Filter water pitcher - Nitrocellulose filter paper
Filter Water Pitcher
A water filter removes impurities from water by means of a fine physical barrier, a chemical process or a biological process. Filters cleanse water to various extents for irrigation, drinking water, aquariums, and swimming pools.
The contents of such a container
the quantity contained in a pitcher
The modified leaf of a pitcher plant
A large container, typically earthenware, glass, or plastic, with a handle and a lip, used for holding and pouring liquids
(baseball) the person who does the pitching; "our pitcher has a sore arm"
an open vessel with a handle and a spout for pouring
Bulky Water Pitcher Doing More Harm than Good
This water filter pitcher, though it may seem like a good idea, does more
harm than good. It's bulky and holds less than 4 glasses of water. Other
than needing to be constantly refilled, it also takes 15 minutes to filter
the water and has broken on several occasions. There are better ways to use
precious mini-fridge space.
Hailey Kopp
new water pitcher
day 237 - 7/18/07 - earlier in the week, I purchased a new Brita water pitcher (so that I'll stop buying so much bottled water). Wow, it's so awesome! I love it! I really can tell a huge difference between the filtered water and tap water.