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Lonely Day

Such a lonely day
and it's mine
the most lonelyest day of my life
such a lonely day
should be band
it's day that I can't stand

The most lonelyest day of my life
the most lonelyest day of my life

Such a lonely day
shouldn't exist
it's the day that I'll never mist
such a lonely day
and it's mine
the most lonelyest day of my life

And if you go
I want to go with you
and if you die
I want to die with you
take your hand and walk away

The most lonelyest day of my life
the most lonelyest day of my life
the most lonelyest day of my lifeeeeeeee

Sucha lonely day
and it's mine
it's day that I'm glad I survived

Artist: Sistem Of A Down

Ova je pjesma posvećena mom današnjem danu.........

Post je objavljen 28.08.2006. u 22:46 sati.