
srijeda, 06.04.2011.

Two Pauls

'On taxes, Mr Ryan proposes chopping the top personal rate to 25%, from its current 35%, and from the 39.6% it is scheduled to reach if George Bush’s tax cuts expire as planned in 2013. He would also cut the top corporate rate to 25% from 35%, bringing America’s rate in line with international norms.'

...Paul Ryan

'Here’s the report’s explanation of how layoffs would create jobs: “A smaller government work force increases the available supply of educated, skilled workers for private firms, thus lowering labor costs.” Dropping the euphemisms, what this says is that by increasing unemployment, particularly of “educated, skilled workers” — in case you’re wondering, that mainly means schoolteachers — we can drive down wages, which would encourage hiring.'

...Paul Krugman

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