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Degman - novi tenk Hrvatske Vojske

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Izvadak iz časopisa Hrvatski Vojnik - tekst je napisao puk doc. dr. sc. Dinko Mikulić

Degman i konkurencija
Koncepcija tenka Degman i ocjena prihvatljivosti

U cilju prikaza stanja glavnih borbenih tenkova (main battle tank, MBT) u zemljama tranzicije, u članku se daje trend modernizacije tenkova radi vrednovanja koncepta konfiguracije tenka DEGMAN. U komparaciji sa sličnim konceptima najbolje je ocijeniti vlastiti pristup. Nakon tvorničkih slijedi trupno ispitivanje Degmana što će dati analitičku i stručnu prosudbu prihvatljivosti tehničkih rješenja

Završava se proizvodnja inačice tenka M-84A4 u tvornici "Đ.Đaković" - Specijalna vozila d.d.. Istodobno se pokreće narudžba nove inačice tenka Degman i BOV - borbenog oklopnog vozila na kotačima u skladu sa zahtjevima tehničke modernizacije OSRH. Od nekadašnje licence za proizvodnju tenka T-72, razvoj prema tenku M-84A i proizvedenih oko 600 komada, zatim razvoj nove inačice tenka M-84A4 i dokaza kvalitete u Domovinskom ratu, te razvoj prema najnovijoj inačici tenka Degman, određen je put razvoja vlastitog strateškog obrambenog proizvoda. Poznato je da je bazni tenk M-84A zbog svojih sposobnosti prodan Kuvajtu. Novi tenk Degman je na temelju iskustva, razvoja i suradnje sa stranim partnerima savršeniji tenk od prethodnog i prilagođen zahtjevima naručitelja. Tenk je težak 44 tone, 2 tone teži od tenka M-84A4, ali savršeniji i sofisticiraniji. Najnovija tehnička rješenja zapovjedničke i topničke sprave osigurava tzv. "hunter-killer" sposobnosti koje pružaju posadi tenka da brzo pronalazi i uništava istodobno više ciljeva.
Usavršeni tenk Degman donosi slijedeće prednosti:
a) na području oklopne zaštite i samozaštite: nova višeslojna kupola s ERA dodatnim eksplozivnim reaktivnim oklopom, sustav upozorenja na laserske zrake kontrasprava i vođenih protutenkovskih projektila te automatsko izbacivanje dimnih zavjesa, zaštita posade od krhotina, ABK zaštita, protuminska zaštita posade i uređaja - uključujući specijalnu ugradnju vozačkog sjedala otpornog na udarno ubrzanje od eksplozije PT mine 10 kg TNT (ubrzanje manje od 15g, koje ne ozljeđuje kralježnicu vozača).
b) na području paljbe: električni pogon topa i kupole, sustav upravljanja paljbom Omega 2, termovizijska ciljnička sprava za dnevno-noćne i otežane uvjete, "hunter-killer" sposobnost posade, opcija topa 125mm ili 120mm, mogućnost uporabe 3 do 6 vrsta streljiva.
c) na području pokretljivosti: opcija osnovni dizel motor 780 KS, jači motor 1000 KS ili snažniji dizel motor 1100-1200 KS, živost vozila 8,5 sek/35 km/h, maksimalna brzina 70 km/h, automatsko upravljanje (mjenjač 5+1), domaće ili Diehl gusjenice, sustav nadzora radnih parametara, nova razvodna ploča vozača.

Sad ide tekst na engleskom

MBT Degman

Main Battle Tank Degman brings out successfully accomplished combination of tank M-84 and modern trends and solutions. Basic good properties of tank M-84 are kept: low silhouette, small mass, high density power train and powerful main armament. Implementing of advanced gun fire controls with thermal imaging sights and MCS, improved turret drives, RRAK explosive reactive armour, protection systems, communication equipment and other, gave a tank with amazing characteristics.
Philosophy of open architecture, as capital DEGMAN eminence, enables full combining autonomy. Final tank structure could be defined according to specific user requests, dependable of compatibility, interoperability, operational-tactical, climatic and other requests. Selection between several options, mutually different in sophistication, technical characteristics and parameters, brings out a new and recognizable approach.

