"The Pearl of the United Nations" - a globally strategic central "Think Tank" Institute - for the global peace and prosperity - the icon of New York city
“The United Nations was not created to take mankind to heaven, but to save humanity from hell.” – Dag Hammarskjöld, second UN Secretary-General
“This new world should be the world in which the strong won’t exploit the weak, the bad won’t exploit the good, where the poor won’t be humiliated by the rich. It will be the world in which the children of intellect, science and skills will serve to the community in order to make lives easier and nicer. And not to the individuals for gaining their private wealth.
This new world can’t be the world of humiliated, the broken, but the world of free people and nations equal in dignity and respect for man.” – Nikola Tesla
"The Pearl of California" - an iconic building in Los Angeles, California, USA
“Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.” – Winston Churchill
"It always seems impossible until it is done." – Nelson Mandela
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."
"The scientists of today think deeply instead of clearly. One must be sane to think clearly, but one can think deeply and be quite insane."
"If you want to find the secrets of Universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
"Peace can only come as a natural consequence of universal enlightenment."
"The present is theirs. The future, for which I really worked, is mine."
– Nikola Tesla
"Absolutely stay away from negative people. They have a problem for every solution."
"Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere."
"Weak people revenge. Strong people forgive. Intelligent people ignore."
"Two things are infinite: The Universe and human stupidity. And I’m not sure about the Universe."
– Albert Einstein
"Leaders don’t force people to follow, they invite them to join on a journey." – Steve Jobs
"Waste no more time arguing what a good man should be. Be one." – Marcus Aurelius
Sometimes the people around you won't understand your journey. They don't need to, it's not for them. Good things come to those who believe. Better things come to those who are patient. And the best things come to those who don’t give up!
EU Strategic Pilot–Project “Europe M-Express” – the European SC MAGLEV - TRANSRAPID; high-speed and high-tech transportation system
A modern rapid trains initiated on the transcontinental corridor;
Berlin – Dresden – Praha – Linz – Wien (+ branch-line to Bratislava) – Graz – Ljubljana – Rijeka – Zadar – Spalato – Dubrovnik – Budva – Tirana – Athina (with the north extension from Berlin, via Hamburg and Kobenhavn, to Stockholm and, through a branch-line, to Oslo).
And in the next next phase, in a few years after; to the Istanbul, Jerusalem, Doha, Ar Riyadh, Abu Dhabi and Dubai.
+ plus corridor:
Lisboa – Madrid – Barcelona – Toulouse – Limoges – Orleans – Paris – Bruxelles (+ branch-line to Rotterdam & Amsterdam) – Koeln & Bonn – Hannover – Hamburg – Berlin – ... – St. Petersburg
+ plus corridor:
Roma – Pisa – Genoa – Milano – Zuerich – Stuttgart – Frankfurt am Main – Berlin –
+ plus corridor:
– Barcelona – Montpellier – Marseille – Nice – Genoa –
+ plus corridor:
– Vienna – Bratislava – Budapest – Timisoara – Bucharest – Burgas – Istanbul –
+ plus corridor:
– Tirana – Skopje – Sofia – Burgas –
+ plus corridor:
– Opuzen – Mostar – Sarajevo – Belgrade – Timisoara –
+ plus corridor:
Helsinki – Tallinn (+ branch-line to St. Petersburg) – Riga – Vilniaus – Warszawa – Berlin –
Map of the Europe M-Express draft corridors:
At the first phase of this millennium and historical European Internationally Strategic and anti-recession Project / Programme of EUROPE M-EXPRESS, which is the creation of revolutionary high-tech and high-speed and automated trains (Transrapid MAGLEV - with the operative speeds of 500 km/h up to 600 km/h) and corridors (at the same time also as the giant transcontinental power plants for production of the green electric energy from the multi-series of solar panels placed on top of these railways - on a long corridors) for the united Europe, it would be wise to establish the implementation of this programme on the significant transcontinental corridor: Lisbon - Madrid - Barcelona - Paris - Lille - Bruxelles (+plus the branch line to Rotterdam & Amsterdam) - Bonn & Koeln - Hannover - Hamburg - Berlin - Warsaw. As well as the “north-south” transcontinental corridor from the Scandinavia via Berlin and Vienna to the East Adriatic coast and to the Greece.
