Spring Flower Image
(spring-flowering) of plants that bloom during the spring
A representation of the external form of a person or thing in sculpture, painting, etc
render visible, as by means of MRI
A visible impression obtained by a camera, telescope, microscope, or other device, or displayed on a video screen
an iconic mental representation; "her imagination forced images upon her too awful to contemplate"
An optical appearance or counterpart produced by light or other radiation from an object reflected in a mirror or refracted through a lens
persona: (Jungian psychology) a personal facade that one presents to the world; "a public image is as fragile as Humpty Dumpty"
Snowdrops -- Spring Flowers
The otherwise still barren nature preserve near my home was teeming with these droopy little spring flowers. But when I looked through the viewfinder, they just looked like flower backsides. So I put on a wide angle and practically set the camera on the ground right in front of the flowers and came up with this.
This shot is an example of something that looks like it will make a great pictures, but somehow the beauty of these wild little gardens just doesn't come through in pictures. (At least I couldn't capture it well).
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This image is available for use in Christian Church Worship Ministries, all other uses are prohibited without permission.
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These images were taken in an annual exhibit called "Spring Flowers Fair" held each year Orman garden, Giza Governorate, Egypt
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