Many today will rush to the Marian shrines to express their gratitude to Mary, our Mother. In His eternal plan, God wanted not only our temporal, earthly life, but also the supernatural to have a maternal trait. That is why God chose Mary as the mother of his Son. It took Mary for Christ to become one of us, receiving our human nature. Without her, Christ would not have been born, he would not have been a man, he would not have had flesh and blood. She needed a mother to sing him a lullaby, to wipe away his tears, so that Jesus could say to her, "Mom." Mary completely surrendered herself to God, starting from the moment of the Annunciation all the way to the cross on Golgotha. She followed Jesus from his birth until his death on the cross. With all her being she participated in the salvation of sinful mankind. Such was her mission and such is her maternal role to this day. God wanted Mary to be not only Jesus, but also our mother. Before his death on the cross, Jesus entrusted her with the task of being a mother to all people. He addressed her with the words: "Woman, here is your son." Then he said to the disciple, "Here is your mother!" And from that hour we have a mother who constantly intercedes for us with God. May the heavenly intercession of our Heavenly Mother follow us. Mom, pray for us! |