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Down World Up

Dosada sam pisala već, ajmo reči,dosta blogova ali niti jedan nije na kraju opstao jer se meni nije dalo pisati... no stoga sada pokrećem novi blog sa novim zadatkom, da opstanem, što naravno neće biti moguće bez vas! wink ovim blogom ću vas pokušati malo provesti kroz svoj ultra zanimljiv život! Evo ovo je jedna pjesma, koju sam posvetila jednom svom najdražem raceru!

Every time I start the race
I get a shot right through into a bolt of red
It's a pleasure of mine and it's a pleasure I find
driving a race and I can't stay behind
There's no chance to let you win
only wisdom won't be enough for you to win
But I have something you don't
and it's what nobody knows
and every round,my adrenaline just grows

Every time I see you falling
I add gas and get ahead of you
I'm waiting for that final moment
you'll stay behind and I will win

I feel fine and I feel good
I feel like I never before
whenever I get this way, I just don't know what to do
Why can't you admit that I'm really better then you
I'm not sure what you now mean
I can't belive that you think I was cheating
you know that all people know
that if you took it so hard
then, we'd never see who's really better at end

Post je objavljen 02.10.2006. u 14:16 sati.