The process of this great and extra unordinary (“out of the box”!) project for our united European continent should start-up this year at the European Commission and at the European Council in Brussels - according to the Agenda of the 4th Industrial Revolution and of the Green Deal - Climate Action. In European Union we should work more on this kind of developmental projects and millennium agendas within the European Commission’s programme of Conference on the Future of Europe.
At the European Commission and European Council, and also at the European Parliament, and at the national and relevant local governments, it is expected the full political support and close friendly cooperation on this initiated EUropean project/ programme of Europe M-Express for our united Europe!
The full operative support is expected to be also from many protagonists of European governments, financial institutions, and from many European Manufacturers, Tier 1 Contractors and business Cooperators on this significant internationally grand project/ program for our united homeland - Europe.
This strategic and developmental project, or actually the comprehensive programme of Europe is of poly-disciplinary nature because it involves in the very essence of: demography and social politics, economy, more wise labor migrations inside our continent, generating of millions of new jobs sustainably through the long period of time, cohesion politics, planning the future and space, transcontinental traffic, “green” energy in large scale, implementation of high-technologies, contribution and impact on the environment according to our Agenda on Climate Action, and in the way of people’s mentality and lifestyle /culture/ of our Europe. This is about the comprehensive package of intelligent and holistic solutions with scope of a vision within and beyond the visible spectrum - benefiting our united Europe!
This top priority project of Europe M-Express has strategically sustainable goals, among other objectives; significantly to reduce the numerous transcontinental short haul flights and consequently to reduce the emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2), and also at the same time to produce the green electric energy from the multi-series of solar panels placed on top of these railways - on long corridors, then (which is very, very important!) to generate our joint European economic growth up to 7% and creation of millions of new jobs for the people, but, first of all, more properly to connect the urban agglomerations and regions of our united Europe.
And that requires a multi-lateral actions for such a grand international project. First we need properly to start to form the international core team of our “first stage” political, expert and scientific noble ensemble /Special Task Force/ of the Council of ad hoc involved European mayors and ministers and EU officials, principal architects, principal spatial planners, Consilium expert group of professors and scientists from Universities (mostly relevant University professors, and relevant scientists from institutes for the subject), qualified principal engineers from many expertise fields (electro-technical, computer and software, traffic, mechanical, geodetic, construction - civil engineers, and engineers for physics and geography), law experts, economists and banking experts, diplomats and communication experts - who will all together form a designated central team in Brussels for this European strategically developmental project /program/ of Europe M-Express.
And here is a further presentation of this special transcontinental and infrastructural project and, actually, an European programme for the great progress of economies, societies and unique culture of our united states of Europe :)
In these challenging times our united states of Europe really need a team of very strong, experienced and skilful strategists and visionary leaders – agile and great Chief Executives, along with a flotilla /teams/ of the best economists, advisers and innovative engineers. And in the very soon coming years collaboratively and disciplinary we need to systematically establish and effectively achieve the joint economic growth and surplus up to 7 % in the whole Europe; in our allied countries. We need to establish our new millennium Agenda of the interventional “Modern New Deal” investment productions in large proportions in a real economy systems with diversity of industries of our European countries, but, at the same time on a wide international and liberal market - to prevent any future potential economic crisis (or actually; economic/ trade wars).