General data

Combat weight: 44.5 t
Crew: 3
Length, gun forward: 10140 mm
Width: 3590 mm
Height: 2190 mm
Clearance: 428 mm
Specific ground pressure: 0.95 bars
Fuel capacity: 1450 lit.
Cruising range on road: 700 km
Specific power: 16.5 kW/t
Max. speed on road: 70 kmph
Acceleration (0 to 32 kmph): 8.5 s
Max. gradient: 58%
Max. grade slope: 47%
Trench width: 2.60 to 2.80 m
Vertical obstacle: 0.85 m
Fording depth: 1.20/1.80 m
Dive depth: 5 m

Main gun: cal. 125 mm smooth bore tank gun with 3 types of two-part bullets (AP-FSDS, HEAT, HE)
Ammunition capacity: 42 pcs (22 in automatic loader)
Firing speed: up to 8 pcs/min

Anti-aircraft MG:
12.7 mm
Ammunition capacity: 360 pcs

Coaxial MG:
7.62 mm
Ammunition capacity: 2000 pcs

Smoke pots launcher: 12 pcs

Drive and suspension
Engine: 12-cylinder, 4 stroke, multi-fuel diesel engine, water cooled, with 2 turbo-chargers and intercooler
Power: 735 kW (1000 HP)
Transmission: two gear-boxes with side transmission in gear-box axes, hydraulically steered
Gears (forward/reverse): 5 / 1
Suspension: independent, with torsion bars, 6 hydraulic dampers, 6 road wheels and 3 return rollers per side
Drive: idler wheels on front, sprocket at rear
Tracks: 840I tracks with removable rubber pads

Engine 1200 HP compact power pack
Transmission hydro-kinetic planetary gear-box
Tracks M-84 tracks with rubber pads

Power supply
Voltage: 27 +2/-5 V

Military batteries
Model MIL 190130
Start 12 V - 190 Ah - 1300 A
Quantity 4 pcs
Total capacity 380 Ah

Starter generator
Model SG-10-1S
Starter mode
Power 19.1 kW
Voltage 48 V
Generator mode
Power 10 kW
Voltage 26.5 to 28.5 V

Fire Control System & Actuators

Stabilized gunner's laser sight
with day and night channel
Model SGS-D
Day channel magnification 10x
Night channel image intensifier 2nd generation
Laser Nd-Yag
Range distance 200 to 10000 m

Commander's sight
Model COMTOS (with integrated DNKS-2)

Fire control computer
Min. azimuth firing gate ± 0.25 mils
Min. elevation firing gate ± 0.2 mils
Computing accuracy 0.1 mils
Trunnion tilt ± 15°
Crosswind ± 40 m/s

Gun vertical stabilized speed
Min. 0.8 mils/s
Max. > 70 mils/s

Gun horizontal stabilized speed
Min. 1.0 mils/s
Max. > 340 mils/s

Hydraulic turret & gun drive system
Model 2E28MM

Main gun loading automatic, electromechanical
Model AP-175

Stabilized gunner's laser sight
with day and thermal channel
Model TSGS-D

Thermal channel with cooled detector:
Spectral band

3 to 5 µm
Noise equivalent temp. difference (NETD) < 0.05 K
Detection range > 4000 m
Recognition range > 2000 m

Electrical turret & gun drive system

Communication Equipment
BCC 600

VHF Transceiver
Model PR4G (2 pcs)
Frequency range 30 to 88 MHz
Hopping rate 300 hops/s
RF output power max. 50 W

HF Transceiver
Model TRC 3600-3
Frequency range 3 to 30 MHz
RF output power max. 400 W

Operation mode
Voice communication
Security voice
Vocoded voice
Number of prog. channels 100

Hull, turret multi layer composite armour

Additional armour
type RRAK, (hull front and side skirts, turret)

Laser warning system
Model LIRD
Direct detection module
Spectral range 0.4 to 1.6 µm
Field of view in azimuth 20x18° = 360°
Field of view in elevation -20° to +60°
Indirect detection module
Spectral range 1.0 to 1.6 µm
Field of view in azimuth 360°
Field of view in elevation -7° to -13°
Indicator unit
Angular resolution in azimuth 20x18°
Threat characterization laser rangefinder
laser designator
indirect radiation
AT laser-guided-missile

Smoke protection engine operated smoke screen, six smoke launchers per side

Fire extinguishing model SZ-2000, digitalized system to protect crew and vehicle, powered by microcontroller, high interference immunity

NBK detection model DRHT

Driver's Control panel
Model RPV-2000
Digital driver's distribution panel is device dedicated for:

* power supply distribution to circuit inside the vehicle
* short circuit protection
* engine and gear protection
* incorporates supervising and measuring instruments with
signalization; network connection with SZ-2000

Comb. D&N driver’s periscope
Horizontal field of view 40° (night channel)
125° (day channel)
Vertical field of view 30° (night channel)
25° (day channel)
Image intensifier tube II+ generation

Auxiliary periscope
Model TNPA-65
driver 2 pcs
commander 2 pcs

Thermal driver’s periscope

Par fotki:

Post je objavljen 21.03.2006. u 02:33 sati.

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