A band-pass filter is a device that passes frequencies within a certain range and rejects (attenuates) frequencies outside that range. An example of an analogue electronic band-pass filter is an RLC circuit (a resistor–inductor–capacitor circuit).
A wooden shaft fitted to the front of a cart or carriage drawn by animals and attached to their yokes or collars
A long, slender, flexible rod of wood or fiberglass used by a competitor in pole-vaulting
(pole) punt: propel with a pole; "pole barges on the river"; "We went punting in Cambridge"
(pole) a native or inhabitant of Poland
(pole) a long (usually round) rod of wood or metal or plastic
A long, slender, rounded piece of wood or metal, typically used with one end placed in the ground as a support for something
A state of depression or low spirits
in a low position; near the ground; "the branches hung low"
less than normal in degree or intensity or amount; "low prices"; "the reservoir is low"
A low point, level or figure
an air mass of lower pressure; often brings precipitation; "a low moved in over night bringing sleet and snow"
A particularly bad or difficult moment
Pole Fitness
went to JLN Pole Fitness for a Pole Party for my Daughters 18th with her Dance Team. This is the instructor who was amazing, 17 year old and runs the business
Inside Palomar Magnum 4500R
Nice amplifier for Ham Radio 10 or 12 meter band radios. Has 5 pole low pass filter built in. Clean AB1 biased amplifier. 2SC2290 (4) transistors.