Namely, for example; if we start-up in the year of 2020 our developmental programme of Europe M-Express system then until 2022 we can already complete the partnership expropriations, that is the commassation for the proposed pilot-project corridors (East - West & North - South) and fast drawing up of the building permits for this super project. That is; in the year of 2022 we can already have the first capital investments in this Europe M-Express developmental budget programme for this concerned pilot-project corridors of our Europe – through the emissive “Europe M-Express” bonds. And that means that even in the first strategic funding year of 2022 we can ultimately have in the European Union the joint economic growth on an average level already up to about 3 – 4 %. Furthermore, in this case in 2023rd year we can have in the European Union the joint economic growth on an average level up to about 5 – 6 %, and in the year of 2024 (upon the completion of this first pilot-project corridors) we can have the joint economic growth on an average level up to about 7 %. Especially if we take into a consideration that great positive collateral and multiplication effects on all economies from this giant economic accelerator – Europe M-Express project.
This Europe M-Express developmental programme can become a perfect and great interventional economic solution; a real power-accelerator, or the “perpetuum mobile” for our jointly growing economies in Europe. And that means that we can have millions and millions of new jobs, especially for the young people, sustainably through a long period of time.
But, we can achieve this great joint economic success and surplus in our European countries only if we officially start-up this developmental programme in the political and economic centers of our continent.
The "Europe M-Express" project could be constructed and established with the European (ThyssenKrupp MAGLEV TRANSRAPID) technology.
Huge banking and financial corporations (European Central Bank, European Investment Bank, EBRD, Deutsche Bank, Commerzbank, Societe Generale, BNP Paribas, Banco Santander, ING Groep, UBS Group, Intesa Sanpaolo, Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation, ... etc.) can collaboratively provide us an investors and great investment funds from the worldwide – who would invest the capital money into this colossal project through the emissive “Europe M-Express” bonds – for our joint success. And actually the European Central Bank from Frankfurt am Main can buy most of the “Europe M-Express” bonds to launch this super project. In this way it would be very easy to establish this internationally grand project.
We urgently need to establish the united economic development through our “Modern New Deal” progressive projects /programmes/ like; the strategic corridors for the modern (high-tech) and rapid SC MAGLEV - TRANSRAPID trains. To get us that wanted great economic growth and surplus in our united European countries.
We can accelerate our joint economies in the united states of Europe only if we rapidly speed-up the positive great social-economic interventional measures from the political centers. Therefore, as soon as possible, in European capitalistic economy system must be balancely and positively intervened from our central financial institutions through the colossal “Modern New Deal” developmental programmes for a great planed demands and investment productions in large proportions on a wide market – for the great progress of our joint economic systems, which will happen, of course, still in the open cosmopolitan market. In other words; as soon as possible here must be seen exact positive directional political-economic actions in large proportions for generating our allied great economic growth and prosperity, but with the supervision and positive control of the authorities. Here in our European Union must be pumped-in thousands of billions of € Euros directly into the real economy system (production industries). In this case: Bigger is better!
Production, production, production and afterwards purchasing, purchasing, purchasing – that is the real solution formula!
Only the great international developmental investment projects – the real productions in large scale in our European countries – can get us the real joint economic, social and cultural growth and impressive surplus. These productions in a large proportions in our European countries can be, for example; the colossal joint-venture projects like our provident master piece; the high-tech Superconducting MAGLEV - TRANSRAPID corridors and trains; “Europe M-Express” across the Europe. Especially if we take into a consideration that great positive collateral and multiplication effects from this giant economic accelerator.
Therefore, we should start establishing the “Europe M-Express” as the pilot-project on the demonstrational transcontinental corridors:
Oslo & Stockholm – Copenhagen – Hamburg – Berlin – Dresden – Prague – Vienna – Ljubljana – Rijeka – Zadar – Split – Dubrovnik (and in the next phase, in a few years after, to the Budva, Tirana and Athens)
Lisbon - Madrid - Barcelona - Paris - Lille - Bruxelles (+plus the branch line to Rotterdam & Amsterdam) - Bonn & Koeln - Hannover - Hamburg - Berlin - Warsaw
Afterwards, in the future, we will establish all the other corridors of this kind across the Europe.
For example; this European demonstrational transcontinental corridor from Copenhagen to Dubrovnik, which is circa 2000 kilometers long, would cost around € 120 billion Euros (the total construction hard expenses).
