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And then miss martin told me a rather curious story.
So the waiter brings the brew; effervescent, icy, greenish golden.
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Hounds are following the trail.
It is quite certain that we are being watched and followed.
I even heard him mention poirot in a casual way at dinner one night.
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Appleby, the american secretary, but he seemed a pleasant, normal young american, very efficient in his work.