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Još da i naslove izmišljam...

Evo opet pišem s tatinog kompa jer je moj prema svemu sudeći crko, još i bolje, možda dobijem novog. smokin

Btw. dobra vijest za mrzitelje Barce je da su igtali s Leventeom 1-1. rofl

Evo ovo sam našo na forumu, možda nekom bude smiješno:

Svlačionica Chelseaja,poluvrijeme:Igrači su nervozni,svlađaju se itd.
Odjednom svi utihnu i dolazi Jose

Jose:You call this a performance of Champions. I dont think so.
Svi igrači:Allright gaffa.

Jose:No it is not Allright. That performance was not special and id make me laugh. Champions should not make me laugh.

Now... Andry first half:Patetic

Andry:No no gazda no ya sayem trudil...

Jose:If you dont what to play i can replace you

Andry:no no

Jose:Yes i can.Look Amazon dot com search word Rooney 35 milion

Andry:No no please no

Jose: Do you want me to press by?Do you want me to press by?

Andry:No No

Jose:Then listen to the special one.

Andry:ok ok


Mihael:Ya mein Furher

Jose:Youre out.Joe get ready.

Mihael:Nein i Will Run i Will run dont do this


Jose:This is not Germany.Here you lisen to me now you are going to the
Shower Spanking

Mihael:No no nein!

Jose: Shut up!Dont agure with me.Shut up!


Jose:Is time for the song


Jose: Ok ok Shut up.This time we will sing:Joe and his Amazing dribling skills

Post je objavljen 04.12.2006. u 15:57 sati.