SC MAGLEV - TRANSRAPID trains, in the high operational conditions, would reaching the speeds of 500 km/h, and even on some parts up to about 600 km/h.
This challenging times must be taken as the opportunity for the favourable negotiations and contracting for a low-cost, but high-quality construction. The European construction companies, in the beginning, could offer their dumping prices, and factories / manufacturers could offer lower prices for the materials-supplies, components and products.
Namely, as said before, these great European constructing and voyaging projects, or actually the European strategic programme, can be financed through the emissive “Europe M-Express” bonds, mostly from the European Central Bank, and supported from the great Investment Funds (especially from funds for: progressively developing economy, traffic, new technologies, green energy, infrastructure, better employment) and, of course, also supported from other investment exponents in this international joint-venture business (European governments, banking corporations, banks for development, many international companies – private investors), etc. Under the condition that numerous building companies and factories /manufacturers/ for materials-supplies, components and products, which will create and participate in these great projects, must collaboratively invest (through the instalments, in phases) their own financial means in certain percentage in these “Europe M-Express” bonds on the next 30 – 40 years; as a guarantee for the excellence of this grand projects. And under the condition that the productions of materials-supplies, components and products for this “Europe M-Express” construction projects stay mostly in our countries of the united states of Europe.
Our European states and governments would only provide the partnership expropriations, that is the commassation of the corridors, and fast drawing up of the building permits and operating licences.
It is important to point out that in the same time these long infrastructural corridors – guideways – would be also a mega solar power-stations, because on the top of this tracks there would be placed a multi-series of solar panels for producing and generating the electric green energy – not only for the SC MAGLEV - TRANSRAPID trains, but also for a widened system of consumers in our united states of Europe. But, first of all, this voyager corridors and super-modern rapid trains would be connecting the people and developing the regions within our continent.
All these historic and colossal actions would automatically attract and encourage more and more investors, great investment funds and companies from the worldwide to come to invest the capital financial means into many other developing projects and business activities across the united states of Europe.
All these very positive and modern movements in Europe ultimately would create the joint economic growth up to about 7 % on an average level in the years that will come (and jobs for the millions of people!). For a progressive joint-venture economies and healthily markets – benefiting all our European countries.
This is the strategy for our modern countries of Europe for establishing our long-term great prosperity – for good.
We – the "Western Civilization" peoples, as the ambitious human culture, have to bravely step into a higher cultural, mental, spiritual and high-tech progress at the beginning of this third millennium. We, the "Western Civilization", have to rapidly evolve into a very high civilization. Now the time has come!
For the USA President and Canadian Prime Minister – “Canadian-American M-Express” on the complementary transcontinental corridors in North America:
A) Chicago – Detroit – Toronto – Ottawa – Montreal – Boston – New York city
+plus: Toronto – Buffalo – New York city
B) New York city – Philadelphia – Washington DC – Detroit – Chicago – St. Louis – Memphis – Atlanta – Miami
+plus: Atlanta – Washington DC
C) Vancouver – Seattle – Portland – San Francisco – Los Angeles – San Diego
All of us should be again reminded of the history fact that the Republic of Ragusa, or Republic of Dubrovnik was the first state which has recognized the independence of the United States of America in the year of 1776 – in a times of world’s famous Croatian thinker, diplomat, scientist and cosmopolite Rudjer Joseph Boskovich.
So, the modern Republic of Croatia is in a special relationship with the USA. It is the special history value that our two countries should treasure for good.
“O lijepa, o draga, o slatka slobodo
Dar u kom sva blaga višnji nam Bog je do
Sva srebra, sva zlata, svi ljudski životi
Ne mogu biti plata toj čistoj ljepoti!“
Also, we should never forget our extra friendly country; the Federal Republic of Germany for It's major extra political and diplomatic efforts for international recognition of the modern Republic of Croatia globally in 1991 and 1992. Thank you so much Germany! Croatia and Germany are eternal friends.
Danke schön Deutschland!
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