Vinyl flooring supplies - House designs and floor plans - Red oak parquet flooring
Vinyl Flooring Supplies
A resilient floor covering in sheet or tile form composed of a vinyl plastic binder, mineral fillers, and pigments.
A flooring material made up of a mixture of polyvinyl chloride and plasticizers Pigments are added for color. Vinyl flooring is usually flexible; fine textured, and appears to be relatively non-porous.
A soft flexible and cushioned flooring available in sheets or tiles.
(supply) give something useful or necessary to; "We provided the room with an electrical heater"
Provide (someone) with something needed or wanted
Make (something needed or wanted) available to someone; provide
(supply) an amount of something available for use
(supply) offering goods and services for sale
Be a source of (something needed)
the best room in the house
This is the master suite in my house, it is on the second floor. It has a sliding glass door onto a balcony that my father built. On the wall opposite the balcony are mirrored closet doors. It has an adjoining bathroom. There is a daybed and I keep my costume collection in the closet . (And at the moment there are boxes piled up in one corner that I must go through and organize) Otherwise, the room is empty. I use the room as a gym but I keep it unoccupied because being the best room in the house, it is of course the best guest room!
Anyway, I have not worked on this painting in more than 6 months. I got to a point with it where I did not know what to do next. Taking a break was good 'cause now I cant remember what I was struggling against and I know how to proceed.
The light in this room is brilliant and yet soft so it was nice to set up in here for a change.