ponedjeljak | 06.02.2006.

I do not long for death! Perhapse I did when I was alive, for a time. But now that is behind me. What could be worse than what is already happen? Nothing. Everything. How long do you think you could walk this earth before you went mad? I am mad, mad and tired. Just tired. I felt like my own essence had begun to melt away, I tried to scream but could not, I was being devoured by my emptiness. I felt myself fading, vanishing. I felt no anger, there is nothing inside me any more.

Crying? Crying? After that friends? Well they are in better places, and tears won`t bring them back! They live in heaven, and never will they come back again to this dark, haunted world of crumbling shadows.

Give me rest.

It is good to have someone to share my thougts with someone who understand, who questions, who searches for meaning.

She might led me out of the shadows, back into the ligth. That was my dream. But any great dream can flower into madness!

Perhaps we must all learn to live with smaller dreams.

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