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I još jedan post profulan, čini se da sam teško izvan kondicije.
Jako loše, very bad man.
Škola me fakat izbacila iz takta, privremeno ode moja titula "the best blog in the world" :))).
Al zašto to tak? Mrzim takav stres, a neam vremena ga ispumpati ili zaboraviti, motor u garaži, komp dosada... jedino šetnje, al za to neam vremena. Škola i učenje.... I dosada... al dobro prosjek će biti negdje 4.0, najbolji u srednjoj do sada, nemam riječi :).
Ali uz tolike rupe iz prvog polugodišta stvarno se čudim tome.
Ah ocjene mi tako i tako ništa ne znače, let 'em go.
I tako aj u školi.... sjedim sam i prije sata dođe frend s discmanom, inače on sluša onak malo metal i rammstein i mrvičak se fura na nazi i na crno, znate koje crno :).
Al inače nije tako loš, ima dobrote u njemu :).
I tako mi malo slušamo stvari, i naletimo na pjesmu rammstein - spring.
Tragična pjesma, teško tragična. O tome kako netko hoće počiniti samoubojstvo, ali oklijeva, i okupi se rulja. On hoće skočiti s visokog mosta, ali oklijeva i silazi. Rulja ga ne puštai on se vraća gore. Svi viću: "SKOČI" i na kraju pjevač kao osoba se popne gore i gurne ga. Ma pjesma ima super temu. O tome kako ljudi zahtijevaju smrt i sve za zabavu, ali kad nešto grozno naprave, tek kasnije shvate što je bilo. I onda bježe od toga. Eto njihovih demona :). A ja slušam give me novocaine i give it all od green day-a, odnosno rise against-a. Našao si još dvije dobre pjesme i slušam jako puno starih. Neznam to me umiruje, ali nemam nikakve inspiracije! Jedino da sad probam komentirat ove pjesme, hajmo pa vidimo.

"Give Me Novacaine"

Take away the sensation inside
Bitter sweet migraine in my head
Its like a throbbing tooth ache of the mind
I can't take this feeling anymore

Drain the pressure from the swelling,
The sensations overwhelming,
Give me a long kiss goodnight
and everything will be alright
Tell me that I won't feel a thing
So give me Novacaine

Out of body and out of mind
Kiss the demons out of my dreams
I get the funny feeling, that's alright
Jimmy says it's better than here,
I'll tell you why

Drain the pressure from the swelling,
The sensations overwhelming,
Give me a long kiss goodnight
and everything will be alright
Tell me that I won't feel a thing,
So give me Novacaine

Oh Novacaine

Drain the pressure from the swelling,
The sensations overwhelming
Give me a long kiss goodnight
and everything will be alright
Tell me Jimmy I won't feel a thing,
So give me Novacaine

Ali ovo nemogu komentirat, nemam snage. Nisam se naspavao nekih tjedan dana i više. Jako loše u glavi stanje. I još adrenalin jako nisko, grrrr.
Ne mogu vjerovat što mi ova šcholae radi, neam snage, za ništa sam.
Al 26.12, rođendan, jedva čekam. Luda tulumarka, only rock/punk/ska and metal :).
To će biti život. Al hajmo mi na drugu stvar.

"Give It All"

Break through the undertow, your hands I can't seem to find,
pollution burns my tongue, cough words I can't speak so I

stop my struggling, then I float to the surface,
fill my lungs with air, then let it out

I give it all, now there's a reason why I sing,
So give it all, and it's these reasons that belong to me

Rock bottoms where we live, and still we dig these trenches,
to bury ourselves in them, backs breaking under tension

For far too long these voices, muffled by distances,
it's time to come to our senses, up from the dirt

We give it all, now there's a reason why I sing,
So give it all, and it's these reasons that belong to me

Breathe (breathe), the air we give (give), the life we live (live), our pulses racing distances,
(breathe) so wet my tongue (give), break into song (live), through seas of competition

So please believe your eyes, a sacrifice,
is not what we had in our minds,
I'm coming home tonight, home tonight

We give it all, now there's a reason why I sing,
So give it all, and it's these reasons that belong to me

Today I offer all myself to this I'm living for my dying wish,
I give it all, now there's a reason, there's a reason, to give it all

Eh ovo je već pjesma, ima je i na rock against bush vol.1 i na need for speed underground 2 soundtracku. Ima nešto za ljepši život i slobodu, jes ja love sloboda.
A slobode nemam, ma pustite tri tjedna praznika, to proleti.
Opet se vraćam lagano ja, boracza pravdu :). Ovaj worldTM ne valja, stinx a lot, sux big time.
Neamo slobode, mi smo robovi današnjice. Još tu počinjem pjesmu pisat lagano :).
No inspiration će se boriti protiv toga. ROCK AGAINST BUŠ JEA. ROCK AGAINST THE WORLD!

Post je objavljen 19.12.2005. u 22:27 sati.