Infrared cut-off filters, sometimes called IR filters or heat-absorbing filters, are designed to reflect or block mid-infrared wavelengths while passing visible light.
A physically handicapped or lame person
limp: walk impeded by some physical limitation or injury; "The old woman hobbles down to the store every day"
A feeble or contemptible person
lameness: disability of walking due to crippling of the legs or feet
GIMP (short for the GNU Image Manipulation Program) is a free software raster graphics editor. It is primarily employed as an image retouching and editing tool.
A limp
Revelstoke Last Run
Lingered a bit after the last lift closed in Revelstoke ski area to get an infrared shot at the sunset high up on the mountain. I put my Hoya R72 filter on the Tamron wide-angle lens. Then I put my camera on my not-so-steady plastic traveler tripod in the soft snow. But it worked :) Oh, and I couldn't unscrew the polarization filter on the lens. It was frozen steady. So that filter was also on.
150 sec exposure.
n Explore Feb 22, 2011, highest at #70
100 5738
This was taken with my CX4300, which I opened up and placed developed yet unexposed transparency film in over the lens, creating a cheap infrared filter. I then pulled it into Microsoft Digital Image Pro 10 (also editted it with Gimp, but it's easier to do the necessary edits in DIP10) to balance the contrast. With gimp I also played with adding color, but decided against saving it as I didn't like how it came out.