Gold Chain Watches
(Gold Chains) Gold Chains is an electro rap artist from San Francisco, whose real name is Topher Lafata. Gold Chains has performed along with Sue Cie (real name Sue Costabile), who is a video artist also from San Francisco area.
Keep under careful or protective observation
Traditionally, a 24-hour day is divided into seven watches. These are: midnight to 4 a.m. [0000-0400], the mid-watch; 4 to 8 a.m. [0400-0800], morning watch; 8 a.m. to noon [0800-1200], forenoon watch; noon to 4 p.m. [1200-1600], afternoon watch; 4 to 6 p.m.
Secretly follow or spy on
Issued when the risk of hazardous weather is significant.
Look at or observe attentively, typically over a period of time
A watch is a timepiece that is made to be worn on a person. It is usually a wristwatch, worn on the wrist with a strap or bracelet. In addition to the time, modern watches often display the day, date, month and year, and electronic watches may have many other functions.
Lincoln's Gold Watch
"Lincoln's English gold watch and chain were purchased in the 1850s from George Chatterton, a Springfield, Illinois, jeweler. Lincoln was not outwardly vain, but the fine gold watch was a conspicuous symbol of his success."
Stacks Customs: The Jeweler
Miami's top jeweler sporting several of his finished pieces