Peaceful mind = Peaceful life

13.07.2022., srijeda

There are already a lot of obstacles on your path, don't let yourself be one of them.

No weapon formed against you shall prosper, but the one you form against yourself will.
Be in harmony with yourself, cooperate with yourself, let your thoughts be consistent with what you desire to experience and who you want to become in life.
If you desire success, stop thinking of failing.
If you desire to win, stop thinking about losing.
If you desire positive things, stop thinking negative things.
You can't have conflict within you and think you will have peace around you.
Create an environment inside of you that will help what you desire on the outside find full expression. You are sure to conquer the world but start by conquering yourself.
A house divided against itself will always fall. Many things around you are already against you, don't be against yourself.

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